Content Posted in 2018
Legislative History: Resolve, to Support Dioxin Research by the Bureau of Health (SP316)(LD 918), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Support Downtown Revitalization through the Location of State Facilities and Targeting Economic Development Funding (SP476)(LD 1414), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Support Home-based Care (SP398)(LD1129), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Support Long-term Forest Management and Sound Silviculture (HP111)(LD 133), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Support the Development of Maine's Economic Future by Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (SP677)(LD 1764), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Support the Establishment of a Labor Center at the University of Southern Maine (HP115)(LD 123), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Survey Nonionizing Radiation Exposure in Schools (HP946)(LD 1275), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Suspend Certain Maine State Housing Authority Rules for Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program Grant Applications (HP51)(LD 58), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Suspend Fuel Tax Rate Adjustments for the 2012-2013 Biennium (HP981)(LD 1340), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Target Job Creation in the Agricultural Sector To Improve the Stability and Economic Strength of Rural Maine (HP821)(LD 1109), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Temporarily Suspend the Rate-setting Procedures for the Forest Products Industry (SP896)(LD 2273), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Terminate a MaineCare Transportation Contract (SP658)(LD 1663), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer a Parcel of State Land to the Town of Carrabassett Valley (SP699)(LD 1974), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer Certain State Lands to the Maine Veterans' Home (SP973)(LD 2459), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer Certain State Lands to the Sinclair Sanitary District (HP1770)(LD 2453), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer Certain State-owned Property to the Town of East Millinocket (HP335)(LD496), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer Land in Dennysville (HP656)(LD 912), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer Ownership of Certain Public Reserved Lands to the Town of Allagash (HP653)(LD 934), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer Ownership of the Reed Center on the Stevens Campus in the City of Hallowell to School Administrative District No. 16 (SP409)(LD 1098), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer Spectacle Pond from the State of Maine to the Town of Vassalboro (HP1379)(LD 1934), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer State Property to the City of Bangor (HP738)(LD 957), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer the Cliff Island Wharf from the City of Portland to the Department of Transportation (HP19)(LD 17), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Maine Turnpike Authority to the Department of Transportation (SP538)(LD 1600), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer the Guilford Butler School to Regional School Unit 13 (SP498)(LD 1559), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer the National Guard Armory in Skowhegan to Somerset County for Use as a County Jail (SP535)(LD 1597), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer the Ownership of the Bath Armory to the City of Bath (SP621)(LD 1656), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer the Ownership of the Fort Kent Armory from the Military Bureau to the University of Maine at Fort Kent (HP1253)(LD 1759), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Transfer the Phillips Fish Hatchery to the Sandy River Land Trust (HP510)(LD 751), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Transfer the Responsibilities of the Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired from the Department of Human Services to the Department of Education (SP487)(LD 1498), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Understand and Assist in Efforts To Promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (SP412)(LD 1101), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Update the Study Regarding the Feasibility of Establishing a Single-payor Health Care System (HP50)(LD 57), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Validate the Assessment, Commitment and Tax Collection of the Town of Wells for the Fiscal Year 2001 (SP663)(LD 1854), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Validate the Reform Party Petition (SP772)(LD 1889), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Waive Sovereign Immunity and Tort Claims Limitation on Damages Relative to the Wrongful Death of Wrendy Hayne (SP385)(LD 1270), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Waive the Fine That the Department of Environmental Protection Imposed on Arthur Drolet in Connection with the Removal of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (HP332)(LD 439), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Waive the Tort Claims Limitation on Damages Relative to the Traumatic Brain Injury of Lucas Tolliver (SP463)(LD 1349), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Widen the Shoulders of Highways (HP323)(LD 473), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve, Transferring Jurisdiction of County Bridges to the Department of Transportation (HP1011)(LD 1426), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Secretary of State Nomination: David R. Cheever nominated for reappointment as State Archivist (SP571), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Senate Resolution Designating April 12, 2016 as Pay Equity Day (SR2), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: SP0019, Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: SP0046, Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: (SP9), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Le Maine de A à Z, Maine Office of Tourism
Lesson Plan: Air Pollution, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Air Pollution - Acid Rain, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Composting and Food Sustainability, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Environmental Careers, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Environmental Regulations, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Hazardous Wastes, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Health Effects of Air Pollution, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Invasive Species, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Ocean Acidification, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Renewable Energy, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Solid Waste, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Sustainability, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Watershed, Department of Environmental Protection
Lesson Plan: Wetland, Department of Environmental Protection
Letter from A.D. Menon to John Hodsdon regarding issue to state bounty, May 2, 1864, A. D. Menon
Letter from Andrew Burkett and A.H. Wentworth Regarding Quota, November 30, 1863, Andrew Burkett and A. H. Wentworth
Letter from Andrew Burkett to John Hodsdon Regarding Quotas, August 20, 1864, Andrew Burkett
Letter from Calvin Burkett Certifying His Appleton Residency, August 17, 1864, Calvin Burkett and Johnson Thurston
Letter from Calvin Burkett Regarding Appleton Quota, April 19, Calvin Burkett
Letter from Captain Isaac Noyes to Adjutant General Hodsdon regarding enlistments, May 9, 1861, Isaac Noyes
Letter from Captain Mark H. Dunnell, May 16, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Captain Mark H. Dunnell, May 18, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Catherine W. Chapman to Governor Washburn regarding state aid, November 10, 1861, Catherine W. Chapman and Israel Washburn
Letter from Chamberlain to Rev. Theodore Gerrish Regarding His Recollection of Gettysburg, circa 1882, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Letter from Charles S. Whitman to Governor Washburn volunteering as staff or field officer, April 20, 1861, Charles Sidney Whitman
Letter from Christopher B. Martin regarding his discharge due to youth, August 31, 1861, Christopher B. Martin
Letter from Colonel Mark H. Dunnell, May 29, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Colonel Mark H. Dunnell to Governor Washburn, July 13, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Colonel Mark H. Dunnell to Governor Washburn, May 27, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Colonel Mark H. Dunnell to Governor Washburn regarding contract for hats, May 28, 1861, Mark H. Dunnell
Letter from Cyrus Patterson to Governor Washburn regarding recruitments, August 14, 1861, Cyrus Patterson
Letter from Edward W. Thompson to Governor Washburn recommending Charles Whitman as Adjutant, May 23, 1861, Edward W. Thompson
Letter from Edward W. Thompson to Governor Washburn recommending C.S. Hawkins as surgeon, May 29, 1861, Edward W. Thompson
Letter from Elezar Jenks May 1 1805, Elezer Jenks
Letter from Elezar Jenks May 3 1806, Elezer Jenks
Letter from Frederic Speed to Governor Washburn offering his services, April 12, 1861, Frederic Speed
Letter from Frederic Speed to Governor Washburn requesting permission to organize company of volunteers for light infantry, April 20, 1861, Frederic Speed
Letter from George W. Davis to Governor Washburn, July 16, 1862, George W. Davis
Letter from George W. Morrison to Governor Washburn asking permission to organize a company of volunteers, April 18, 1861, George W. Morrison
Letter from James Hart Seeking Pension, April 9, 1866, James Hart
Letter from J.B. Bodwell to Adjutant General offering 21-piece band, September 8, 1862, J. B. Bodwell
Letter from J.D. Rust to Governor Washburn recommending officer, August 17, 1861, J. D. Rust
Letter from J.F. Milliken to Adjutant General John L. Hodsdon, August 19, 1861, J. L. Milliken
Letter From John Ewins Mar 22 1823, John Ewins
Letter from John R. Adams offering his services as a chaplain of the Maine Volunteers, John R. Adams
Letter from Josiah Mitchell to Governor Washburn requesting to transport soldiers to Augusta, August 26, 1861, Josiah Mitchell
Letter from Josiah Mitchell to James Blaine requesting to transport soldiers to Augusta, August 26, 1861, Josiah Mitchell
Letter from Lewis B. Goodwin to the Honorable Leonard Andrews stating he is ready to obey orders, April 20, 1861, Lewis B. Goodwin
Letter from L. Radford to Adjutant General John L. Hodsdon, May 18, 1861, L. Radford
Letter from Lt. Colonel Augustus B. Farnham to Adjutant General Hodsdon, August 21, 1863, Augustus B. Farnham
Letter from Mrs. Henry E. Dexter to Adjutant General Hodsdon, August 3, 1863, Henry E. Dexter
Letter from Nancy Hibbard to Governor Cony Regarding the Death of Her Son George, March 20, 1866, Nancy Hibbard
Letter from Orville C. Davis to his Mother August 4, 1915, Orville C. Davis
Letter from Paul Martin regarding concern for his son Christopher B. Martin, August 31, 1861, Paul Martin
Letter from P.C. Garvin, M.D. to Governor Coburn offering medical services, August 12, 1863, P. C. Garvin
Letter from P.C. Garvin, M.D. to Governor Washburn offering medical services, July 3, 1862, P. C. Garvin and Israel Washburn
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon adding names to roll, September 10, 1862, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon regarding quota, September 10, 1862, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon requesting blanks for returns of men in naval service, August 1864, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon requesting blanks for State aid, December 29, 1865, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon requesting order blanks, November 24, 1863, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Richard H. Goding to John Hodsdon; undated, Richard H. Goding
Letter from Samuel H. Pillsbury and others to Governor Washburn, April 25, 1861, Samuel H. Pillsbury, Robert M. Stevens, George W. Nason, George W. Morrison, and Charles B. Dexter
Letter from Seth Scammon to Governor Washburn recommending Samuel Monson for appointment, May 31, 1861, Seth Scammon
Letter from T.F. Lewis to Governor Washburn claiming discharge of C.B. Martin 4th Maine Volunteers, August 31, 1861, T. F. Lewis
Letter from Town of Washington Relinquishing Quota Claim on Calvin Burkett, August 12, 1864, William Young and James Burns
Letter from William Carelton August 18 1824, William Carleton
Letter from William Carelton December 8 1826, William Carleton
Letter from William Carelton January 9 1827, William Carleton
Letter from William Carelton June 9 1825, William Carleton
Letter from William Carelton Sept 29 1829, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton May 27 1824, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf April 20 1829, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf April 8 1828, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf August 4 1829, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf August 4 1830, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf Jan 1 1829, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf Jan 31 1828, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf January 22 1830, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf March 23 1824, William Carleton
Letter from William Carleton to Greenleaf Nov 14 1829, William Carleton
Letter from Woodman Miller to Governor Washburn offering services, May 1861, Woodman Miller and Israel Washburn
Letter Home from Orville C. Davis June 23 1916, Orville C. Davis
Letter to Adjutant General Hodsdon from Mrs. Henry E. Dexter asking about missing husband, August 3, 1863, Mrs. Henry E. Dexter
Letter to Adjutant General John Hodsdon regarding Mark Dunnell, May 4, 1861, John L. Hodsdon
Letter to Benjamin Carleton Dec 30 1823, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Dec 10 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Dec 24 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd March 25 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd March 31 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Oct 20 1826, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Oct 24 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Oct 26 1826, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Sept. 15 1826, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Benjamin Dodd Sept. 18 1826, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Ebenezer Greenleaf from Simon Greenleaf Dec 1 1851, Simon Greenleaf
Letter to Eleren Jenks From Jonathan Greenleaf Dec 24 1841, Jonathan Greenleaf
Letter to Elezar Jenks from Greenleaf Jan 11 1804, Greenleaf
Letter to Elezer Jenks Feburary 10 1807, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Elezer Jenks Sept 14 1806, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Fellow Citizens No 3, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Governor Coburn from Andrew Burkett and A. H. Wentworth, November 12, 1863, Andrew Burkett and A. H. Wentworth
Letter to Governor Washburn Regarding Quotas, August 16, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to Governor Washburn Regarding Quotas, August 18, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to Governor Washburn Regarding Quotas, August 22, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to Governor Washburn Requesting Replacement of Reuben Dyer, July 16, 1862
Letter to Governor Washburn Requesting Replacement of Reuben Dyer, July 16, 1862, John Arnold
Letter to Governor Washburn Requesting Replacement of Reuben Dyer, July 17, 1862
Letter to Hill & Starett November 24 1830, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to Hill & Starret May 1, 1829, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to John Hodsdon, April 28, 1864, A. H. Wentworth
Letter to John Hodsdon, August 25, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to John Hodsdon, August 27, 1862, Isaac B. Harris
Letter to John Hodsdon, February 23, 1864, Andrew Burkett
Letter to John Hodsdon From Oliver Butler Regarding Quota, September 9, 1864, Oliver R. Butler
Letter to John Hodsdon from Samuel Thomas, December 15, 1863, Samuel Thomas
Letter to John Hodsdon from Stephen W. Laughton, August 18, 1862, Stephen W. Laughton
Letter to John Hodsdon, July 18, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to John Hodsdon, June 16, 1863, John Hanly
Letter to John Hodsdon, March 25, 1864, Andrew Burkett
Letter to John Hodsdon Regarding Quotas, August 27, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to John Hodsdon Regarding Quota, September 29, 1862, Oliver Butler
Letter to Moses Greenleaf from Abby July 4 1816, Abigail Lee Greenleaf
Letter to Valentine, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine April 10 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine April 18 1828, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine August 13, 1830, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine August 21, 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine December 18, 1826, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine February 6, 1827, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine July 27, 1830, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine July 30, 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine March 24, 1828, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine May 10, 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine May 1, 1829, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine May 31, 1824, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine November 21, 1829, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine October 11, 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William Carleton, Camden, Maine September 17, 1825, Moses Greenleaf
Letter to William King from A Porter Feb 7 1813, Aaron Porter
Letter to William King from Boyd Jan 6 1813, Joseph C. Boyd
Letter to William King from Carleton Aug 29 1812, Carleton
Letter to William King from Carleton Feb 17 1812
Letter to William King from Carleton Feb 29 1812, Carleton
Letter to William King from Carleton Jan 10 1812, Carleton
Letter to William King from Carleton March 10 1812
Letter to William King from Carleton Oct 3 1811, Moses Carleton
Letter to William King from Dana Aug 2 1812, Sam Dana
Letter to William King from Dingley April 7 1812, Nat Dingley
Letter to William King from Foxcroft Jan 10 1812, Joseph Foxcroft
Letter to William King from Gerry June 26 1811, Gerry
Letter to William King from Glidden Aug 28 1812, Samuel Glidden
Letter to William King from Hill Oct 12 1813, Hill
Letter to William King from Hilton Sept 9, Elisha Hilton
Letter to William King from Howands Sept 8 1810, Benjamin Howands
Letter to William King from Lee Oct 3 1811, Lee
Lewiston Journal Death Announcement for Orville C. Davis
Lewiston Youth Advisory Council
Library Special Collections Acquisitions 1st Q 2018, Peggy O'Kane
Library Special Collections Acquisitions 3rd Quarter 2018
Life History, Ecology and Management of Maine Landlocked Salmon (Salmo Salar), Kendall Warner and Keith A. Havey
Lighthouses of Maine Entice Tourists to Stop, The Hartford Courant
Lighthouse Typical of New England Scene, Camera
List of Men Claimed by the Town of Appleton Credited to Other Towns, June 3, 1864, Andrew Burkett
List of Men Enlisted for the Town of Appleton, December 16, 1863, Andrew Burkett
List of the Killed, Wounded, & Missing in the 16th Maine Regiment Infantry Volunteers at the Battle of Gettysburg, PA, Adjutant General, William H. Broughton, and Augustus B. Farnham
Little Aug 19 1820 Recommendation, Sam Little
Local Land Conservation in Maine : Case Studies, Rebecca Warren
Lombard, George B. or Richard H. Weld
Lombard, George B. or Richard H. Weld
Long Creek Youth Development Center Board of Visitors 2017/2018 Report, Tonya C. DiMillo
Lt. General Winglass Sworn In as Labor Commissioner
Lucerne-in-Maine Print Advertisement, 1926
Lyndonwood estate in Rockport, circa 1930
Maine, Fosters Democrat
Maine 1982 Guide to Hunting, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine 2025 : An Exploration of the Future Workforce Requirements for the Maine State Government
Maine ABLEME Project Outline, 2007, Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Maine Agricultural Trades Show
Maine Agriculture, Maine Development Commission
Maine A Guide to Auto Touring, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine A Guide to Auto Touring, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine : A Guide to Auto Touring, 1980, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine and Vermont Expo Exhibits Outstanding, Says ALA, Merrimack Valley Advertiser
Maine Animal Tracks (Poster), Klir Beck
Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, Fall 1964, Maine Archaeological Society
Maine Billiards Champion Brings Skill to Blaine House
Maine Bureau of Insurance Consumer Health Care Division Annual Report to the Legislature for 2017, Incorporating the Division’s Annual Report on External Reviews, Maine Bureau of Insurance and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Maine By Motor, Maine Development Commission
Maine by Motor, 1932, Maine Development Commission
Maine by Train, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine calls you to vacation land, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Camping Guide 1982, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Camping Guide 1986, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Canoeing, Maine Department of Development of Industry and Commerce
Maine Coast Artillery Corps Roster, 1913-1917
Maine Coast Heritage Trust 1999 Annual Report, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Maine Coast Heritage Trust 2000 Annual Report, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Maine Coast Heritage Trust 2001 Annual Report, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Maine Coast Sport Fishing, Maine Development Commission
Maine Community College System 2003-04 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2005-06 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2006-07 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2007-08 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2008-09 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2010-2011 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2011-2012 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2012-2013 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2013-2014 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2015-2016 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2015 All-Maine Academic Team, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System 2017-2018 Fact Sheet, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System Facts 2002-2003, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System Rural Initiative Update, 2012, Maine Community College System
Maine Community College System Strategic Plan, July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2020, Maine Community College System
Maine Complete Vacationland, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Comprehensive Research and Development Evaluation 2008, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development and Maine Office of Innovation
Maine Cottages and Camps For Rent, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine County Quarterly Immunization Report Cards : Data as of March 31, 2018, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Maine Cultivator and Hallowell Weekly Gazette : Vol. IV, No. 1 - Saturday September 24, 1842
Maine Data Breach Study Pursuant to Resolve 2007, Chapter 152, Maine Bureau of Financial Institutions and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Maine Department of Corrections - Capacity and Census, March 13, 2014
Maine Department of Corrections HR Profile, August 2000
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Section 504 Transition Plan, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maine Did Not Comply With Federal and State Requirements for Critical Incidents Involving Medicaid Beneficiaries With Developmental Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Maine Does Things Right, Eagle
Maine Egg Producers, Rogers Studio
Maine Farmers Make Good, Maine Department of Agriculture
Maine Farms for Farming or Summer Home, 1936, Maine Department of Agriculture
Maine Farms : Gold Mines of the East, 1926, Maine Department of Agriculture
Maine Fishing, 1925, Maine Development Commission
Maine Fishing, 1926, Maine Development Commission
Maine Fishing, 1927, Maine Development Commission
Maine Fishing, 1928, Maine Development Commission
Maine Fishing, 1930, Maine Development Commission
Maine for a glorious vacation, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Forest-Based Economy: Report of the Economic Development Assessment Team, 2017, Economic Development Assessment Team (EDAT)
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2005, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2005-2009, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2006 - 2007, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2010-2011, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2013, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2014-2015, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2016-2017, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forest Service Directory, 1967, Maine Forest Service
Maine for Winter Vacations, 11th Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Free Press : March 28, 1834
Maine Gives you More, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Gives You More - More Fish … Better Fishing … Year After Year …, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Auto Touring, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Bed & Breakfast Places 1986, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1985, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1986, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1989, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1990, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1991, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1992, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1993, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1998, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 1999, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 2000
Maine Guide to Camp & Cottage Rentals 2001, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Fishing, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Fishing, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting and Fishing 1986-1987, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting and Fishing 1989, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting and Fishing 1995, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1987, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1990, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1991, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1992, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1998, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 1999, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Hunting & Fishing 2000, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1987, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1988, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1989, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1990, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1991, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 1999, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Inns and Bed & Breakfast Places 2003, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Meetings and Conventions Planning, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Museums and Historic Homes (4th Edition), Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Museums and Historic Homes (Fifth Edition), Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Museums and Historic Homes (Sixth Edition), Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Guide to Winter, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Has..., Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine Has the Goods But She Must Sell Them, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Healthcare Associated Infections Progress Report (2014 Data), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Maine Health Care Workforce Needs Survey : Maine's Hospitals, Long-term Care Facilities, & Home Health Care Services, 2001, Maine State Chamber of Commerce and Maine Technical College System
Maine Hunting Quiz, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Ideal Route to Canada's Expo, The Boston Herald
Maine Immunization Program : Vaccines for Your Child, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Maine Inland Fish and Game Laws, 1910 Revision
Maine Invites You, 1933, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1934, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1935, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1935, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1936, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1937, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1938, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1939, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1940, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1941, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1942, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1945, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1946, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1948, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1949, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1950, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1951, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1952, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1955, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1956, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1957, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1958, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1959, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1960, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1961, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1963, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1965, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1966, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1970, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1971, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1979, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1980, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1982, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1983, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1984, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1985, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1986, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1987, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1988, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1989, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1990, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1991, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1992, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1993, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1994, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1995, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1996, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1997, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1998, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 1999, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2000, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2001, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2002, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2003, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2004, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2005, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2006, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2007, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2008, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2009, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2010, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2011, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2012, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2013, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2014, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2015, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2017, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You, 2018, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Invites You to help invite the Nation, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine is a World of Good that Awaits You : Maine Guide, 1968, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine IS Technology, January 1998, Maine Bureau of Information Services
Maine IS Technology Newsletter : A Brief History, Maine Bureau of Information Services and Mary Cloutier
Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group School Suspension/Expulsion Project Final Report, January 2003, Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
Maine Library Commission Minutes : March 19, 2018, Maine Library Commission
Maine Library Commission Minutes, November 20, 2017, Maine Library Commission
Maine Library Commission Minutes : October 16, 2018
Maine Library Commission Minutes, September 11, 2017, Maine Library Commission
Maine Library Commission Minutes : September 16, 2018
Maine Library Trustee Handbook, 2015, Maine State Library
Maine Lobster Recipes : 27 New Recipes, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries, Maine Development Commission, and Robert L. Perry
Maine Lottery and the Law : Remarks by James Russell Wiggins at the Civic League of Maine, November 8, 1974, James Russell Wiggins
Maine-Montreal Service Granted for Expo 67, Travel Weekly
Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont from the most authentic sources., Brown and Parsons
Maine Office of Tourism Traveler Segmentation Study, dpa
Maine Peat Resource Evaluation Program; 1979 field season, Joel Davis and Walter A. Anderson
Maine peat resource evaluation program; 1980 field season, Cornelia C. Cameron, Carolyn A. Lepage, Walter A. Anderson, and J Davis
Maine Press Association Proceedings, 1924-1925, Maine Press Association
Maine Press Association Proceedings, 1926, Maine Press Association
Maine Press Association Proceedings of Annual Meeting, October 5, 1923, Maine Press Association
Maine Quality Centers FY 2013 Annual Report, Maine Community College System
Maine Quality Centers FY 2014 Annual Report, Maine Community College System
Maine Quality Centers Progress Report, 2001, Maine Technical College System
Maine Quality Centers Progress Report, 2004, Maine Community College System
Maine Quality Centers Progress Report, 2013, Maine Community College System
Maine Quality Centers Progress Report, 2014, Maine Community College System
Maine Roadside Picnic Areas Maintained by the Maine State Highway Commission, 1954, Maine Highway Commission
Maine Roadside Picnic Areas Maintained by the Maine State Highway Commission, 1955, Maine Highway Commission
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 10 October 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 11 November 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 12 December 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 1 January 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 2 February 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 3 March 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 5 May 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 6 June 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 7 July 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 8 August 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 6 No. 9 September 1985, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 10 October 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 11 November 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 12 December 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 1 January 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 2 February 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 3 March 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 4 April 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 5 May 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 6 June 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 7 July 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 8 August 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 7 No. 9 September 1986, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 1 January 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 2 February 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 3 March 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 4 April 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 5 May 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 6 June 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running & Outing Magazine Vol. 8 No. 7 July 1987, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 10 December 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 1 March 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 2 April 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 3 May 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 4 June 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 5 July 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 6 August 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 7 September 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 8 October 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 1 No. 9 November 1980, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 10 October 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 11 November 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 12 December 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 1 January 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 2 February 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 3 March 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 4 April 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 5 May 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 6 June 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 7 July 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 8 August 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 2 No. 9 September 1981, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 10 October 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 11 November 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 12 December 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 1 January 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 2 February 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 3 March 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 4 April 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 5 May 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 6 June 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 7 July 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 8 August 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 3 No. 9 September 1982, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 10 October 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 11 November 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 12 December 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 1 January 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 2 February 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 3 March 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 4 April 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 5 May 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 6 June 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 7 July 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 8 August 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 4 No. 9 September 1983, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 10 October 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 11 November 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 12 December 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 1 January 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 2 February 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 3 March 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 5 May 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 6 June 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 7 July 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 8 August 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine Running Vol. 5 No. 9 September 1984, Robert E. Booker
Maine's 21st Century Telecommunications Network : A Blueprint for Action, Alan R. Caron
Maine's Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, Mark A. McCollough, Charlie Todd, Beth I. Swartz, Phillip G. deMaynadier Ph.D, and Heather Givens
Maine's Game Wardens Guard Your Sport - And Yourself, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine State Archives 2018 1st Quarter Acquisitions Report, Samuel N. Howes
Maine State Archives 2018 2nd Quarter Acquisitions Report, Samuel N. Howes
Maine State Constitution, 1819
Maine State Government Bioterrorism Fact Sheet, 2001, Maine Department of Human Services; Maine Bureau of Health; Maine Department of Public Safety; Maine Department of Defense, Veteran's and Emergency Management; and Maine Emergency Management Agency
Maine State Library Acquisition Report 4th Q 2017, Peggy O'Kane
Maine State Library Audit and Program Review (Sunset Review), J Gary Nichols
Maine State Museum 2018 1st Quarter Acquisitions, Amy L. Thompson
Maine State Museum 2018 2nd Quarter Acquisitions, Amy L. Thompson
Maine State Museum 2018 3rd Quarter Acquisitions
Maine State Plan for Independent Living : Fiscal Years 2005-2007
Maine STEM Education and Workforce Plan 1.0, Maine STEM Council
Maine STEM Education and Workforce Plan 2.0, Maine STEM Council
Maine Strategic Transit Plan 2025, Peter Schauer Associates
Maine Students, Robots, & Stem Eduction
Maine Stumpage Prices 1959, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices 1960, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1961, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1962, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1963, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1964, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1965, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1966, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1967, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1968, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1969, Maine Forest Service
Maine Summer Calender of Events 1982, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Summer Calender of Events 1983, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Summer Calender of Events 1984, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine's Wildlife Action Plan, 2015, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maine Technical College System Students of the Year, 1998, Maine Technical College System
Maine The Complete Vacationland, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1928, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1933, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1934, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1935, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1936, Maine Development Commission
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1938, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1940, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1942, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1948, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1950, Maine Development Commission
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1953, Maine Development Commission
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1955, Maine Development Commission
Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1957, Maine Development Commission
Maine The Place to Live, 1941, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine The Place to Live, 1943, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine The Place to Live, 1946, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Boat Cruises/Ferries, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Covered Bridges, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Especially for Kids, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Golf Courses, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Lighthouses, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Mineral Collecting, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Salt Water Fishing, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Summer Theater Productions, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine The Way Life Should Be. Whitewater Rafting, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine tour-rest guide : 1953, Stuart & Company
Maine Vacation Guide, Maine Department of Economic Development
Maine VDT Law, Labor/Labor Standards
Maine Video Display Terminal Law, 1992, Labor/Labor Standards
Maine Vocational Technical Institute System Strategic Transition Plan, 1987, Maine Vocational Technical Institute System
Maine Wetlands and Waters: Results of the National Wetlands Inventory, Ralph W. Tiner
Maine, Where the vacation you dream of is found., Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Winter Calender of Events 1982-83, Maine Publicity Bureau
Maine Woods and Maine Sportsman : Vol. 32, No.33 - March 17, 1910, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No. 16 - November 28, 1902, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No. 19 - December 19, 1902, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No. 27- February 13, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No. 29 - February 27, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No. 37 - April 24, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol. 25, No.45 - June 19, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 10 October 16, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 11 October 23, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 13 November 06, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 14 November 13, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 21 January 01, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 29 February 26, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 30 March 04, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 35 April 15, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 39 May 13, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 3 August 28, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 40 May 20, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 42 June 03, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 43 June 10, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 46 July 01, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 47 July 08, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 50 July 22, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 51 July 29, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 52 August 05, 1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 5 September 11, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 26. No. 6 September 18, 1903, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 10 - October 14,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 11 - October 21,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 14 - November 11,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 16 - November 25,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 17 - December 02,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 18 - December 09,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 19 - December 16,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No.1 - August 12,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 20 - December 23,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 21 - December 30,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 22 - January 06,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 27 - February 10,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 28 - February 17,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 2 - August 19,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 30 - March 03,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 32 - March 17,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 35 - April 07,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 37 - April 21,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 38 - April 28,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 39 - May 05,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 3 - August 26,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 41 - May 19,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 44 - June 09,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 45 - June 16,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 47 - June 30,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 48 - July 07,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 49 - July 14,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 50 - July 21,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 7 - September 23,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 27. No. 8 - September 30,1904, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 10 - October 13,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 11 - October 20,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 12 - October 27,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 15 - November 17,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 18 - December 08,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 1 - August 11,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 21 - December 29,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 22 - January 05,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 26 - February 02,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 27 - February 09,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 28 - February 16,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 2 - August 18,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 32 - March 16,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 34 - March 30,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 43 - June 01,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 46 - June 22,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 49 - July 13,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 51 - July 27,1906, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 6 - September 15,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 28. No. 8 - September 29,1905, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 11 October 18,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 12 October 25,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 14 November 08,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 17 November 29,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 19 December 13,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 20 December 20,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 28 February 14,1908, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 2 August 16,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 31 March 06,1908, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 39 May 01,1908, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 4 August 30,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 50 July 16,1908, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 51 July 23,1908, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 5 September 06,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woodsman : Vol 30. No. 8 September 27,1907, Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods Presentation, April 2012, dpa and Miljan Bajic
Maine Woods : Vol. 35, No. 13 - October 24, 1912 (Outing Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol. 35, No. 1 August 01,1912 (Outing Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 23 January 02, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 24 January 09, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 25 January 16, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 29 February 13, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol. 35, No. 2 August 08,1912 (Outing Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 30 February 20, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 32 March 06, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 34 March 20, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 38 April 17, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 39 April 24, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol. 35, No. 3 August 15,1912 (Outing Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 41 May 08, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 42 May 15, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 44 May 29, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 47 June 19, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 49 July 03, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol. 35, No. 4 - August 22, 1912 (Outing Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 50 July 10, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Maine Woods : Vol 35. No. 52 July 24, 1913 (Local Edition), Maine Woods Newspaper
Main St, Surry, Maine Postcard
Man-Made Marshes for Maine Waterfowl, Howard E. Spencer Jr.
Many camp sites Available in Maine, Philadelphia Inquirer
Map Exhibiting the Principal Original Grants & Sales of Lands. 1829, Moses Greenleaf
Map Exhibiting the Tract of Country Explored in the Years 1817, 1818, and 1820, William Odell and Maine State Library
Map of all the Towns and Plantations in the County of Penobscot, Moses Greenleaf
Map of Aroostook County, Maine, J.H. Stuart and Co
Map of Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties Maine, J.H. Stuart and Co
Map of Northern Maine, Harry Arthur Frink and Bangor & Aroostook R.R.
Map of the Boundary lines Between United States and British Provinces, T. J. Lee and Maine State Library
Map of the District of Maine, Moses Greenleaf and Maine State Library
Map of the District of Maine 1815, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the eastern part of Maine, Joseph Taney
Map of the first Division of Camden circa 1780, John Harkness
Map of the headwaters of the Saint John, Penobscot, and Du Loop Rivers., Thomas Carlile and Maine State Library
Map of the Inhabited Part of the State of Maine, Exhibiting the Progress of its Settlement Since the Year 1778 ... 1829, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the Proposed Kennebec and Wiscasset Railroad, A. W. Wildes
Map of the State of Maine, Colby & Stuart
Map of the State of Maine 1820, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the State of Maine Part 1, William Anson and Maine State Library
Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick Northern Section 1828, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick Northern Section 3rd Edition, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick Southern Section 1828, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick Southern Section 3rd Edition, Moses Greenleaf
Map of the West Branch Watershed Penobscot River, Maine, Great Northern Paper Company
Map of Thomas Spinney's land surveyed by William Godsoe, December 1697, William Godsoe
Map of Togus, Maine, Hugh Forrester Kirkwood
Map Showing the Portland & Rochester Railroad and its Connections, G. Woolworth Colton
March 1810, Samuel Hill and Josiah Hill
Margaret Tibbetts : Teacher and Community Volunteer, Donald W. Beattie
Market Potential for Fresh Maine Fish, Elmer Beal Jr. and Coastal Resource Center, Inc
McKay's House and Store, Surry, Maine Postcard
Medomak Camp, Herbert E. Glacier & Sons, Boston MA
Medomak Camp Boys Fishing from the Dock, Herbert E. Glasier & Sons, Boston Massachusetts and Herbert E. Glasier & Sons, Boston MA
Medomak Camp Lodge, Herbert E. Glasier & Sons, Boston MA
Memorandum to State Employees Concerning Gas Conservation Measures, July 10, 1973, Kenneth M. Curtis
Memos Prepared for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars : The Role of the Editor; The Printed Word; and Typography and Cold Type, James Russell Wiggins
Merriam Aug 21 1820, John Merriam
Mineral resources of Maine - Bangor sheet, John R. Rand
Mineral resources of Maine - Lewiston sheet, Robert G. Doyle
Mineral resources of Maine - Portland-Bath sheet, Robert G. Doyle
Minimum Wage, Nov. 2002, Labor/Labor Standards
Monitoring Report Concerning Maine's Implementation of a Preschool Development Grant (PDG)-Expansion Grant, U.S. Department of Education
Mooslook Lake at Foot Maine 1913
Motor Camping in Maine, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motor Camping Through Maine, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring in Maine, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine: 12th Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1946 (?), Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1957, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1967, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1971, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1972, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine, 1976, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine: 33rd Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine: 37th Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine: 38th Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
Motoring Thru Maine: 42nd Edition, Maine Publicity Bureau
MSL Special Collections Acquisitions 2nd Quarter 2018, Peggy O'Kane
National Highway Week in Maine : May 20-26, 1962, Maine Highway Commission
National Veteran's Family Center in Belgade Maine
Neal Aug 11 1820 Recommendation
New England Airport Map, New England Council. Aviation Committee
NG Howard Sept 16 1820, N. G. Howard
No 4 "If I Have Correctly Stated" Moses Greenleaf ca. 1820, Moses Greenleaf
No 5 "To William Emerson et al" ca. 1820, Moses Greenleaf
Norumbega on High Street in Camden
Notes on Herbert Elliston, James Russell Wiggins
Notice Relative to the Regulation of Employment: of Minors, Payment of Wages, Safety and Health of Employees and Other Applicable Laws, Nov. 2002, Labor/Labor Standards
Now - You'll Find the Best Fishing of the Year - In Maine, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Number of Days Worked, Moses Greenleaf
Oak Hall E.M.C. Seminary, Bucksport, Maine Postcard
Oakland's Messalonskee High School
Oak Wilt disease (Bretziella fagacearum), Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Ocean crust, fossils, and an unconformity: Bedrock Geology of Ripogenus Dam, Ian Hillenbrand
Office of Information Technology Five Year Plan, Maine Office of Information Technology
Oil and Gas Potential in Maine – Onshore and Offshore, Robert G. Marvinney
OIT 2005 Annual Report on Information Technology in Maine State Government, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2006 Annual Report on Information Technology, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2009 Annual Report on Information Technology, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2010 Annual Report on Information Technology, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2011 Annual Report on Information Technology, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2012 Annual Report on Information Technology, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2013 Annual Report : Information Technology in Maine State Government, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2015 Annual Report : Information Technology in Maine State Government, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2016 Annual Report : Information Technology in Maine State Government, Maine Office of Information Technology
OIT 2017 Annual Report : Information Technology in Maine State Government, Maine Office of Information Technology and Jim Smith
OIT Leadership Chart, December 2012
Old Salts, Like This Flavor A Maine Vacation., Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Old Town Comprehensive Plan 1960 ~ 1980, Hans K. F. Klunder and Maine Department of Economic Development
Oliver Butler to John Hodsdon regarding Erastus Proctor, July 5, 1862, Oliver Butler
One Hundred Thirty Eight Years at the Augusta House, Thelma Eye Goggin
On Freedom of the Press, James Russell Wiggins
On Two Wheels : Safe Bicycle Riders Today, Good Drivers Tomorrow (1966), Maine Highway Safety Committee
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1949, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1950, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1951, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1952, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1965, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1966, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1967, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1968, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1977, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1978, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1981, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1985, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1986, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1988, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1989, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1990, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1992, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1993, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 1998, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2000, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2001, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2002, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2003, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2004, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2005, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2006, Orono Maine High School
Orono Maine High School Yearbook 2010, Orono Maine High School
Orville C Davis Letter Home to his Mother August 16, 1915, Orville C. Davis
Overheard on A Maine Vacation, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Overheard on A Maine Vacation, Maine Development Commission and Maine Publicity Bureau
Overview of Accomplishments and Strategic Direction in Information and Telecommunications Policy, 2001, Lars Rydell
Page 001. Plan Book Containing Townships Lotted for Settlers, Also Townships Surveyed Into Blocks, Revised & Collated 1855, Maine Land Office
Page 002. Index., Maine Land Office
Page 00. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Knox., Land Agent of Maine
Page 00. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Lincoln., Land Agent of Maine
Page 00. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Sagadahoc., Land Agent of Maine
Page 00. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Waldo., Land Agent of Maine
Page 00. Plan Book 2 Containing Plans brought from Massachusetts Land Office, Collated and Arranged by order of the Governor and Council, May 1877, Massachusetts Land Office
Page 00. Plan Book Containing Townships Lotted for Settlers, also, Townships Surveyed for other Purposes, 1859, Maine Land Office
Page 00. Plan Book No. 3., Maine Land Office
Page 00. Plan Book No. 4 Containing Plans from Maine Land Office, Collated and Arranged by order of the Governor and Council., Maine Land Office
Page 00. Plan of Moose River Plantation, 1920, E. A. Piper
Page 00. Survey of timber lands in Townships 6-16, Ranges 3-7
Page 01-1. This Plan represents a tract of land laid out for Jedidiah J[?] Esq., Amos Davis
Page 01.5. Blueprint of Township 4 ND and Strip North of this Township, 1924, Noah Barker and Earl Spaulding
Page 01.5. List of the Fox Islands, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 01.5. Plan of Public Lot, Magalloway Plantation, as resurveyed in February 1916., W. H. Jenne
Page 01. A plan of Seboomook, being a Township granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the Plymouth Company., Charles Hayden
Page 01. Areas in the Plymouth Claim and Kennebec Purchase; 1762, Elijah Packard
Page 01. Buck Town or No. 5 situated on Twenty Mile River in the County of Cumberland; 1785, John Jardine
Page 01. Division of Parishes in Augusta and Hallowell, June 14, 1794.
Page 01. Hamlin Plantation, Land Agent of Maine
Page 0.1. Index to Plans., Maine Land Office
Page 01. Plan of Appleton Ridge by James Malcom, 1813, James Malcom
Page 01. Plan of Fox Islands in Penobscot Bay, George W. Coffin
Page 01. Plan of land granted to Henry Young Brown (Brownfield Township), 1764
Page 01. Plan of Passadumkeag, Township Number 1 Old Indian Purchase, James Irish and Andrew Strong
Page 01. Plan of public lots in Townships 4 and 5, Range 7 West of the Kennebec River in Bingham's Million Acre Purchase; Plan of Township 9 in Range 4 of townships north of the lottery lands in the Bingham Purchase., John Pierce, Luther Brackett, William Butterfield, and Jones C. Haycock
Page 01. Plan of the Town of Bath; 1795., Dumner Sewall
Page 01. Plan of the Town of Greene taken March A.D. 1795., Benjamin Merrill, John Daggett, and Luther Robbins
Page 01. Plan of the town of Greene, taken March A.D. 1795., Benjamin Merrill, John Daggett, and Luther Robbins
Page 01. Plan of Township 18, Range 4 WELS, Albert A. Burleigh and John Webber
Page 01. Plan of Township G Range 2 WELS, John Gardner, William P. Parrott, and Noah Barker
Page 01. Plan of Township No. 1 in the second Range west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, 1834, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 01. Plan of Township No. 7 Range 9, 1849, Noah Barker
Page 01. Plan of Township Number 4 Old Indian Purchase (Bradley)., John Webber and Caleb Leavitt
Page 01. Plan of Township Number Eight in the Fifth Range from the East Line of the State, 1833, Rufus Gilmore
Page 01. Survey of townships in the first and second ranges of Somerset County, including Solon, Athens, Harmony, Cornville, Madison, and Hartland; 1794, Samuel Weston and Osgood Carleton
Page 02-1. Plan of lands set off in Township B Range 10 for the Maine Female Seminary in 1868
Page 02.5. Map of Township 3 Range 4 NBKP (Hammond), C. S. Humphreys
Page 02.5. Plan of cottage lots, Harford Point, Moosehead Lake, Ezekiel L. Chase
Page 02. A Plan of the Plantation of Green. 1814, Elisha Small
Page 02. A Plan of the Town of Bowdoin, taken in compliance with an Act of the General Court June 18th 1794., James Shurtleff
Page 02. A Plan of the Town of Foxcroft, January 1820, Alexander Greenwood
Page 02. A plan of [Township] No. 4 in the 6th Range Bingham's Purchase West of Kennebec River drawn by the Committee appointed by the District Court for the Middle District in and for the County of Somerset at the November Term 1839, on the petition of Treadwell & Haven to set of public lots and to set off their interest in said Township., Rowland Holden, William Flint, and Abram Pease
Page 02. A Plan of Township Number 3, 1st Range of Townships north of Bingham's Kennebeck Purchase, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 02. Butterfield, or No. 6 situate in the County of Cumberland, Rufus Putnam
Page 02. Plan of Butter Island, Bean Island, and Oak Island in Hancock County, Rufus Putnam
Page 02. Plan of Greenbush, Township 2 Old Indian Purchase, John Webber
Page 02. Plan of Hopkins Academy Grant, 1846; A Sketch of Township 3 in Range 4 NBKP; Plan of Township 2 Range 2 NBKP (Brassua), Hiram Rockwood
Page 02. Plan of Kingman Township in Penobscot County and T1 R12 WELS in Piscataquis County, Joseph Treat and Hiram Rockwood
Page 02. Plan of land between Buckfield and Hebron, 1807, Lothrop Lewis
Page 02. Plan of Lewiston, 1795
Page 02. Plan of the boundaries of Lewiston and survey of the Great Androscoggin River, 1792, Amos Davis
Page 02. Plan of the Town of Arundel, 1795, Seth Burnham, Humphrey Dearing, and James Burnham
Page 02. Plan of Township letter F in the Second Range West from the East line of the State, as surveyed & lotted A.D. 1839., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 02. Plan of Township L, Range 2 WELS, Lore Alford
Page 02. Plan of Township No. 1 in the 3rd Range west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 02. Plan of Township Number 2 Old Indian Purchase (Greenbush), 1830, John Webber
Page 02. Plan of tracts of land granted to Fryeburg Academy by the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Page 02. Plan of Van Buren., Land Agent of Maine
Page 02. Plans of Township 2 Range 9 NWP; Township 3 Range 9 NWP; Township 4 Range 3 WELS; and Shirley (Piscataquis Co.), Lewis Hancock and Rufus Gilmore
Page 03.5. Plan of Public Lot as Located in North 1/3 of Township 7 Range 10 WELS, Piscataquis County, James W. Sewall
Page 03. A Plan of a road in the Indian Township Projected on a Scale forty rods to an inch., John Gardner
Page 03. A Plan of Orient copied from the survey Joseph Norris made in 1828; A Plan of the southerly part of township numbered eight in the second range of townships north of Bingham's Penobscot purchase, 1831, Zebulon Bradley, Daniel Rose, and Joseph Norris
Page 03a. Plan of Seboomook Township in Somerset and various townships in Aroostook circa 1826, Joseph Norris
Page 03. A Plan of Township letter H in the Second Range, 1839, Henry W. Cunningham
Page 03. A Plan of Townships numbered Two in the Fifth Range of Townships West of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, John McClintock
Page 03a. Plans of Township 12 Range 4, and Township 15 Range 6, Thomas Sawyer and Zebulon Bradley
Page 03. Plan of a half township of land granted to the inhabitants of Taunton and Raynham; Plan of a strip of land lying between Butterfield or Number 6 and a mountain, containing 22,470 acres., Thomas McKechnie and Samuel Titcomb
Page 03. Plan of Bowdoin, 1799, John Merrill
Page 03. Plan of Bradley, Township 4 Old Indian Purchase, John Webber and Caleb Leavitt
Page 03. Plan of Eagle and Great Spruce Head Islands, Rufus Putnam
Page 03. Plan of land granted to Joseph Frye, 1784, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Page 03. Plan of Lewiston., Amos Davis
Page 03. Plan of Public lots as located on Township No. 2 Range 7 in Bingham's Million Acre Purchase West of Kennebec River., John Pierce, Silas Hamblet, and Horatio Cross
Page 03. Plan of River Township Number 1 (Enfield), Maine Land Office
Page 03. Plan of the Town of Berwick, 1795, John Hill, Joseph Fogg, Richard Fox Cutts, Thomas Downs, and Andrew Austin
Page 03. Plan of Township 12, Range 4 WELS, Daniel Barker
Page 03. Plan of Township 2 Range 3 (Glenwood Plantation)
Page 03. Plan of Township 2 Range 4 NBKP; Plan of Township 1 Range 4 NBKP (Boydtown); Plan of Township 6 Range 7 WKR; Plan of Township 2 Range 7 BKP WKR (Misery), Samuel Weston and John Pierce
Page 03. Survey of Jackson, Searsmont, and Brooks.
Page 03. Survey of the Plantation of Camden by William McGlathry; 1791, William McGlathry
Page 03. Survey of Township 3, Range 4 WBKP and Township 13, Range 6 WELS, Zebulon Bradley and J. Cony
Page 03. The Plan of Plantation Adjacent to Bowdoin Taken December 1795, Agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court of the 26 of June 1794., Symonds Baker and Samuel Wilson
Page 03. This Plan Represents the North Easterly Part of the Town of Alna., James Marr Jr.
Page 03. This Plan represents the Town of Fairfield surveyed by order of the Selectmen of said Town by Abraham Landers Surveyor & protracted from his minutes by Samuel Weston, Surveyor., Abraham Landers and Samuel Weston
Page 03. This Plan represents Township No. 3 in the Sixth Range of Townships, Charles Vaughan and Daniel Steward
Page 03. Township No. 6 R9 WELS, Silas Barnard, Caleb Leavitt, and Isaac S. Small
Page 03. Township Number 3 (Woodstock), 1788, Samuel Titcomb
Page 03. Washington Plantation, Dec. 21, 1795., Jonathan Jones
Page 04.5. Map of Bowtown as lotted and cruised in 1922., C. S. Humpreys
Page 04.5. Plan of Township 13, Columbia Falls, Moses Hodsdon
Page 04.5. Plan of Township 17, Range 10 WELS in Aroostook County, 1946, Hubert Michaud
Page 04.5. Plans of proposed pile trestle between Badgers Island and Kittery, 1921
Page 04. A Map of a Part of the Survey in 1825 on the Undivide Land in Maine, Moses Greenleaf
Page 04. A Plan of Township No. 1 Indian Purchase as surveyed A.D. 1834, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 04. A Plan of Township No. 9 in the 4th Range west from the east line of the State, as surveyed A.D. 1839., Noah Barker
Page 04. Copy of a Plan of a part of the Undivided Lands being townships five, six, seven, and eight in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth ranges West from the East line of the State., William Parrott and Zebulon Bradley
Page 04. Plan of 5,000 Acres in Cumberland County to the Proprietors of the Town of Buxton, Samuel Knight
Page 04. Plan of a Tract of Land lying between Butterfield or No. 6 and a Mountain containing 22,470 acres, Samuel Titcomb and Rufus Putnam
Page 04. Plan of Biddeford, 1794, Partridge Richardson, Christopher Gilpatrick, and Josiah Hill
Page 04. Plan of East Half of Township 15, Range 7 (Winterville), F. G. Quincy
Page 04. Plan of East half of Township 2, Range 5 WELS, Daniel Barker
Page 04. Plan of Enfield, River Township 1
Page 04. Plan of Glenwood Plantation, Maine, 1921, Harry L. Goodrich
Page 04. Plan of Little River Plantation annexed to Lisbon, 1808.
Page 04. Plan of Livermore; 1795, Sylvanus Boardman, David Learned, and Peladah Gibbs
Page 04. Plan of Madawaska, T18 R4., John Webber, George W. Coffin, and Levi Bradley
Page 04. Plan of Pond, Pickering, Beech, Little Hog, and Little Spruce Island, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 04. Plan of the Sandwich Academy Tract; Plan of No. 2 Range 4 WKP and of Public Lands, George Getchell, William Flint, Jonathan Stevens Jr., and Harris Garcelon
Page 04. Plan of the Taunton and Raynham Tract; Plan of Township 2 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Township 3 Range 12; Plan of Township 3 Range 7 BKP WKR, Samuel Weston, David Haynes, C. E. Lord, Levi B. Ricker, and William R. Flint
Page 04. Plan of the town of Boothbay; 1795, Thomas Boyd
Page 04. Plan of Township 10 in the fifth range of Townships west from the east line of the State, John Gardner
Page 04. Plan of Township 1; Plan of Sandy River, Lincoln County, 1790; Plan of Prout's Grant near Saco River, 1809, Samuel Titcomb, Jedediah Prescott Jr., and Lothrop Lewis
Page 04. Plan of Township No. 7 Range 9., Dominicus Parker
Page 04. Plan of Township Number 1, Old Indian Purchase (Passadumkeag), James Irish and Andrew Strong
Page 04. Plan of undivided lands in Aroostook County, Joseph Norris
Page 04. Request to define county boundaries for Twenty-Five Mile Pond Plantation; 1812, Silas Barron
Page 04. Series of four maps of Township 11 Range 5, Township 7 Range 15 WELS, Township 1 Range 6 WBKP, and Townships 5-8 Ranges 14-16, Noah Barker, William Dwelley, and N.B. K. Lowell
Page 04. Survey of Clinton circa 1795.
Page 04. This is an accurate Plan of the Town of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln; 1795, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 05.5. Plan of Township 17 Range 11 WELS, Aroostook County, as surveyed and explored for partition, 1936, James W. Sewall and Frank M. Call
Page 05. A Plan of Some Land up Pemmaqued River or Brook or a plase Called Stare Medow Without the Bound of aney Town and in the County of Lincoln, John Martin and James Jones
Page 05. A Plan of the Easterly part of the 25 Mile Pond Plantation, the residence of Isaac Mitchell and others., Hezekiah Chase
Page 05. A Plan of the North East part of Township No. 1 east of Penobscot River North of the Bingham purchase and adjoining said Penobscot River., Andrew Strong and Lothrop Lewis
Page 05. A Plan of Township Number Five in the Sixth Range West from the East Line of the State., Rufus Gilmore
Page 05. Bowdoinham; 1798, Ephraim Ballard
Page 05. Part Number One (Addison-see also page 1 for second half of survey), Lothrop Lewis
Page 05. Plan of gore [strip of land] in Lisbon. 1784, Amos Davis
Page 05. Plan of lots in Township 13 Range 6, Township 10 Range 5, Township 4 Range 4, and Township 4 Range 5; Plan of Township letter G Range 1 WELS, Daniel Dennett and William D. Dana
Page 05. Plan of Masardis, 1838, L. L. Whipple and John Gardner
Page 05. Plan of Sanford and part of Shapleigh, John Webber
Page 05. Plan of Stove, Diane, Eaton, Head, Tent, Bradbury, Partridge, Hog, and Western Islands, 1785, Rufus Putnam and John Peters
Page 05. Plan of the Kennebec River from the Northern bounds of the Plymouth Claim to the North line of the 2nd Range of Townships with Six Townships lying on the east side thereof; A Plan and Description of a half Township of land granted to Bath Academy A.D. 1806, Samuel Weston and Joseph Sewall
Page 05. Plan of the Town of Buxton, conformable to a Resolve of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed June 26, 1794., Samuel Knight
Page 05. Plan of the town of Clinton, 1796, Andrew Richardson and Silas Barrows
Page 05. Plan of Township 15, Ranges 8-11 WELS (Aroostook County) and Township 3 Range 12 (Piscataquis County), Edwin Rose and Joseph Kelsey
Page 05. Plan of Township 1 Range 3 Titcomb's Survey (Lambert Lake), Samuel Titcomb and Zebulon Bradley
Page 05. Plan of Township 6 in the Fourth Range of Townships East of the Penobscot River; Plan of Township 3 Range 7 WELS; Plan of Township 1 in the Sixth Range East of the Kennebec River, William Flint, Charles Eddy, and Richard Lord
Page 05. Plan of Township B, Range 1 WELS, Parker P. Burleigh and William P. Parrott
Page 05. Plan of Township Number 2 (Lincoln), Maine Land Office
Page 05. Plans of Enfield and Lowell, John Webber
Page 05. Survey of Meduncook Plantation, Cushing, St. George, and Friendship circa 1789
Page 05. Surveys made in A.D. 1843 and 1844 in Township No. 18 in the 5th Range., John Webber, George W. Coffin, and Levi Bradley
Page 05. This plan represents the river lots in No. 2 River Township East side of Penobscot river as survey'd and alloted by Andrew McMillan in 1824 under the direction of James Irish, Land Agent., James Irish and Andrew McMillan
Page 05. This Plan represents the Town of Starks in the County of Lincoln, drawn from several recent surveys; 1798, Samuel Weston
Page 05. Township No.2 Indian Purchase, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 05. Two maps: T3 R6 WKR Public Lands, and T1R4 BKP WKR, 1850, Samuel F. Weston and Harris Garcelon
Page 06.1. A list of lots in Township No. 2, 3rd Range, John Webber
Page 06.5. Blueprint of Township 8 Range 9, 1918, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 06.5. Plan of Township 18 Range 12 WELS, James W. Sewall
Page 06.5. Plan of Township 4 Range 9 NWP, Piscataquis County, R. M. Nason
Page 06. A Plan for the lotting of Township 2 in the 9th Range into sections of one mile square in the year 1832 on a scale of 40 chains to one inch., Joseph L. Kelsey and Edwin Rose
Page 06. A plann of about Two hundred acres of Land Surveyed for Mr. William Sproul siteuat lying and Being in a place Called Herington in the County of Lincoln and Provance of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. 1762, Elijah Packard, William Sproul, and John Martin
Page 06. A Plan of a continuation of the Survey of lots in Township No. 18 in the 6th range. Also of a road from Fish River mills through said Township made in 1847., William Dwelley Jr.
Page 06. A Plan of the Town of Cushing in the County of Lincoln; 1795, James Malcom
Page 06. A Plan of Township Letter A, Second Range west of the Monument (1832); A Plan of the first Division of Land laid out in Township number 12 on Cobscook South Branch (1804)., Dominicus Parker and Solomon Cushing
Page 06. Cornish Plan, 1772., John Wingate
Page 06. Half township of land deeded to Days Academy of Wrentham, Massachusetts; Aroostook County townships west of the Monument Line, Hiram Rockwood
Page 06. Heron [Churchill] Lake.
Page 06. Plan of a Township lying both sides Androscoggin River, 1771., Elisha Harrington, Jabez Mathews, and James Stenchfield
Page 06. Plan of boundary lines of the town of Turner, 1795, Ichabod Bonney and Samuel Blake
Page 06. Plan of Carne and Sheep Islands in Deer Isle, 1785, John Peters and Rufus Putnam
Page 06. Plan of Lincoln, River Township 2
Page 06. Plan of Orono area, Elihu Hewes
Page 06. Plan of the Attean Township and plan of Chase Stream Township (T1 R6 BKP WKR), William Flint, George Getchell, Melintas Holden, Abner Bradbury, and Jonathan Stevens Jr.
Page 06. Plan of Township 1 Range 7 West of Kennebec River (called Sapling); Plan of the Public Land in Township 3 in Range 14; Plan of Township 4 West of Kennebec River in the Million Acres known as the King & Bartlett Township, John Pierce, Joseph Spaulding, Edward Webster, William Flint, George Getchell, William Spaulding, Eben Greenleaf, Josiah Spaulding, and Aretas Chapin
Page 06. Plan of Township 1 Range 8 NWP (Chester), Maine Land Office
Page 06. Plan of Township 5, Range 3 WELS, Parker P. Burleigh and J. E. Cony
Page 06. Plan of Township Letter D in the second range of townships west from the East Line of the State as surveyed A.D. 1835, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 06. Plans of Andover, Allagash Falls, Naples, and Casco, Samuel Titcomb
Page 06. Survey of land in Kittery formerly owned by Sir William Pepperell, 1798, Benjamin Parker
Page 06. Survey of the Town of Frankfort, 1795, Eliashib Delano
Page 06. Survey of undivided lands in five ranges of townships in Aroostook, Penobscot, and Piscataquis Counties, Joseph Norris and Joseph C. Norris
Page 06. This is an accurate Plan of the Town of Hallowell in the County of Lincoln on which is delineated or described & here inserted or specified all & every Article, Matter, & Thing agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed June 18 1794., Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 06. This Plan Discribes the Town of Readfield, Mount Vernon, and Plantation called Washington all in the County of Lincoln; 1796, Jedediah Prescott
Page 06. This plan represents Township No. 2 Range 2 on the Schoodic river with five hundred acres of timber land surveyed for James Boyce by George H. Moore in September ADomini 1825 under the direction of James Irish, Land Agent, James Irish and George H. Moore
Page 06. Town of Georgetown; 1795, Mark Langdon Hill
Page 07.5. Blueprint plan of Township 5 Range 10, 1918, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 07.5. Plan of Township 3 Range 8 WELS, 1917, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 07. A Plan of Surveys made in A.D. 1843 and 1844 in Township No. 18 Range, Land Agent of Maine
Page 07. A Plan of the Plantation of Wales., James Shurtleff
Page 07. A Plan of the Township of Topsham. 1795, John Merrill
Page 07. A Plan of Township Number 11 in the Fifth Range of townships west from the east line of the State of Maine., Noah Barker
Page 07. Chamberlain Lake, Piscataquis County
Page 07. Fox Island Division of Islands, 1785., Rufus Putnam, Jonathan Stone, John Mathews, and J. Vinal
Page 07. Number seven on the Eastern side of Penobscot river., John Peters
Page 07. Part of the Town of Hallowell.
Page 07. Plan of a gore of land laying between Jackson Town, so called, Bangor and Pushaw Pond and part of the Nine Townships., Park Holland
Page 07. Plan of Black, Cambell, White, Sheep and Baviges Neck Islands, 1785, Rufus Putnam and John Peters
Page 07. Plan of Chase Stream, John Pierce
Page 07. Plan of No. 3 R. 3 WKR county of Somerset. Also plan of the public land as set off in the said No. 3 October A.D. 1849 by the subscribers they having had that duty assigned to them by the District Court at the May Term A.D. 1849., Harris Garcelon and Jonathan Stevens Jr.
Page 07. Plan of Seboomook, being a Township granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the Plymouth Company, 1815, Charles Hayden
Page 07. Plan of the Plantation called Beaverhill and Smithtown in the County of Kennebeck, 1810, Broadstreet Wiggin
Page 07. Plan of the Township of Livermore. 1794, Sylvanus Boardman
Page 07. Plan of Township 11, Range 3 WELS, Hiram Chapman
Page 07. Plan of Township No. 12 in the 5th Range of townships West from the East line of the State surveyed A.D. 1838, William Parrott
Page 07. Plan of Township No. 6 R1 NBKP, Benjamin Waterhouse
Page 07. Plan of Townships 2 Range 1 NBPP (Burlington), Maine Land Office
Page 07. Resurveys of Lincoln, River Township 2, John Webber and Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 07. Survey of the town of Coxhall, 1795., Robert Swainson
Page 07. Survey of townships around Moosehead Lake and Indian Townships, 1827, Joseph Norris
Page 07. Survey taken for Mr. Robert Sproul 114 1/2 acres on Herringtons Neck at Pemaquid, 1762, Elijah Packard
Page 07. The Great Farm, So Called, Containing A.R. 275.146, Benjamin Parker
Page 07. This Plan represents the South West part of the Town of Orono or that part which was formerly called Number 5 on the West Side of Penobscott River in the County of Penobscott (1818); Plan of a tract of land granted to Timothy Cutler on the south side of the Saco River and northwest of the Ossipee River., Andrew Strong, Lothrop Lewis, and Bracey Banks
Page 08.5. Blueprint of Reed Plantation.
Page 08.5. Blueprint plan of T5 R2 WBKP, Lincoln, in Oxford County, 1875, Daniel Barker
Page 08. A Plan of Madumcook Plantation in the County of Lincoln, 1795, James Malcom
Page 08. A Plan of the town of Islesborough laying in Penobscot Bay., Samuel Warren
Page 08. A Plan of Township No. 9 in the 6th Range of townships, West from the East line of the State, Noah Barker and Henry W. Cunningham
Page 08. A Plan of Township Number 1 of Titcomb's Survey belonging to the Second Range of Townships North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase., Zebulon Bradley
Page 08. North line of the Bingham Purchase and the eastern boundary of the United States, 1811, Alexander Greenwood, Roland Holden, and George W. Coffin
Page 08. Number 2 second range containing 23,040 acres., Jonathan Stone
Page 08. Plan of Attean Township; Plan of East half of Township 3 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Chase Stream Township, William Flint, Abner Bradbury, Jonathan Strong, Charles K. Eddy, George Getchell, and Melintas Holden
Page 08. Plan of Clinton in the County of Lincoln. 1796, Andrew Richardson and Silas Barrows
Page 08. Plan of East Andover taken from a Survey Made in November 1788.
Page 08. Plan of Half of Township 1 Range 1 NBPP (Lowell), 1818, Andrew Strong
Page 08. Plan of Hopkins Academy Grant in Penobscot County and plan of Bancroft in Aroostook County; 1826, J. Herrick
Page 08. Plan of Kittery, 1794, Benjamin Parker
Page 08. Plan of land formerly owned by Sir William Pepperell (Kittery)., Benjamin Parker
Page 08. Plan of Livermore, 1795, Sylvanus Boardman, David Learned, and Pelaliah Gibbs
Page 08. Plan of Naskeag Point and Islands near Brooklin, Jonathan Stone and Rufus Putnam
Page 08. Plan of south part of Township 18 Range 6 WELS, Henry M. Packard and R. M. Nason
Page 08. Plan of T3 IP and T4 IP in Penobscot County., James Irish
Page 08. Plan of Tings Town, 1786, Samuel Titcomb
Page 08. Plan of Township 14, Range 3 WELS, Lore Alford
Page 08. Plan of Township 1 in the Eighth Range North of the Waldo Patent (Chester)
Page 08. Plan of Township 8; Survey of land on Moose River adjoining Taunton and Raynham Township; Sandwich Academy Grant;, John Peters and Thomas McKechnie
Page 08. Plan of Township B, 11th Range west of the East line of the State., D. Parker
Page 08. Plan of township No. 3 in the fourth range west from Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, Uriah Holt
Page 08. Survey of Bristol, 1794., Thomas Boyd
Page 08. Survey of Saint Francis Plantation T17 R9 WELS
Page 08. Two plans of T1 R4 and T4 R7 in Somerset County, 1847, John Pierce, Silas Hamblet, Horatio Cross, Abner Bradbury, Leonard Bradbury, and James Thompson
Page 09.5. Plan of Dead River (T3 R3 BKP WKR), Somerset County, R. R. Mullaney
Page 09.5. Plan of T4 R7 WELS, Penobscot County, 1903, Ira D. Eastman
Page 09.5. Plan of Township 1 Range 12 WELS, Great Northern Paper Company Department of Land Surveying
Page 09.5. Plan of Townships 1 and 2, Range 7 (Soldiertown), H. G. Tingley
Page 09. A Plan of Ragged-arse Island Lying in the District of Maine. 1819., James Malcom
Page 09. Description of a New Town Ship ... Granted by the General Court to the Proprietors of Bakerstown. 1765, Joseph Noyes
Page 09. Lands Granted in Plantation No. 10 East of Penobscot River
Page 09. Map of Reed Plantation (Nichols Academy Grant) and of Days Academy Grant, 1828, Jedediah Herrick and Joseph Norris
Page 09. Plan of Buckfield, 1818, Leonard Swallow
Page 09. Plan of Burnt Coat Division of Islands, 1785, Jonathan Stone and Rufus Putnam
Page 09. Plan of Canaan, Fairfield, Norridgewock, and Starks; 1789, Ephraim Ballard
Page 09. Plan of Fayette, Readfield, Mount Vernon, Wayne, Livermore, and Wyman's Plantation in Lincoln County, 1798, Jedediah Prescott
Page 09. Plan of Lincolnville.
Page 09. Plan of Public Lot in Drew Plantation, Township 7 Range 4, Penobscot County
Page 09. Plan of the South Half of Township 5 Range 2 NBPP (Springfield), 1827, John Webber
Page 09. Plan of the Town of Lebanon, 1794, Joshua Brackett and Daniel Wood
Page 09. Plan of Township 2, Titcomb's Survey, 1827, George H. Moore
Page 09. Plan of Township A Range 7 WELS; Plan of Hobbstown and Middlesex Canal Grant, Abram Pease and David Haynes
Page 09. Plan of Township G Range 1 WELS, Daniel Dennett
Page 09. Plan of Township Letter E Range 1 WELS; Plan of the survey and allotment of Township No. 5 R3 WELS, Daniel Dennett, Parker P. Burleigh, and J. Cony
Page 09. Plan of Township No. 11 Range 6 From the East line of the State., John H. Williams
Page 09. Plan of Township No. 4 in the fifth Range of townships west from the East line of the State, Joseph Small
Page 09. Plan of Townships No. 1 in the 5th Range and No. 1 & 2 in the 6th Range West of Kennebec River in Bingham's Million Acre Purchase., David White, John Pierce, James Thompson, William R. Flint, George Getchell, and William Spaulding
Page 09. Plans of the surveys in the Township Number 13, Range 15 South East quarter (1829); Plan of Kennebeck River from the place where a course west 3 degrees South from the N.W. corner of Waldo's the mouth of the Sebasticook River (1787); Survey of the Town of Pittston (1814), John Webber, Samuel Titcomb, and John Neal
Page 09. Plantation of Smithfield; 1795., Osgood Carleton
Page 09. Survey of Saint John Plantation, T17 R8., Land Agent of Maine
Page 09. Survey of Sudbury Canada; 1795, John York and Eli Twitchell
Page 09. This plan is a part of the Town of Bristol taken from Actual Surveys, William McClintock
Page 09. Township No. 2, first range containing 20,810 acres., Jonathan Stone
Page 0. Index to Lincoln County planbook., Land Agent of Maine
Page 0. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Androscoggin., Land Agent of Maine
Page 0. Official copies of Land Surveys in the County of Kennebec., Land Agent of Maine
Page 10.5. Copy of Plan of Township No. 1 Range 10 WELS, 1908
Page 10.5. Plan of Kibbie Town, Township 1 Range 6 WBKP (Skinner Township)
Page 10.5. Plan of T2 R7 WELS, Penobscot County, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 10.5. Plan of Township 1 North Division (Summit), Penobscot County, R. E. Mullaney
Page 10. A Plan of Seal Island Lying in the District of Maine., James Malcom
Page 10. No. 1 Second range containing 23,895 acres., Jonathan Stone
Page 10. Plan of Allagash Plantation, T16 R10 & R11, T17 R10 & R11 WELS, Land Agent of Maine
Page 10. Plan of a road laid out from the northern line of the Indian Townships on the west side of Penobscot River to the land belonging to the Commonwealth lying north of the 9th range, pursuant to a resolution of the Legislature passed Feb. 13th, 1816., Samuel Redington and Moses Greenleaf
Page 10. Plan of Buckfield, Lothrop Lewis
Page 10. Plan of Burnt Coat Division of Islands including Johns, Hat, Harbour, B, N, Marshalls or W, and Little Marshalls islands., Rufus Putnam, James Swan, and Jonathan Stone
Page 10. Plan of Chesterville (1808); Plan of Kennebec River (1796); Plan of Russ's Land adjacent to Lee's Grant (1788), Lothrop Lewis, Ephraim Ballard, and Samuel Titcomb
Page 10. Plan of East Half of Plymouth Grant, Range 1, WELS, Daniel Dennett
Page 10. Plan of Half Township 1 Range 1 NBPP, Andrew Strong
Page 10. Plan of Hallowell, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 10. Plan of Limerick, John Wingate
Page 10. Plan of Public Lands in Township No. 3 Range 5 West of the K.R. [Kennebec River] and Plan of Township No. 1 Range 7 West of Kennebec River (called Sapling), William R. Flint, George Getchell, William Spaulding, and Samuel Weston
Page 10. Plan of the East Half of Township 6 Range NBPP (Carroll Plantation), Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 10. Plan of the Sandwich Academy tract; Plan of Township 2 Range 2 BKP WKR; Plan of Township 3 Range 3 BKP WKR (Dead River); Plan of Public Lot, Highland Plantation, Harris Garcelon, Raymond Whitney, and William Flint
Page 10. Plan of Township 2 Range 5 BKP; Plan of Township 5 Range 5; Plan of Township 3 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township 6 Range 1 NBKP, Rufus Gilmore, Benjamin Waterhouse, and John McClintock
Page 10. Plan of Township Number 8 in the fifth Range from the east line of the State surveyed in October 1833., Rufus Gilmore
Page 10. Plans of T1 R5 WELS (Aroostook County) and T2 R8 WELS (Penobscot County), Edwin Rose and John Webber
Page 10. Survey of Davistown, 1800, William Davis
Page 10. This plan represents Township No. 2 Range 2 on the Schoodic waters surveyed A.D. 1827., George H. Moore
Page 10. This Plan represents Townships No. 4 in the 12 & 13 Ranges of Townships west from the East Line of the State as surveyed A.D. 1835., Caleb Leavitt, James Frost, and John H. Smith
Page 10. This Plan represents within the red lines twenty-two Townships of Land situated between the Million Acres located on the River Kennebeck and New Hampshire line surveyed for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the subscribers A.D. 1794., Ephraim Ballard and Lemuel Perham
Page 10. Wharf at Newcastle; 1811, Josiah Jones
Page 11.5. Blueprint plan of Township 5 Range 11 WELS, 1917, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 11.5. Plan of Township 2 Range 7 and Township 3 Range 7, NWP (Mattamiscontis), H. A. Folsom
Page 11. An accurate Plan of the Town of Limington in the County of York., Joseph Libby, Benjamin Small, and Abner Libby
Page 11. An Accurate Plan of Thomaston; 1795, James Malcom and Rufus B. Copeland
Page 11. A plan of three and a half townships of land granted by the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the following institutions: two Townships to Bowdoin College, one to Massachusetts Medical Society, and half a Township to Saco Academy; 1812, Alexander Greenwood and Lothrop Lewis
Page 11. A plan of Township Letter F in the second range west from the east line of the State as surveyed and lotted in 1839., Thomas Sawyer
Page 11. A Plan of Township No.1 13th Range WELS surveyed in June and July A.D. 1842., Isaac Small
Page 11. Burnt Coat Island, 1785, Rufus Putnam and Jonathan Stone
Page 11. Plan of a Township of Land Granted by the Great and General Court on the 11th Day of June AD 1771 to David Phips and others [Jay, Maine], Alexander Shepard Jr.
Page 11. Plan of Buckfield in the County of Cumberland, Thomas Joselyn
Page 11. Plan of Burlington, Township 2, 1st Range North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
Page 11. Plan of Damariscotta area., John McClintock
Page 11. Plan of Eaton Grant, Range 2 WELS, Daniel Dennett
Page 11. Plan of Half Township 11 At the Monument (Cary Plantation), James Irish, Samuel Cook, John Webber, and Daniel Rose
Page 11. Plan of Litchfield., James Shurtleff
Page 11. Plan of Sylvester Town, 1786., Stephen Gatchell
Page 11. Plan of Township 2 Range 4 WKR and Public Land; Plan of Township 1 Range 7 WELS; Plan of Township 7 Range 7 WELS; Plan of Public Lands in Township 5 Range 6 WKR, Jonathan Stevens, Harris Garcelon, David Haynes, C. E. Lord, Levi B. Ricker, Samuel F. Weston, William Spaulding, and S. S. Lawrence
Page 11. Plan of Township 3 Range 2 NBKP (Thorndike), John Pierce
Page 11. Plan of Township No. 11 in the 7th Range west from the East Line of the State, 1836, Isaac Small
Page 11. Plan of Township No. 17 Range 7 WELS, John Webber
Page 11. Plan of Township No. 1 in the 6th Range East of Kennebec River BKP as drawn by the Committee appointed to locate the reserved lands in said Township; Plan of No.1 Range 2 North of Bingham Kennebec Purchase, George Getchell, William Spaulding, William R. Flint, and Jonathan Stevens Jr.
Page 11. Plan of Township Number 6 in the fifth Range, West from the East line of the State., Rufus Gilmore
Page 11. Plan of two lots of land in Township 17 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Brownfield; Plan of Sanford, John Webber and John Hanson
Page 11. Plan of Wales [Monmouth], 1790., Amos Davis
Page 11. Plans of Township 11 Range 3 WELS, Township 7 Range 10 WELS, St Francis, and township survey with owner names, HIram Chapman and Zebulon Bradley
Page 11. This Plan represents a tract of land lying on the West side of Mattawamkeag River, and East of township N1, 2 & 3 in the 3rd range of townships South of the Monument Line., George W. Coffin and John Webber
Page 11. Township Granted to Josiah Richardson and Others Now Known by the Name of Sudbury Canada, Eli Twitchell
Page 11. Township No. 1 in the first range containing 21,462 acres., Jonathan Stone
Page 12.4. Plan of Bakerstown and Bridgewater, 1787, Samuel Titcomb
Page 12.5. Letters from Lothrop Lewis to Lemuel Perham regarding survey of Township 5 Range 5 for Farmington Academy, March 1820., Lemuel Perham and Lothrop Lewis
Page 12.5. Plan of T29 MD [Middle Division], Devereux, Washington County, H. R. Taylor
Page 12.5. Plan of Township 4, Range 3 BKP WKR (Bigelow and Wyman), William Viles
Page 12.5. Plan of Township 8 Range 13 WELS, 1918, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 12.6. Plan of Township Number 1, East Side of Penobscot River 1818, James Irish
Page 12A. A Plan of Township No. 12, Range 4 WELS as surveyed A.D. 1858, Daniel Barker
Page 12. A Plan of Lots on Fish River Road so called in Township 17 Range 7., John Webber, George W. Coffin, and Levi Bradley
Page 12. A Plan of Rangeley, Daniel Barker
Page 12. A Plan of Township numbered Four in the sixth range west of the Monument (Patten)., Dominicus Parker
Page 12. Plan of islands near Frenchboro, 1785, Rufus Putnam and Jonathan Stone
Page 12. Plan of Little Falls Plantation, Daniel Grainger
Page 12. Plan of Monmouth, Jedediah Prescott
Page 12. Plan of Section 133 Township 1 Indian Purchase Showing the Village Lots of Mattawamkeag, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 12. Plan of Township 11 Range 3 WELS as lotted in the years 1859 and 1860., Hiram Chapman
Page 12. Plan of Township 4 Range 1 NBKP, Lothrop Lewis and Eleazer Coburn
Page 12. Plan of Township 5 Range 13 WELS, Mark Barker, Daniel Barker, and L. H. Eaton
Page 12. Plan of Township 6 Range 7; Plan of Public Lands in Township 3 Range 5 WKR; Plan of Public Lands in Township 4 Range 5 WKR, Lore Alford and Samuel Weston
Page 12. Plan of Township Granted to Josiah Richardson and Others Whose Ancestors Were in the Expedition Against Canada in 1690., Joseph Twitchell
Page 12. Plan of Township No. 1 in the 8th Range of Townships West of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, 1836, Benjamin Waterhouse
Page 12. Plan of Township No. Three in the Fourth Range West from the East line of the State., Henry W. Cunningham and Thomas Sawyer
Page 12. Plan of Township Number 6 in the 9th Range of townships west of the east line of the State as surveyed in September, October, and November A.D. 1834., Isaac S. Small, Silas Barnard, and Caleb Leavitt
Page 12. Plans of the public lands in Township 5 Range 6, and Township 4 Range 5 west of the Kennebec River., Samuel Weston and William Spaulding
Page 12. Survey of Dresden. 1795, Benjamin Poor
Page 12. Survey of land granted to Samuel Gerrish and others called Bakerstown lying in the County of Cumberland, Amos Davis, Daniel Davis, and Ezekiel Hacket
Page 12. Survey of land in Township No. 8 Range 9 North of the Waldo Patent.
Page 12. This Plan of Cutlers Grant in two parts was taken from a survey made by Banks in obedience to an Act of the General Court passed in June 1795., Nathaniel Merrill
Page 12. This Plan of Land lying in St. Georges now Thomaston [...]; 1772, David Fales
Page 12. This plan represents within the red lines twenty one townships of land between the rivers Kenenbeck and Penobscot surveyed for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the subscribers A.D. 1792., Ephraim Ballard and Samuel Weston
Page 12. Township No. 10. First division of Townships East of Penobscot River., Jonathan Stone
Page 13.5. Plan of Township 10 Range 17 WELS (Big 10) in Somerset County, J. W. Sewall
Page 13.5. Plan of Township 8 Range 14 WELS, 1917, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 13. An Accurate Plan of the Town of Pittston in the County of Lincoln, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 13. A Plan of Township numbered two in the seventh range; 1829, Joseph Kelsey
Page 13. Plan and Survey of the six thousand Acre Tract taken by the Committee appointed to set off the share of Abraham Colby by the District Court for the Middle District, 1845, William R. Flint, Rufus Viles, and Jesse S. Beckey
Page 13. Plan and survey of township number four in the second range of Townships north of Bingham's Million acres., Eleazer Coburn
Page 13. Plan of a tract of land lying in the Town of Penobscot which was mortgaged by the State to Leonard Jarvis, Esq. (late of Surry deceased) by deed dated February the 4th 1801 containing about 6400 acres exclusive of water as appears by said Jarvis's mortgage deed., Lothrop Lewis, John Peters, and John Peters Jr.
Page 13. Plan of Newfield., John Wingate
Page 13. Plan of Pond Island, Calf Islands, and Islands U and V, Rufus Putnam and Jonathan Stone
Page 13. Plan of State land on Sandy River in County of Lincoln; Plan of North East half of Township 3, Cumberland County, John Smith and Jedediah Prescott
Page 13. Plan of the north west quarter of Township 5 Range 7 WELS; Plan of Township 2 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township 7 Range 4 NBPP; Plan of Township 1 Range 4 BKP WKP, David Haynes, Harris Garcelon, and Charles Eddy
Page 13. Plan of the Township of Fryeburg, Nathaniel Merrill
Page 13. Plan of Township 3 Range 4 West of Kennebec River; Plan of Taunton and Raynham Academy land, William Flint, George Getchell, Jonathan Stevens Jr., John Pierce, G. W. Clarke, and Luke Manter
Page 13. Plan of Township M, Range 2 WELS, John Gardner
Page 13. Plan of Township No. 6 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Township No. 12 Range 4 WELS; Plan of Township Letter E Range 2 WELS; Plan of the two Indian Townships lying each side of the Penobscot River near the Mattawamkeag, Joel Wellington, Thomas Sawyer, and J. L. Kelsey
Page 13. Plan of Township Number 1 Indian Purchase, 1834, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 13. Plan of Townships of Sudbury-Canada and New Pennicook, now Bethel., Joseph Twitchell
Page 13. Plans of Springfield and Carroll Plantation, John Webber and Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 13. The above Plan represents the north part of the Plantation of Green, a part of the Waldo Patent, the other on the Associates; 1807., Philip Greeley
Page 13. This is a Plan of the Town of Union on St. Georges & Muscongus Rivers in the County of Lincoln. 1795, Eleazer Jennison
Page 13. This Plan is for the Eastern River Mills farm, so called, belongs to the heirs of the late Doc'r Silvester Gardiner of Boston, Caw Barker, Jonathan Reed, and Leonard Cooper
Page 13. This plan represents the several branches of the River Scoodic which empties into the Bay of Passamaquoddy; 1820, Samuel Titcomb
Page 13. This plan represents the upper Indian Townships situated on the West Branch of Penobscot River as surveyed agreeably to a Resolve of the Legislature passed March 16, 1836., Isaac S. Small and Asher Martin
Page 13. Two plans of lots sold to Burr and Joseph Treat, 1832, Richard Hayden and John Webber
Page 14.5. Plan of Township No. 4, Range 1, Lore Alford
Page 14. A Plan of a Tract of State's Land Lying in the Town of Chesterville (1806); Plan of Township 5 (1788); Plan of 400 acres of land granted to Hampden Academy (1820), Alexander Greenwood, Samuel Titcomb, and Jedediah Prescott
Page 14. A plan of part of Township No. 12 in the 3rd Range west from the East line of the State, Thomas Sawyer
Page 14. A plan of the Town of Edgecombe in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts together with the Island of Jermy Squam in said Town of Edgecombe., Joseph Beath, John Ryan, and Benjamin Hodgdon
Page 14. Grant to J. Drake in Union District, Resolve of June 17, 1809., J. Stewart
Page 14. Plan of Bakerstown circa 1800, John Lewis
Page 14. Plan of Butterfield Plantation, 1795, Noah Bosworth
Page 14. Plan of Deer Isle, Hancock County. Shows outline of Butter, Bear, Oak Islands., John Peters
Page 14. Plan of Frenchboro and Blue Hill Bay islands, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 14. Plan of Northport; 1795, Thomas Knowlton and James Nesmith
Page 14. Plan of Parsonfield in the County of York, May 10, 1795.
Page 14. Plan of Pittston; 1794, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 14. Plan of roads through seven townships in Aroostook County, Alexander Greenwood and Roland Holden
Page 14. Plan of Sidney, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 14. Plan of South Half of Township 3, Range 4 WBKP, Jonathan Russ
Page 14. Plan of the Fish River Road, 1839
Page 14. Plan of Township 2 Indian Purchase (Woodville), Noah Barker
Page 14. Plan of Township 7 (Ellsworth area).
Page 14. Plan of Township D Range 1 WELS; Plan of Township 3 Range 5 WELS; Plan of part of Townships 1 and 2 of the Indian Purchase; Plan of Township 8 Range 2 NBPP, Zebulon Bradley, John Webber, Thomas Sawyer, and David Haynes
Page 14. Plan of Township No. 2 in the 4th Range of Townships North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase. Plan of Township W., Abner Bradbury, Leonard Bradbury, and James Thompson
Page 14. Plan of Township Number 3 in the Fourth Range west of the Monument Line as surveyed A.D. 1833., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 14. Plan of West Middlesex Township, 1859, Caleb Leavitt
Page 14. Plan pf a tract of land called Orient lying on the east line of the State of Maine, Joseph Norris and Daniel Rose
Page 14. This Plan represents the survey & allotment of Township No. 10 and the half Township No. 11 in the County of Washington; 1824, Samuel Cook, James Fish, John Webber, and Daniel Rose
Page 15-25. Plan of Islands in Penobscot River Between Old Town Falls and Mattawamkeag Point as surveyed by the subscribers in pursuance of a warrant from Isaac S. Small, Surveyor General, dated July A.D. 1835., Zebulon Bradley and Mark Trafton
Page 15.5. Plan of the Town of Cornish., Maine Forest Service
Page 15.5. Plan of Township 4 Range 3 BKP WKR (Bigelow and Wyman), Somerset and Franklin Counties, 1900, William Viles
Page 15.5. Plan of Township 7 Range 10 WELS, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 15. A plan of part of the 4th quarter of Township No. 4 on the west side of Penobscot River., Salem Towne Jr.
Page 15. A Plan of Township Number 4 in the 7th Range of Townships west from the East line of the State as surveyed in May and June A.D. 1836, Isaac S. Small
Page 15. Isle Au Haut, Knox County. Shows outline of Little Isle and Great Isle., Lothrop Lewis, Jonah Allen, and James Irish
Page 15. Map of Part of the Undivided Lands, 1843, William Parrott
Page 15. Plan of a Township of Land in the District of Maine laid out for Westfield and Deerfield Academies under the direction of the Agents for the sale of Eastern Lands (1805); Plan of a half township located and surveyed for the Trustees of Day's Academy (1816), Andrew Strong and Ephraim Hoyt
Page 15. Plan of Ballstown Plantation, 1805, Peter Berry
Page 15. Plan of land in Poland owned by New Gloucester Shakers. 1818
Page 15. Plan of Long Island in Blue Hill Bay, 1785, Rufus Putnam and John Matthews
Page 15. Plan of Pepperelborough [Saco], 1794., Daniel Grainger
Page 15. Plan of Readfield and Mount Vernon, Jedediah Prescott
Page 15. Plan of the town of Hebron, 1794
Page 15. Plan of Township 3 Indian Purchase (Millinocket), Isaac S. Small
Page 15. Plan of Township 5 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Township 2 Range 3 NBKP (Soldiertown); Plan of Township 1 Range 5 BKP WKR (West Forks Plantation), George W. Coffin, Caleb Leavitt, John Webber, Lore Alford, and Ira Pitman
Page 15. Plan of Township 7 in the 2nd Range of townships North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, Hiram Rockwood
Page 15. Plan of Township 9 Range 2 North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, John Dudley
Page 15. Plan of Winthrop., Jonathan Jones
Page 15. The above is a figure of a Township as surveyed for the Inhabitants of Sheepscut Great Pond Settlement in August A.D. 1800., William Davis
Page 15. The foregoing is a Plan of 189,426 Acres on the Penobscot River it being the purchase made by Government of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians together with two gores of land one on each side of the River between said Indian purchase and lands heretofore located., Park Holland, John Chamberlain, and Jonathan Maynard
Page 15. This Plan is an Accurate Survey of the Town of Warren; 1794, Rufus Copeland
Page 15. This plan represents the location of a Road, laid out from the Military road to the Aroostook River, under the direction of George W. Coffin, Land Agent for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Daniel Rose, Land Agent for the State of Maine., John Webber, Rufus Gilmore, Daniel Rose, and George W. Coffin
Page 15. This plan represents Township No. 2 Range 1 on the Schoodic waters surveyed A.D. 1827, George H. Moore
Page 16.5. Plan of Township 15 Range 13, Aroostook County, Maine, P. L. Sawyer
Page 16.5. Plan of Township 3 Range 2 WELS, Forkstown, Aroostook County
Page 16.5. Plan of Township 9 Range 14 WELS, 1917, Lincoln Pulpwood Company Forestry Department
Page 16.5. Three Plans of Township F, Range 1 WELS in 1878, Edwin C. Burleigh and John E. Cochran
Page 16. A plan of 1/2 Township Letter H in the second Range of West from the east line of the State, 1839, Henry W. Cunningham
Page 16. A Plan of Wooden Ball Island lying in the District of Maine. 1819, James Malcom
Page 16. Fox Island Division of Islands, 1785, Jonathan Stone
Page 16. New Gloucester Shaker land in Poland.
Page 16. Part of the plan of the town of Jefferson, 1814, James Robinson Jr.
Page 16. Plan of half township of land granted to Hopkins Academy (1826); Plan of 32 settlers lots on the west side of Penobscot River (1814), Park Holland and J. Herrick
Page 16. Plan of Lots in Township No. 13 in the 6th Range of townships West from the East line of the State, 1844, Zebulon Bradley
Page 16. Plan of lots reserved for public uses in Township Number 7 in the third range of Townships north of the Lottery Lands., Zebulon Bradley
Page 16. Plan of Reserved Land in Township 7 Range 9; Plan of Public Lands in Township 3 Range 6 WKR; Plan of Township 6 Range 8; Plan of Township 1 Range 2 NBKP, David Haynes, Samuel Weston, Lore Alford, and William Flint
Page 16. Plan of Robertson's, Beach, Robertson's Bar, Moose, Ship, and Island D in Blue Hill Bay, 1785, Rufus Putnam, Samuel Titcomb, and John Matthews
Page 16. Plan of Sanford, Sheldon Hobbs, Eleazer Chadbourne, and Ezra Thompson
Page 16. Plan of the Plantation of Frankfort & the Parts Adjacent, 1791, Joseph P. Martin
Page 16. Plan of the town of Winslow was made from an actual survey made partly in the year 1794 and completed in this present year 1795., James Stackpole and Josia Hayden
Page 16. Plan of Township 15, Range 3 WELS, B. F. Cutter
Page 16. Plan of Township 4 Indian Purchase, 1836, Isaac S. Small
Page 16. The above Plan Represents a Tract of Land Lying North of Mount Vernon & East of Vienna and Northeasterly of Bellgrade in the County of Kennebec. 1803, Jedediah Prescott
Page 16. This plan represents thirteen townships of land, the joint property of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of Maine (Penobscot and Piscataquis counties), John Webber and Zebulon Bradley
Page 16. Tract of land in Hiram in Cumberland County, 1790, Peleg Wadsworth
Page 17-11. Plan of Townships No. 5 and 6, Ranges 16 and 17, Daniel Barker
Page 17-13. A Plan of A Half Township of Land Surveyed and Located for the Trustees of China Academy, John Webber
Page 17.5. Plan of thirty townships in Penobscot County
Page 17.5. Plan of Township 15 Range 14, Aroostook County, Maine, P. L. Sawyer
Page 17.5. Plan of Township 4 Range 11, Piscataquis County
Page 17.5. Proposed flowage to be made by the Gould Electric Company by new dam in Lot 94, Masardis, Prentiss & Carlisle Co.
Page 17. A Plan of the Township of Prospect; 1795, Robert Houston
Page 17. A Plan of Township Number 3, First Range North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 17. Barletts Island in Blue Hill Bay, 1785, Rufus Putnam and John Matthews
Page 17. List of Isle of Holt [Isle Au Haut] Division of Islands., Samuel Titcomb
Page 17. Plan of 500 Acres of land Lying on Salmon Falls River in York County Granted to Colonel Jonathan Bagly, 1766, James Warren
Page 17. Plan of New Suncook, Nathaniel Merrill
Page 17. Plan of Shapleigh, 1794, Daniel Sewall
Page 17. Plan of Sidney. 1794., Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 17. Plan of the south half of Township No. A in the 5th Range [TAR5 WELS]
Page 17. Plan of the town of Bangor including the Indian Claim., Elihu Warner
Page 17. Plan of the Town of Winthrop in the County of Lincoln, 1795, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 17. Plan of Township F, Range 1 WELS, B. F. Cutter
Page 17. Plan of Township No. 3 R5 and Township No. 10 R4; Plan of T4 R1 NBKP; Plan of Talmadge; Plan of T3 R8 NWP, Rufus Gilmore, William D. Dana, and Eleazar Coburn
Page 17. Plan of Township No. 6 Range 7 WKR and of the Public Lands; Plan of Township No. 3 Range 7 WKR, Samuel F. Weston
Page 17. Plan of Township Number 1 in the 3rd Range west of Bingham's Kennebec purchase, the north part, represents 11520 Acres set off to Canaan Academy., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 17. Plan of Township Number One on the West Side of the Penobscot River, reserved for Penobscot Indians agreeable to treaty of the 30th June 1818; Plan of a tract of land granted to Thomas Johnson and others containing 8,103 acres as surveyed the 30th October 1818, Lothrop Lewis and Joseph Treat
Page 17. Plans of Township 5 Range 7 WELS; Township 2 Range 5 BKP WKR (Lower Enchanted); Township 1 Range 5 BKP WKR (Moxie Gore); Township 3 Range 4 BKP WKR, David Haynes and William Flint
Page 17. Survey of the town of Newcastle. 1794, Thomas Boyd
Page 17. This Plan represents within the red lines twenty-two Townships of Land situated between the Million Acres located on the River Kennebec and New Hampshire...also a small gore or triangular piece of Land at the southwest corner of the Million Acres, Ephraim Ballard and Samuel Perham
Page 18.5. Blueprint plan of Township 18 Range 12 WELS
Page 18.5. Plan of south half of Township 3 Range 6
Page 18. A part of the Cape that lies between Ramondtown and Standish containing 645 acres (1792); Tracts of land near Lovell (1794); Tract of land in East Andover laid out for Bemjamin Ames (1792); Plan of Township 4 (1788), Samuel Titcomb, David Purington, Vere Royse, and John Peabody
Page 18. A Plan of the Town of Norway in the County of Cumberland.
Page 18. A plan of the Town of Waterboro, 1794, Michael Bowden, Benjamin Warren, and James Carlisle
Page 18. A Plan of Township Number 7 in the 6th Range west from the east line of the State as surveyed in August A.D. 1832, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 18. A Plan of Township numbered Two in the Fifth Range of Townships West of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase. 1831, John McClintock
Page 18. A Sketch of Township No. 3; Plan of Township No. 2, Range 3 NBKP, John Webber and F. E. Shepard
Page 18. Map of the Undivided Lands (Townships 5-8, Ranges 11-13); Plan of Township 17 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township 8; Plan of southern half of Township 5 Range 2, John Webber, William D. Dana, Zebulon Bradley, and William P. Parrott
Page 18. Names of Newcastle landowners, 1811
Page 18. Plan of Cranberry Isles, 1785, Samuel Titcomb
Page 18. Plan of Deer Isle including Great Spruce Head and Eagle Island, Hancock County, 1785., Rufus Putnam and John Peters
Page 18. Plan of land set off from Lyman and annexed to Alfred.
Page 18. Plan of Public Land in Township 4 Range 12; Plan of Township 4 Range 1 NBKP; Plan of Public Land in Township 3 Range 13; Plan of Public Land in Township 2 Range 12; Plan of Township 5 Range 14, Josiah Spaulding, Eben Greenleaf, Aretas Chapin, Eleazer Coburn, and Lothrop Lewis
Page 18. Plan of the Town of Vassalborough in the County of Lincoln, 1795., Ephraim Ballard
Page 18. Plan of Township 5 in Range 5, Daniel Steward
Page 18. Plan of Township C, Range 1 WELS, 1856, Noah Barker
Page 18. Plan of Township I, Range 2 WELS, Noah Barker, D. F. Adams, and Lore Alford
Page 18. Plan of Township No. 11 Range 6 West from the East line of the State, 1839, John H. Williams
Page 18. Plan of Township No. 4 First Range North of Waldo Patent [Troy]; 1792, Ephraim Ballard
Page 18. Plan of Townships 10 and 11 at the Monument, John Webber, Samuel Cook, James Irish, and Daniel Rose
Page 18. Plan of Turner noting county road dispute. 1795, Osgood Carleton and John Norman
Page 18. This is an accurate Plan of the Town of Vassalborough in the County of Lincoln; 1795, Ephraim Ballard
Page 18. This Plan represents twenty townships of land (Somerset County, John Neal
Page 18. Two Maps of Foster's Land Containing 3600 Acres Surveyed July 1790, Samuel Titcomb
Page 19.5. Plan of Township 17 Range 11 WELS, James W. Sewall
Page 19.5. Plan of Township 41 Middle Division, James Sewall and James Conners
Page 19. A Plan of the Town of Wells in the District of Maine taken in November 1794., Ralph Wheelwright and Nathaniel Wells
Page 19. A plan of Township No. 2, 5th Range East of Kennebec River in Bingham's Kennebec Million Acres Purchase, john Pierce
Page 19. A Plan of Township No. 4 in the first Range Northerly and adjoining Waldo Patent. 1794., Ephraim Ballard
Page 19. Plan of Great and Little Placentia Islands and Bar Island, 1786, Samuel Titcomb and Rufus Putnam
Page 19. Plan of land near Hebron; Plan of 5000 acres of land granted to Joseph Treat, Esq. February 7, 1820 located adjoining the Penobscot River and north of land adjoining the first Indian Purchase, Andrew Strong and Lothrop Lewis
Page 19. Plan of Rustfield, 1795, Nathan Noble and Joshua Smith
Page 19. Plan of several townships in Penobscot and Piscataquis counties, 1835, Zebulon Bradley and Edwin Rose
Page 19. Plan of the Amherst Academy Grant or part of Township 5 Range 1 NBPP; Plan of the south half of Township 3 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township 1 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township W (Moosehead Lake), Lore Alford, Ira Pitman, and Charles Eddy
Page 19. Plan of the north half of Township 17, Range 6 WELS, William D. Dana
Page 19. Plan of the town of Bath, 1795, Dumner Sewall
Page 19. Plan of the west half of Township 4 Range 1 Penobscot County north of Bingham's Purchase exhibiting the location of the public lots in said half township., Samuel Morrison and James Simmons
Page 19. Plan of Township 17 Range 7 (Wallagrass); Plan of Township 13 Range 4 (Wade); Plan of Township 1 Range 6, John Webber and Thomas Sawyer
Page 19. Plan of Township 2 in the Fifth Range of Townships west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, John McClintock
Page 19. Plan of Township D, Range 1 WELS (Fort Fairfield), 1840, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 19. Plan of Township Number 13 in the 4th Range West from the East line of the State as surveyed in A.D. 1839, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 19. Plan of Townships 1-5, Range 6, Townships 1-7 Range 7, Townships 1-9 Range 8, and Townships 1-9 Range 9, Samuel Weston
Page 19. Survey of the draft of the Damariscotta River, 1813., Ebenezer Flint
Page 19. Survey of Winn area in Penobscot County.
Page 19. This plan represents the Moxie Gore or No.1 in the 5th Range East of the Kennebec River., Abner Bradbury and Jonathan Stevens Jr.
Page 19. Township E, Range 1 WELS, Charles K. Eddy
Page 20.5. A Plan of Bingham in 1800.
Page 20.5. Plan of North Half of Township A, Range 5 and South Half Township 1, Range 5 WELS, Aroostook County, Maine, J. A. Lobley
Page 20.5. Plan of portions of Oxford and Franklin Counties, Maine State Highway Commssion
Page 20. A Plan of a Township Called Oxford, 1795, Nathaniel Chamberlain
Page 20. A Plan of a Township of the Contents of Seven Miles square granted to the Proprietors of Suncook, Joseph Frye Jr.
Page 20. A Plan of the Town of Bowdoin; 1794, James Shurtleff
Page 20. A plan of Township No. 3, 1st Range of Townships North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase., Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 20. Diagram of Fort Halifax, 1754., John Winslow
Page 20. Grant to John Fowler, 1789.
Page 20. Plan of Deer Isle, Hancock County including Bradbury's Island, Hog, Stave, Western, and Patridge Islands., John Peters
Page 20. Plan of Durham, 1833, Joseph Frye and Ivory Warren
Page 20. Plan of land for Lenox and Amherst Academies (1825); Plan of Township 9 near Union River in Lincoln County (1786), Samuel Jones, George W. Coffin, and John Peters
Page 20. Plan of New Milford [Alna]; 1795., John S. Foye
Page 20. Plan of North and South Duck Islands, Island B, and Black Island near Frenchboro, 1785, Rufus Putnam and Samuel Titcomb
Page 20. Plan of Seven Hundred Acre Island in Penobscot Bay, Jonathan Stone
Page 20. Plan of the north west quarter of Township 3 Range 5 and northeast quarter of Township 10 Range 4 WELS, William D. Dana
Page 20. Plan of the town of York, 1794, Daniel Sewall
Page 20. Plan of Township 2 in the 13th Range and Tract 10 in the 14th Range of Townships west from the East line of the State of Maine, John L. Kelsey
Page 20. Plan of Township E, Range 1 WELS, Charles K. Eddy and Daniel Dennett
Page 20. Plan of Township L, Range 2 WELS
Page 20. Plan of Township No. 2 in the second range north of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase showing 1000 acres set off for public uses by order of the Supreme Court, A.D. 1840, William R. Flint, William Conner, and Daniel Webb
Page 20. Resurvey of southerly part of River Township 2 and survey of lots 51-55; Survey and allotment of Townships 10 and 11 in Washington County., John Webber and Daniel Rose
Page 20. The Plan of Plantation adjacent to Bowdoin taken December 1795 agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court of the 26th of June 1794., Symonds Baker and Samuel Wilson
Page 20. This plan represents Township No. 4 West of Kennebec River in the 5th Range of Townships in the "Million Acres" known as the King & Bartlett Township., John Pierce, Joseph Spaulding, and Edward Webster
Page 20. Township No. 1 of the Old Indian Purchase on the West side of the P[enobscot] River, James Irish and Lothrop Lewis
Page 20. Two maps of townships in Piscataquis and Somerset counties, 1833, Caleb Leavitt, Zebulon Bradley, and Joseph Kelsey
Page 21.5. Plan of Coplin Plantation, Franklin County, F. H. Sterling
Page 21.8. This Plan represents the Eastern Boundary Line of the Plymouth Patent adjoining partly on the Waldo Patent and partly on the Commonwealth Land, Ephraim Ballard
Page 21.9. Plan of Township 1 Range 5 north of the 9th Range, John Webber and George W. Coffin
Page 21. A plan of Township No. 2 of the 3rd Range north of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, John Webber and Caleb Leavitt
Page 21. A Survey of the Town of Nobleborough; 1794, Ephraim Rollins
Page 21. Little Deer Island Division of Islands., John Peters
Page 21. Plan of a gore of land granted to Samuel Livermore; 1794, Ephraim Ballard
Page 21. Plan of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln, 1795, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 21. Plan of Cranberry Isles and Somes Island, 1785, Rufus Putnam and Samuel Titcomb
Page 21. Plan of lots in the southeast corner of Township 18 Range 7 WELS, R. M. Nason and H. M. Packard
Page 21. Plan of Lots in Township 4 Range 1, Township 4 Range 5, Township 10 Range 5 and Township 13 Range 6., William D. Dana
Page 21. Plan of Lovell area, 1787, Vere Royse
Page 21. Plan of the survey and allotment of the south half of Township 3 Ranges 4 and 5 NBKP; Plan of the Town of Jefferson, Jonathan Russ
Page 21. Plan of the Town of Paris, 1795, Isaac Bolster, Daniel Stowel, and Josiah Bisco
Page 21. Plan of Township 3 in the 13th Range of Townships West From the East Line of the State of Maine, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 21. Plan of Township 5 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Township 11 Range 5 WELS; Plan of Township 6 Range 1 NBKP; Plan of Township D Range 1 WELS, Noah Barker, Rufus Gilmore, and Benjamin Waterhouse
Page 21. Plan of Township A, Range 2 WELS, Dominicus Parker
Page 21. Plantation of Flintstown, 1794, Oliver Prescott Jr.
Page 21. Survey from the Report of Alexander Campbell & others relating to Passamaquoddy Indians, 1795, Alexander Campbell
Page 21. This plan of the town of Winslow wsa made from an actual survey made partly in the year 1792 and completed inthis present year 1795 & laid down by a scale of 200 rods to an inch., Josia Hayden and James Stackpole
Page 21. This plan represents the Township Number five of the old Indian purchase, on the west side of Penobscot river, now included in the Town of Orono., Andrew Strong and Lothrop Lewis
Page 21. Township No. 18, Range 4 WELS [Madawaska]
Page 22.5. Plan of Township 41 Middle Division, 1912, R. E. Mullaney
Page 22. A Plan of Township Number 4 in the 7th Range of Townships west from the east line of the State as surveyed in May and June A.D. 1836, Isaac S. Small
Page 22. Deer Island Division of Islands., John Peters, Rufus Putnam, Samuel Titcomb, Jonathan Stone, and John Mathews
Page 22. Indian Townships on the Penobscot River, 1818, James Irish
Page 22. Petition for incorporation of Winthrop. 1770
Page 22. Plan of Bridgeton, 1795, Benjamin Kimball Jr.
Page 22. Plan of lots in the southwest corner of Township 18 Range 7 WELS, H. M. Packard and R. M. Nason
Page 22. Plan of Newsuncook (Incorporation of Lovell), 1800, Nathaniel Merrill
Page 22. Plan of north half of Township 1 in the 3rd Range of Townships adjoining Bingham's Kennebec purchase (1819); Plan of Township 11 to the East of the Union River (1786); Plan of half Township 1 north and adjoining the Lottery Lands and on the new road toward the Eastern boundary of the District of Maine (1818), Joseph Patten, John Peters, Andrew Strong, and Alexander Greenwood
Page 22. Plan of TA R8; Plan of T4R4 BKP WKR Flagstaff Plantation; Plan of T4 R13-18, John Webber, Zebulon Bradley, and Eleazar Coburn
Page 22. Plan of the North Half of Township No. 2 Range 4, Archibald Smith
Page 22. Plan of the South East Part of Township 6 Range 6 WELS, Lore Alford
Page 22. Plan of the South Half of Township 1 Titcomb's Survey; Plan of Lands Lying Between Raymond and Standish as Assigned to Maine, Caleb Leavitt and L. Leach
Page 22. Plan of Thomas, Hopkins, Suttons, and Baker Island, 1785, Rufus Putnam, John Matthews, and Samuel Titcomb
Page 22. Plan of Township 2 in the 5th Range, Daniel Steward
Page 22. Plan of Township 2 Range 5 BKP EKR; Plan of Township 8 Range 3 WELS; Plan of half Township Letter E Range 2 WELS; Plan of Township 12 Range 5 WELS, John Pierce, Thomas Sawyer, Abner Coburn, and William P. Parrott
Page 22. Plan of Township D Range 2 WELS, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 22. Survey of Pennicook, 26 December 1795, John York and Francis Keys
Page 22. Survey of the town of Georgetown, 1795, Mark Langdon Hill
Page 22. Survey of Township E in the County of Oxford (Franklin), Joseph Norris
Page 22. This Plan represents township No. 4 on the east side of Penobscot river, old Indian Purchase. 1830, John Webber
Page 22. Township No. 18, R5 WELS [Frenchville]
Page 23. A Plan of a Tract of land sold to Solomon Thayer Esq. by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts named the Seventh Division of the Survey of Eastport and Lubec, 1824, George W. Coffin and Solomon Cushing
Page 23. A Plan of the Town of Pownalborough., John S. Foye
Page 23. A Plan of the Township of Topsham., John Merrill
Page 23. Carne Island & Sheep Island, 1785., John Peters
Page 23. Plan and Survey of Township Number Four in the First Range of Townships north of Bingham's Million Acres made under the direction of Lothrop Lewis, Esq. in 1818 by Eleazer Coburn, Surveyor; Plan of a part of the lands in Ellsworth mortgaged to the State by Leonard Jarvis, Esq. (1819); A Plan of the half Township of Land, located for the benefit of Bridgeton Academy (1812), Eleazer Coburn, Lothrop Lewis, Reuben Dodge, and Roland Holden
Page 23. Plan of Bakerstown and Bridgetown and Part of Turner. 1787, Samuel Titcomb
Page 23. Plan of Bradleys and Eastmans Land
Page 23. Plan of Brunswick, 1795, Daniel Given
Page 23. Plan of Half of Township E, Range 2 WELS, Abner Coburn
Page 23. Plan of Lovell and Southland, Samuel Nevers
Page 23. Plan of Part of Townships 1 and 2 in the first range north of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, 1829; Plan of a gore of land between Raymond and Thompson Point Plantation, Hiram Rockwood and John Webber
Page 23. Plan of the south part of Township 18 Range 5 WELS (Frenchville), H. M. Packard and R. M. Nason
Page 23. Plan of Township 10 Range 5 West of the Monument; Plan of Township 3 Indian Purchase; Plan of Township H Range 2 WELS; Plan of Township 6 Range 5 WELS, Rufus Gilmore, Henry W. Cunningham, Isaac S. Small, and John Gardner
Page 23. Plan of Township 14 Range 4 WELS, B. F. Cutter
Page 23. Plan of Township No. 2 Range Second on Schoodic River; Plan of East half of Township No. 2 Range 5 WELS as surveyed A.D. 1858, Daniel Barker
Page 23. Plan of Township No. 9, Range 4 NBKP, Luther Brackett, William Butterfield, and Jones Haycock
Page 23. Plan of Township Number 1 in the Second Range West of Bingham's Kennebec purchase., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 23. Plan of Winthrop; 1795, Ephraim Ballard and Silvester G. Moore
Page 23. Plans of Addison and Township No. 4, West side of the Penobscot River, Part of the Old Indian Purchase, Joseph Treat and Lothrop Lewis
Page 23. Plans of Lambert Lake Township and Stacyville Plantation - 2 maps, 1832, Caleb Leavitt and Rufus Gilmore
Page 23. Plans of Township 3, Ranges 3-5 NBKP in Piscataquis and Somerset Counties, 1844, Dominicus Parker
Page 23. Township No. 18 Range 6 WELS [Fort Kent]
Page 24. A Plan of a half Township of Land No. 11 in the County of Washington; Plan of Township L in the Second Range of Townships, WELS., Lore Alford and Samuel Cook
Page 24. A Plan of a Township Called Waterford Lying in the County of York or Cumberland & Commonwealth of Massachusetts., Nathaniel Chamberlain
Page 24. Plan of Half Township H Range 2 WELS, 1839, H. W. Cunningham
Page 24. Plan of islands near Sorrento in Hancock County, 1785., Rufus Putnam
Page 24. Plan of land near Brownfield and Porter (1816); Plan of Hopkins Academy Grant as resurveyed in August 1848 by John Webber, Lothrop Lewis and John Webber
Page 24. Plan of Machias, 1771., Daniel Merritt
Page 24. Plan of No. 3 in the 7th Range of Townships West from the East Line of the State and surveyed by the Commissioners appointed to set off the Public Lots in said townships A.D. 1846., Charles Eddy, Spencer Arnold, and W. Stinchfield
Page 24. Plan of part of the north east quarter of Township 3 Range 4 WBKP, J. E.S. Cony
Page 24. Plan of part of Winthrop circa 1795, Ephraim Ballard and Jonathan Jones
Page 24. Plan of the north half of Township 3 in the 6th Range from the East Line of the State; Plan of the southerly part of Township 8 in the second range north of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase, Rufus Gilmore and Zebulon Bradley
Page 24. Plan of the town of Cape Elizabeth, 1794, Ebenezer Libby
Page 24. Plan of the Town of Waldoborough on Muscongus River in the County of Lincoln; 1796, Ebenezer Jennison and Nathaniel Meservey
Page 24. Plan of the Tract of Land Granted to Oliver Pabody June 19, 1773.
Page 24. Plan of Township 9 Range 6 WELS Oxbow Plantation; Plan of Township 9 Range 4 WELS; Plan of Township 4 IP Veazie Gore; Plan of Township 2 Range 2 NBKP Brassua, Noah Barker, Henry W. Cunningham, William Flint, and Isaac S. Small
Page 24. Plan of Township No. 18, R7 WELS (Fort Kent)
Page 24. Plan of Township No. 6 in the 9th range of townships west of the east line of the State as surveyed in the months of September, October, and November A.D. 1834, Silas Barnard, Isaac Small, and Caleb Leavitt
Page 24. Plan of Township Number 12, 5th Range West from the East Line of the State, Surveyed 1838, William P. Parrott
Page 24. Plan Showing School Land in the East Half of Township 15 Range 4, P. L. Hardison
Page 24. Survey of islands in Eggemoggin Reach near Deer Isle, 1785., John Peters
Page 24. Survey of the two Indian Purchase townships, 1818, Joseph Treat
Page 24. This plan represents the Township number One, as the outlines thereof were surveyed by Alexander Greenwood & Roland Holden Esquires in the year 1811 and the alotment thereof by Andrew Strong Esq. in the year 1818, the latter survey was made by the order and under the direction of Lothrop Lewis, Land Agent., Alexander Greenwood, Roland Holden, Andrew Strong, and Lothrop Lewis
Page 25.5. Plan of the western half of Township 23 in the County of Washington
Page 25.5. Plan of Township 3 Range 3 NBKP, Alder Brook, R. E. Mullaney
Page 25. All the Islands on this Page lay in Eggamogan Reach., Jonathan Stone
Page 25. A Plan representing Townships Number 14 and 15 Range 11 WELS as divided in the month of August A.D. 1850; Sketch of the North West Quarter of No. 3 Range 5 WELS as lotted for settlement 1861; A plan of the north half of Township number three in sixth range west from the east line of the State surveyed in June 1832., George W. Coffin, Samuel Cony, John Webber, Rufus Gilmore, and William D. Dana
Page 25. Plan of 130 acres unorganized land in Chesterville, 1819., Oliver Sewall
Page 25. Plan of a Gore of Land between Raymond and Thompson's Pond Plantation now annexed to New Gloucester and Poland belonging to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Maine., John Webber, George W. Coffin, and Daniel Rose
Page 25. Plan of Farmington, 1795, Lemuel Perham
Page 25. Plan of Hiram, Cutler, Prescot, and Wadsworth grants with Brownfield Addition.
Page 25. Plan of islands near Winter Harbor, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 25. Plan of parts of Fayette, Readfield, Mount Vernon, Wayne, Livermore, and Wyman's Plantation; 1798, Jedediah Prescott
Page 25. Plan of the Penobscot River, 1795, Park Holland and Jonathan Maynard
Page 25. Plan of the Town of Falmouth, 1794, Joseph Noyes
Page 25. Plan of the West Branch of Penobscot River copied from a drawing made by Col. Lewis; also the East Line of a part of the upper Townships reserved for the Penobscot Indians as surveyed by order of Hon. L. Lewis 18th August 1818., Lothrop Lewis and Joseph Treat
Page 25. Plan of Township 2 Indian Purchase; Plan of Township 4 Range 8 WELS; Plan of Township 8 Range 5 WELS; Plan of Township 1 Range 3 WELS, Noah Barker, Rufus Gilmore, Isaac S. Small, and Peter Moulton
Page 25. Plan of Township 2 Range 9 WELS, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 25. Plan of Township A, 10th Range; 1834, Caleb Leavitt
Page 25. Plan of Township A, Range 7 West from the East line of the State with the public lots as located A.D. 1846., Levi B. Ricker, David Haynes, and C. E. Lord
Page 25. Plan of Township F Range 2 WELS (Presque Isle), Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 25. Plan of Township Number 12, Third Range West of East Line of State., Silas Barnard
Page 25. Plan of Townships 5 and 6, Ranges 16 and 17 WELS, Daniel Barker
Page 25. Plan of Waldo, incorporated A.D. 1845, Hiram Farrow, Andrew Strong, and Malcomb & Gleason
Page 25. Sketch of the Plan of Mayfield, 1870, Caleb Leavitt
Page 25. Survey of New Milford, 1795, John S. Foye
Page 25. This plan represents the Side lines of the northerly half part of Township number three of the old Indian purchase, as the same was surveyed by the order of Salem Town Esq. in the year 1797, and the survey of the river, & the alotments thereon by James Irish Esq. in the year 1818 under the direction of Lothrop Lewis, Survey'r Gen'l., Salem Town, James Irish, and Lothrop Lewis
Page 25. Township No. 17, Range 7 WELS (Wallagrass Plantation)
Page 26. Burnt-Coat Division of Islands., Jonathan Stone
Page 26. Plan of Boothbay; 1795, Thomas Boyd
Page 26. Plan of Brooks, incorporated A.D. 1856, Hiram Farrow
Page 26. Plan of division of sections in Township 4 Range 5 WELS, David Haynes
Page 26. Plan of Freeport, 1794, John Stockbridge
Page 26. Plan of Gouldsboro, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 26. Plan of land bounded by Raymondstown, Bakerstown, and New Gloucester, David Purington
Page 26. Plan of New Sharon, 1794
Page 26. Plan of the western part of Ballstown [Whitefield]; 1807, Peter Berry
Page 26. Plan of Township 1 Range 2 WELS; Plan of Township No. 13 in the 6th Range WELS, Noah Barker and Lore Alford
Page 26. Plan of Township 1, Range 7 WELS with the public lots as located A.D. 1846., David Haynes, C. E. Lord, and Levi B. Ricker
Page 26. Plan of Township 4 in the fifth Range of Townships west from the east line of the State; Plan of Township 11 Range 6 west from the east line of the State; Plan of Township F Range 2; Plan of Township 8 Range 7 WELS, Joseph Small and John Williams
Page 26. Plan of Township 5 Range 6 WELS, Rufus Gilmore
Page 26. Plan of Township 5, Ranges 3 and 4 WBKP
Page 26. Plan of Township 5, west side of Penobscot River of the Old Indian Purchase (1797), Salem Town and Park Holland
Page 26. Plan of Township G, Range 2 WELS, William F. Parrott and Noah Barker
Page 26. Plan of Township Number 4 in the fifth Range of townships west from the east line of the State., Joseph Small
Page 26. Plan of townships 5 and 6 in ranges 3, 4, and 5 in Aroostook County
Page 26. Plan of two Townships of land granted to the Sufferers of Portland A.D. 1791 & confirmed in 1793., Samuel Freeman and Samuel Titcomb
Page 26. This Plan Discribes the Town of Readfield, Mount Vernon, and Plantation called Washington, all in the County of Lincoln. 1795, Jedediah Prescott
Page 26. This plan represents the outlines of Township No. 4 first range North of the Bingham Purchase [T4 R1 NBP] as survey'd by George H. Moore with one hundred acres of timber land survey'd for Charles Doe..., George H. Moore and James Irish
Page 26. Township 1 (Lowell and Passadumkeag), 1818, James Irish and Andrew Strong
Page 26. Township No. 17 Range 8 WELS [St. John Plantation]
Page 27. A Plan of the Town of Gorham in the County of Cumberland, 1794, Stephen Longfellow
Page 27. Burnt-Coat Division of Islands., Jonathan Stone
Page 27. Description of the boundary lines of Finson, 1808, Samuel Titcomb
Page 27. Division of the Town of Pownalborough in 1776., Samuel Goodwin
Page 27. East half of Plymouth Grant, R1 WELS surveyed 1859 by Daniel Dennett; Plan of Township No. 1, 8th Range West side Penobscot River., Daniel Dennett
Page 27. Map of 320 acres in Porter; Map of northern half of Township 1 Range 3, Joseph Patten, Lothrop Lewis, and James Irish
Page 27. Maps of Benedicta area, 1834, Caleb Leavitt
Page 27. Plan of 40 townships in Washington County and 16 townships in Hancock County, 1792., John Peters and Lothrop Lewis
Page 27. Plan of 700 Acre and Bowbean Islands in Penobscot Bay, 1785, Rufus Putnam and Jonathan Stone
Page 27. Plan of 800 acres of land surveyed for the Town of Berwick, James Warren
Page 27. Plan of Bristol in Lincoln County, 1795, Thomas Boyd
Page 27. Plan of the township of Knox, Waldo County, 1802, John Gleason, Philip Greely, Pelham Sturtevant, and Hiram P. Farrow
Page 27. Plan of Township 3 Range 4 WELS, Thomas Sawyer and Henry W. Cunningham
Page 27. Plan of Township 7 in the 6th Range west from the East line of the State, Joseph L. Kelsey and Edwin Rose
Page 27. Plan of Township D Range 2 WELS; Plan of the north half of Township 3 Range 6 WELS; Plan of Section 133 in Township 1 Indian Purchase (Mattawamkeag); Plan of Township 1 Indian Purchase, Thomas Sawyer, Rufus Gilmore, and Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 27. Plan of Township No. 1 in the 2nd range west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, 1834, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 27. Plan of Township No. 6, Franklin County
Page 27. Plan of Township Number 8 Range 3 WELS, 1840, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 27. Sketch of the survey of Township C, Range 2, County of Aroostook in 1863 by order of the Land Agent of Maine., John M. Wilson
Page 27. Survey of east half of Range 1 WELS Plymouth Grant, and survey of Township No. 1 8th Range West side of Penobscot River, Daniel Dennett
Page 27. This Plan of the Town of Jay taken by the Scail of Two Hundred Rods to an Inch and Survey'd in the year 1790 & 1791 and lying as commonly Reputed in the County of Cumberland 45 miles from New Gloucester, 70 miles from Portland and One Hundred & Ninety five Miles from Boston., Peter Asten and William Goding
Page 27. This plan represents township No. 2 Range 8 - North and South parts - WELS with the Public Lots as located A.D. 1846., David Haynes
Page 27. Township No. 18, Range 10 WELS
Page 28.5. Plan of T8 R11 WELS, Piscataquis County, 1905, Ira D. Eastman
Page 28. A plan of an exploring line run by the Land Agents of Massachusetts and of Maine in the months of October and November A.D. 1828., Daniel Rose and George W. Coffin
Page 28. Four maps of areas of T13, R4 Caribou; T3 R4 Somerset County; T3 R1 Rangeley Plantation, F. C. Shepard, Augustus M. Carter, Joseph Norris, and C. E. Oak
Page 28. Plan of 100 Acres in York County Granted to Captain Arthur Bragdon, 1728, Joseph Chadbourne
Page 28. Plan of Allagash Plantation, Aroostook County
Page 28. Plan of Columbia in Washington County, 1766, John Archer
Page 28. Plan of Dresden, 1795, Benjamin Poor
Page 28. Plan of Freedom, 1818., Charles Hayden, Joseph Norris, Edward Fuller, and Hiram P. Farrow
Page 28. Plan of Sandwich Academy, and Taunton & Raymond, Thomas McKechnie and Lothrop Lewis
Page 28. Plan of Steuben, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 28. Plan of the Indian Township in Washington County, 1863, William D. Dana
Page 28. Plan of the Town of New Sharon in the County of Lincoln, 1790, Ephraim Ballard
Page 28. Plan of Township 12 Range 3 WELS, Silas Barnard
Page 28. Plan of Township 4 in Ranges 12 and 13, Caleb Leavitt, John H. Smith, and James Frost
Page 28. Plan of Township 6 Range 2 NBPP, Township 7 Range 2 NBPP, and Township 8 Range 2 NBPP, Caleb Leavitt
Page 28. Plan of Township 7 Range 7 WELS, 1846, David Haynes
Page 28. Plan of Township 8, Range 7, Joseph L. Kelsey and Edwin Rose
Page 28. Plan of Township No.1 in the 3rd Range west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase. The North part represents 11520 acres set off to Canaan Academy., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 28. Survey of Burnt Coat or Swans Island., Jonathan Stone
Page 28. The Plan of Gray, 1795, Nathaniel Wilson Jr.
Page 28. This plan represents the outlines of Township No. 1 West Side of Penboscot river beloning to the eighth range with the allotment of the river lots and three lots of Timber land survey'd by George H. Moore Under the direction of James Irish Land Agent, 1824., George H. Moore and James Irish
Page 29.5. Blueprint of St. John Plantation.
Page 29A. Letter attached to maps on Page 29., Ezekiel Chase
Page 29. A Plan of the Town of Harpswell in the County of Cumberland, 1795., Asa Lewis, Benjamin Duning, and Johnson Stover
Page 29. A Plan of Township Letter E, Range 1 WELS, Charles K. Eddy
Page 29. Plan of 5000 acres granted to Joseph Treat, Esq.; Plan of land granted for road through Dixmont, Andrew Strong and Lothrop Lewis
Page 29. Plan of Hartford and Sumner, 1787
Page 29. Plan of Northport Copied from the Plan of the Original Survey by Hiram P. Farrow, Land Surveyor, Hiram P. Farrow
Page 29. Plan of the South-East Part of Township No. 6 Range 6 WELS; A Plan representing Township Number 16 Range 3 WELS as divided in October 1849; Plan of East half of Township No. 2 Range 5 WELS as surveyed A.D. 1859., Daniel Barker, Lore Alford, and William Dwelley Jr.
Page 29. Plan of the town of Edgecomb in the County of Lincoln, 1794, Joseph Beath
Page 29. Plan of Township 1 Range 6 WBKP, N. B.K. Lowell
Page 29. Plan of Township 1, Range 8 WELS, David Haynes
Page 29. Plan of Township 5 West of Machias, or Middle Division., Osgood Carleton
Page 29. Plan of Township 6 Range 5 WELS, Rufus Gilmore
Page 29. Plan of Township A, Range 13 WELS
Page 29. Plan of Township No. 14, Range 7 WELS, William Dwelley Jr.
Page 29. Plan of Township No. 2 Range 1 or New Vineyard, Lemuel Perham
Page 29. Plan of Township No. 6 Range 9 west from the east line of the State as surveyed A.D. 1834., Isaac S. Small, Silas Barnard, and Caleb Leavitt
Page 29. Plan of Township Number 16 Range 3 WELS, 1849, William Dwelly
Page 29. Plans of Township No. 5 and No. 7 in the 10th Range, Zebulon Bradley
Page 29. Survey of Harrington and islands in Washington County, Rufus Putnam
Page 29. Survey of Pond Island, Islands U and V, Western Calf Island, and Eastern Calf Island., Jonathan Stone
Page 29. This plan represents the land between Raymond & Standish assigned to Maine by the Commissioners under the Act of Separation. 1824, Zachariah Leach and James Irish
Page 29. Three surveys circa 1850., John Webber
Page 30.5. Blueprint plan of the northwest quarter of Township 14, Range 6, Great Northern Paper Company Division Forest Engineering
Page 30.5. Plan of T3R1, Sandwich Academy, Taunton & Rayham Academy lands, Eleazer Coburn
Page 30.5. Plan of the West Half of Township 15 Range 4 Showing Public Lot as Set Apart in September 1906., P. L. Hardison
Page 30.5. Plan of Township No. 9 Range 5 WELS, Aroostook County; 1901
Page 30. A Plan of Township 11, Range 1 WELS (Cary Plantation), Daniel Cummings
Page 30. A Plan of Township No. 1 Indian Purchase, 1834., Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 30. A Plan of Township Number 7 in the 6th Range west from the east line of the State, Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 30. A True Plan of the Town of New Gloucester taken by an actual Survey in the year 1794 by order of the Town, to be lodged in the Secretary's office., Nathaniel C. Allen, Moses Merrill, and Nathaniel Eveleth
Page 30. Plan of Chandlers River Township (Jonesboro)
Page 30. Plan of East and West Butterfield (Hartford and Sumner)
Page 30. Plan of Island A, C, F, and G [Frenchboro]., Jonathan Stone
Page 30. Plan of Islands L and C, Knox or Nickels Island, Gourd Island, and Dyers Island in Narraguagus Bay, Rufus Putnam and Samuel Titcomb
Page 30. Plan of the Hopkins Academy Grant with public lots, 1846, David Haynes
Page 30. Plan of the River Township No.1 West of the Penobscot River [T1 R8 NWP]
Page 30. Plan of the South West quarter of Township 6 Range 4 WELS, Peter Moulton
Page 30. Plan of Township 2 East side of Penobscot River, 1818, James Irish and Lothrop Lewis
Page 30. Plan of Township 3 Range 4 WELS as surveyed into mile sections, 1833, Thomas Sawyer Jr. and H. W. Cunningham
Page 30. Plan of Township 8 Range 5 WELS, Rufus Gilmore
Page 30. Plan of Township A, Range 6 - land granted to Cony Female Academy, 1826, John Webber
Page 30. Plan of Township No. 3 Range 1, New Vineyard, Ephraim Ballard
Page 30. Plan of Township No. 3, Range 5; Plan of Township No 6 in the 4th Range, William Parrott, D. Parker, and Joseph Treat
Page 30. Survey of two Indian Townships, 1824, James Irish and Joseph Treat
Page 30. Township No. 15, Range 4 WELS, William Dwelley Jr.
Page 31.5. Plan of East Half of Township 16 Range 3 Showing Public Lot As Set Apart in September 1906, P. L. Hardison
Page 31.5. Plan of Timberlands, Vicinity of Haynesville, Aroostook County, 1918, C. P. Webber
Page 31. Blue Hill Bay, 1785, Rufus Putnam
Page 31. North Yarmouth, May 1795, Asa Lewis
Page 31. Plan of Addison, Rufus Putnam
Page 31. Plan of disputed lands in Whiting, 1825.
Page 31. Plan of North and South parts of Township A, Range 6 WELS, David Haynes
Page 31. Plan of Pennicook Plantation (Rumford), 1774, Abiel Chandler
Page 31. Plan of Ragged Arse, Seal, and Wooden Ball Islands, 1819, James Malcom and Lothrop Lewis
Page 31. Plan of Township 2 Range 2 on the Schoodic waters surveyed A.D. 1827., George H. Moore
Page 31. Plan of Township 3 Range 4 west of the Monument, Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 31. Plan of Township 4 Range 4 WELS
Page 31. Plan of Township 4, Range 6 Bingham's Purchase West of Kennebec River, William Flint, John Weston, and Abram Pease
Page 31. Plan of Township 6 Range 8 WELS, Ira D. Eastman
Page 31. Plan of Township 9 Range 4 WELS, Noah Barker and John Gardner
Page 31. Plan of Township No. 2 Indian Purchase, 1835, Noah Barker
Page 31. Plan of Township No. 7, Range 9 WELS (Piscataquis); Plan of Township No. 9 Range 5 WELS (Aroostook), Dominicus Parker
Page 31. Survey of the Monument Line (1801); Survey of Township 4 on the west side of Penobscot River (1797), Park Holland
Page 31. Survey of the Town of Newcastle; 1794, Thomas Boyd
Page 31. This plan represents the half township of land granted to the Trustees of Foxbcroft Academy, located under the direction of James Irish, Land Agent for the State of Maine, and plotted upon a scale of 100 rods to an inch., James Irish and J. Herrick
Page 31. Township No. 17 Range 5 WELS, John Webber
Page 31. Two plans of townships in Washington County
Page 32-35. Plan of Addison, Birch Islands A and B, Knowles Nightcap, Wass, Sheep, and Eagle Islands, 1785, Rufus Putnam, Jonathan Stone, and Samuel Titcomb
Page 32.5. Plan of Township 5, Range 20 WELS, 1909, J. F. Phillips
Page 32. A plan of the South half of Township No. 1 "Titcomb's Survey" Belonging to the 2nd Range of Townships North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase as run into lots in Sept. 1832; A Plan of the Survey of Lots on Fish River Road so called in Township No. 17 Range 7 surveyed in the months of May and June A.D. 1847, John Webber, Levi Bradly, George W. Coffin, and Caleb Leavitt
Page 32. Five maps including Riley Plantation, Charleston, Eggemoggin Reach, Hinkley Township
Page 32. Map of Rumford Falls, Maine, 1894, Rumford Falls Power Company
Page 32. Plan of New Limerick and Houlton, Aroostook County, Dominicus Parker
Page 32. Plan of the southeast quarter of Township 10 Range 17 WELS set off for Waterville College A.D. 1863., William D. Dana
Page 32. Plan of Township 13 Range 4 WELS, Thomas Sawyer
Page 32. Plan of Township 2, Range 4 WBKP, Charles V. Barker
Page 32. Plan of Township 2 Range 6 WELS, 1846, David Haynes
Page 32. Plan of Township 3 Range 4 WBKP, Maine Land Office
Page 32. Plan of Township 6 Range 6 as divided in 1855., David Haynes
Page 32. Plan of Township 8 containing 23,912 acres; 1786, John Peters
Page 32. Plan of Township C, Range 1 WELS; Plan of Township 8 Range 3 WELS; Plan of Township B, Range 11 WELS; Plan of Township 1 West of the Kennebec River in the fifth range (called the Salmon Stream Tract) in Bingham's Million Acre Purchase, John Pierce, Thomas Sawyer Jr., Noah Barker, and D. Parker
Page 32. Plan of Township Letter D in the second range west from the East line of the State as surveyed A.D. 1835., Thomas Sawyer Jr.
Page 32. Plantation of Otisfield, 1795, Oliver Prescott Jr., Oliver Prescott, and George Peirce
Page 32. Survey of a Township on Androscoggin River easterly from Sudbury-Canada, Granted to Timothy Walker Jr. and Associates by way of compensation for the loss of Pennicook, William Chamberlain
Page 32. Survey of the town of Nobleborough; 1795, Ephraim Rolings
Page 32. This plan represents the river Township No. 1, east side of Penobscot River as survey'd by order of Lothrop Lewis, Esq. and the allotment of the river lots by Andrew McMillan under the direction of James Irish, Land Agent in June 1824., Andrew McMillan, James Irish, and Lothrop Lewis
Page 32. This plan represents the survey and allotment the half Township Numbered Eleven in the County of Washington lying on the Holton road, the outlines thereof being Survey'd by A. Greenwood & R. Holden in the year 1811., Alexander Greenwood, James Irish, Roland Holden, and Samuel Cook
Page 32. Township No. 17 Range 6 WELS, John Webber
Page 33.5. Blueprint plan of Township 5 Range 11, Piscataquis, Fisher & Bryant and Great Northern Paper Company Division Forest Engineering
Page 33.5. Plan of Township 4 Range 16 WELS, Somerset County, Maine 1910, James Sewall and H. G. Robinson
Page 33. A Correct Plan of Sowards Neck, Being the First Part of the Second Division of Lands laid out in Plantation No. Eight, Part Number Two, Solomon Cushing
Page 33. Long Island in Blue Hill Bay, 1786., John Mathews
Page 33. Plan of Gore No. 4 in River Township No. 2 east side Penobscot River; A plan of the surveys in the south half of Township No. 15 Range 11; Plan of the Indian Township in Washington County; Plan of the survey of a lot of land in the southeast corner of Township No. 17 Range 5 and on the east side of Cross Lake., John Webber, J. L. Kelsey, and William D. Dana
Page 33. Plan of New Pennycook (Rumford)
Page 33. Plan of State's Land bounded west by New Hampshire line, north by Gilead, east partly by land granted to Fryburg Academy, and partly by Albany[...] (1808); Plan of the new survey of Hopkins Academy Grant in August 1848; Plan of State's Land in Chesterville (1804), Lothrop Lewis, John Webber, George W. Coffin, and John Chandler
Page 33. Plan of the southwestern section of the town of Jefferson, James Robinson and John Rowell
Page 33. Plan of the Town of Portland, 1795, Peleg Wadsworth
Page 33. Plan of the Town of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln; 1795, Ebenezer Jennison
Page 33. Plan of Township 11 Range 16 WELS, William D. Dana
Page 33. Plan of Township 3 Range 1 North of the Bingham Penobscot Purchase, George H. Moore
Page 33. Plan of Township 3 Range 5 WBKP, Charles V. Barker
Page 33. Plan of Township 4 Range 5 WELS, Joseph C. Small
Page 33. Plan of Township 6, Range 4 east of the Penobscot River., Charles Eddy and Richard Lord
Page 33. Plan of Township No. 7, Range 4 WELS, David Haynes
Page 33. Plan of Township Number 6 in the first range North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, Benjamin Waterhouse
Page 33. Surveys of Townships 10 and 11 in Washington County (now Cary Plantation in Aroostook), 1825, Samuel Cook
Page 33. This plan represent the NE section of the Town of Penobscot annexed to the report of the Commissioners of the Land Office the claims submitted to their decision pursuant to a resolve of 17 February 1819., James Irish, John Peters, and John Peters Jr.
Page 34.5. Plan of Township 6 Range 2 (Forsyth), 1915, Louis Oakes and Great Northern Paper Company Division Forest Engineering
Page 34. A Plan of the Town of Pownalborough; 1795, John S. Foye
Page 34. A Plan of Township 6 Range 3 from the east line of the State of Maine according to the survey of Nehemiah Leavitt, Jr., Nehemiah Leavitt Jr.
Page 34. A Plan of Township No. 2., Ezekiel Richardson
Page 34. A Plan of Township Number 2 in the 13th Range, and Tract marked "X" in the 14th Range of townships west from the East line of the State of Maine., Joseph L. Kelsey
Page 34. Land Purchase by Oliver Leonard of Eddington, Park Holland
Page 34. Plan of islands in Blue Hill Bay., Samuel Titcomb and John Mathews
Page 34. Plan of lots in Township 4 Range 4 and 5, Township 10 Range 5, and Township 13 Range 6; Plan of Amity area, 1861., William D. Dana
Page 34. Plan of Sumner and Peru, Lothrop Lewis
Page 34. Plan of Surry and plan of Farmington with letter to Land Agents of Massachusetts and Maine, John Webber
Page 34. Plan of Township 6 Range 5 WELS, Rufus Gilmore
Page 34. Plan of Township 8 Range 4 WELS as surveyed and divided into quarter and eighth sections, A.D. 1870, Charles V. Barker
Page 34. Plan of Township Number 3 in the 4th Range west from Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, 1835, Uriah Holt
Page 34. Plan of Townships No. 3 and 4, Indian Purchase, Isaac S. Small
Page 34. Surveys of Township 13, Range 15 and Township 15 Range 11, John Webber
Page 35.5. Plan and Survey of Township No. 1 Third Range West of Kennebec River being a part of the Million Acres belonging to the heirs of William Bingham Esq., 1820, Eleazer Coburn and John Black
Page 35.5. Plan of Township 5, Range 1, Sandwich Academy Grant, and Taunton and Raynham Academy Grant, Eleazer Coburn
Page 35. A Plan of Township 6, 11th Range west from the East line of the State, Zebulon Bradley
Page 35. Map of Part of the Undivided Lands; Map of Half Township B, Range 1 WELS, William Parrott and Zebulon Bradley
Page 35. Plan of Hog or Bartlets Island [Mount Desert]; 1785, John Mathews and Rufus Putnam
Page 35. Plan of Raymond in the County of Cumberland taken from the Survey of Winslow and Purrington., Osgood Carleton
Page 35. Plan of the northerly half part of Township 3, East side of Penobscot River, of the Old Indian Purchase (1797); Plan of the side lines of Township 1 on the west side of Penobscot River (1797), Salem Town, Lothrop Lewis, and James Irish
Page 35. Plan of Township 1 on the southerly side of the Androscoggin River (Franklin Plantation), Abel Wheeler
Page 35. Plan of Township 3, Range 5 WELS (Town of Sherman), Caleb Leavitt, Dominicus Parker, David Haines, and William D. Dana