Content Posted in 2018
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP132), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP133), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP135), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP137), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP138), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP139), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP14), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP142), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP152), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP153), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP153), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP156), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP157), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP162), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP166), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP17), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP171), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP175), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP18), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP182), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP185), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP188), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP19), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP191), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP192), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP194), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP195), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP196), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP203), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP203), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP210), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP211), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP213), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP22), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP222), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP223), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP224), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP23), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP23), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP23), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP231), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP231), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP235), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP236), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP236), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP237), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP24), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP244), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP247), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP25), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP256), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP257), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP259), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP26), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP265), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP266), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP266), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP27), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP273), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP275), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP275), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP28), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP28), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP282), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP285), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP285), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP286), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP287), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP29), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP29), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP30), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP303), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP307), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP307), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP308), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP309), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP31), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP313), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP316), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP317), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP321), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP322), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP323), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP326), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP331), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP338), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP34), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP346), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP347), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP351), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP352), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP355), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP356), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP356), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP357), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP357), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP358), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP36), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP37), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP376), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP376), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP38), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP389), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP391), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP395), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP396), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP396), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP397), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP400), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP402), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP412), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP413), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP414), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP415), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP418), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP42), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP42), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP421), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP422), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP427), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP43), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP43), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP431), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP432), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP438), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP439), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP441), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP443), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP448), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP449), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP45), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP452), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP452), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP463), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP463), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP465), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP466), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP468), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP47), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP47), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP471), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP474), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP477), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP485), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP485), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP486), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP488), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP489), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP490), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP490), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP493), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP495), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP497), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP499), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP50), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP500), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP503), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP506), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP508), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP509), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP51), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP510), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP511), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP511), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP512), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP517), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP517), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP518), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP52), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP520), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP522), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP527), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP527), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP53), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP533), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP534), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP536), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP536), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP537), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP537), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP538), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP539), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP540), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP543), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP544), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP544), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP544), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP546), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP548), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP549), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP550), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP552), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP553), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP553), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP558), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP56), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP560), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP560), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP561), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP563), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP567), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP570), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP571), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP574), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP575), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP577), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP578), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP581), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP582), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP583), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP584), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP586), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP587), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP587), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP591), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP591), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP592), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP593), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP593), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP596), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP599), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP60), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP600), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP603), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP603), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP609), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP611), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP612), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP613), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP613), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP614), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP616), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP617), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP619), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP62), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP620), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP621), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP621), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP623), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP623), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP626), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP627), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP629), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP631), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP632), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP632), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP632), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP633), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP633), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP634), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP635), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP636), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP637), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP641), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP644), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP644), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP645), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP646), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP648), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP649), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP649), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP651), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP654), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP658), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP661), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP663), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP663), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP664), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP666), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP666), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP667), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP667), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP67), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP67), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP670), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP670), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP672), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP673), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP673), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP674), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP677), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP677), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP679), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP679), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP68), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP68), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP682), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP682), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP683), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP683), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP684), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP684), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP686), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP688), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP688), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP688), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP688), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP689), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP689), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP689), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP691), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP693), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP693), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP693), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP694), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP696), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP699), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP699), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP699), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP700), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP701), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP702), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP705), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP706), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP708), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP708), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP709), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP71), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP710), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP712), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP714), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP715), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP716), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP717), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP719), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP721), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP723), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP723), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP723), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP726), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP728), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP728), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP729), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP732), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP738), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP738), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP738), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP741), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP741), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP743), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP745), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP746), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP746), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP747), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP748), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP75), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP751), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP753), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP754), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP754), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP757), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP757), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP758), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP76), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP763), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP763), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP764), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP765), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP766), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP77), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP770), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP772), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP773), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP775), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP775), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP775), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP778), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP778), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP778), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP779), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP780), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP788), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP788), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP792), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP792), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP793), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP795), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP796), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP8), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP8), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP80), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP801), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP802), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP802), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP804), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP804), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP81), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP810), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP810), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP810), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP815), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP819), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP822), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP826), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP827), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP827), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP828), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP83), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP830), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP831), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP835), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP84), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP840), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP842), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP848), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP851), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP852), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP853), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP854), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP854), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP855), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP856), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP858), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP86), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP86), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP865), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP865), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP866), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP871), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP874), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP875), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on adjournment (SP88), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP883), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP887), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP894), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP896), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP899), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP906), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP91), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP914), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP919), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP921), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP924), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP925), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP932), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP939), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP951), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP959), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP961), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP983), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP985), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP990), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Adjournment (SP998), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Legislators (SP2), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Legislators (SP3), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP2), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP3), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP3), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP3), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP3), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP3), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP6), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP6), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Compensation of Members (SP7), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Examination of the Returns of Votes for Governor (SP14), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Extending the Legislative Session (SP759), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Extending the Legislative Session (SP773), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP3), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP4), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP4), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP4), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP4), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP5), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP5), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Accounts (SP6), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Rosters (SP3), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation of Expense Rosters (SP4), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Preparation on Expense Accounts (SP4), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP3), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP3), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP4), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP4), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP5), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Printing and Binding (SP6), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP4), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP4), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP4), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Provision of Telephone Service to Legislators and Indian Representatives (SP5), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP2), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP5), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP6), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order on Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment (SP7), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Ordering a Special Election to Be Held at the Statewide Election in June 2004 for the Purpose of Submitting to the Electors IB 4, LD 1893, "An Act To Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes" (SP803), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Permitting the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to Report Out Legislation to More Equitably Distribute Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to Snowmobiles, All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft (HP1510), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Permitting the Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services to Report Out a Bill Regarding Individual and Group Health Insurance Laws (SP550), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Permitting the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs to Report Out a Bill Regarding Liquor Enforcement (HP1176), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Permitting the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs to Report Out Legislation That Authorizes Michaela Corbin-Bumford to Sue the State (HP1155), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order Permitting the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government to Report Out a Bill to Repeal Inactive Boards and Commissions (HP1255), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order Prohibiting the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs from Reporting Out LD 300 or Any Other Legislative Document That Includes Funding for Health Insurance Benefits for Domestic Partners of State Employees Unless the Committee Has First Held a Public Hearing on That Issue (HP1237), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order Proposing an Amendment to the Joint Rules Regarding Fiscal Notes (SP237), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order Propounding Questions to the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, Regarding LD 1003 (HP1270), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Providing for the preparation and printing of the Register of Bills and Resolves, including the history and final disposition (SP6), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Providing for the preparation of the Senate and House Register (SP7), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Providing for the printing of the Legislative Record and for the indexing thereof (SP4), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Providing telephone service for each legislator and each tribal representative (SP11), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Providing that copies of all printed bills may be sent on request, without charge, to any Town or City Clerk or Board of County Commissioners and to any tax supported public library (SP8), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act Authorizing Presidential Primary Elections in the State," HP 744, LD 1048, from the legislative files to the House (HP1704), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Concerning Federal Impact Aid for Education," SP 72, LD 128, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP649), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Concerning Reasonable Standards and Procedures for Contracting Services by the State," HP 1669, LD 2345, from Engrossing to the Senate (SP968), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Concerning Salary Provisions for Automotive Industry Personnel," SP 491, LD 1329, from the legislative files to the House (HP1327), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993," HP 652, LD 926, from the legislative files to the House (HP1383), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Prohibiting the Driving or Parking of Vehicles on Ice-covered Bodies of Water," SP 216, LD 543, from the legislative files to the House (HP1635), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Related to the Office of Substance Abuse," SP 90, LD 175, from the legislative files to the House (HP1400), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act Relating to the Education of Homeless Students," SP 466, LD 1249, from the legislative files to the House (HP1398), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act Requiring the Provision of Information to Victims of Gross Sexual Assault," HP 359, LD 513, from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP955), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Allow Agencies to Amend Legislative Agendas to Accommodate Unforeseen Events," SP 779, LD 1975, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP785), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Amend and Improve the Laws Relating to Education," SP 469, LD 1252, from the legislative files to the House (HP1647), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Amend the East Pittston Water District Charter," HP 1769, LD 2452, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1779), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Amend the Exemption of Certain Divisions from the Definition of Subdivision," HP 407, LD 590, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1350), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Amend the Maine Administrative Procedure Act," HP 1371, LD 1955, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP770), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Amend the Maine Uniform Accounting and Auditing Practices Act for Community Agencies," HP 1166, LD 1707, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1359), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act To Attract Investment to Loring Commerce Centre," HP 1141, LD 1670, from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1170), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Authorize Bond Issues for Transportation and Public Infrastructure Capital Improvements and Other Activities Designed to Create and Preserve Jobs for Maine Citizens," HP 1707, LD 2388, from the legislative files to the House (HP1762), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Authorize Bond Issues for Transportation and Public Infrastructure Capital Improvements and Other Activities Designed to Create and Preserve Jobs for Maine Citizens," HP 1707, LD 2388, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP966), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Clarify the Authority of Law Enforcement Officers to Release Certain Arrested Individuals on Their Personal Recognizance," HP 896, LD 1293, from the legislative files to the House (HP1361), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Clarify the Laws Related to Credit Cards," HP 1410, LD 2022, from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP944), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Compensate Landowners for Land Value Lost because of Wildlife Restrictions," HP 1039, LD 1512, from the legislative files to the House (HP1236), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Enhance the Protection of Children Who Have Been Removed from Their Homes," HP 528, LD 756, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP563), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Ensure Access to Boards of Directors," SP 38, LD 60, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP415), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act To Exempt a Fee for a Paper or Plastic Single-use Carry-out Bag from Tax," SP 206, LD 590, from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP534), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Extend the Appraisal License Effective Date," HP 1734, LD 2422, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1767), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Extend the Eligibility Period for Reimbursement of Municipalities for Landfill Closure," HP 324, LD 454, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP629), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Impose a Limit on Campaign Contributions," HP 785, LD 1117, from the legislative files to the House (HP1744), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act To Increase Government Efficiency," SP 446, LD 1241, from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP697), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993," HP 654, LD 928, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1385), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1991 and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law," HP 192, LD 274, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP414), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Make Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993," HP 1389, LD 1977, from the legislative files to the House (HP1394), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Prescribe the Duties and Liabilities of Ice-skating Rink Operators and Persons Who Use Ice-skating Rinks," HP 1217, LD 1775, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1323), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act To Protect Maine Voters from Intimidating Videotaping at the Polls," SP 625, LD 1574, from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP683), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Provide Greater Local Review of Proposed Low-level Radioactive Waste Sites," SP 229, LD 583, from the legislative files to the House (HP1717), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act To Reduce Electric Rates for Maine Businesses," SP 519, LD 1398, from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP700), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Regulate Sales of Malt Liquor in Kegs," HP 1142, LD 1667, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1366), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "An Act to Restore Maine State Retirement Service Credit to Certain Part-time, Seasonal, Intermittent or Legislative Employees," SP 809, LD 2008, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP926), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "An Act to Strengthen the Public Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," HP 1591, LD 2245, from the legislative files to the House (HP1782), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill, "Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide State Funding any Mandate Imposed on Municipalities," SP 42, LD 66, from the legislative files to the House and recommitted to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (HP1396), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Bill "Resolve, to Establish the Commission on Electric Utilities and Long-range Energy Production Planning," SP 292, LD 774, from the legislative files to the Senate (SP784), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling certain specified bills from the legislative files to the House (i.e., HP 319, LD 449; HP 947, LD 1369) (HP1399), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling HP 1191, LD 1619 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1350), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling Joint Order HP 1018 from the Legislative Files (SP736), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1001, and LD 1307 from the Legislative Files (SP730), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1004 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1351), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1014 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1416), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1019 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1950), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1040 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP529), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1050 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP534), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1060 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP762), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1081 from Legislative Files (HP1657), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1129 from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP828), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1132 from the Governor's Desk (SP582), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1144 from the Governor's Desk (SP740), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1168 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1160), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1194 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1147), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1203 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1229), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1206 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP850), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1224 from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP822), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1233 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1164), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1255 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1166), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1264 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP779), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 1273 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1374), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1301 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP605), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1319 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1339), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1325 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP853), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1349 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1231), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1351 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP528), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 135 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1268), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1361 from the Governor's Desk (SP672), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1374 from the Engrossing Division to the House (HP1599), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1376 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP848), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1403 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP808), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1419 from the Engrossing Department to the House (HP1141), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1447 from the Governor's Desk (HP1208), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1450 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP514), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 146 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP858), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1474 from the Engrossing Department to the House (HP1130), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1482 from the Governor's Desk (HP1203), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1501 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP532), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1504 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP854), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1517 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP517), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1536 from the Governor's Desk (SP594), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling L.D. 1552 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1328), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1570 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP762), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1572 from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1144), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 1580 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP602), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1591, An Act to Raise the Minimum Wage, to Expand the Tax Credit for Health Benefits Paid by a Small Business and to Increase the Earned Income Credit, from the Governor's Desk (SP626), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1612 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP715), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1650 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP777), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1658 from the Governor's Desk (SP673), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 1664 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1356), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1698 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1385), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 1700 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1382), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1706 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (HP1247), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 1721 from the Engrossing Division to the House (HP1594), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1783 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1488), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1787 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP765), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1799 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP774), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 1825 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1375), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1874 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1370), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1875 from the Governor's Desk (SP737), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1902 from the Governor's Desk (SP739), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1913 from the Governor's Desk (SP813), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1948 from the Governor's Desk (SP866), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1957 from the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources to the House (HP1601), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1961 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1483), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1962 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP873), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 1969 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP874), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 2002 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP779), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 2041 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1740), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2088 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP849), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 2122 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1645), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 2129 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1736), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 212 from Legislative Files (HP1300), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2160 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1574), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2184 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1575), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling LD 2212 from the Revisor of Statutes, Engrossing Division, to the House (HP1732), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 2295 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1682), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 2301, LD 2310, and LD 2311 from the Governor's Desk (SP927), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2333 from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP1036), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2393 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1956), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 243 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP626), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 252 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1094), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2533 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1954), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2557 from the Engrossing Division to the House (HP1931), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2599 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP1091), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2652 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1949), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 2668 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1948), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 268, LD 558 and LD 1813 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP680), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 330 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP481), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 348 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1344), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 367 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP665), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 369 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1942), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 370 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1600), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 371 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP521), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 376 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP526), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 382 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP837), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 3 from the Engrossing Department to the House (HP1545), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 419 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1405), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 477 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1105), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 484 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1108), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 485 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP857), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 493 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP864), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 512 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1165), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 529 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1386), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 539 from the Legislative Files (HP1196), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 580 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP766), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 601 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP542), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 625 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP598), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 627 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1115), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 644 from the Governor's Desk (HP1196), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 648 from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP601), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 706 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1142), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 713 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP1024), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 71 from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1133), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 749 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1467), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 749 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP809), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 750 from the Govenor's Desk to the House (HP1952), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 751 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP543), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 761 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1609), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 762 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP515), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 793 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (HP1161), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 801 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1468), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 801 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP808), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 848 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1346), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 918 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1404), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 922 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP585), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 941 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP574), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 944 from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP549), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 959 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1588), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling L.D. 971 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1606), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling LD 986 from the Engrossing Department to the House (HP1134), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling Legislative Document 1420 from the Governor's Desk (SP514), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling Legislative Document 543 from the Governor's Desk (HP1187), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recalling Legislative Document 922 from the Governor's Desk (HP1158), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling SP 484, LD 1377 from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP610), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling the following Bills from the legislative files to the Senate: SP 131 LD 233; HP 389 LD 563; HP 457 LD 648; HP 636 LD 906; SP 350 LD 952; SP 585 LD 1538; HP 1073 LD 1567; HP 1209 LD 1765; HP 1221 LD 1779 (SP781), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Recalling the following legislative documents from the legislative files to the Senate: SP 149 LD 361, SP 154 LD 366, HP 1166 LD 1707, HP 1210 LD 1768, HP 1211 LD 1769, HP 1230 LD 1794, HP 1384 LD 1973 (SP783), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order Recognizing January 30th as EITC Awareness Day (SP100), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring the Returns of Vote for the Governor to a Joint Select Committee (SP11), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring the Returns of Votes for Governor to a Joint Select Committee (SP9), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring the Returns of Votes for the Governor to a Joint Select Committee (SP13), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring the Returns of Votes for the Governor to a Joint Select Committee (SP32), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring the returns of votes for the Governor to a Joint Select Committee (SP55), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Referring to the Voters the Subject Matter of "Resolution, Proposing a Competing Measure Under the Constitution of Maine to Implement the Compact for Maine's Forests" (HP665), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order regarding appointment of temporary adjunct members to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government for consideration of any bill concerning governmental restructuring (SP913), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Regarding Compensation of Legislators for Special Session (SP683), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Regarding printing and binding authorized by the Legislature (SP10), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Regarding rooms reserved as hearing rooms in the State House and State Office Building (SP9), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order regarding the preparation of a Register of Bills and Resolves, showing the history and final disposition of each (SP827), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Regarding the Purchase of Services, Supplies and Equipment for the Senate and the House (SP5), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Repealing and Replacing Joint Rule 353 Regarding Legislative Studies (SP663), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Repealing and Replacing the Joint Rules (SP761), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Repealing Joint Rule 28 and Adding Joint Rule 28-A on Sponsorship and Identification of Agency (SP519), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Requesting an Opinion of the Justices on the Constitutionality of IB 4, LD 1893, "An Act to Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes" (SP782), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Requesting the State Auditor to Review Certain Specified Funds Related to Mental Health and Mental Retardation and to Report on the Findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services (HP1590), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order Requiring that the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Legislation to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes (HP1207), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order Requiring the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services To Report Out a Bill Establishing a Mid-level Dental Practitioner Pilot Program (HP1407), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (HP3), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (SP20), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order Reserving Legislative Hearing Rooms (SP9), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Revoking the Authorizations to Study Effected by HP 385 and HP 494 (HP1201), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Setting the compensation schedule of legislators (SP13), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order Specifying That, Notwithstanding the Maine Revised States, Title 4, Section 1606, Subsection 2, a 2/3 Vote of Approval in Each House of the Legislature Is Required Prior to the Issuance of Securities by the Maine Governmental Facilities Authority to Fund the Construction, Reconstruction, Purchase or Acquisition of Facilities (HP1192), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, Superceding HP 1665, and Directing the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety to Meet to Study Issues Related to Sex Offender Registration Laws, as Specified (SP933), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That 325 copies of the Legislative Record be printed, and disposition of the same (SP3), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a certain specified matter be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP684), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a certain specified matter be held over to the next special session of the 113th Legislature (HP1414), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a certain specified matter be held over to the next special session of the 113th Legislature (SP686), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a Committee be appointed to wait upon the Honorable John R. McKernan, Jr., and inform him that he has been duly elected Governor of the State of Maine for the political years 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990 (SP21), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That additional specified matters be held over to any special or regular session of the 127th Legislature (HP994), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a Joint Select Committee be appointed to consider the Governor's Message and report a reference of its several subjects to appropriate committees (SP19), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a Joint Select Committee on Corrections shall be established (SP16), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a Joint Select Committee on Taxation shall be established and shall study L.D. 1, H.P. 1, "An Act Providing Conformity with the United States Internal Revenue Code under the Maine Income Tax Law for 1986" and may make recommendations to the Legislature (HP10), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That All Printing and Binding Authorized by the Legislature be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House (SP4), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That all printing and binding authorized by the Legislature shall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House (SP9), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That all printing and binding authorized by the Legislature shall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House (SP9), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that "An Act Regarding the Maine Vocational-Technical Institute System," HP 660, LD 902, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1245), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "An Act Relating to the Maine Uniform Transfers to Minors Act," H.P. 642, L.D. 865, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1573), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "An Act to Establish the Bureau of Juvenile Corrections," HP 1147, LD 1590, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1311), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "An Act to Recover Windfall Profits from Bottle Deposits," HP 787, LD 1099, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP658), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Any Matter Held Over on the Special Appropriations Table Pursuant to Joint Order 2005, SP 640, and Not Disposed of, Is Hereby Held Over to Any Special or Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature (SP647), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That any Town of City Clerk or Board of County Commissioners may receive without charge, copies of all printed bills, also that any tax supported public library may receive without charge copies of all printed bills (SP7), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That any Town or City Clerk or Board of County Commissioners may receive without charge copies of all printed bills to make available to the public, and that any tax supported public library may receive without charge copies of all printed bills to make available to the public (SP7), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That a sufficient number of the Legislative Record for the 127th Legislature be printed, and an index prepared (SP6), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Allowing the Yarmouth Water District to Acquire the Assets and Liabilities of the North Yarmouth Water District," HP 1665, LD 2305, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP968), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act Concerning Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded," H.P. 1960, L.D. 2655, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1963), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act Making Allocations for the Expenditure of Funds Received by the State as a Result of a Federal Court Order in the Stripper Well Overcharge Case," S.P. 537, L.D. 1623, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1370), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act Regarding Ethanol Motor Fuel," HP 558, LD 824, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP963), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Regarding the Maine Vocational-Technical Institute System," HP 660, LD 902, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP933), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act Relating to Adult Education," H.P. 893, L.D. 1194, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP596), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act Relating to the Designation of Beneficiaries by Members of the Maine State Retirement System," HP 1331, LD 1848, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP913), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Allow a Student an Option in Biological Dissection," HP 253, LD 365, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP810), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Allow Raffling of Livestock by Charitable Organizations for Charitable Purposes," HP 200, LD 280, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1118), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Amend the Maine Business Corporation Act in Relation to Petitioning the Court for the Removal of Directors," H.P. 1802, L.D. 2466, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the Legislative files to the Senate (SP1005), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Amend the Maine Vocational-Technical Institute System Laws" (Emergency) (H.P. 1185) (L.D. 1615), be recalled from the Engrossing department to the Senate (SP646), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Amend the Sardine Tax," H.P. 1253, L.D. 1711, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP647), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Amend the Solid Waste Landfill Remediation and Closure Laws Administered by the Deparment of Environmental Protection," HP 1712, LD 2363, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1789), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Authorize the State Bureau of Identification to Charge Fees to Nongovernmental Agencies for Services," S.P. 631, L.D. 1852, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP645), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Change the Name of the Bureau of Civil Emergency Preparedness to the Maine Emergency Management Agency," H.P. 1194, L.D. 1626, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP593), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Clarify Provisions of and Provide Funding for Toxics Use, Toxics Release and Hazardous Waste Reduction Programs," HP 1171, LD 1712, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP748), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Clarify the Description of Crooked River in Cumberland County and to Extend Special Protection to Outstanding Rivers to the Crooked River," S.P. 38, L.D. 26, be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate (SP504), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Clarify the Offense of Driving under the Influence of Illegal Drugs," H.P. 1188, L.D. 1618, be recalled from the legislative Files to the House of Representatives (HP1325), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Create the Department of Economic and Community Development, to Establish Consistency among Economic Development Laws and to Establish a Capital Budgeting and Planning Process," H.P. 1324, L.D. 1808, be recalled from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP621), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Deorganize Plantation E in Aroostook County," HP 1667, LD 2308, be recalled from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP981), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Encourage Prompt and Peaceful Settlements of Labor Disputes," H.P. 1415, L.D. 1919, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP756), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act To Ensure Maine's Elver Fishermen Can Fully Access Maine's Elver Resource," HP 240, LD 353, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP947), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Ensure Safe Abatement of Asbestos Hazards," H.P. 1286, L.D. 1762, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP612), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Ensure that a Certain Percentage of Public Housing is Handicapped Accessible," H.P. 1869, L.D. 2558, and all accompanying papers, be recalled from engrossing to the House (HP1918), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Establish a Presidential Primary in Maine," S.P. 123, L.D. 328, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the files to the Senate (SP923), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Establish a Presidential Primary in Maine," S.P. 123, L.D. 328, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP968), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Establish a Program of Financial Assistance to Expedite the Removal of Underground Oil Tanks," H.P. 1287, L.D. 1763, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1374), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Establish Child Care Availability for Individuals in the Substance Abuse Treatment System," H.P. 1612, L.D. 2205, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP1001), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Establish the Maine Primary Care Residency Training Assistance Program," LD 999, SP 374, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP717), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Court Jurisdiction Study," HP 1682, LD 2328, be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate (SP1013), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Driver Education Evaluation Program Study," H.P. 962, L.D. 1291, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1375), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Improve Grading and Inspection of Maine Sardines," HP 552, LD 789, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP750), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Make Interim Adjustments in the Certificate Need Development Account," S.P. 845, L.D. 2191, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP1004), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Make Substantive Changes in the Liquor Laws," H.P. 1348, L.D. 1842, be recalled from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP637), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Make Technical Adjustments to Various Licensing Board Laws and to Adjust Budgetary Constraints Affecting Various Boards," HP 1151, LD 1676, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP749), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act To Preserve the Integrity of Maine's Shellfish Industry by Increasing the Penalty for Interfering with Permitted Harvest," SP 93, LD 255, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP983), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Promote Responsible Utilization of Ground Water," LD 1409, HP 1011, be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate (SP715), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Provide for Changes to the Membership of the Electricians' Examining Board," HP 912, LD 1309, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP725), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Provide for the 1989 Allocations of the State Ceiling on Private Activity Bonds," SP 336, LD 897, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP599), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Provide Health Care Benefits to Uninsured Individuals," H.P. 1292, L.D. 1770, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP611), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that Bill, "An Act to Provide Needed Services Identified by the Task Force on Incapacitated and Dependent Adults, and Required by the United States Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1988," HP 691, LD 943, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1482), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Reduce the Maine State Sales Tax to 5%" (SP 164) (LD 493) be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1616), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Reestablish the Vehicle Rental Agency in the Department of Conservation," H.P. 1078, L.D. 1465, be recalled from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP597), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Regulate the Handling of Manure," HP 1575, LD 2182, be recalled from the Engrossing Department to the Senate (SP980), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Require Notice of Major Modifications in Rail Service," H.P. 1752, L.D. 2401, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House of Representatives (HP1938), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Require Removal of Mooring Equipment," HP 21, LD 22, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP948), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Return Positions within the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to Classified Service under the Civil Service Law and to Establish Uniform Pay Schedules," HP 1380, LD 1911, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP1012), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Revise the General Assistance Laws," H.P. 1249, L.D. 1705, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1935), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "An Act to Strengthen the Drunk Driving Laws," H.P. 1746, L.D. 2395, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP999), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Bill, "Resolve, Concerning the Development of a New Master Plan for the Capitol Area," HP 1172, LD 1616, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP670), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Certain Specified Matters Be Held Over on the Special Appropriations Table to the Next Special or Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature (SP640), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to any special or regular session of the 115th Legislature (HP1353), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to any special or regular session of the 115th Legislature (HP1368), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Certain Specified Matters Be Held Over to Any Special or Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature (HP1369), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Certain Specified Matters Be Held Over to Any Special or Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature (HP1370), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to any special session or the Second Regular Session of the 114th Legislature (HP1284), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to any special session or the Second Regular Session of the 114th Legislature (HP1290), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to any special session or the Second Regular Session of the 114th Legislature (HP1313), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP705), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP709), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP555), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That Certain Specified Matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP648), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP651), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP655), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP659), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special or regular session of the 113th Legislature (SP660), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special session of the 113th Legislature (SP1038), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That certain specified matters be held over to the next special session of the 113th Legislature (SP689), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That H.P. 1855, L.D. 2538, Bill, "An Act to Recodify the Laws on Municipalities and Counties" and all its accompanying papers be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1890), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That H.P. 412, L.D. 546, Bill "An Act to Amend the Charter of the Lubec Port Authority" be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1207), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That HP 895, HP1239, "An Act to Amend and Update Laws Pertaining to Inland Fisheries and Wildlife" be recalled from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP659), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, Authorizing the Conveyance of Certain Public Lands and the Settlement of a Boundary Line Dispute Involving Public Lands," HP 1779, LD 2446, be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate (SP1008), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, Concerning a Proposed Supreme Judicial Court Facility," H.P. 130, L.D. 159, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from Engrossing to the Senate (SP979), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, Creating the Special Commission to Study and Evaluate the Status of Education Reform in Maine," SP 561, LD 1564, be recalled from Engrossing to the House (HP1792), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, Creating the Special Commission to Study and Evaluate the Status of Education Reform in Maine," SP 561, LD 1564, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate (SP1007), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, Creating the Special Commission to Study and Evaluate the Status of Education Reform in Maine," SP 561, LD 1564, be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate (SP876), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That "Resolve, to Establish the Commission to Study the Management of Water Resources in Maine," H.P. 1822, L.D. 2497, and all its accompanying papers, be recalled from the legislative files to the House (HP1955), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That telephone service may be provided for each member of the Senate and House, and each Representative from the Indian Tribes at the Legislature for a reasonable number of calls, of reasonable duration (SP11), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That telephone service may be provided for each member of the Senate and House, and each Representative from the Indian Tribes at the Legislature for a reasonable number of calls, of reasonable duration (SP11), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Bill "An Act to Increase the Compensation for Part-time Deputy Sheriffs," HP 788, LD 1100, be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1234), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Committee on Legislative Information Technology Established by the Legislative Council Submit to the Council Recommendations for Making Information, Including, But Not Limited to Bills, Resolves and Amendments, Available by Electronic Means to Each Member of the Legislature at Each Member's Desk in That Member's Respective Chamber (HP1333), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to pay each member a $500 allowance for constituent services (HP1), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to pay each member of the Legislature a $500 allowance for constituent services (HP1439), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to pay each member of the Legislature a $500 allowance for constituent services (HP2), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to pay each member of the Legislature prior to January 4, 1990, a $500 allowance for constituent services (HP1495), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to prepare weekly expense rosters showing the entitlement of each member for meals allowance and lodging reimbursement, and that the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to provide the forms necessary for such purpose (SP12), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Executive Director of the Legislative Council be authorized and directed to prepare weekly, from expense accounts to be submitted to her by the members of the Senate and House, expense rosters showing the entitlement of each member for meals allowance and lodging reimbursement (SP12), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the First Regular Session shall be extended for two legislative days (SP660), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the First Regular Session shall be extended for two legislative days (SP664), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Government Oversight Committee Report Out a Bill to Create a Process for Considering, Reviewing and Prioritizing Requests for Program Evaluations from Joint Standing Committees, Legislators, Agencies and the Public (HP1039), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Rules be amended by adding a new Joint Rule 5-A, Regarding Mandate Legislation (HP1442), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Select Committee on Research and Development Meet with a Representative of the Maine Maritime Academy (HP1348), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Select Committe on Corrections report out a bill to provide for a General Fund bond issue for prison construction and any other necessary legislation to implement a long-term correctional policy for the State (HP1483), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Aging, Retirement and Veterans report out a bill to make the state retirement laws comply with federal law with regard to part-time, seasonal and temporary employees (HP1403), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Aging, Retirement and Veterans report out proposed legislation concerning the Maine State Retirement System including legislation regarding the age of retirement, the penalty for early retirement and the retirement health insurance benefit (SP681), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Report Out a Bill Relating to the Sinclair Sanitary District (HP1113), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Report Out a Resolve Pertaining to a Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SP862), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Report Out Legislation Regarding Forestry to the House (HP1646), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Report Out Legislation Regarding the Maine Potato Board (HP1368), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs May Report Out a Bill Regarding Tax Conformity Including Methods of Funding Tax Conformity (SP630), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out 2 bills, "An Act to Eliminate or Modify Certain Environmental Licensing and Permitting Requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection" and "An Act to Abolish the Second Injury Fund and the Employment Rehabilitation Fund" to the House (HP1508), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations in Fiscal Year 1992-93 to Meet Certain Payrolls" (HP196), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out a bill concerning the distribution of General Purpose Aid for Local Schools for fiscal year 1992-93 (HP1738), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Authorizing Appropriations and Allocations for Fiscal Years 1996-1997, 1997-98 and 1998-99 and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary for the Proper Operation of State Government (HP148), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Authorizing Appropriations and Allocations for the 1996-97 Biennium and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary for the Operation of State Government (HP1153), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Authorizing the Issuance of a Tax Anticipation Note Not to Exceed $182,000,000 for Fiscal Year 1995-96 (HP1136), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Concerning Supplemental Allocations, Transferring Positions Among Funds and Making Technical Corrections for Fiscal Year 1992-93 (SP344), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Concerning Supplemental Appropriations in Fiscal Year 1993-94 for the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP1326), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Concerning Supplemental Appropriations or Allocations for Fiscal Year 1992-93 (HP732), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Concerning Tax Anticipation Notes for Fiscal Year 1993-94 (HP1152), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Making Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994 (HP1376), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to Emergency Appropriations or Allocations for FY 1994-95, Including, But Not Limited to, Armory Repairs and Agricultural Matters (HP184), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Resources "Productivity" Plan as It Has Impacts on the Maine Harness Racing Commission (HP1154), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources "Productivity" Plan as It Has Impacts on the Animal Welfare Board, Maine Dairy Promotion Board and the Maine Dairy and Nutrition Council (HP1156), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources "Productivity" Plan as It Has Impacts on the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission (HP1161), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to the Department of Marine Resources "Productivity" Plan as It Has Impacts on Establishing an Aquarium and Resource Center at West Boothbay Harbor Fund (HP1152), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill or Bills Related to the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation "Productivity" Plan as It Has Impacts on the Operations of the Department (HP1155), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out a Bill Related to "Community Corrections," As Defined in Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-A, Section 1210 (HP1088), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out Bill, "An Act to Establish the Maine Business Opportunity and Job Development Program," S.P. 313, L.D. 915, to the Senate (SP653), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out Legislation Concerning the Bureau of Employment Services within the Department of Labor (HP1387), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs Report Out Legislation Concerning the Maine Rainy Day Fund (HP1386), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out such legislation as it determines necessary to increase the borrowing authority of the University of Maine System (HP1834), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out such legislation as it sees fit providing emergency fuel assistance to elderly and low-income residents (HP1678), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out such legislation as it sees fit to fund interim studies approved by law or by the Legislative Council (SP433), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out to the House such legislation as it sees fit making Federal Block Grant allocations for fiscal years 1989-90 and 1990-91 (HP1201), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs shall report out a bill correcting errors and inconsistencies in LD 1509 (HP1140), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Is Authorized to Report a Bill Entitled "An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Health Insurance and Health Care Services" (SP516), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Report Out a Bill, "An Act Authorizing the Bureau of Insurance to Release Aggregate Ratios of Consumer Complaints to the Public" (SP645), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Report Out a Bill, "An Act Regarding Access to Chiropractic Services" (HP1456), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance report out a bill, "An Act to Allow the Risk Management Division to Provide Insurance Services to the Elementary and Secondary Schools in the State" (HP1348), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Collect Baseline Data to Facilitate Health Care Reform" (SP527), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Create the Maine Health Care Authority" (HP1453), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance Report Out Legislation on Incremental Health Insurance Reform (SP750), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development Report Out Legislation Regarding Payroll Processing Companies (HP1316), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development Report Out Legislation Regarding Warranty Reimbursement (HP1326), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, after consultation with the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary and the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, shall submit legislation establishing the Criminal Code Revision Commission (SP31), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety Report Out a Bill, "An Act To Strengthen the Laws on Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Intoxicants" (SP631), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety Report Out a Bill to Increase the Tax Assessment for Correctional Services for Oxford County to $2,050,000 (SP695), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice Report Out a Bill Incorporating Recommendations for Changes in the Law to Make the Requirements for Correctional System Impact Statements Consistent with the Requirements for Judicial System Impact Statements (HP1301), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice Report Out a Bill Regarding the Bail Code (SP825), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice report out legislation implementing the recommendations of the study group to review procedures and consider improvements in juvenile and adult probation services (SP958), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs Report Out a Bill Relating to Child Development Services (SP722), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs report out a bill to amend the laws regarding higher education (SP721), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs Report Out a Bill to Permit Casco Bay College to Grant an Associate of Science Degree (SP721), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs Report Out LD 902 to the House (HP1144), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs shall report out a bill related to governance structures of Maine's public higher education (SP185), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education Report Out a Bill, "An Act Requiring Public Schools to Purchase Insurance through a Competitive Bidding Process" (HP1157), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education report out a bill, "Resolve, to Encourage the Study of the Nation's Founding and Related Documents by Maine Students" (SP974), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education Report Out Legislation on Components of the School Funding Formula (HP1332), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Report Out a Bill Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds for Municipal Infrastructure Improvements to the House (HP1435), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy and Natural Resources report out a bill to the Senate entitled "An Act Concerning Storage of Radioactive Material in Public Buildings" (SP973), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology report out a bill regarding energy policy (SP594), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology report out a bill regarding energy policy with designated sponsors (HP1125), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology report out a bill regarding standard sewer districts (SP533), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology Report Out a Bill Relating to Contracts for the Purchase of Energy and Capacity with Generation Facilities that are Deemed to Produce Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SP668), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources report out a bill related to the Department of Environmental Protection's Rule Chapter 500: Stormwater Management (SP528), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources shall report out a bill to amend the laws governing metallic mineral mining (SP742), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services May Report Out a Bill Regarding Maine's Medical Marijuana Laws (SP642), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services May Report Out a Bill to Establish a Moratorium on Rate Changes Related to Rule Chapter 101: MaineCare Benefits Manual, Sections 13, 17, 28 and 65 (HP1156), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out a Bill, "An Act Regarding Child Care Regulation" (SP631), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out a Bill on Smoking and Health (HP1322), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services report out a bill regarding the cost of copies of medical records (SP525), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out a Bill Related to the Infrastructure at Riverview Psychiatric Center (HP1160), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation Affecting Children's Mental Health Services (HP1625), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission To Study Difficult-to-place Patients (SP639), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation Regarding Training for Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical Services Personnel (SP859), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation Regarding Welfare Reform (SP661), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation to Implement the Recommendations of the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness (HP1644), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Report Out Legislation to Provide Permanent Funding for the Maine Health Data Organization and to Amend the Health Data Laws (SP482), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development Committee report out a "RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Commit State Support of Affordable Housing" (HP1773), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out a bill "An Act Establishing the Affordable Housing Partnership Act of 1989" to the House (HP1216), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out a bill, "An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $25,000,000 to Provide for the Maine Street Investment Program" (HP1342), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out a bill, "An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $7,500,000 to Provide for the Maine Street Investment Program," to the House (HP1352), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development Report Out a Bill Authorizing a General Fund Bond Issue to Provide Funds for Assistance to Maine Businesses (HP1146), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development Report Out a Bill Concerning Economic Development Matters (SP765), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development Report Out a Bill Entitled "An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the Economic Growth Council" (SP522), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out a bill, "RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Commit State Support of Affordable Housing," to the House (HP1240), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out legislation designed to preserve jobs for Maine citizens and to make capital improvements to transportation and public infrastructure (HP1705), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Housing and Economic Development report out legislation to promote economic growth and to provide assistance to businesses (HP1766), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Human Resources Report Out a Bill to Fund a Limited Transitional Drug Benefit Program for Those Persons Who Remain on the Maine Health Program as of March 31, 1995 (HP434), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Human Resources Report Recommendations for a Health Insurance Program for Uninsured Maine Children Based on the "Caring for Children Program" Currently Operating in Several States Across the Nation, and Related Matters (HP406), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Report Out a Bill Regarding Maine's Threatened and Endangered Species (SP637), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall report out a bill concerning the protection of Maine's outdoor heritage (HP976), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall report out a bill establishing a bag limit for brook trout on a portion of Webster Stream in Piscataquis County (HP953), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services shall report out a bill relating to the Maine Quality Forum (HP585), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judicial Report Out a Bill to Implement the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Pretrial Justice Reform Task Force (SP650), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary Report Out a Bill, "An Act Authorizing a Tribally Owned Casino in the City of Calais" (HP1416), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary Report Out a Bill, "An Act Concerning Stalking" (HP957), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary report out a bill, "An Act to Amend the Maine Criminal Code Regarding Drugs" (HP1769), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary report out a bill "An Act to Correct Additional Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine" (HP1926), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Expand the Duties of the Judicial Council to Include Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission to Study the Future of Maine's Courts" (HP1134), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary report out a bill, "An Act to Provide Greater Protection Under the Domestic Abuse Laws" (SP971), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary Report Out a Bill Incorporating Recommendations for Changes in the Laws Concerning Protection from Abuse and Protection from Harassment (HP1258), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary report out a bill regarding issues pertaining to guardians ad litem (SP551), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary report out Bill, "An Act Relating to Aggravated Trafficking or Furnishing Scheduled Drugs Under the Maine Criminal Code," H.P. 1051, L.D. 1414, to the House (SP661), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary shall investigate comments made publicly by the Governor to determine whether those comments are actionable (HP1142), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary shall report out a bill regarding the late reinstatement of corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies after administrative dissolution (HP931), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor and the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance jointly report out a bill to reform the worker's compensation system (HP1178), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor and the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance jointly report out a bill to reform the worker's compensation system (HP1382), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development is authorized to report out a bill allowing a licensed independent practice dental hygienist to expose and process radiographs under protocols developed by the Board of Dental Examiners (SP306), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development shall study whether to license water treatment specialists and may report out a bill implementing the committee's recommendations on matters relating to the study (HP1084), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor report out Bill, "An Act to Encourage Prompt and Peaceful Settlements of Labor Disputes," H.P. 1415, L.D. 1919, to the House (HP1421), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Legal Affairs Report Out a Bill to Establish Fairness in the Placement of On-line Lottery Machines by Specifying an Appeals Process for Applicants Who Are Denied On-line Licenses (HP1467), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Legal Affairs Report Out Bills Entitled "An Act to Limit the Influence of Money in Elective Politics" and "An Act to Set Voluntary Limits for Campaign Spending" (HP1135), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs Report Out a Bill, "An Act Concerning Acceptance of Campaign Contributions During Legislative Sessions" (SP648), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Conserve Sea Urchin Resources" (HP1373), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources Report Out Legislation Concerning the Salmon Aquaculture Monitoring and Research Fund (SP737), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources Report Out Legislation Regarding the Assets of the Maine Sardine Council (HP1300), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources and the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Jointly Report Out Legislation Pertaining to the Use and Regulation of Personal Watercraft and Addressing Noise, Wildlife Habitat and Environmental Issues Associated with Watercraft (SP656), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Investigate the Circumstances Leading Up to and Including the Execution of the Contract for Implementing the Emission Inspection Program (HP529), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Report Out a Bill Relating to Solid Waste Management Planning and State-owned Solid Waste Disposal Facilities (SP710), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Report Out Legislation Regarding Construction and Demolition Debris (SP772), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Report Out Legislation Regarding Construction and Demolition Debris (SP773), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Report Out Legislation Regarding Postponement of the Effective Date of Certain Environmental Laws (SP660), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government consider proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Maine to provide for 2-year terms for the Governor, with a suggested limitation of 5 consecutive terms (HP1731), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government consider proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Maine to provide for a unicameral legislature (HP1732), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out a bill, "An Act Regarding Governmental Ethics," to the House (HP1241), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out a Bill Establishing Secession and Annexation Procedures and Standards (HP1475), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out a Resolve Directing an Appropriate Gift to Be Presented to the U.S.S. Maine at Its Launching Ceremony to Occur in the Summer of 1994 (HP1393), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Legislation Concerning Procedures for Municipal Secession (SP565), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Legislation Concerning Reducing Costs for Municipalities (SP767), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Such Legislation as is Necessary to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes for the Year 1996 (HP1290), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Such Legislation as is Necessary to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes for the Year 1997 (HP993), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Such Legislation as it Necessary to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes for the Year 1995 (HP582), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1989 (HP9), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1990 (HP1484), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order: That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Report Out Such Legislation as It Sees Fit to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes for the Year 1993 (HP115), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing committee on State and Local Government Report Out Such Legislation as It Sees Fit to Revise the Salaries of County Officers and Lay the County Taxes for the Year 1994 (HP1344), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out the bill entitled "An Act to Correct Errors in the County and Municipal Law Recodification," HP 156, LD 208, divide the contents of that bill into 2 parts and report each part out as a separate bill (HP738), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out to the House such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1987 (HP23), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out to the House such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1988 (HP1489), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out to the House such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1991 (HP101), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government report out to the House such legislation as it sees fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1992 (HP1507), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government shall conduct a study including the nature and extent of air quality problems in state buildings, etc (HP734), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government Shall Report Out a Bill Directing the Issuance of the Senior Housing Bonds (HP1146), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government shall report out a bill regarding term limits for Legislators (HP1097), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Hold Public Hearings On and Consider the Need for Reporting Out Legislation Concerning Whether All Maine Workers, Companies and Suppliers Should be Eligible to Participate Equally in Projects Related to the Shipbuilding Facility Credit (HP1636), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill amending the state tax code to use the amount certified by the State Budget Officer as net revenue generated by the cigarette tax increase (HP1580), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out a Bill Amending the State Tax Code Using Specified Amounts of Revenue (HP1582), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill, "An Act to Ensure Public Access to Lands Regulated by Maine's Tree Growth Tax Law," to the House (HP1937), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill, "An Act to Provide Funds for the Maine Solid Waste Management Fund" (HP1791), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out a Bill Concerning the Milk Handling Tax (HP1339), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out a Bill to Provide a Sales Tax Exemption for Feminine Hygiene Products (HP1111), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out a Bill to Study the Taxation of Telecommunications Property (HP1659), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out a Bill to Study the Taxation of Telecommunications Property (HP1680), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House of Representatives relating to tax exemptions (HP1268), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Amending the Shipbuilding Facility Credit (HP1624), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Amending the Shipbuilding Facility Credit (SP851), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Applying Revenue from the Tobacco Tax Relief Fund and the Tax Relief Fund for Maine Residents to Reduce the State Sales Tax (HP1610), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Concerning Tax Reform (HP1324), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Relating to the Taxation of Certain Federal Entities and the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program (HP1676), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Report Out Legislation Relating to the Taxation of Domestic Group Disability Income Insurance Companies (HP1323), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation Shall Report Out a Bill to Adjust the Property Tax Valuation of Old Town Following the Closure of the Old Town Expera Pulp Mill (HP1145), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation shall report out a bill to require view of tax increment financing (SP583), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation be directed to report out to the House a bill entitled "An Act Relating to 6-Axle Vehicles Carrying General Commodities" and a bill entitled "An Act to Clarify and Correct the Motor Vehicle Laws" (HP1909), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation be directed to report to the House a bill entitled "An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Laws and to Allocate Funds to the Division of Motor Vehicles" (HP1916), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation Report Out a Bill, "An Act Concerning Environmental Registration Plates" (HP882), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation Report Out a Bill, "An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding Categorical Signs in Public Rights-of-way" (SP628), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation Report Out a Bill on Logo Signs (HP1340), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation report out a bill regarding the Maine Turnpike Authority budget for fiscal year 1992-93 (HP1665), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation report out a resolve to the Senate entitled "Resolve, that the Secretary of State Prepare a Revision of the State's Motor Vehicle Laws" (SP554), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation Report Out Legislation Regarding the Widening of the Maine Turnpike (SP632), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation shall meet to examine the transportation of hazardous materials, including but not limited to petroleum products, by rail in this State, and may introduce a bill relating to the report (HP1146), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy Be Directed to Oversee Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company (SP833), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs report out a bill regarding the wholesale spirits contract (SP496), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs report out a bill to ensure that the responsibilities of a constitutional officer are not compromised when the constitutional officer is a candidate for office (SP22), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs shall report out a bill regarding the repeal of the access exception for certain liquor licensees (HP954), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Klir Beck dioramas be maintained in the State House after the pending renovations (HP1589), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Legislative Council shall assign parking spaces to each member of the Legislature based on seniority and chairmanship of a joint standing committee and further assign parking space to certain key staff members as the Legislative Council considers essential for operation of the Legislature (HP9), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Legislative Information Coordinator prepare a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches, showing the history and final disposition of each and that there be printed 400 copies of the same (SP5), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Legislative Information Officer prepare a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve (SP722), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That there be paid to the members of the Senate and the House 13 payments on a biweekly basis commencing January 4, 1989. Presented Senator ESTES of York (SP13), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That there be paid to the members of the Senate and the House as advances on account of compensation established by statute, the amount of Seven Hundred and Fifty dollars ($750) bi-weekly (SP13), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That there be prepared a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve (SP5), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That there be prepared by the Legislative Information Officer a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve and that there be printed 400 copies of the same (SP797), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the returns of votes for the Governor, given in the several cities, towns and plantations of the State for political years 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990, be referred to a Joint Select Committee (SP17), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Revisor of Statutes Prepare, "Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress and the Department of Energy to Make Full Use of the Rate Funds That Have Already Been Collected to Store and Monitor High-level Nuclear Waste" (HP1332), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Revisor of Statutes shall deliver by March 1, 1999, to the Clerk or Secretary all bills or resolves filed prior to the cloture date (SP1), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the rooms in the State House and State Office Building used by the 113th Legislature as hearing rooms be reserved for hearing rooms for the 114th and succeeding Legislatures (SP8), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the rooms in the State House and State Office Building used by the One Hundred and Twelfth Legislature as hearing rooms be reserved for hearing rooms for the One Hundred and Thirteenth and succeeding Legislature (SP8), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House be authorized to furnish 100-22 cent stamps for each member of the House and Senate for the purpose of distributing various reports of the Departments of State and other public documents such as they may desire to mail to the citizens of the State (SP10), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House be authorized to furnish postage stamps for each member of the House and Senate for the purpose of distributing various reports of the Departments of State and other public documents (SP10), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House jointly prepare the Senate and House Register and that 40,000 copies be printed (SP6), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House jointly prepare the Senate and House Register (SP6), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed (SP4), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed (SP4), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House respectively, purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed (SP5), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Speaker of the House be authorized at his discretion, to permit radio or television, in the Hall of the House of Representatives while the House is in session, or during joint conventions of the Legislature (HP2), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Speaker of the House is authorize, at his discretion, to permit radio or television in the Hall of the House of Representatives while the House is in session, or during joint conventions of the Legislature (HP3), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the Standing Committee on Judiciary Report Out a Bill, "An Act to Amend the Workplace Manslaughter Law to Protect Members of the Public" (SP491), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That the State Auditor is requested to review the Community Development Fund - Mental Health, the Community Development Fund - Mental Retardation and the Community Development Fund - Children (HP1588), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, that Wednesday, June 7, 1989, be declared "Affordable Housing Day" (HP1236), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That When the House and Senate Adjourn, They Do So Until the Call of the President and Speaker, Respectively, When There Is a Need to Conduct Legislative Business (HP1353), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That When the House and Senate Adjourn They Do So Until the Call of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Respectively When There Is a Need to Conduct Business (SP1080), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, That When the House and Senate Adjourn They Do So Until the Call of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Respectively When There Is a Need to Conduct Business (SP1092), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Accept the Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Establish a Comprehensive Internet Policy and to Direct the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary to Report Out a Bill Relating to a Person's Right to Privacy and Its Relationship to Personal Information Collected Over the Internet and Through Other Means by Governmental Agencies (HP1154), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Add Joint Rule 208 Regarding Drafting of Legislation (SP38), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Add Joint Rule 209 Regarding Spending Limits (SP39), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Add Joint Rule 409 Regarding Assignment of Revenue (SP52), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Add Joint Rule 409 Regarding Tax-supported Obligations (SP50), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Add Joint Rule 409 Regarding Unfunded Liabilities (SP51), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To adjourn until the call of the Speaker and the President (SP556), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend HP 1391, Joint Order Establishing the Committee to Study Issues Concerning Changes to the Traditional Uses of Maine Forests and Lands (HP1393), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 13 on Joint Standing Committees (HP5), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 13 on Joint Standing Committees (HP8), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 202, Regarding Cloture for Legislators at the First Regular Session (SP66), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 202 Regarding the Date for Cloture at the First Regular Session (SP35), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Amend Joint Rule 202 To Require a Minimum Threshold To Admit Bills for the First Regular Session (SP30), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 206 to Authorize Indian Representatives to Sponsor Legislation (HP48), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 206 to Permit Indian Representatives to Offer Floor Amendments to Legislation Specifically Relating to Indians and Indian Land Claims (HP84), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 207, Section 1, to Add the Sponsor's Name to Bill Information That is Public Upon Filing and to Make Titles of Bills or Resolves No Longer Confidential After Cloture (SP27), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 211 to Require Sponsor to Certify Support for Bill (HP100), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 28 on Cosponsorship (HP89), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 301.5 to rename the Business and economic development committee to Business and consumer affairs (HP1357), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 301 Regarding Joint Standing Committee Responsibilities and Jurisdiction (HP8), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 301, Subsection 5, to Rename the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development as the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development (SP53), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 304 to Allow Rebuttal Testimony Before Committees (HP83), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 304 to Prevent Committees from Giving Executive or Judicial Branch Employees Any Preference Over Members of the Public in Presenting Oral Testimony (HP314), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 305 Regarding Public Hearing Notices (HP106), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 308, Regarding Reference of Bills Containing Proposed Fee Increases and Other Efforts to Raise Revenue to the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation (SP67), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 310 (HP87), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rule 310, subsection 5, to Allow Indian Representatives to Vote and Sign Any Report in Their Committee on Legislation Sponsored by an Indian Representative That Specifically Relates to Indians or Indian Land Claims (HP86), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 310 To Provide for Leave To Withdraw (SP42), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 312 Regarding Fiscal Notes (SP28), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend Joint Rule 312 To Allow the Sponsor of a Bill To Be Present When Outside Information Is Obtained for the Preparation of a Fiscal Note (SP29), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 312 to Require That Fiscal Notes Be Based on Information Presented at Public Hearing or That the Source of Additional Information Be Provided (HP1611), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend Joint Rule 314 Regarding Participation of Policy Committees in Joint Budget Hearings and Work Sessions (SP36), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend Joint Rules 202 and 203 to Limit the Number of Bills Filed by Each Legislator (HP73), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 108, Provision of laptop computers and electronic dissemination of papers (HP84), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 108 to Require Agreement with the Legislative Code of Ethics (HP107), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 201-A, Limit on Bills Filed (HP57), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend the Joint Rules by adding Joint Rule 25-A on Recess and late filing at the First Regular Session (HP6), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 305-A, Requiring background research by nonpartisan committee staff on all bills and resolves (HP267), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 305-A to Require Background Research by Nonpartisan Committee Staff on All Bills (HP72), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 317, Requiring Review of Provisions Affecting the Fund for a Healthy Maine (HP74), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding Joint Rule 404-A, Regarding Mandatory Yeas and Nays on Every Vote on Bills on Their Passage to Be Enacted (HP124), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To amend the Joint Rules by amending Joint Rule 38 regarding legislative confirmation of gubernatorial appointments (SP979), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Amend the Joint Rules in Part 3 by Adding Subpart C, Legislative Oversight of Government Agencies and Programs, and Establishing the Government Oversight Committee (SP833), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Amend the Joint Rules Regarding Committee Membership (SP37), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules Regarding the Ability of Tribal Representatives to Vote in Committee (HP87), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules To Eliminate Concept Drafts (HP1080), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules To Implement Recommendations of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (SP13), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules To Permit Committees To Add Cosponsors to Bills (HP122), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules To Require Review of a Proposal To Create a New Crime or Enhance an Existing Criminal Penalty (HP1049), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To carry over matters on the Special Appropriations Table (SP555), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Carry Over Specified Matters to Any Special and/or Regular Session of the 125th Legislature (HP1190), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Carry Over Specified Matters to Any Special or Regular Session of the 124th Legislature (HP1053), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Change the Name of the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development (HP46), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Establish a Nurse of the Day (HP600), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Apportionment Commission (HP3), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Blue Ribbon Commission on Electric Energy Production, Demand and Cost (SP566), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Establish the Commission To Reapportion Maine's Congressional Districts (HP1186), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Commission to Study Issues Concerning Land Acquisition in Washington County (HP1589), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Commission to Study Issues Concerning School Bus Drivers (SP756), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Establish the Commission To Study Strategies To Promote Financial Literacy (HP1330), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee on Workforce Investment (HP1682), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Examine the Availability of Textbooks in Primary and Secondary Schools (HP1299), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Review the Child Protective System (HP1385), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine (HP1387), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study Issues Concerning Changes to the Traditional Uses of Maine Forests and Lands (HP1391), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable Containers (HP1389), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study the Authorization of Specialty License Plates (HP1327), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical Leave for Maine Families (HP1386), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study the Loss of Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing (HP1384), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study the Maine Clean Election Act (SP627), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Committee to Study the Needs of Persons With Mental Illness Who Are Incarcerated (HP1383), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Establish the Committee To Study the Prison Industries Program (HP1334), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Commission to Examine the Laws Governing the Operation of Emergency Vehicles (HP720), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee on Prosperity (HP1018), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Establish the Joint Select Committee on Regulatory Fairness and Reform (SP9), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee on Research and Development and the Joint Select Committee on Youth at Risk (HP125), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee on Research and Development (HP1711), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee on the Psychiatric Treatment Initiative (HP122), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee on Youth at Risk (SP143), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee to Find a Sustainable Source of Funding for Gun Safety Classes (HP1245), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Select Committee to Study the Necessity for Legislation Requiring Public Access to Rest Rooms by Service Stations Owned by Large, Out-of-state Companies (HP868), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Commission to Review Compensation in the Office of Disability Determination Services (HP1139), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Examine Issues Related to Motor Vehicle Glass Claims (HP1293), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Examine Issues Relating to the North American Free Trade Agreement (HP1214), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Study Growth Management (HP1330), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Study the Most Appropriate Means of Amending Existing Laws and Regulations to Facilitate Consumer Choice and the Ability to Age in Place (HP1141), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Study the Need for Additional Civil Legal Resources (SP423), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Study the Offset in Social Security and Maine State Retirement Systems Benefits (HP513), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Joint Study Committee to Study the State of the Lobster Fishery in Maine (HP1140), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Special Legislative Oversight Committee for Regional Electricity Issues (HP719), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force on Rail Transportation (HP1727), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force to Implement the 1991 Report of the President's and Speaker's Blue Ribbon Commission on Children and Families (HP462), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force to Study a Universal Special Retirement Plan for All Levels of Law Enforcement Officers (SP821), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force to Study Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing (HP1702), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force to Study the Costs and Design of a Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program (HP878), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Establish the Task Force to Study the Creation of a Registry of Personal Care Attendants (HP1671), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To extend the First Regular Session for five legislative days (HP991), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To extend the First Regular Session for five legislative days (SP549), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Extend the Reporting Deadline for the Joint Select Committee on Maine's Energy Future (SP533), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To hold over certain specified matters to any special and/or regular session of the 127th Legislature (HP992), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Hold Over Certain Specified Matters to Any Special or Regular Session of the 120th Legislature (HP1388), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To hold over to any special or regular session of the 127th Legislature additional specified matters (HP998), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Make Certain Amendments to the Joint Rules (SP472), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order to permit radio and television in the Hall of the House of Representatives during joint conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Order to permit radio and television in the Hall of the House of Representatives during joint conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Sessions of the House or During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Sessions of the House or During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio and Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Sessions of the House or During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio or Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Permit Radio or Television in the Hall of the House of Representatives During Joint Conventions (HP1), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To recall HP 404, LD 580, from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP989), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To recall HP 735, LD 1066, from the Legislative files (HP997), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To recall HP 996, LD 1454, from the Governor's desk to the House (HP1048), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1004 from the Legislative Files (SP646), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1007 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1171), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1048 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP621), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1082 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP632), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall L.D. 1088 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP574), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1099 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP606), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall LD 1114 from the Governor's Desk (HP1184), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1115 from the Governor's Desk (HP1189), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall LD 1132 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP510), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall L.D. 113 from the Legislative Files (HP1016), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 120 from the Legislative Files (HP1541), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall L.D. 1237 and All Its Accompanying Papers from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1040), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1251 from the Legislative Files to the House (HP1449), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1271 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1175), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1303 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1394), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall L.D. 1327 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1047), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1343 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1166), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1381 from the Governor's Desk (SP859), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall L.D. 1390 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1039), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall LD 1407 from the Governor's Office to the House (HP1169), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1439 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP778), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1454 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP631), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1464 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP625), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1486 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1167), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1502 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1116), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1538 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP516), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 1570 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP518), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 1923 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1729), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 2041 from the Legislative Files to the Senate (SP830), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 2162 from the Engrossing Division to the Senate (SP831), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall L.D. 276 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP550), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall L.D. 308 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1052), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall L.D. 462 from the Governor's Desk (SP561), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Recall LD 497 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP457), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 646 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1183), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 748 from the Office of the Governor (SP853), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 773 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP608), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 878 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1170), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Recall LD 896 from the Governor's Desk to the Senate (SP624), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall LD 967 from the Governor's Desk to the House (HP1182), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall Legislative Document 1478 from the Governor's Desk (HP1180), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Recall Legislative Document 1573 from the Governor's Desk (HP1181), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Remove L.D. 410 from the House's Unfinished Business Table by a Roll Call Vote and a Further Vote to Accept the Minority Ought to Pass Report as Amended (HP1610), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Require a Minimum Threshold to Report Out Legislation (HP43), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Require the Joint Select Committee on Rules To Look at Committee Structure (SP11), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Require the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety to Report Out a Bill Regarding the Sex Offender Registry (SP855), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Order To Require the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services To Report Out a Resolve Establishing a Study Commission on In Utero Drug Addiction (SP193), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Require the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources To Report Out a Bill Regarding Outdoor Wood Boilers (HP240), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To require the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs to report out a bill amending the election laws (SP551), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order, To Review the Dairy Tier Program (HP1118), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Order, to Specify a Statement of Legislative Ethics to be Incorporated in the 2015 Edition of the Senate and House Registers (SP473), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Order to Strike Out and Replace Joint Rule 303 Regarding Committee Clerks (HP88), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Acknowledging June 15, 2003 as Father's Day (SP593), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Acknowledging June 17, 2001 as Father's Day (SP650), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Acknowledging the Treaty of Watertown of 1776 on the Occasion of President George Washington's Birthday (HP395), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Acknowledging Women in Military Service (HP817), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Affirming the Friendship between the State of Maine and the Republic of China (HP943), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Calling on the Health-Tex Corporation to Seek Alternatives to the Proposed Closing of Health-Text Plants in Maine (SP122), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Calling upon the Governor of Maine to Call a Special Session of the Legislature after July 1, 1990, if State Revenues for Fiscal Year 1990 are Less than the Revenue Projections for 1990 (HP1836), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Celebrating March 25, 2007 as the 186th Anniversary of Greek Independence Day (SP590), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the City of South Portland (HP1664), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Celebrating the 100th Year of Women Serving in State Legislatures (HP1113), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the State of Israel (HP1674), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating 1992 as the Year of the Native American (SP891), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating 1999 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (HP1559), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating 2000 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (HP1943), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Bath as One of the Best Small Towns in America (HP1067), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (HP1538), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (SP39), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating LifeFlight of Maine (HP1355), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Maine Crime Victims' Rights Week (HP1713), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating March 25th as Greek Independence Day (HP1290), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating March 25th as Greek Independence Day (HP1706), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating March 25th as Greek Independence Day (HP1905), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Martin Luther King Day (HP24), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating May First as Colonel John Allan, Revolutionary War Hero, Day (HP1323), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating National Municipal Clerk's Week (HP1245), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (SP666), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Fenway Park (SP687), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Morse High School (SP681), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Bath Lodge of Elks (SP70), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (SP638), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the City of Brewer, Maine (SP104), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the City of Waterville, Maine (SP827), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (HP881), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Westbrook (HP1227), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Persian Gulf War and Honoring the Maine Veterans Who Participated in the War (HP1236), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C (HP1750), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Bath Military and Naval Children's Home (HP1819), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Limestone (HP1494), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals (SP644), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Aroostook County (SP451), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the City of Old Town, Maine (SP912), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Monhegan Plantation (HP1280), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Bath (HP1358), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Alton (HP1487), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Damariscotta (SP763), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Waldo (HP633), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Town of Meddybemps (SP768), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Town of Smyrna, Maine (SP198), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of Aroostook County (HP1774), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of Aroostook County (HP1308), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Town of Greenwood (HP1381), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Cushing (HP1278), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Hampden (HP1424), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Durham, Maine (SP115), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Frankfort (SP636), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Hebron (HP1711), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Islesboro (SP640), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Washington County (HP1256), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Town of Brunswick, Maine (SP86), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Town of Kittery (SP638), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Forest Fires of 1947 (HP1349), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the American Cancer Society (SP1002), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Commissioning of the Decorated World War II Cruiser USS Portland (HP1687), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Baxter State Park (HP1509), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Town of Vinalhaven (SP657), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Bicentennial of the French Revolution (SP575), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Town of Alna (HP1486), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Birthday of Cesar E. Chavez (SP1025), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Centennial of Acadia National Park (SP636), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the City of Augusta on Its Bicentennial (HP1152), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the "Days of Remembrance" of the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust (HP970), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP1111), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP1307), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP1342), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP919), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP986), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1479), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1617), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP920), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day, May 1, 2016, and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP1172), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Human Rights Center's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP983), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance (HP1413), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust Human Rights Center of Maine's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1423), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust Human Rights Center's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1668), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Holocaust Human Rights Center's Legislative Awareness Day and Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP986), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the New England Regional Group of the WAVES (HP1189), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Town of Boothbay Harbor (HP632), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Opening of the Merrill Auditorium in Portland (SP670), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Tenure of Jay P. McCloskey as United States Attorney for the District of Maine (HP1297), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Town of Freeport on the 200th Anniversary of its Incorporation (SP114), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the USS Maine (SP557), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Victims of the Devastating Explosion in Arkhangelsk, Russia (HP1462), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating the Victims of the Terrorist Tragedy in Madrid, Spain (HP1441), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day (HP1316), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victimrs of the Holocaust (HP1252), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1255), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1656), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1890), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (SP575), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the "Days of Remembrance" of Those Who Suffered as Victims of Nazism (HP1016), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the "Days of Remembrance" of Those who Suffered as Victims of Nazism (HP1827), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the "Days of Remembrance" of Those Who Suffered as Victims of Nazism (HP1924), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the "Days of Remembrance" of Those who Suffered as Victims of Nazism (HP860), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Days of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1364), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Days of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1455), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the "Days of Remembrance" of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP1746), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Days of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (HP625), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commemorating Yom Hashoah, the Days of Remembrance of Those Who Suffered as Victims of the Holocaust (SP442), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending Community-based Health Centers of the State of Maine (HP1413), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending President Barack H. Obama on His Selection of the Honorable George J. Mitchell as Middle East Envoy and Urging a Just Resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (HP1017), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending Seeds of Peace (SP793), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending the Concept of a Medical Home for All Maine Patients (SP723), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending the Efforts of the Parties to Advance Changes in Primary Care Payment to Promote Better Primary Care for All Maine (HP630), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending the Leaders of the United States and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics; for Their Historic Treaty Eliminating Intermediate-range Nuclear Missiles (SP749), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending the Maine State Museum and Partners for Mounting the Exhibit "Malaga Island, Fragmented Lives" (SP688), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Commending the Participants in Canada and the United States for Their Work on the Caribou Project (HP405), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Concerning a Proposed East-West Highway (HP1134), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Concerning Continued Diversification of Maine's Sources of Electricity (SP630), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Concerning the Hearings on a Proposed Bio-mass Project in the Stratton-Eustis Area (SP519), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Concerning the Release of Helium Balloons (HP1694), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Concerning the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism to Technology and Information Access (HP969), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Congratulating the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission on its 50th Anniversary of Promoting, Conserving and Managing the Marine Fishery Resources of the Atlantic Coastal States (HP1095), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on their Winning the 2013 World Series (SP713), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Congratulating the St. Andre Home, Inc. on the Occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary (HP1825), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring 2000 the Year of the Native American Woman (SP1086), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring February 25, 2010 Spay Day Maine 2010 (SP703), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring January 22nd as Maine Rx Program Day and Reaffirming Support for the Maine Rx Program (SP32), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring June 5th as Maine State Music Theatre Day (SP591), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring March 2, 1999 Read Across Maine Day (SP559), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring May 7, 1999 as Stand Up for Rural Maine Day (SP810), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring the Anniversary of the Birth of James Madison to be Observed as Liberty Day (SP454), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring the Anniversary of the Birth of James Madison to Be Observed as Liberty Day (SP765), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring the Week of April 10, 2016 as Maine Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (SP703), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring the Week of April 12, 2015 as Maine Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (SP486), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Declaring the Week of May 3, 2015 as Maine Arson Awareness Week (SP509), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Denouncing Racism and Violence (SP9), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating January 10, 2012 as Infant and Toddler Awareness Day (HP1299), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating January 2, 2011 as Infant and Toddler Awareness Day (HP23), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating January as School Board Member Recognition Month (SP622), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating March as Irish Heritage Month (HP1215), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating March as Irish Heritage Month (HP1430), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating October 27, 2013 as Kyle St. Clair Day (HP1031), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Designating the Week of April 25, 2011 Local School Board Recognition Week (SP475), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Emphasizing the Need for Environmental Education (HP1107), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging Municipalities to Fly Prisoner-of-war and Missing in Action Flags (HP1474), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging Public Schools to Teach a Firearms and Hunter Safety Course (SP496), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging the Board of Visitors for the Maine Youth Center and the Department of Corrections to Evaluate the Policies of the Board of Visitors (HP1957), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging the Department of Administrative and Financial Services to Evaluate Cost Issues Related to Retired Teachers' Health Insurance (SP1094), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging the Department of Education and Civic and Community Service Organizations to Implement and Teach the Eddie Eagle Elementary Gun Safety Education Program (HP1374), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging the Development of a Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SP866), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encouraging the Law Enforcement Community to Enforce Maine Law Prohibiting Tobacco Sales to Children (HP1260), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Encourating the Use of Reusable Shopping Bags (HP1642), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Operation Community Support (HP1424), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation as an Observer in the Meetings and Activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization and the United States Framework Convention on Climate Change (HP1309), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization (HP1163), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization (HP1465), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization (HP1679), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization (HP1728), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Endorsing Taiwan's Participation in the World Health Organization (SP851), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Establishing June 15, 2003 as "Walk With the Ones You Love Day" (SP580), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Establishing June 17, 2001 as "Walk With the Ones You Love Day" (HP1369), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Establishing June 18, 2000 as "Walk With the One You Love Day" (SP1093), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Establishing March 11th to March 17th, 2007 as Sleep Disorder Awareness Week (HP940), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Establishing March as Access to Plasma Protein Therapies Month (SP491), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support and Appreciation for the Dirigo Boys State and Dirigo Girls State Programs (HP895), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for Adherents of Falun Dafa (HP105), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for Adherents of Falun Dafa (HP495), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for a New England Coalition on Prescription Drug Prices (HP1812), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for Local State and International Action to Conserve the Gulf of Maine (SP568), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for the Compromise Installed Capacity Proposal Before the New England Power Pool (SP642), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing Support for the Human Rights Torch Relay (HP1592), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Gratitude of the Maine Legislature and the Communities of Maine to Those Responsible for Prompt Federal Flood Assistance (HP939), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Intent of the Legislature to Ensure Responsible Governmental Expenditures (HP202), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Legislative Sentiment That the Attorney General Should Support a New Trial for Dennis Dechaine (HP1184), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Legislature's Opposition to Federal Legislation Requiring Suspension of Licenses for Individuals Convicted of Violations of the Federal Controlled Substances Act (SP732), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Legislature's Support for the Installation of Wind Power Generating Facilities in the State (SP631), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Legislature Regarding the Rally in Lewiston by a White Supremacist Group (SP17), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Legislature that the Maine Solid Waste Authority Study Commercial Applications of Air Scrubber Technology and By-products (HP1370), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sentiment of the Legislature Concerning the Continuity of Economic Opportunity in Regions of the State Affected by the Combining of Georgia-Pacific Corporation and Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation (SP961), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sentiment of the Legislature for Food Sovereignty (HP1176), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sentiment of the Legislature in Opposition to the Initiated Bill Proposing a Ban on Clear-cutting (HP1384), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the Sentiment of the Maine State Legislature That Youth Connections between the United States and Other Nations Should be Encouraged and Supported Because They Promote International Peace and Understanding (SP1012), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Expressing the State of Maine's Sympathy and Condolences Concerning the Tragedy at Lac-Megantic, Quebec (HP1148), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Extending Greetings and Best Wishes of the Maine Legislature to the People of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (SP625), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution, Holding Over All Working Papers and Drafts and Gubernatorial Nominations to the Next Special or Regular Session of the 118th Legislature (HP1186), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoraing the Azerbaijan Community of Maine (SP512), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Albert P. Gamache (HP1468), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Armenian Americans and Commemorating the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923 (HP1373), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Bishop-elect Chilton R. Knudsen Upon Becoming the VIIIth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine (SP870), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring David C. Elliott on the Occasion of His Retirement from State Service (HP1202), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring David S. Silsby on his Retirement from State Service (SP301), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Deputy Secretary of State Peter W. Danton upon His Retirement (SP96), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Dorothy L. Rollins on the Occasion of her Retirement (SP976), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Dr. John Fitzsimmons (HP469), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Dr. John H. Joseph, President of the University of Maine at Machias (HP1192), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Edwin Arlington Robinson (HP1109), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Einar Gustafson (HP1341), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Emilien A. Levesque (SP601), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Former Portsmouth Mayor and New Hampshire State Senator Eileen Foley (SP858), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Germaine Longley on the Occasion of Her Retirement (SP664), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring John B. Knox of Readfield on His Retirement from State Service (HP1320), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring John Wallach and Seeds of Peace (SP748), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Joseph W. Mayo for His Years of Public Service (HP1947), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Maine Victims of the September 11th Tragedy (HP1542), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Major General Earl L. Adams on the Occasion of His Retirement (HP1911), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Major General Joseph E. Tinkham, II on His Retirement from the Maine National Guard (HP1371), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Mothers on the Occasion of Mother's Day (SP562), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Nelson Mandela (HP1805), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Oakhurst Dairy for 75 Years of Working With and For Maine Agriculture (SP521), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Portland High School as the Nation's Second Oldest Continuing Public High School (HP1277), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Rabbi Emeritus Harry Sky on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday (SP787), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Richard B. Anderson on the Occasion of His Retirement (HP1602), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Robert E. McAfee, M.D (SP694), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Rodney L. Scribner on the Occasion of His Retirement (SP41), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Rodney Sharon Quinn, Upon Retirement as Secretary of State (HP2005), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Samuel D. Shapiro on the Occasion of His Retirement (HP182), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Senator George J. Mitchell on the Occasion of the Unveiling of his Official Portrait in the State House (SP690), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of President Ronald Reagan (SP78), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the 200th Anniversary of Oxford County (SP637), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Area Agencies on Aging and Recognizing May as Older American Month (SP605), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Area Agencies on Aging as the Primary Resource for Maine's Senior Citizens and Their Families (HP482), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Astronauts of the Space Shuttle Columbia (SP172), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Bath Masonic Lodge on the Occasion of Its Bicentennial (SP497), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Bicentennial of the First Baptist Church of Yarmouth (SP672), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the City of Calais on the Occasion of Its 150th Anniversary (SP634), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Closing of the Augusta Mental Health Institute After 164 Years and Honoring Those Who Died While in Custody (HP1198), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Honorable Dan A. Gwadosky (HP1194), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Honorable George J. Mitchell (JCR1), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Kiwanis Clubs of Maine, Particularly the Kiwanis Club of Gorham for Operation Holiday Cheer (SP924), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Lives of the 33 Crew Members of the El Faro (HP1089), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Maine National Guard and All Active Duty Personnel for Their Service to the State and Nation (HP741), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Maine National Guard for Its Service to the Nation and State (HP1134), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Maine National Guard (HP1506), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Members of the Worcester Fire Department Who Lost Their Lives in the Line of Duty (HP1806), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Memory of Duane "Buzz" D. Fitzgerald (SP788), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Memory of Joseph Lawrence Kenneth Belanger (HP719), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Memory of Senator I. Joel Abromson (SP745), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Theresa Coughlin on the Occasion of Her Retirement (SP771), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Sesquicentennial of the Settlement of Ashland (HP1307), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Convent in Waterville (HP1274), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the United States Military Academy at West Point on Its 200th Anniversary (HP1674), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the University of Maine Black Bears Hockey Team (HP923), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring the Victims of the Boston Marathon Explosions (SP527), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Thomas Paine (HP1534), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Those Maine Fisherman Lost at Sea (HP1325), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Honoring Wreaths Across America (HP1296), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Appreciation and Recognition of Maine's 3 Private Industry Councils (HP515), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Appreciation and Recognition of the State's Twelve County Private Industry Council (SP768), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Commemoration of the Visit of the British Frigate H.M.S. Apollo (SP518), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Gratitude to Private and Public Individuals and Organizations Who Worked to Protect Life and Property from the Devastating Flood of 1987 (HP859), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and in Memory of Representative Abigail Holman of Fayette (HP1288), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the Late Donald V. Carter (HP79), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the Late Louis Jalbert of Lewiston (HP597), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the Late Mona Walker Hale (HP433), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the Late Peter A. McKernan (SP115), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the Late Ralph F. Prime of Windsor (HP66), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor and Recognition of the National Snowshoe Convention (SP896), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Adjutant General John W. Libby on His Retirement (HP1366), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Agriculture in Maine (HP1305), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Brian K. Blaisdell of Monmouth (HP1371), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Carrie S. Berry (HP1654), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Dr. Clarence P. Quimby, the "Yankee Schoolmaster" (HP1670), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Edmund S. Muskie (HP1375), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Elsie I. Bowen of Morrill (HP291), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Geraldine S. Dubord (HP1386), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Justice David A. Nichols of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court (HP1942), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Kevin W. Concannon, Former Commissioner of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (HP707), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of L.L. Bean on the 75th Anniversary of Its Founding (SP724), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Maine Game Warden Daryl R. Gordon, Who Died in the Line of Duty (HP994), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Maine's Natural Resource-based Industries (HP1935), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Maine's Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs (HP1489), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Mary E. Harding, Senior Legal Proofreader for the Maine Legislature (SP997), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Pope John Paul II (HP1100), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Samuel S. Silsby, Jr. of Augusta, the State of Maine's First Archivist (HP1409), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Senior Legislative Analyst Jon Clark, Esq (HP1390), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (HP1624), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (SP354), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (SP387), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (SP662), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (SP734), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to Maine and to the United States (SP738), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of St. Patrick's Day (SP391), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 150th Anniversary of Hancock Lumber Company (SP863), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 160th Anniversary of the Maine State House (SP621), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 200th Anniversary of the First Baptist Church of St. George (HP1268), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Fairfield (HP1940), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Andrew Wyeth (HP1347), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 85th Birthday of Girl Scouting (HP1334), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the 90th Anniversary of the Maine Chiropractic Association (SP690), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Bicentennial of the Town of Nobleboro (HP1943), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Bicentennial of the Town of Penobscot (SP207), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Brunswick Naval Air Station (SP644), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Contributions that Women Make to the People of Maine (HP938), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1015), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1037), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1108), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1139), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1291), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1317), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1362), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1412), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1498), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1622), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1640), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP1777), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP659), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP720), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP894), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (HP923), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (SP1074), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Maine Farmer and Maine Agriculture (SP869), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of the Multifaceted Agriculture of Maine (HP583), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Women's History Month and in Recognition of the Contributions that Women Make to Maine and to the United States (HP757), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Women's History Month and in Recognition of the Contributions that Women Make to Maine and to the United States (HP784), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Honor of Women's History Month and in Recognition of the Contributions That Women Make to Maine and to the United States (SP670), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memoriam: Louise Berliawsky Nevelson (HP1948), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution In Memoriam: The Honorable Laurence E. Connolly, Jr., of Portland (HP1126), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memorium to Retired Justice William S. Silsby, Sr (SP683), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Alton E. Cianchette (SP971), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Dana P. Stevenson (HP1665), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Deputy Revisor of Statutes, Brian Keith Blaisdell of Monmouth (HP1885), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Fred C. Scribner, Jr (SP622), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Justice David G. Roberts (HP1070), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Karen J. Hubbard (HP1261), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Margaret Chase Smith (HP1109), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Marguerite Yourcenar (SP783), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Mary "Mame" Olsson (HP1174), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of the Honorable Robert N. Haskell (HP1441), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of Thomas C. Cahill (HP1123), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Memory of United States Army Private First Class Lori Ann Piestewa, the First American Woman Soldier Killed in Action in the Iraq War (HP1207), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition and Support of Maine's Direct Support Professional Workforce (HP1460), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of David S. Silsby, Revisor of Statutes (SP1036), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Dorothy Walker Bush LeBlond (HP19), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Maine and New Brunswick Days of Peace and Friendship (HP1782), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Maine's Travel and Tourism Industry (SP321), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Maine's Travel and Tourism Industry (SP976), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Robert G. Redman of Augusta, Deputy State Auditor (HP1271), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Town of Waterboro (SP158), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Contributions That Women Make to Maine and to the United States (SP675), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Groundbreaking Service of Women in Leadership in the Maine State Legislature (SP528), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Honorable Edward T. Gignoux, Senior United States District Judge for the District of Maine (HP1928), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Recognition of Young Thespians (HP1244), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of Civic Education (HP1637), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of Creating the Maine Air Museum (HP1138), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of Earth Day, April 22, 1990 (HP1695), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of Increased Soviet Consideration of Human Rights (SP708), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of National POW/MIA Recognition Week (HP1995), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of Peace Initiatives in Northern Ireland (HP694), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the Annual Washington Juneteenth National Holiday Observance (HP1290), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the California Strawberry Workers' Organizing Campaign of the United Farm Workers of America (HP1220), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the Expansion of Downeaster Rail Service in Maine (SP911), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the New England Secondary School Consortium (SP685), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the North American Open Ice-snow Sailing Championship at Sabattus Lake (HP1537), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the Recommendations of the Commission to Develop Strategies to Increase Postsecondary Access, Retention and Completion for Low-wage, Low-skilled Adults (HP1678), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the State of Israel (HP1112), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the "Treatment Works!" Campaign (SP690), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Support of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (HP1681), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Tribute to Agriculture: America's Heartbeat on Agricultural Day (HP1889), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution in Tribute to Agriculture: America's Heartbeat on Agricultural Day (HP624), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Inviting All People from Maine Living Here and Away to Reconnect with the State (SP433), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Joining the University of Maine at Fort Kent in the Celebration of Its 125th Anniversary (SP596), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to Congress Calling a Constitutional Convention to Propose an Amendment to the Federal Constitution to Limit the Terms of Members of Congress (HP1818), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to Congress to Call a Constitutional Convention to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution to Require the President of the United States to Submit a Proposed Balanced Budget to the Congress and to Require a Balanced Federal Budget (SP798), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to the Congress of the United States Calling a Constitutional Convention to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution Regarding the Status of Corporations as People and the Role of Money in the Election Process (HP956), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to the Congress of the United States Calling a Constitutional Convention to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution to Resolve the Issue of Campaign Finance (HP1107), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to the Congress of the United States Calling a Constitutional Convention to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution to Resolve the Issue of Campaign Finance (HP988), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to the Congress of the United States Calling a Constitutional Convention to Propose and Amendment to the United States Constitution to Require a Balance Federal Budget and Further Fiscal Restraints (SP499), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Making Application to the Congress of the United States Calling a Convention of the States to Propose Amendments to the United States Constitution to Impose Fiscal Restraints, Limit Federal Power and Impose Term Limits (HP804), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Certain National Private Entities to Honor Maine Baseball Great Louis Sockalexis and to Afford Appropriate Respect to Native American Athletes (HP1045), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress and the President of the United States to Uphold and Protect the Bill of Rights (HP1362), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress and the President of the United States to Urge the Retention of Small Issue Industrial Development Bonds (SP654), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress and the United States Department of Transportation to Study the Sufficiency of West-East Transportation Links (SP589), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress Opposing a Federal Motor Fuel Tax for Deficit Reduction (SP518), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Adopt Patriots' Day as a Holiday Throughout the United States of America (HP1701), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Allow All States East of the 100th Meridian to Regulate the Export of Unprocessed Logs (HP1143), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Amend the Price-Anderson Act (HP1363), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Amend the United States Constitution to Make Desecration of the American Flag a Crime (HP1286), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Avoid Sole-sourced Shipbuilding (HP1160), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Change the Scheduled Designation of Marijuana to Allow for Limited Medical Use (HP1725), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Continue AmeriCorps Funding for the State of Maine (HP1191), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Continue Funding for the Community Development Block Grant Program (HP1157), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Continue the Full Effectiveness of the Head Start Program (HP1215), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Create a National Child Safety Awareness Week (SP473), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Ensure the Viability of the United States Social Security System (SP871), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Fund the Additional Homeland Security Costs (HP1669), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Issue a Waiver of the Requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act for Maine Public Schools (HP1204), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Maintain the Provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act (HP1744), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Pass the Prescription Drug Fairness for Seniors Act (HP1157), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Protect and Preserve Social Security (SP517), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Protect Workers at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine (HP1644), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Reinstate the Bangor, Maine Office of the Federal Rail Administration and to Adopt Legislation to Improve Railroad Occupational Safety and Health Conditions (HP1420), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Reject Plans to Privatize Social Security (SP634), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Release Federal Highway Trust Funds (HP1925), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Secure a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Treaty (HP1441), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Support National Election Reform (SP614), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Local Workforce Investment Boards to Report Their Activities to the Legislature (SP1068), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing Maine's Congressional Delegation to Urge the Federal Surface Transportation Board to Cancel Canadian National Railway Company Trackage Rights (SP576), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the 100th Congress of the United States to Promptly Enact Enabling Legislation to Continue the Federal-aid Highway Program (SP157), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the 100th Congress of the United States to Regulate the Portrayal of Violence and the Marketing of War Toys and Toy Firearms (SP995), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the 100th Congress of the United States to Take Action to Address the Claims of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs as a Result of Their Omission from the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (SP574), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to Withhold Sanctions on Maine While the State Is in the Process of Attaining Reclassifications and Exemptions (HP634), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Require Development of a Gasoline That Reduces Ozone Without Endangering Health (HP1128), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to Make Fisheries Management Decisions Based on Interest in the Fishery (HP1586), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Attorney General of the State of Maine to Initiate a Lawsuit Against the Federal Government Due to Its Continuing Practice of Enacting Unfunded Federal Mandates That Have Been Imposed on the Several States and Their Political Subdivisions (HP1481), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Board of Directors of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maine to Reconsider the Proposed Sale to Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. and Asking the Superintendent of Insurance to Review the Proposed Sale (SP1085), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee and the Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service to Issue a Block of Four Stamps Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Castine, Maine (HP1786), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee and the Postmaster General to Issue a Stamp Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Naval Shipyards (HP1641), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Commissioner of Transportation to Increase the Speed Limit to 65 M.P.H. on Rural Interstate Highways in Maine (SP467), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Commissioners of Departments of State Government to Visit Each County in the State at Least Once Each Year (HP1231), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress and President of the United States to Suspend the July 26, 1995 Deadline for Sanctions Against the State of Maine Under the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (HP581), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress and the President of the United States to Clearly Express Our Nation's Support for the Chinese Students who Risk All in the Cause of Democracy (HP1257), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Control Mercury as a Hazardous Air Pollutant (SP470), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States Concerning Nuclear Evacuation Zones (HP625), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States Concerning the Hardship Created by Denials of Home Health Services' Benefits by Medicare (SP677), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States Concerning the Lockout of Employees at Simplex Wire and Cable (HP987), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States fo Disapprove Any Use of Dedicated Funds for General Fund Purposes (HP1257), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States Not to Close the Brunswick Naval Air Station (HP813), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States Not to Cut Funding for Higher Education (HP1381), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States on the Future of the United States Naval Air Station at Brunswick, Maine (HP426), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States on the Future of the United States Naval Shipyard at Kittery, Maine (HP1753), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States on the Future of the United States Naval Shipyard at Kittery, Maine (SP118), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States on the Future of the United States Naval Shipyard at Kittery, Maine (SP252), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Act Expeditiously on the National Highway System (SP756), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Allow Improved Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies Offering Prescription Drug Coverage (HP1153), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Allow States More Discretion in Utilizing Funding Available from the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Block Grant Contained in the Anti-drug Abuse Act of 1988 (SP317), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act to Facilitate the Development and Approval of New Drugs and Biologics (HP1383), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Amend the Laws Governing Compensation for Service-connected Disabilities (HP1610), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Amend the United States Constitution to Require the Federal Government to Fund Any Mandate Imposed on the Several States or their Political Subdivisions (HP1404), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Conduct Hearings Concerning Interstate Commerce Commission Oversight of Maine Railroads (HP910), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Construct a National Memorial Honoring Women in Military Service (HP1609), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Continue Its Support and Advocacy for the Military Bases in Maine (HP1461), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Continue Its Support and Advocacy for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine (HP904), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Correct Inequities for Retirees Drawing Social Security Benefits (HP1722), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development to Release an Amount of Funds Commensurate with the Extent of the Devastation Incurred by Maine's Electric Utilities and Their Customers from the Funds Appropriated by Public Law 105-174 (SP531), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Eliminate Inequities in the Payment of Social Security Benefits Based on the Year of Initial Eligibility (HP1308), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Enact Amendments to the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (HP1260), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Enact a National Minimum Carapace Size for Lobsters (SP641), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Enact an Increase in the Minimum Wage (HP1367), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Enact the Women's Health Equity Act of 1991 (SP719), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Establish Appropriate Burial Spaces for Maine's Veterans (HP1090), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Exempt Funds Awarded to Vietnam Veterans from the Class Action Suit against Dow Chemical Corporation from the Determination of Eligibility for Federally Established Public Assistance Programs (HP65), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Exempt the Passamaquoddy Tribe from Certain Provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (HP1444), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Extend the Maine Territorial Sea Limits from 3 Miles to 12 Miles (HP1117), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Extend the Maine Territorial Sea Limits from 3 Miles to 12 Miles (HP1389), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Grant Compensation to Atomic Veterans without Regard to Latency Periods (HP633), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Grant Presumptive Compensation to Vietnam Veterans with Certain Medical Conditions (HP60), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Increase Funding to Support Special Education (SP772), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Increase Interstate Truck Weight Limits (SP650), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Increase the Speed Limit to 65 M.P.H. on Rural Interstate Highways (HP452), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Lift Sanctions and Establish Permanent, Normal Trade Relations with Cuba (SP818), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Limit the Uses of Social Security Account Numbers (HP1547), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Mandate That the Base Realignment and Closure Commission Reject the Department of Defense's Recommendation to Realign Naval Air Station Brunswick and to Close Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service in Limestone (SP630), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Mandate that the United States Veterans Administration Make Tests Available to Vietnam-Era Veterans Which Measure the Amount of Dioxin in an Individual (HP61), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Outlaw the Use of Permanent Replacement Workers (SP643), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Pass Spousal Impoverishment Legislation for Relief Where One Spouse is Confined to a Nursing Care Facility and the Other Spouse is Using All Available Resources to Pay for the Care of that Spouse (HP1321), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Preserve the Current Fair Housing Act (HP1660), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Provide a Domestic Natural Gas Policy (SP619), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Provide Funding for Federal Mandates (SP879), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Reaffirm and Improve Our Nation's Efforts to Protect and Restore Threatened and Endangered Species (HP624), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Reauthorize the Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact (HP1378), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Reauthorize the Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact (HP1595), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Recognize Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II With Full Veteran Status (HP1145), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Refuse to Enact the Budget Resolution and Implementing Legislation That Would Impose a British Thermal Tax (SP332), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Remove the Requirement for 2%-by-Weight Oxygenate in Gasoline (HP1492), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Remove Tobacco Subsidies (HP1568), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Repeal Federal Laws and Rules Linking Food Stamp Eligibility With Heating Assistance (HP1165), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Request a Prompt Ruling from the Interstate Commerce Commission Regarding Railroad Employee Protection in the Case of the Springfield Terminal, New York Dock (HP986), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Request That the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Be Submitted to the States for Ratification (HP1240), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Require Health and Safety Disclaimers on All Broadcast and Print Media Alcohol Advertisements (HP1273), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Require the United States Department of Labor to Examine Its Methodology for Calculating Rates in the Woods Wage Survey, to Establish Heavy Equipment Operational Rates and to Remove Barriers to the Health and Safety of Persons Harvesting Forest Products (HP949), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Resolve Trade Barriers Between Maine and the Province of New Brunswick (HP1598), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Restore Full Constitutional Rights to Maine Veterans Who Bore Arms in Defense of the United States of America (HP634), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Restore Funds to the Veterans Administration for Fiscal Year 1989 (HP1052), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Revoke Its Congressional Payraise, Rollback Its Salaries to the 1989 Level and Repeal the Automatic Cost-of-living Allowance (HP1066), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Set Aside Social Security Trust Funds Currently Being Used to Fund General Government Expenses (HP1677), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Stop Mandates That Are Beyond Its Constitutionally Delegated Powers (HP693), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Support States' Efforts for Election Reform (SP651), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Support the Farm-to-Cafeteria Projects Acts (HP1464), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Work Toward a Solution to the Problem in Cyprus (HP1928), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission to Reconsider Its Decision to Close Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine (HP1126), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Delegation of the 2007 New England Fishery Management Council to Use the Area Management Concept for Groundfish Management (SP702), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Delegation of the 2008 New England Fishery Management Council to Consider Alternative Actions to Ensure a Healthy Sustainable Groundfishery for New England (HP1688), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Department of Labor to Abandon Plans to Consolidate OSHA Offies in the State of Maine (HP86), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Department of the Interior to Settle an 11-Year Dispute Between the National Park Service and the Ski Area Located on Saddleback Mountain (SP718), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Federal Aviation Administration to Fully and Property Staff and Maintain the Automated Flight Service Station Located at the Bangor International Airport in Bangor, Maine (HP1193), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Federal Communications Commission to Support a Single Area Code for the State (SP686), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Use Existing Utility Rights-of-way in Siting a Natural Gas Pipeline When Technologically Feasible (HP1638), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Federal Government to Not Cut the Budget for Emergency Responders (HP1458), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Government of the United States to Maintain Loring Air Force Base (HP1260), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Government of Turkey to Uphold and Safeguard Religious and Human Rights (HP924), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Governments of Eastern European Countries to Continue to Support Efforts for Freedom (HP1659), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Governor of the State to Petition the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Remove from the Ozone Transport Region and Redesignate to Attainment or Rural Transport All Areas of the State That Qualify (HP1132), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Honorable Michael B. Donley, Secretary of the United States Air Force, and the Maine Congressional Delegation to Petition for an Open and Objective Evaluation by the United States Air Force Concerning Basing Decisions for the KC-46A Refueling Tanker (HP1163), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Honorable Representatives Olympia Snowe and Thomas Andrews to Become Cosponsors of House Report 3392, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1993 (HP1408), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the International Committee of the Rec Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the League of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to Fully Recognize the Magen David Adom Society (HP610), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Members of the United States Congress to Ensure an Adequate Rail Service for Maine and New England (SP1008), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Maine Congressional Delegation to Oppose Low-level Flights in Western Maine (HP1268), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Maine Congressional Delegation to Support the President's School Renovation and Repair Initiative (HP1853), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Maine Representative on the Northeast Ozone Transportation Commission to Vote No on the Petition to the Environmental Protection Agency on Low Emission Vehicles (HP1346), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Members of the Maine Congressional Delegation to Insist that the United States Secretary of Agriculture Maintain and Intensify Inspections of Canadian Potato Shipments along Maine's Border and Determine the Existence of Unfair Trade Practices by the Canadian Government (HP1283), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Members of the United States Congress to Act in the Best Interests of Maine Citizens Concerning Medicaid Changes (SP845), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Members of the United States Congress to Pass Legislation for Better Child Care Services (SP1035), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Members of the United States Senate to Vote to Override the President of the United States' Veto of the Federal Highway Legislation (SP369), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the National Marine Fisheries Service to Not Adopt Rules That Unnecessarily Restrict Commercial Fishing (HP1297), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Pharmaceutical Industry to Continue Prescription Drug Deliveries to Canadian Pharmacies That Sell Prescription Drugs to American Citizens (SP380), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States Not to Require a Passport to Cross the Canadian Border (SP636), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Allow Poland's Citizens to Travel to the United States Without Visas (HP1183), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Continue the Funding Commitment Necessary to Restore Passenger Rail Service to the State of Maine (SP272), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Fully Fund the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SP492), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Oppose the Entry of China into the World Trade Organization and to Deny China Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status (HP1854), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Support Amtrak (SP257), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Support the Reform of the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision Requirements (HP1329), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Support the Reform of the Social Security Offsets of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision (HP1014), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Support the Reform of the Social Security Offsets of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision (HP1185), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Support the Reform of the Social Security Offsets of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision (SP382), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Urge the Revision of the "Take Title" Provision Concerning Low-level Radioactive Waste in Public Law 99-240 (HP1787), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States in Support of the Togus Veterans Affairs Medical Center (HP1063), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Adopt Certain Changes to the Medicare Part D Program (SP846), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Authorize Transfer of Savings in Federal Military Accounts to the Domestic Budget (HP1689), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Enact Emergency Legislation Waiving Unfunded Federal Mandates That Have Been Imposed on the Several States or Their Political Subdivisions (HP576), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Enact the Social Security Fairness Act of 2007 (HP1352), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Ensure Fair Treatment of Joseph Doherty (HP1766), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Exempt School Administrative Units from the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 When Student Attendance Falls Below the State Target Due to Excessive Student Absenteeism (SP661), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Impose Sanctions against the Governments of Those Countries with Ties to Terrorist Organizations (HP1300), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Preserve Federal Funding (SP756), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Prevent Desecration of the American Flag While Upholding the Bill of Rights (HP1360), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Protect the Environmental, Economic and Health and Safety Interests of the People of Maine in Regard to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989 Now before the United States Senate (SP914), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Provide Support for Continued Critical Access Along Maine's Route 1 Corridor Through Replacement of the Carlton Bridge in Bath (SP592), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Recognize the Achievements of Women in Combat Positions (HP1733), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Reinvest in Hometown America (HP1720), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support Full Participation by the Republic of China on Taiwan in the United Nations (HP1273), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support Military and Civilian Dual-use of Military Facilities (HP1490), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support the Completion of the Keystone XL Pipeline (SP676), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support the Legal Availability of RU-486 for Appropriate Research and, If Indicated, Clinical Practice (SP971), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (HP702), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Take Action to Prevent the Closing of the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office at Togus, Maine (SP847), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Urge the Retention of Small-issue Industrial Development Bonds" (HP1138), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Urge the Retention of Small Issue Industrial Development Bonds (HP1771), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President-elect of the United States and the United States Congress to Support the "Divided We Fail" Effort (HP105), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and Congress of the United States to Adopt the Veterans Remembered Flag in Honor of All Veterans (HP1111), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and Congress of the United States to Sign Legislation That Establishes a National, Universal, Single-Payor Nonprofit Health Care Plan (HP1004), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Adequately Fund the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (SP651), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Appropriate Funds to Maintain the Monuments at Gettysburg National Military Park (SP926), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Continue Stipends at Current Levels for Veterans in Veterans' Nursing Homes (SP623), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Enact the America Rx Act (SP543), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Enact the America Rx Act (SP569), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Ensure the Protection of Civil Liberties and the Security of the United States (HP1433), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Fulfill the Intent to Fund 40% of the Costs of Special Education and to End Unfunded Mandates (HP1007), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Fulfill the Intent to Fund 40% of the Costs of Special Education and to End Unfunded Mandates (HP1115), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Fulfill the Intent to Fund 40% of the Costs of Special Education or Amend the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act to Allow the States More Flexibility in Implementing Its Mandates (HP1681), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Fulfill the Intent to Fund 60% of the Costs of Special Education and to End Unfunded Mandates (HP1182), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Fulfill the Original Intent to Fund 40% of the Costs of Special Education Mandates to the States Under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (HP958), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Improve the Process Used to Negotiate and Approval International Trade Agreements (HP1392), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Increase Funding for Community Development Block Grants (HP1289), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Provide Full Annual Operating Funding for Acadia National Park (SP808), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Provide Support for Critical Highway Improvements through Northern Maine from Houlton to Fort Kent (SP601), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Provide to the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Just and Equitable Compensation Comparable to the Settlement Provided to the Penobscot Nation and the Passamaquoddy Tribe (HP963), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (HP1373), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Repeal the Real ID Act of 2005 (SP113), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Restore Equitable Distribution of Federal Highway Funding to States and Municipalities (HP1649), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Safeguard the State's Role in International Trade Agreements (SP649), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Secure a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Treaty (HP1844), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Support Pay Equity (SP590), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Urge the Retention of Mortgage Revenue Bonds as a Financial Mechanism Authorized by the Federal Tax Code to Assist in Addressing the Critical Problem of Affordable Single-family Housing (SP882), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress for Increased Oversight and Accountability for Recipients of Federal Bailout Funds (HP938), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Adopt Legislation That Strengthens Enforcement of Domestic Sourcing Laws and Prohibits Purchasing from Nondomestic Sweatshops (HP1324), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Allocate Full Funding for the National Veterinary Medical Services Act (HP273), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Allow the States to Keep Their Tobacco Settlement Money (HP1469), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Amend Federal Law Regarding Student Visas for Public Schools (HP1090), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Award the Designation of "Veterans of the United States and the State of Maine" to the Protectors and Defenders of the Northeastern Boundary During the Aroostook War (HP1177), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Enact the Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2007 (HP1318), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Enact the Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2009 (HP1302), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Enact the Social Security Fairness Act of 2011 (SP631), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Exempt Maine from the Requirement That Certain States Achieve a 15% Reduction of Emissions (SP263), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Express Disapproval of Corn Ethanol as a Fuel Additive and to Urge the Allowance of Alternatives to Corn Ethanol as a Fuel Additive (HP1179), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Fulfill the Intent to Fund 40% of the Costs of Special Education and to End Unfunded Mandates (SP691), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Fully Appropriate the Money for Radioactive Waste Management (HP1346), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Issue the $250 One-time Payment to Social Security Recipients (HP1287), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Not Require the Use of E15 Gasoline (SP567), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Protect the Clean Air Act and Fund the Infrastructure that Ensures Healthy Air for Maine Families and Businesses (HP1020), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Provide Additional Emergency Home Heating Funds to Maine Citizens (HP949), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Raise the Weight Limit on Interstate 95 (SP537), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Reform the Federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (SP679), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Require Expansion of Fish Hatchery Operations (HP933), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Review Portions of the National Defense Authorization Act (HP1397), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Secure Clean Water Act Funding for the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (HP1390), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Seek the Resignation of the United States Secretary of Education (SP745), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support a Balanced Budget Amendment (SP513), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support a World War II Memorial (SP722), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support a World War II Memorial (SP750), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support National Guard Facilities (HP1044), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support the Creation of a National Affordable Housing Trust Fund (HP1526), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support the Independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (HP987), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support the Recommendations of the Commission to Protect the Lives and Health of Members of the Maine National Guard (SP484), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Support the Reform of the Social Security Offsets (HP925), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the United States Congress to Take Action for Strong Enforcement of Our Nation's Trade Laws (SP708), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States Concerning Amendments to the Federal Minimum Wage (SP631), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, Congress and the United States Postal Service to Maintain Current Levels of Service (HP1442), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, Secretary of the Interior Gale A. Norton and the Congress of the United States to Abandon Plans to Conduct a Feasibility Study Concerning the Establishment of a National Park in Maine's North Woods (HP1137), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Attorney General of the United States, the Secretary of Transportation and the Congress of the United States to Impose a Moratorium on Major Airline Mergers (SP595), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States, and the Interstate Commerce Commission to Restore Passenger Rail Service to the State of Maine (HP1265), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States and the Secretary of Energy to Release Fuel from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Stabilize Regional Fuel Supplies (HP1838), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States and the United States Department of Justice to Establish Satellite Voting for Displaced Victims of Hurricane Katrina (HP1508), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, the Secretary of Commerce William Daley and the Congress of the United States to Reconsider the Method to Protect and Restore the Atlantic Salmon (HP1794), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy and the Congress of the United States to Retain the Search and Rescue Team Helicopters Currently Stationed at the United States Naval Air Station Brunswick (SP804), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Department of Transportation to Not Cut Essential Air Services Funding (HP1168), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to Ensure Funding for Veterans' Health Care (HP1563), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Support the Waiver California Needs to Achieve Greenhouse Gas Reductions (HP825), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Secretary of Education to Oppose the Move Toward Competitive Grants in the Distribution of Federal Education Aid (HP1034), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Trade Representative Regarding States' Rights in Future International Trade Policy (HP1152), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Congress and the United States Trade Representative Regarding the Use of Trade Promotion Authority in International Trade Policy (HP1129), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Secretary of Commerce and the United States Secretary of the Interior Not to Drill for Oil or Natural Gas on Georges Bank (HP1380), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Secretary of Energy and the Congress of the United States to Review National Policy on Used Nuclear Fuel (SP497), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States, the United States Secretary of the Interior and the United States Congress to Oppose the Creation of a National Park in Maine's North Woods (SP519), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States to Exercise Executive Privilege and Award the Purple Heart to Those in the Armed Forces of the United States Exposed to Agent Orange (HP1463), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States to Negotiate a Ban on Antipersonnel Land Mines (HP1253), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States to Support the Full Pursuit of Diplomatic Resolutions and Weapons Inspections (SP163), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States Urging the Federal Government to Take Prompt Action on Pending Permits and Requests for Federal Aid for the Searsport Dry Cargo Terminal Project in Searsport, Maine (HP1572), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Prime Minister of Israel Recognizing His Restraint in Not Exercising Israel's Right to Retaliate against Iraq (HP617), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy to Support the Cutler Naval Station as a Critical Part of Our Nation's Defense (HP1826), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of Defense to Name a Ship in Honor of the City of Bath (HP1355), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of the Navy to Honor the Gift of 1,000 Acres Known as Brunswick Commons Bestowed in 1719 by the Pejepscot Proprietors to the Town of Brunswick Forever and Return It to the Town at No Cost (HP1500), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of the Navy to Retain the Search and Rescue Team Helicopters Presently Stationed at the Brunswick Naval Air Station (HP1367), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of Transportation of the United States to Take Appropriate Action to Ensure Continued Air Service to Aroostook County (HP1309), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the Secretary of Transportation of the United States to Take Appropriate Action to Ensure Continued Air Service to Aroostook County in Maine (HP1170), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the State Legislatures of the United States to Support Military and Civilian Dual-use of Military Facilities (HP1489), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the State of Georgia to Aid in Expediting the Return of the Battle Flag of the 17th Maine Volunteer Regiment (HP881), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United Nations to Grant Free Access to its Files on Nazi War Criminals (HP1357), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Coast Guard and the United States Department of Transportation to Cease and Desist All Efforts to Close Two Coast Guard Stations in Maine (HP1655), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to Forego Imposing a Cap on Federal Universal Service Fund Support for Maine's Rural Wireless Carriers (HP1348), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress and the United States Secretary of Defense to Establish 2 Defense Finance and Accounting Service Centers in the State (HP1491), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Amend the Federal Order System to Ensure That Maine Dairy Farmers Will Receive a Sustainable Price for Their Milk (HP1009), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Authorize a Cold War Service Medal (SP920), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Enact a Strong Federal Clean Energy and Climate Bill (HP1303), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Enact Legislation to Ensure Health Care for All (HP1686), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Encourage the International Olympic Committee to Reverse its Decision to Abolish Wrestling for the 2020 Olympic Games (SP464), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Increase Flexibility Regarding Payments to Maine Veterans' Homes (HP1320), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Make Exemptions from the Ethanol Fuel Provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act of 1990 (SP734), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Oppose Section 8 of H.R. 1919, An Act to Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (SP600), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Reverse the Ruling of the United States Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (SP548), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution to Require the President of the United States to Submit a Proposed Balanced to the Congress and to Require a Balanced Federal Budget (SP998), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Raise the Weight Limit on Interstate 95 (HP1178), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Raise the Weight Limit on Interstate 95 (HP1354), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Raise the Weight Limit on Interstate 95 (SP710), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Reinstitute the Glass-Steagall Act (SP465), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Require the United States Department of Defense to Reinstate the Terminology of "POW" or "Prisoner of War" into the Classification of Military Personnel (SP703), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Stop Gasoline Price Manipulation and to Close the Enron Loophole (HP1672), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Support the Employee Free Choice Act (SP733), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Support the Fiscal Year 2011 Federal Appropriation for the Northeast Great Waters Restoration and Conservation Initiative (HP1326), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Take Action to Help Veterans of the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (SP474), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Congress to Urge the Government of Canada to End Its Sanctioning of the Annual Seal Pup Hunt (HP1134), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Agriculture to Provide Regional Equity in Federal Support to Agriculture as Promised in the 2002 Farm Bill (HP1186), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Agriculture to Rewrite and Reissue Rules for Organic Foods (HP1662), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Commerce and the United States International Trade Commission to Ensure That Our Trade Laws Are Enforced (SP746), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Education to Support the Preservation of the Tradition in Maine of Local School Boards Selecting the Educational Materials to Be Used by Their Public School Students (HP1323), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency to Carry Out the Modernization of the State of Maine's Flood Hazard Maps as Originally Scheduled (HP1654), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to Provide Funding for Maine's Emergency Shelters for the Homeless (HP378), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to Reverse Its Decision to Deny Shelter Plus Care Program Funds (SP739), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service to Expedite the Incidental Take Permit for Coyotes (HP995), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Navy to Name a New Bath Iron Works Arleigh Burke Destroyer the USS Belknap (HP1318), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Postal Service to Address the Closure of the United States Post Office in the Village of St. George (HP1144), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Postal Service to Issue a Stamp Commemorating Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain (HP1355), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Postal Service to Issue a Stamp Honoring Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain (HP1106), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Secretary of Defense Not to Close the Commissary and Exchange at Naval Air Station Brunswick (SP476), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Secretary of the Navy to Transfer the USS John F. Kennedy to the Nonprofit Organization "JFK for ME" for the Purpose of Locating the Ship in Portland Harbor (HP1267), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Secretary of Transportation to Include U.S. Route 2 in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and U.S. Route 9 in Maine as Border Corridor Highways (HP1440), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Senate to Ratify the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (HP1388), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Naming June 1997 as Children's Health Awareness Month (SP673), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution of Greeting to the Dail Eireann, the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland, and in Recognition of the Irish Contribution to the State of Maine and to the United States (SP605), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on Behalf of Maine Women with Cervical Cancer (HP107), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Election of George J. Mitchell as the Majority Leader of the United States Senate (SP14), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Inauguration of George H. W. Bush as President of the United States of America (SP15), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Occasion of International Women's Day (SP954), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Androscoggin County (SP805), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial of the Town of Eastbrook (HP646), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution on the Spending of Federal Economic Renewal Grants by the State of Maine (HP1018), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Opposing Low-level Flights in Western and Northern Maine (SP895), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Petitioning the Congress of the United States to Propose an Amendment to the Federal Constitution to Limit the Terms of Members of Congress (HP1790), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Petitioning the Governor to Rescind Executive Order 11-FY 90/91 and Other Actions Implementing Furloughs (HP792), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Petitioning the Governor to Rescind His Actions Implementing Delayed Pay Dates (HP793), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming April as Financial Literacy Month (HP926), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming June to Be "It's My Fight, Too" Month to Fight Against Breast Cancer (SP838), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming March 12th as Girl Scout Day (SP318), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming May 2007 as Lyme Disease Awareness Month in the State of Maine (HP1315), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming May 27th as Rachel Carson Day (HP1469), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming May 8, 1999 as Doherty Family Letter Carriers' Food Drive Day (SP815), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming May as Electrical Safety Month (SP631), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming the Month of May as Bicycle Month (HP1335), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Proclaiming the Month of May to Be "It's My Fight, Too" Month as a Fight Against Breast Cancer (SP865), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Promoting Physical Fitness and Good Health in Maine (SP772), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Reaffirming the Friendship Between Maine and Taiwan and Supporting Our Bilateral Trade Relations and Taiwan's Participation in International Organizations (HP1334), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean (HP1600), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Access to Justice Day Presented by Maine's Justice Action Group (HP590), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (HP1132), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (HP1663), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (SP442), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (SP700), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (SP760), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (SP824), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in Maine (SP845), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Adult Education in the State (SP475), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month and the Maine Beer and Wine Distributors Association's Responsibility Initiative (SP445), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Alfred R. Pugh, One of the Last Surviving World War I Veterans (HP1734), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Commending the Maine Division of the American Cancer Society on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary (SP646), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Commending the University of Maine's Work in Developing a New Vision and Strategic Plan for Maine's Forest-based Economy (HP1164), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Honoring Maine's Wabanaki People (HP1124), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Honoring Maine's Wabanaki People (HP1326), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Honoring Maine's Wabanaki People (SP803), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Supporting Healthy Communities (SP679), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing and Supporting Healthy Communities (SP764), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Andy Strout, Who Has Been Named National Girls Tennis Coach of the Year for 1999 (SP774), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 14, 2016 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day in Maine (HP1165), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 18, 2011 as World Amateur Radio Day (HP1081), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2002 as Autism Awareness Month and April 27, 2002 as Autism Awareness Day (HP1718), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2013 as Autism Awareness Month (HP1064), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2014 as Autism Awareness Month (HP1345), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2014 as Child Abuse Prevention Month (HP1351), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2014 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (HP1352), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2015 as Autism Awareness Month (HP810), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2016 as Autism Awareness Month (HP1159), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 2, 2014 as Arts Education Day (HP1337), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 22nd as Earth Day (SP756), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 26th as Maine's "Teach Children to Save Day" and the Members of the Maine Bankers Association and the Maine Association of Community Banks (SP569), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing April 28, 1990 as Workers Memorial Day (HP1750), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Bates College on Its 150th Anniversary (SP588), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Bath as One of America's Dozen Distinctive Destinations (SP582), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Bennett D. Katz for His Role at the University of Maine at Augusta (SP812), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Bowdoin College on Its 200th Anniversary (SP732), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Campbell Barrett Niven and the Times Record on Their Milestone Anniversaries (SP342), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Cheryl E. Ring (SP210), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Citizens of Scottish Descent (SP1081), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Colon Cancer Awareness Month (HP626), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Cumberland County Building Community Day at the State House (HP1614), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Dean Colleen Khoury, Recipient of the American Bar Association's Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award (SP599), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Derek M. Lavallee (HP1451), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Donald L. Allen Upon His Retirement as Commissioner of Corrections (SP526), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Dorothea Lynde Dix, Pioneer and Advocate for Persons with Mental Illness, on the Occasion of the 201st Anniversary of Her Birth in Hampden, Maine (HP1108), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Dr. Merrill S.F. Greene of Lewiston, One of the Last Surviving World War I Veterans (HP1715), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Earl L. Knox (SP603), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February 11, 2015 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day in Maine (HP280), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February 2015 as Self-Care Month (SP299), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February 6, 2013 as Ronald Reagan Day in the State of Maine (SP92), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February 8th as Cub Scout Day (HP459), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February as 2-1-1 Maine Month (HP1078), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February as 2-1-1 Maine Month (SP134), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February as 2-1-1 Maine Month (SP715), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing February as Turner Syndrome Awareness Month (SP629), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Former Representative Frank H. Farren, Jr., for His Achievements in, and Contributions to, Snowmobiling (HP1278), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1022), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1092), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1301), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1398), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1436), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1629), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP1653), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP819), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (HP851), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Franco-American Day (SP576), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Gerald L. Thibault (HP1623), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Healthy Communities and Planned Approach to Community Health Coalitions (SP101), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Healthy Communities and Planned Approach to Community Health Coalitions (SP767), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing International Women's Day (HP777), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing Jackie Calcagni (SP807), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing James Gormley on the Occasion of His Retirement (SP856), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing January 25th as EITC Awareness Day (SP43), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing January 28, 2013 as National Data Privacy Day (HP146), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing January 29, 2016 as EITC Awareness Day (HP1068), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing January 31st as EITC Awareness Day (SP695), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)