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Maine Law and Legislative Reference Library

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Legislative History:  Joint Order, Recalling the following Bills from the legislative files and recommitting them to joint standing committees, as indicated: Appropriations and Financial Affairs (SP 58 LD 107, SP 207 LD 534, SP 232 LD 586, HP 411 LD 594, HP 447 LD 637, HP 521 LD 749, SP 319 LD 857, SP 423 LD 1135, HP 837 LD 1203, SP 507 LD 1345, SP 519 LD 1397, SP 571 LD 1525, SP 641 LD 1689, HP 1309 LD 1891) and Banking and Insurance (HP 1378 LD 1966, SP 767 LD 1963, HP 1377 LD 1964) (SP782)



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