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Contributing Institution

Maine State Library

Document Type



One hundred and twenty-five experienced game wardens, all of them thoroughly trained, are working con­stantly to help you get the utmost in sport under protective supervision when you fish and hunt in Maine.

They not only guard fish and game for you. Graduates of the Red Cross First Aid course, with ambulances available, they also guard you—they render real help if you become ill or injured while outdoors in Maine.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game insists that its wardens take a broadly helpful view of their work. In the warden's manual, the Commissioner declares: "Wardens are not just fish and game protectors. The warden is not a man apart from other citizens. Their interests and his are the same, namely, the maintenance of conditions that make for the greatest good of the greatest number of our people and their guests."

Maine's game wardens are continually under instruc­tion. Each summer half of the entire staff attends a warden school while the other half remains on duty. You can come to Maine confident of the good will and the skill of our wardens.

Lester Brown, Chief Warden

Maine's game wardens use big hydroplanes that en­able them to cover a lot of space, like the warden shown here complimenting the fisherman on his catch.

Exact Creation Date





Maine; Tourism; Fishing; Advertising; Travel; Maine Publicity Bureau; Print Ads
