Content Posted in 2017
10th and 12th Maine Regiment in Hospital, September 1, 1863, Adjutant General
1823 Proposed Amendment to the Constitution by the State of Georgia, State of Georgia
1824 Governor's Message About State of Georgia's Proposed Amendment, Albion Parris
1824 Resolve Disapproving Proposed Amendment by the State of Georgia, Maine Legislature
1828 Petition by Ephraim Small to incorporate the Abyssinian Religious Society, Ephraim Small
1838 - Letter Supporting Capt. Daniel Philbrook Against Charge of Slave Stealing by State of Georgia, John Payne, Peleg Pendleton, and Walter Dodge
1846 Resolve Relating to Slavery, Maine House of Representatives
1864 Petition and Resolve to Allow Soldiers to Vote, Maine Legislature
1865 Act to Ratify 13th Amendment, Maine Legislature
1865 Letter to Maine Legislature from Governor Cony (with enclosures), Samuel Cony and United States Congress
1884 General Election: Governor, Representatives to Congress and Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1886 General Election: Statement to be Returned to Clerks, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Clerk's Returns: Representatives to Congress, Governor, County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1888 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1890 General Election: Statement to be Returned to Clerks, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1892 General Election: Statement to be Returned to Clerks, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1894 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1894 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1894 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1894 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1894 General Election: Statement to be Returned to Clerks, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1895 Revision of the Fish and Game Laws of the State of Maine, Commisioners of Inland Fisheries and Game
1896 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1896 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1896 General Election: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1896 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1896 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1896 Special Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1897 Revision of the Fish and Game Laws of the State of Maine, Commisioners of Inland Fisheries and Game and Commissioner of Sea and Shore Fisheries
1898 General Election: Constitutional Amendment & Members of Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1898 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1898 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1898 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1898 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1900 General Election: Auditor & Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1900 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1900 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1900 General Election: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1900 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: Clerk's Returns, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1902 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Amendment to Statutes, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1904 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: Clerk's Returns, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1906 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Auditor & Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1908 General Election: Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Auditor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Clerk's Returns, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Measures referred to people & shire town of York County, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1910 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1911 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 All Parties Primary: Presidential Electors, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 All Parties Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 General Election: Representatives to Congress and other, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1912 Socialist Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1913 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1913 Special Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1913 Special Primary: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 All Parties Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 General Election: Auditor & Representatives to Congress & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 General Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1914 Socialist Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Democratic Special Primary: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 General Election: United States Senators & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Progressive Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Progressive Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Republican Special Primary: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Socialist Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1916 Socialist Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1917 Special Election: Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 General Election: United States Senators & Congressmen & Auditor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1918 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1919 Special Election: Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: Referendum - Local Option & Biddeford, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 General Election: United States Senator and Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1940 Special Election: Representatives to Congress and Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1941 Special Election: Referendum Question and State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1941 Special Election: Representatives to Legislature and State Senate, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 General Election: United States Senators and Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 Special Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 Special Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 Special Election: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1942 Special Election: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1944 General Election: Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1944 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1944 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1944 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1950 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1951 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 General Election: United States Senator and Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1952 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1953 Special Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 General Election: United States Senator and Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1954 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1955 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1956 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1957 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 General Election: United States Senator and Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1958 Special Election: Referendum by Petition, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1959 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 General Election: United States Senators & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1960 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1961 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1962 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1963 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 General Election: United States Senator & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1964 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1965 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 General Election: United States Senator & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Report to Legislative Research Committee on Maine State Retirement System, Maine State Legislature and Legislative Research Committee
1966 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1966 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1967 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1967 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1968 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1969-1970 Hunting Regulations Summary
1969 General Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1969 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1969 Special Election: State Senators, and State Represenatives, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 General Election: United States Senator & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1970 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1971 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 General Election: United States Senator & Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1972 Special Election: Direct Initiative and Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1973 General Election: Direct Initiative, Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: District Attorneys, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Special Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Special Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1974 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1975-76 Hunting Regulations Summary
1975-76 Maine Hunting Regulations Summary, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and WIldlife
1975 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1975 Special Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1975 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976-77 Hunting Regulations Summary
1976 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 General Election: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Special Election: Referendum - Local Option, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1976 Special Election: State-wide Initiative, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1977-78 Hunting Regulations Summary
1977 Maine Fishing Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1977 Special Election: Direct Initiative, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978-1979 Hunting Regulations Summary
1978-1979 Maine Hunting Regulations Summary, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1978 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: District Attorneys, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 General Election: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 Maine Hunting Guide : A Trip Planning Aid, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1978 Maine Hunting Guide: A Trip Planning Aid
1978 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1978 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1979-80 Hunting Regulations Summary
1979 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980-1981 Hunting Regulations Summary
1980 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: County Officers and County Charter Commission, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1980 Special Election: Referendum, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1981 Special Election: Direct Initiative, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Atlantic Salmon Fishing Regulations
1982 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: County Officers & County Charter Committee, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: District Attorneys, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: General Initiatives & Constitutional Amendment, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: Governor, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 General Election: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1982 Special Election: Direct Initiative, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1983 Atlantic Salmon Fishing Regulations
1983 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Democratic Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Democratic Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Democratic Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: Bond Issues & Constitutional Amendments, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: Presidential, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: Representatives to Congress, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 General Election: United States Senator, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Republican Primary: Representatives to Legislature, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Republican Primary: State & County Officers, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Republican Primary: State Senators, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1984 Special Election: Bond Issue, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
1986 Atlantic Salmon Fishing Regulations
1987 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1987 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide
1992-1993 Open Water Fishing Regulations, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1992 Atlantic Salmon Fishing Regulations
1998-1999 Maine Open Water Fishing Regulations, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2000 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2000 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2000 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2001 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2001 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2001 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2002 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2002 State of Maine Hunting & Trapping Laws and Rules, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2002 State of Maine Hunting & Trapping Laws and Rules
2002 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2002 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2003 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2003 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide
2003 Maine Spring Wild Turkey Hunter's Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2003 Maine Spring Wild Turkey Hunter's Guide
2003 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2003 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2003 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2004 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2004 Maine Moose Hunter's Guide
2004 Maine Spring Wild Turkey Hunter's Guide, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
2004 Maine Spring Wild Turkey Hunter's Guide
2004 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2004 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2004 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2005 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2005 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2005 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2006 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2006 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2006 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2007 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2007 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2007 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2008 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2008 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2008 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2009-2010 Maine Register of Big Trees, Maine Forest Service
2009 Annual Report, InforME Information Resource of Maine
2009 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2009 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2009 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2010 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2010 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2010 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2011 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2011 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2011 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2013 Annual Report, InforME Information Resource of Maine
2014 Annual Report, InforMe Information Resource of Maine
2014 Maine State Energy Profile, Maine Governor's Energy Office
2014 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Maine Forest Service
2014 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2014 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2014 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2015 Annual Report, InforMe Information Resource of Maine
2015 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2015 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2015 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2016-17 Migratory Game Birds Seasons and Bag Limits
2016 Annual Compliance Report, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
2016 Annual Report, Maine Bureau of Insurance and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
2016 Annual Report of the Competitive Skills Scholarship Program, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
2016 Annual Report of the Competitive Skills Scholarship Program, Maine Department of Labor
2016 Annual Report on Maine Apprenticeship Program, Maine Bureau of Employment Services and Maine Department of Labor
2016 Annual Report on Substance Abuse Testing by Maine Employers, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards and Maine Department of Labor
2016 Maine Tourism Highlights, Maine Office of Tourism and Maine Department of Economic & Community Development
2016 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2017 List of Cream of the Crop for Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Maine Regional Library System Book Review Group
2017 Magalloway River Fishery Management, David Howatt
2017 Observations of Angler Use in Northern Maine Lakes, 1996-2016, Jeremiah Wood
2017 Rapid River Fishery Management, David Howatt
2017 Reading Round-up Conference Agenda, Maine State Library and Deborah Clark
2017 Upper Dam Pool Fishery Management, David Howatt
20th Maine Casualties at Battle of Gettysburg, July 13, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
23rd Maine Company C Morning Reports, Charles H. Prince Captain and William Wert Virgin Colonel
(40)Ar/(39)Ar isotopic dating of the Horserace quartz diorite and its bearing on age relationships in the Katahdin batholith-Traveler rhyolite system, A Scott Denning and Daniel R. Lux
$40 Million in Tax Relief is in Sight, but Democrats' Refuse to Put Money Back in Mainers Pockets, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
4&115 Town of Woodstock, Bryant's Pond Village (Town of Woodstock)
&65 Town of Litchfield & Villages of Clinton & East Vassalboro, H. E. Halfpenny
A Baseline Atlas and Conservation Assessment of the Butterflies of Maine, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Reginald P. Webster Ph.D, and Phillip G. deMaynadier Ph.D
Abbot, Medford Centre, Villages of Greenville & Sangerville
Abbot Village & Brownville Village
A Brief Geological Review of Coos Canyon, Byron, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney
A Brief History of Maine cont'd.
A Brief History of Maine cont'd.
A Brief History of Maine cont'd. & Agriculture
A Brief Review of the Geology of Monhegan Island, Robert G. Marvinney
Academy Journal, October 5, 1864, May E. Evelith and Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, January, 1871, Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 1, No. 5, November 27, 1861, James E. Tinker, Henry M. Pierce, H. Fannie Sands, Sarah M. Chase, and Alice G. Cain
Academy Journal, Vol. 2, No. 8, February 6, 1863, Fannie Roberts, Sarah M. Chase, Herbert Caine, Bert Treworgy, and Ella A. Stover
Academy Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1863, Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, January 21, 1863, Abbie F. Eveleth and Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 4[?], No. 6, April 13, 1864, Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 6, No. 4, March 21, 1866, Alice E. Atherton, Eben W. Mayo, Laura Heareling, Allie Green, Samuel N. Bowker, Sarah E. Stevens, George N. Johnson, L.H. Green, and Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, March 28, 1866, Blue Hill Academy
Academy Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 22 1865, Venie S. Tucker and Blue Hill Academy
Account of slave capture by John Trott and Philip Hubbard for John Underwood of Kittery, 1777, John Underwood, John Trott, and Philip Underwood
Accounts of William Cousins, master of the sloop Elizabeth
A Christmas Message from the Governor, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A Classified Directory, Some of the Principal Business Firms and Professional Men of the State
A collector's guide to Maine mineral localities, Woodrow B. Thompson, Donald L. Joyner, Raymond G. Woodman, and Vandall T. King
A Comprehensive Plan to Fight the Drug Crisis Starts with Critical Thinking, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A contribution to the earthquake history of Maine, David C. Smith, Catherine Fox, Beatrice Craig, and Anne E. Bridges
Actions at the District Court, December Term, 1793, Henry Sewall
Active Coastal Processes in the Lubec Embayment, Joseph T. Kelley
Act of Separation Board of Commissioners - Instructions to Surveyors, 1825-1826, Benjamin Porter, Reuel Williams, Silas Holman, Daniel Rose, Charles Turner, and George Bliss
Adelbert Ames to Gov. Coburn Re: Hospital Steward Baker, May 24, 1863, Adelbert Ames
A Description of its Property Upon Grindstone Neck and the Schoodic Peninsula, in Frenchman's Bay, Near Bar Harbor, Gouldsboro Land Improvement Company
A detailed economic investigation of aeromagnetic anomalies in eastern Penobscot County, Maine, Robert G. Doyle, Robert S. Young, and Lawrence A. Wing
A detailed economic investigation of geochemical and aeromagnetic anomalies, north central Maine, Webster F. Stickney, Lawrence A. Wing, and Robert S. Young
A detailed gravity survey of the southeastern contact of the Sebago batholith, North Windham area, Maine (abstract), Paige L. Heller
A Dictionary of the Abnaki Language in North America, Sebastion Rasles Fr. and John Pickering
Adjustment of the Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) Rate For Compliance Year 2017, Maine Public Utilities Commission
Advanced Bridge Safety Initiative: Phase 2 Task 1 Rivet Testing of Rivets Taken from Maine Truss Bridge, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, and Scott Tomlinson
Advanced Bridge Safety Initiative: Phase 2 Task 3- Instrumentation During Live Load Testing and Load Rating of Five Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, William Davids, and John C. Bridge
Advertisement for recruiting to be put in newspapers, George McL. Presson
Advertisement for the Augusta House Hotel 1933, Augusta House Hotel
Advertisements (Bates College)
Advertising Brochure for Augusta House Hotel, Augusta House Hotel
Aerial photographs of Maine - Views from the sky, Robert A. Johnston
Aerial Photo of Foreside Road, Cumberland, Maine, - -
Affordable softwood lumber prices are needed now more than ever, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A Forester's Guide to Managing Wildlife Habitats in Maine, Cathy Elliott and Maine Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Inc.
Aftermath of the 1996 Rockland Landslide, Henry N. Berry IV, Stephen M. Dickson, Joseph T. Kelley, and Daniel B. Locke
A General Introduction to the Presumpscot Formation Maine's "Blue Clay", Thomas K. Weddle
A Geological Tour of Bartlett Narrows and Vicinity, Robert G. Marvinney
A Geological Tour of Tumbledown Mountain, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney
A Geological Traverse along South Branch Ponds Brook Baxter State Park, Robert G. Marvinney
A Geologic Transect along the Appalachian Trail to Saddleback Mountain, Robert A. Johnston
A German Infantry Regiment Destroys 800 African Hunters in 3 Minutes near Tagsdorf
Agreement Between Abner and Stephen Hill and Passamaquoddy Tribe, March 30, 1820, Abner Hill, Stephen Hill, and Francis Joseph
Agreement Between Massachusetts and Maine, May 25, 1822, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of Maine
Agricultural Labor Relations Report, 2017, Maine Department of Labor
A Guide to Boat Builders of the Coast of Maine, Coastal Resource Center, Inc.
A Guide to Ice Fishing Laws as Applied to the Several Counties, 1929, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game
A Guide to Safe Boating, 2000, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
A Guide to Safe Boating in Maine, 1995, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
A Guide to Safe Boating in Maine, 1997, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
A Guide to Safe Boating in Maine, 1999, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
A History of the Augusta House Hotel, Augusta House Hotel and Thelma Brooks
Air photo reconnaissance of slope failures in the Presumpscot Formation, Cumberland County, Maine, Irwin D. Novak
Alabama Resolution, January 1827, Samuel Oliver, James Thornton, John Murphy, and Nicholas Davis
Alder Pond Massive Sulfide Deposit, Craig D. Neil
Alfred Village, Alfred Business Directory
A List of Names and Ages of All Persons Residing in the Town of Cumberland Maine on April 1st 1901, Town of Cumberland, Maine
Alkalinity: An Important Parameter in Assessing Water Chemistry, Daniel B. Locke
Allagash Falls Geology, Robert G. Marvinney
Alpine Glacial Features along the Chimney Pond Trail, Baxter State Park, Robert A. Johnston
A Map of the District of Maine : with New Brunswick & Nova Scotia, Amos Doolittle
Amendment 1 of Plan of Windsor Subdivision, Blanchard Road and Windsor Lane, Cumberland, Maine, 2016, Davis Land Surveying, LLC
American Eels : Restoring a Vanishing Resource in the Gulf of Maine, Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
A More Responsive Government : A Preliminary Report for Public Review of the Task Force on Regional and District Organizations, Maine Task Force on Regional and District Organizations and Maine State Planning Office
An Accurate Map of His Majesty's Province of New-Hampshire in New England, Joseph Blanchard and Thomas Jeffreys
An Act of Admission of the State of Maine into the Union, March 3, 1820, Henry Clay, James Monroe, John Gaillard, and John Quincy Adams
Analysis of Impacts Related to the Introduction of Anadromous Alewives into a Small Freshwater Lake in Central Maine, USA, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and WIldlife, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Frederick W. Kircheis, Joan G. Trial, David P. Boucher, Barry Mower, Tom Squires, Nate Gray, and James Stahlnecker
Analysis of Poverty : Chart Book for Social Planning, Maine Office of Economic Opportunity
Analysis of Sentences and Probation Conditions of MDOC clients 2004-2007, Mark Rubin
Analysis of structural features in southern Piscataquis County, Maine, Donald W. Newberg
An Analysis of the Status of Wabanaki-State Relations along with a Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009), Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and John Dieffenbacher-Krall
A Natural Beach Bonfire in Kittery, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Ancient Falmouth from 1630-1690
Ancient Fault Rocks at Fort Foster Park, Henry N. Berry IV
Ancient Volcanic Rocks on Vinalhaven Island, Maine, Henry N. Berry IV
Andrew Walker Diaries Index, Leopold E. Hepfner and Kennebunk Free Library
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 01, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 02, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 03, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 04, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 05, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 06, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 07, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 08, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 09, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 10, Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker Diary Volume 11, Andrew Walker
Androscoggin County & Livermore Falls (inset)
Androscoggin Lake's Outlet Delta System, Daniel B. Locke
And Shaking Holds the Sword the Hand, You Demand Much o Fatherland.
A new map of Maine, Henry Schenck Tanner
A new Silurian fossil locality on Lawler Ridge, Sherman quadrangle, Maine, David C. Roy and William H. Forbes
An inventory of distribution and variation in salt marshes from different settings along the Maine coast, George L. Jacobson Jr and Heather A. Jacobson
An investigation of neotectonic activity in coastal Maine by seismic reflection methods, Joseph T. Kelley, Daniel F. Belknap, R Craig Shipp, and Sarah B. Miller
Annual Juvenile Recidivism Report, March 2008, Maine Department of Corrections and Maine Statistical Analysis Center
Annual Report, 2016, Maine State Workforce Investment Board and Maine Department of Labor
Annual Report of Insurance Fraud and Abuse for 2016, Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report of the Primary Care Access Credit Program, 2017., Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Annual Report on Compliance with the Equal Pay Law, 2016, Maine Department of Labor
Annual Report on Sales Tax Consultation Pursuant to 36 M.R.S. §194-A, 2016, Maine Revenue Services and Maine Department of Administrative & Financial Services
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Artillery, 1810
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Artillery, 1811, Richard Sawtell and William Jones
Annual-Return, 2nd Brigade Artillery, 1814, Richard Sawtell and William Kendall
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Cavalry, 1810, Richard Sawtell and William Jones
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Cavalry, 1811
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Cavalry, 1814
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1812
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1815
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1816
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1817
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1818
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, 1819
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, August 22, 1814
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade Infantry, July 27, 1811, Henry Sewall
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade, July 21, 1810
Annual Return, 2nd Brigade, March 26, 1791
Annual Return, Colonel Burton's Regiment, September 11, 1794, Benjamin Burton
Annual Return, Colonel Thomas Starret's Regiment, June 1792, Thomas Starret
Annual Returns, Colonel Gove's Regiment, August 27, 1794, Ebenezer Gove
Annual Returns, Colonel Pattee's Regiment, August 1, 1792, Ezekiel Pattee
An Open Letter to State Employees, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Anson Village, Madison Village
An Underwater View of the Gulf of Maine Sea Floor, Stephen M. Dickson
A Plan and description of the west half of township number nine in the eight reange of townships north of Waldo Patent, Alexander Greenwood
A Plan of 1000 acres surveyed for Mr. D. Billing, Park Holland
A Plan of 1,060,166 acres of land and water, Samuel Titcomb and Samuel Weston
A Plan of a Tract of Land adjoining No. 4 Shepardsfield and applied for by Jonas Clark, Nathaniel Wilson Jr.
A plan of a Tract of Land lying southwesterly of East Andover, Lothrop Lewis
A plan of Bowerbank, County of Piscataquis, Jefferson Chamberlain and Rufus Gilmore
A Plan of Chandlersville, Joseph Norris
A Plan of No. 12 Township, John Peters
A Plan of Oliver Leonard's Land adjoining Eddyton, Lothrop Lewis
A plan of the allotment of the settlers land in Township No. 2 in the 2nd range of townships north of the Waldo patent, Andrew Strong
A Plan of the East half of township number three in the eight range of townships North of Waldow Patent, Alexander Greenwood
A plan of the Old Town proprietors Land lying on Penobscot River, Philip F. Cowden
A Plan of the Public Lands in the State of Maine, George W. Coffin and James Eddy
A Plan of the Road leading from the Town of Orono to the Piscataquis River, Park Holland
A plan of the survey of a part of township numbered 2 in the 5th range of townships as made in July 1834, Caleb Leavitt
A plan of the town of Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, James Peters
A plan of three and a half townships of land granted by the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Alexander Greenwood
A plan of Township 2 of the 3d Range as surveyed in April and May AD. 1833 by Caleb Leavitt surveyor, Caleb Leavitt
A Plan of Township No. 3 in the 3rd range NBKP, William Dwelley Jr.
A Plan of Township No. 5 in the 7th Range of Townships West from East line of the State, William Dwelley Jr.
A plan of Township numbered four sixth range west of the Monument, D. Parker
A plan of Township numbered two in the seventh range, Joseph L. Kelsey
A Plan of Township number two in the Range north of the Waldo Patent, Salem Town and Jonathan Stone
A plan of Township W, Caleb Leavitt
A plan representing Township Number 12 Range 14, John J. Webber
A plot of a certain tract of land lying northward of Sudbury Canada for Phineas Howard, Nathaniel Chamberlain
A Plot of Humphrey Chadburn's Farm at Sturgeon Creek, 1701, William Godsoe
A Portland City Subscribers' Business Directory
Appendix School Funds, Moses Greenleaf
Aquaculture Feasibility Study of the Pinkham Farm, Lamoine, Maine, Karen Roy Waters and Coastal Resource Center, Inc.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria with Spouse, Died 28 June 1914
A Report to the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources Regarding the Economics of Fish Stock Enhancement, Maine Groundfish Hatchery Study Commission and Maine Department of Marine Resources
A Report to the Legislative Research Committee on the Feasibility of Establishing a Medical School in Maine, Maine State Legislature and Legislative Research Committee
Aroostook county Subscriber's directory
Aroostook county Subscriber's directory
Aroostook county Subscriber's directory
A Rough Plan of the Most Easterly Line of School District No. 2, Town of Cumberland, Maine
Arrangement with Penobscot Tribe Regarding Separation from Massachusetts, September 27, 1820, Alden Bradford and Ashur Ware
Arsenic in Maine's Groundwater, Robert G. Marvinney
Arthur Cane v. Joseph Cane RE sale of two-sevenths of slave named Prince, Arthur Cane, Joseph Cane, and York Court of Common Pleas
Article on the Stockholm Historical Society, Richard Hede
Articles of Agreement between William Duer and William Bingham, William Duer, William Bingham, Royal Flint, and Henry Jackson
Articles of Capitulation, October 1781, George Washington, Earl Cornwallis, Count de Rochambeau, Thomas Symonds, and Count de Grasse
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Eight, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Five, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Four, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Nine, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part One, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Seven, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Six, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Three, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
Art work of Aroostook County, Maine : Part Two, W. H. Parish Publishing Co.
A sand budget for Saco Bay, Maine, J T. Kelley, D F. Belknap, D M. FitzGerald, D C. Barber, S M. Dickson, S van Heteren, L K. Fink, and P A. Manthorp
As-Built Grading and Utilities Plan, True Spring Farm, U.S. Route 1, Cumberland, Maine, 2005, Sebago Technics, Inc.
Asher & Adams' Maine and New Brunswick
A shutdown is possible, and Democrats will need to answer why to the Maine people, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A Silurian(?) unconformity at Flanders Bay, Maine, Richard A. Gilman and Gary G. Lash
A Sketch Map of a Portion of Plym. Colony, J. K. Wiggins
A Slap on the Wrist is Not Getting Tough on Drugs, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Assessment of the Intergovernmental Saltwater Fisheries Conflict between Passamaquoddy and the State of Maine, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
A stratigraphic synthesis of eastern Maine and western New Brunswick, Henry Newhall Berry IV and Philip H. Osberg
A submerged shoreline on the inner continental shelf of the western Gulf of Maine, R Craig Shipp, Daniel F. Belknap, and Joseph T. Kelley
A Summary of the 2015 State of Maine's Beaches Report, Peter A. Slovinsky
A Summary of the 2017 State of Maine’s Beaches Report, Peter A. Slovinsky
A Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and John Dieffenbacher-Krall
A Supplemental Directory of Cumberland and Kennebec Counties
As usual, the budget comes down to crunch time, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A Thanksgiving Wish from Maine Governor Paul R. LePage, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
A Thanksgiving Wish from Maine Governor Paul R. LePage and First Lady Ann M. LePage, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Athens, Athens Village, Palmyra Village
A thermal model for Carboniferous metamorphism near the Sebago batholith in western Maine, James J. De Yoreo, Daniel R. Lux, and Charles V. Guidotti
Atkinson Corner, Atkinson Mills, Blanchard & Kingsbury
A Train with Anti-Russian Graffiti
A Trick of the Light: Seeing (or Not Seeing) Geologic Features Under Different Lighting Conditions, Woodrow B. Thompson
A Trip to Disney isn't Likely; Why Legislators Must Come Back to Augusta, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Atteans Camps, Harry B. Tilden
Augusta Ignores Energy Prices "“ And You Pay the Bill, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Austrian Military at the Western War Arena
Austrian Soldiers in the Trenches
Austrian Soldiers Shoot at an Enemy Plane
Background Material on Housing and Community Development : Prepared for the Housing Study (H.P. 2004) Subcommittee of State Government Committee, Maine State Legislature, Maine Committee on State Government, and Bill Brown
Bad decisions in Augusta result in high electric prices, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Bad tax policy forces Maine families to flee to other states, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Bald Mountain, Washington Plantation, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney
Ballot questions may run afoul of Maine Constitution, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Ballot questions would take Maine backwards, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad and Connections
Bangor & Brewer, Penobscot County
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor Business Department. Patrons of this work
Bangor, Veazie, State College Grounds (Orono), Six Mile Falls (Bangor), Section of Bangor
Bank draft, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, December 20, 1814
Banquet for H. H. Hill 1886, Augusta House Hotel
Baptist Boys Choir, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Baring, Meddybemps & Charlotte
Basalt Dikes at Schoodic Point, Acadia National Park, Henry N. Berry IV
Bath & Richmond, Sagadahoc Cty., Dexter, Penobscot Cty. & Winthrop, Kennebec Cty.
Battle near Neufchateau under Duke Albrecht of Wuerttemberg, Field sketch
Battle near Tirlemont, Belgium
battle on the Road to Luneville
Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area North Berwick, Maine - Great Works Regional Land Trust Preserve, Thomas K. Weddle
Beach dynamics of Sebago Lake: A report on the results of beach profiling, Robert A. Johnston and Martha N. Mixon
Beach Exposures of Tree Stumps in Wells Embayment, Stephen M. Dickson
Beach Nourishment at Western Beach, Scarborough, Maine: Benefits for the Beaches and the Birds, Peter A. Slovinsky
Beach Pebbles Tell a Story, Joseph T. Kelley
Beach Scraping at Popham Beach State Park, Stephen M. Dickson
Beaupre's Bicycle Shop, Center Street, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Beautifully Preserved Volcanic Debris in Bedrock, Western Head, Isle au Haut, Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geologic map of Maine, Philip H. Osberg, Arthur M. Hussey II, and Gary M. Boone
Bedrock geologic map of the Big Lake [15-minute] quadrangle, Washington County, Maine, David M. Larrabee
Bedrock geologic map of the Bucksport [15-minute] quadrangle, Waldo, Hancock, and Penobscot Counties, Maine, David R. Wones
Bedrock geologic map of the Orland [15-minute] quadrangle, Hancock and Penobscot Counties, Maine, David R. Wones
Bedrock Geology at Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park, Thomas K. Weddle and Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of North Haven and Vinalhaven Islands, Olcott Gates
Bedrock geology of North Haven and Vinalhaven Islands, Olcott Gates
Bedrock geology of portions of the North East Carry and Moosehead Lake [15-minute] quadrangles, Maine, Ruth Simmons
Bedrock geology of Small Point, Maine: A fresh look at the stratigraphy, structure, and metamorphism, Dykstra J. Eusden, Heather Doolittle, Tim Grover, and Jen Lindelof
Bedrock geology of the Ashland 15' quadrangle and surrounding area, Maine, David C. Roy
Bedrock geology of the Augusta quadrangle, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney and Daniel S. Barker
Bedrock geology of the Bangor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the Bar Mills quadrangle, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney
Bedrock geology of the Bath 1:100,000 map sheet, coastal Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of the Bath 1:100,000 quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and Robert G. Marvinney
Bedrock geology of the Belfast quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the Big Lake 15' quadrangle, Maine, Allan Ludman
Bedrock geology of the Bowdoinham quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr and Joel F. Cubley
Bedrock geology of the Brewer Lake quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock and David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Brooks West quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Calais 1:100,000 quadrangle, Maine, Allan Ludman and Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of the Calais 15' quadrangle, Eastern Maine, Allan Ludman and Malcolm Hill
Bedrock geology of the Camden Hills area, central coastal Maine, Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of the Cape Elizabeth quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Caucomgomoc Lake area, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the China Lake quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock and Wyeth Bowdoin
Bedrock geology of the Cupsuptic and Arnold Pond [15-minute] quadrangles, west-central Maine, David S. Harwood
Bedrock geology of the Danforth [15-minute] quadrangle, Maine, David M. Larrabee and Charles W. Spencer
Bedrock geology of the Dill Hill quadrangle, Maine, Allan Ludman and Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of the Dover East quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and Wallace A. Bothner
Bedrock geology of the East Pittston quadrangle, Maine, Timothy W. Grover and David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Ellsworth quadrangle, Maine, Jeff Pollock
Bedrock geology of the Fletcher Peak quadrangle, Maine, Chunzeng Wang
Bedrock geology of the Fredericton 2-degree quadrangle, Maine, Allan Ludman
Bedrock geology of the Gardiner 15' quadrangle, Maine, Donald W. Newberg
Bedrock geology of the Gray 7.5-minute quadrangle, Cumberland County, Maine, John W. Creasy and Alexander C. Robinson
Bedrock geology of the Great Pond quadrangle, Maine, Chunzeng Wang
Bedrock geology of the Hampden quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr and Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the Jefferson quadrangle, Maine, Henry N. Berry and Philip H. Osberg
Bedrock geology of the Kittery 1:100,000 quadrangle, Maine and New Hampshire, Arthur M. Hussey II, Wallace A. Bothner, and Peter J. Thompson
Bedrock geology of the Kittery 1:100,000 quadrangle, Maine and New Hampshire, Arthur M. Hussey II, Wallace A. Bothner, and Peter J. Thompson
Bedrock geology of the Kittery 1:100,000 quadrangle, southwestern Maine and southeastern New Hampshire, Arthur M. Hussey II, Wallace A. Bothner, and Peter J. Thompson
Bedrock geology of the Kittery quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Lewiston 15-minute quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Limington quadrangle, Maine, Henry N. Berry IV
Bedrock geology of the lower Androscoggin Valley-Casco Bay area, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Machias, Columbia Falls, and Great Wass Island 15' quadrangles, Maine, Olcott Gates
Bedrock geology of the mainland portion of the Newbury Neck and Salsbury Cove 7.5-minute quadrangles, Douglas N. Reusch
Bedrock geology of the Milton quadrangle, New Hampshire-Maine, Peter J. Thompson
Bedrock geology of the Newbury Neck quadrangle, Maine, Douglas N. Reusch and John P. Hogan
Bedrock geology of the Newfield 15' quadrangle, Maine - New Hampshire, Richard A. Gilman
Bedrock geology of the northern part of the Small Point quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the northwestern half of the Mount Waldo quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the North Whitefield quadrangle, Maine, Timothy W. Grover
Bedrock geology of the North Windham 7.5' quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the North Windham 7.5' quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Old Orchard Beach quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Palermo 7.5' quadrangle, Maine, Donald W. Newberg
Bedrock geology of the Pierce Pond 15' quadrangle, Maine, Gary M. Boone
Bedrock geology of the Portland 1:100,000 quadrangle, Maine and New Hampshire, Henry N. Berry IV and Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Portland East quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Portland West quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Portsmouth quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and Wallace A. Bothner
Bedrock geology of the Prouts Neck quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Purgatory quadrangle, Maine, David P. West and Evan D. Ellenberger
Bedrock geology of the Razorville quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr and Emily M. Peterman
Bedrock geology of the Readfield quadrangle, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney and Timothy W. Grover
Bedrock geology of the Richmond quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr, Henry N. Berry IV, and Lee B. Corbett
Bedrock geology of the Rochester quadrangle, Maine, Peter J. Thompson, Wallace A. Bothner, and Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Saddleback Hills, Baldwin, Maine, Adam Schoonmaker
Bedrock geology of the Salsbury Cove quadrangle, Maine, Douglas N. Reusch
Bedrock geology of the Sandy Bay, Penobscot Lake, and Seboomook Lake [15-minute] quadrangles, Maine, Robert G. Marvinney
Bedrock geology of the Snow Mountain quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Snow Mountain quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Somersworth quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the southeastern half of the East Dixmont quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the southern part of the Carmel quadrangle, Maine, Douglas N. Reusch
Bedrock geology of the upper St. John River area, northwestern Maine, David C. Roy, Stephen G. Pollock, and Lindley S. Hanson
Bedrock geology of the Veazie quadrangle, Maine, Stephen G. Pollock
Bedrock geology of the Washington quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr
Bedrock geology of the Waterboro quadrangle, Maine, Chris Guzofski
Bedrock geology of the Weeks Mills quadrangle, Maine, Timothy W. Grover and Leslie C. Fernandes
Bedrock geology of the Wells quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Westport 7.5' quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the Winthrop quadrangle, Maine, Timothy W. Grover
Bedrock geology of the Wiscasset quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr
Bedrock Geology of the Yarmouth Quadrangle, Maine, David P. West Jr and Arthur M. Hussey II
Bedrock geology of the York Beach quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and John A. Brooks
Bedrock geology of the York Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Arthur M. Hussey II and John A. Brooks
Bedrock relationships along the Sennebec Pond fault: A structural puzzle, a stratigraphic enigma, and a tectonic riddle, Henry N. Berry IV, David P. West Jr., and William B. Burke
Bedrock well depths in parts of the Millinocket and Danforth 30x60-minute quadrangles, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Augusta 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Bangor 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Bar Harbor 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Bath 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Calais 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Dover-Foxcroft 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Houlton 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Kittery 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Lewiston 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Lincoln 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Machias 30x60-minute quadrangle and a portion of the Eastport 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Madawaska 30x60-minute quadrangle and portions of the Allagash and Van Buren 30x60-minute quadrangles, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Portland 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Presque Isle 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Rumford 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well depths in the Skowhegan 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in parts of the Millinocket and Danforth 30x60-minute quadrangles, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Augusta 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Bangor 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Bar Harbor 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Bath 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Calais 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Dover-Foxcroft 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Houlton 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Kittery 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Lewiston 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Lincoln 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Machias 30x60-minute quadrangle and a portion of the Eastport 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Madawaska 30x60-minute quadrangle and portions of the Allagash and Van Buren 30x60-minute quadrangles, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Portland 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Presque Isle 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Rumford 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Bedrock well yields in the Skowhegan 30x60-minute quadrangle, Maine, Susan S. Tolman
Belfast Bay Pockmark Field, Maine, Joseph T. Kelley
Benedicta & Silver Ridge (T2R5)
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine's Water Quality - Second Edition, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine's Water Quality - Second Edition (French Translation), Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine’s Water Quality - Third Edition, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Be Sure of Your Target.. Before You FIre! Watch That Muzzle (Poster), Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and WIldlife and Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute
Biddeford and Saco Business Directories
Biennial Inland Ice Fishing Regulations : 1985-1986 and 1986-1987, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Big Cruiser "Bluecher" in Battle
Big Rock - An Erratic in Waltham, Maine, Thomas K. Weddle
Bimodal Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic rock assemblages in the Machias-Eastport area, Maine, Olcott Gates and Robert H. Moench
Bingham, St Albans, Ripley Village
Biographical Sketches of the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives of Maine, 1949, Daily Kennebec Journal
Biological and Economic Analysis of Lobster Fishery Policy in Maine, L.S. Botsford & Associates, Louis W. Botsford, James E. Wilen, and Edward J. Richardson
Birch Point Beach State Park, Henry N. Berry IV
Blanchard Mills, Boyd Lake Mills, Elliotsville Plantation & Howard
Blank recruitment card, George McL. Presson
Blank report of quantities of ammunition sent to Major Gilbert M. Elliott, George McL. Presson
Blue Hill Academy Course of Study, Blue Hill Academy
Blue Hill Times, Vol. 2, February 20, 1861, Blue Hill Academy
BMC 01--Spanish East Coast of Western Hemisphere & part of African West Coast, (p 6 & 7)
BMC 02--Spanish East Coast of Western Hemisphere, part of African West Coast, p. 10 & 11
BMC 09--America Septentrionalis [1641], Jan Jansson
BMC 14 -- L'Amerique Septentrionale [...]; 1742, Guillaume de L'Isle, Cornelius Mortier, and Johannes Covens
BMC 15--Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae Nec Non Pennsylvaniae et Partis Virginiae Tabula multis in locis emendata . . .; circa 1684, Justus Danckerts
BMC 17--Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali, circa 1745, Johann Baptist Homann
BMC 18--Americae Nova Tabula, 1640, Willem Janszoon Blaeu
BMC 23--Americae Mappa generalis, circa 1746, Johann Baptiste Homann
BMC 24--America Septentrionalis a Domini d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia. Coloniis in interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio aucta cursu notisque geographicis et historicis illustrata. [circa 1756]., Johann Baptiste Homann and Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville
BMC 26--Carte de L'Amerique, circa 1822
BMC 27--The British Colonies in North America, 1777, William Faden
BMC 29--Plan de la Baie et du Havre de Casco et des i'les adjacentes, par Cyprian Southack. Redige', d'apre's un plan anglois, au Depot general des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine. Par ordre de M. de Sartine, conseiller d'Etat, ministre et secretaire d'Etat au Departement de la marine, 1779, Cyprian Southack and Antoine de Sartine
BMC 30--Casco Bay, 1699, Board of Trade
BMC 31--Casco Bay Fort in the Province of Main[e] in America, 1705, J. Redknap
BMC 32--Saco River and Winter Harbour, 1699
BMC 33--Profile of Pemaquid Fort, Board of Trade
BMC 34--Pemaquid Fort in America, Board of Trade and J. Dudley
BMC 37--Carte nouvelle de l'Amérique Angloise, contenant la Virginie, Mary-Land, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nouvelle Iorck, N:Iarsey, N. France, et les terres nouvellement découerte dressé sur les relations les plus nouvelles. Circa 1700, Nicholas Sanson and Pierre Mortier
BMC 40--Plan of Part of Penobscot River, 1771, Joseph Chadwick
BMC 41--New Ireland and Main[e], 1770, Samuel Johannes Holland
BMC 42-Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissima geographice exhibita, circa 1720, Johann Baptist Homann
BMC 43--Tabula Terre Nove (Admiral’s Map), [Northwestern Portion], 1513, Martin Waldseemüller
BMC 45--Le Nouveau Continent Figure dans la Mappemonde de Juan de la Cosa en 1500., Alexander von Humboldt and Juan de la Cosa
BMC 46--A Map of Piscataqua River, 1708
BMC 48--A Plan of the Compact Part of the Town of Exeter at the Head of the Southerly Branch of Piscataqua River, 1802, Phinehas Merrill and A. M. Peasley
BMC 49--Coast of New England from Berwick, Maine to Cape Cod
BMC 50--The Prospect of Saco Fort, 1699
BMC 51--The Prospect of Saco Fort, 1699
BMC 52--Province of New Hampshire, 1730, David Dunbar
BMC 53--Massachusetts and Provinces of New Hampshire and Maine, circa 1760
BMC 54--Pascatway River in New England, circa 1670
BMC 56--Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Maine, 1826, Henry Charles Carey and Isaac Lea
BMC 57--Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique Du Maine, circa 1822, Jean Alexandre Buchon
BMC 58--Carta Della Nuova Inghilterra Nuova Iork, e Pensilvania; 1763, Giovanni Tommasso Masi and Jacques Nicholas Bellin
BMC 60--Nouvelle France, Nova Anglia, Nova Scotia, and Virginia, 1684, William Hack
BMC 61--A Survey for Six Townships On East Side of Penobscot River, 1713
BMC 64--Almond-shaped Mappa Mundi by Ranulf Higden circa 1350, Ranulf Higden
BMC 65--Norumbega et Virginia, 1597, Corneille Wytefliet
BMC 66--Nova Francia et Canada, circa 1597, Corneille Wytefliet
BMC 67--Route from Fort Pownal to Quebec, 1764, Francis Miller and Joseph Chadwick
BMC 68A-68B--Province Massachusetts Bay Penobscot Dominions of Great Britain Possession Confirm'd by Thos. Pownall Govr., Thomas Pownall, John Small, John North, and Ephraim Jones
BMC 69--Plan of the Bay and Rivers of Penobscot and the Islands Lying There Commonly Called the Fox Islands [...], 1764, Francis Bernard
BMC 70--Partie orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve par le S. D'Anville, 1776, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville and Paolo Santini
BMC 73--Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, De Landen aan de Hudson's-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-Amerika, 1769, Isaak Tirion
BMC 78--Sketch of unidentified British fort
BMC 79--An authentic plan of the River St. Laurence from Sillery, to the fall of Montmorenci [...], 1759, Thomas Jefferys
BMC 80--An Explanation on the Prospect Draft of the Fort William and Mary on Piscataqua River in ye Province of New Hampshire on the Continent of America, 1705, Cyprian Southack and Wolfgang William Romer
BMC 81--The Fort Upon Great Island In Piscataqua River 1699
BMC 82--The Harbour of Anapolis Royal, circa 1747, Emanuel Bowen
BMC 83--The Harbour of Placentia, circa 1747, Emanuel Bowen
BMC 84--A map of the most inhabited part of New England : containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations, 1774, Thomas Jefferys, John Green, and Braddock Mead
Boating Laws & Rules, 2002, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Boating Laws & Rules, 2003, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Boating Laws & Rules, 2004, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Boating Laws & Rules, 2006, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Boating Laws & Rules, 2007, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
BOLIM Newsletter Spring 2017, Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Maine Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
BOLIM Newsletter Summer 2017, Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Bombs Dropping at Fort Luettich
Book #2, Militia Roll, Town of Cumberland, 1903–09, 1917, Town of Cumberland, Maine
Bottom Sediments of Sebago Lake, Robert A. Johnston
Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Waterville, Maine, 15-minute quadrangle, Stephen S. Potts and William E. Doll
Boundary Survey Map of Cranberry Lane, Cumberland, Maine, 2005, Maine Boundary Consultants
Bowerbank, Katahdin Iron Works, T6R9 and West half of T5R9
Bow Town, Carrying Place Plantation, The Forks Plantation & Carratunk
Boy Scout Troop One, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Boy Scout Troop One Scout Outing, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
B Portland City Subscribers' Business Directory
Bradbury Mountain, Pownal, Maine, Henry N. Berry IV
Breach of Torpedoboat at Daytime
Breccia Liberty Point Robbington, Charles T. Jackson, Del Graeton, Maine Geological Survey, and Maine Legislature
Brecciated Green Marble and Red Sandstone Point of Maine Machias, Charles T. Jackson, Del Graeton, Maine Geological Survey, and Maine Legislature
Brewer, Brewer Village, North Brewer
Brewer High School, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Brewer's Oldest Frame House, State Street, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 3.1: Investigate Soil-Structure Interaction – Experimental Design, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, Harold J. Walton, Bill Davids, Melissa Maynard, and Keenan Goslin
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 3.2: Investigate Soil-Structure Interaction – Modeling and Experimental Results of Steel Arches, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, Harold J. Walton, Bill Davids, Melissa Maynard, and Keenan Goslin
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 3.3: Investigate Soil-Structure Interaction – Modeling and Experimental Results of Concrete Filled FRP Tube Arches, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, and Harold J. Walton
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 4: Development of Improved Arch Concrete Mix to Facilitate Field Use, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, and Keenan Goslin
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 5: Guidelines for Quality Assurance, 2016, Maine Research Transportation Division, Maine Department of Transportation, and Keenan Goslin
Bridge-in-a-Backpack™ Task 6: Guidelines for Long Term Inspection and Maintenance, 2016, Maine Transportation Research Division, Maine Department of Transportation, and Keenan Goslin
Bridgewater (Bridgewater & Portland Academy Grants)
Bridgton, Gorham & Yarmouth Cumberland County, Farmington, Franklin County
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 10 January 14,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 11 January 21,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 12 January 28,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 13 February 04,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 14 February 11,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 16 February 25,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 17 March 04,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 18 March 11,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 19 March 18,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 20 March 25,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 21 April 01,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 22 April 08,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 23 April 15,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 24 April 22,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 25 April 29,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 26 May 06,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 27 May 13,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 28 May 20,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 29 May 27,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 2 November 19,1858, Bridton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 3 November 26,1858, Bridton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 4 December 03,1858, Bridton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 5 December 10,1858, Bridton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 6 December 17,1858, Bridton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 8 December 31,1858, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Reporter : Vol.1, No. 9 January 07,1859, Bridgton Reporter Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 10 February 13,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 11 February 20,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 12 February 27,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 13 - March 5, 1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 1 December 12,1863, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 2 December 19,1863, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 3 December 26,1863, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 4 January 02,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 5 January 09,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 6 January 16,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 7 January 23,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 8 January 30,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton Sentinel : Vol. 1, No. 9 February 06,1864, Bridgton Sentinel Newspaper
Bridgton town of Bridgton-insert of North Bridgton and business notices
Brief Summary of the General Fish & Game Laws, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game
Brig. General Charles Griffin to General Seth Williams RE Promotion of Chamberlain, October 7, 1863, Charles E. Griffin and Seth Williams
Brighton Corner Nason's Corner Stroudwater village Woodfords Town of Deering City of Portland
Brillant Deciding Victory near Metz
Brittle fractures in the Eastport 2-degree sheet, Maine, Olcott Gates
Brochures from the Belvedere Inn / Belvedere Resort in Maranacook, Maine, Belevedere Inn
Brunswick, Cumberland Cty., Topsham, Sagadahoc Cty.
Brunswick, Maine Patriots' Day 2007 Landslide, Michael E. Foley
BTA-2012-1: Issued March 14, 2013 (Use Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2012-3: Issued April 25, 2013 (Telcom Service Provider Tax (SPT) Not Preempted), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-11: Issued December 5, 2013 (Service Provider Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-15: Issued May 15, 2014 (Abandoned Beverage Container Deposits), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-17: Issued October 28, 2013 (Individual Income Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-4: Issued December 6, 2013 (Trust Fund Taxes), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-6: Issued April 2, 2014 (Income Tax Nexus), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2013-8: Issued September 12, 2013 (Individual Income Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2014-13: Issued June 15, 2015 (Income Tax Nexus), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2014-23 Issued September 23, 2015 (Penalties and Interest), Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2014-2: Issued August 8, 2014 (Individual Income Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-14: Issued March 24, 2016 (Late-Filed Refund Request (BETR)), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-15: Issued August 18, 2016 (Credit for Taxes Paid to Another Jurisdiction), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-16: Issued August 18, 2016 (Failure to File Amended Maine Income Tax Return), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-17: Issued June 20, 2016 (BTA Jurisdiction--Scope; Wood and Lumber Harvesting), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-2: Issued October 27, 2015 (Fabrication Services), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-3: Issued April 7, 2016 (BTA Jurisdiction--Amount at Issue), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-4: Issued January 4, 2016 (Income Taxation of Maine PERS Rollover Distributions), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-6: Issued March 24, 2016 (Sales Tax on Special Mobile Equipment), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2015-9: Issued April 7, 2016 (Trust Fund Taxes), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
BTA-2016-2: Issued July 21, 2016 (Estimated Assessment of Individual Income Tax), Maine Board of Tax Appeals and Paul L. Bourget
Buckfield Village, Town of Buckfield
Bucksport, Hancock Cty., Great Works (Bradley), Old Town & Orono, Penobscot Cty.
Budget makes our government efficient, effective, and affordable, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Burlington, Allen Tract, Burlington (street map), Lowell
Burning Church in Liedersingen from which Machine Guns Fire
Burnt Coat or Swan's Island, Town of Bucksport
Burnt Island's Glacial Erratics of the Lincoln Sill, Stephen M. Dickson
Business As Usual is Not Acceptable, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Called the Red Devils, Destruction
Camden & Thomaston, Knox Cty., Damariscotta, Newcastle & Wiscasset, Lincoln Cty.
Cape Elizabeth, Deering & Portland Cumberland County
Cape Rosier Talcose and Micacious Slate, Charles T. Jackson, Del Graeton, Maine Geological Survey, and Maine Legislature
Capture of the First French Flag
Capture of the First French Flag near Lagarde
Capture of the French Border Fortification Givet
Carboniferous Barrovian metamorphism in southern Maine, Jennifer A. Thomson and Charles V. Guidotti
Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Mechanic Falls & Presque Isle, Aroostook County
Carleton's Digest of the Maine Fish and Game Laws, 1899, Commisioners of Inland Fisheries and Game
Car Mechanics during the Campaign 1914 Metz
Carpet Bag of Knowledge, Vol. 1, No. 2, October 12, 1859, Ella A. Stone, Sam'l Stevens, and Blue Hill Academy
Carte de la partie septenrionale de Etats Unis : comprenant le Canada
Carte de l'isle de Montreal et de ses environs, Jacques Nicholas Bellin
Carte partie occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou Canada comm'elle fut en XVIIe et XVIIIe centuries dans l'Amerique du Nord, Donald G. Bouma
Carter Block, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Carte Regionale no 6 de la Province de Quebec, A. M. Tache
Carver and Campbell Hospital Records, March 1863, Adjutant General
Casco Casco Business notices Town of Casco Thomas Pond Webbs Mills
C.B. Mervine Regarding General Griffin, October 7, 1863, C B. Mervine
Census of Interior of Penobscot, Moses Greenleaf
Central Fire Statrion, Parker Street, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Century Farm Owners in Maine, James Russell Wiggins
Certificate of Discharge - Cook, Eli, James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Dunham, Othniel, Nathan Ellis Jr.
Certificate of Discharge - Ewins, John, David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Ewins, John, David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Gerrish, Stephen S., James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Gerrish, Stephen S., James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Ginn, Caleb, James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Ginn, Caleb, James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Googins, Rufus B., James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Harreman, Joab, Nathan Ellis Jr.
Certificate of Discharge - Herrick, Nathan F., Traxton Dougherty
Certificate of Discharge - Hersey, Thomas, Cyrus Hersey
Certificate of Discharge - Hersey, Thomas, Cyrus Hersey
Certificate of Discharge - Howe, Asa C., David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Howe, Asa C., David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Ingalls, Jacob Jr., Nathan Ellis Jr.
Certificate of Discharge - Kilgore, Moses, David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Kilgore, Moses Jr., David R. Ripley
Certificate of Discharge - Newbit, Alden, James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Page, Dustan, Traxton Dougherty
Certificate of Discharge - Porter, Charles, James Dunning
Certificate of Discharge - Rose, Elbridge G., Traxton Dougherty
Certificate of Discharge - Shipley, Daniel C., William Mills
Certificate of Discharge - Shipley, Daniel C., William Mills
Certificate Receipts, Maine Land Office
Certified Copy of Penobscot Treaty of August 17, 1820, State of Maine and Penobscot Nation
Chamberlain Cover Letter to John Hodsdon Regarding Gettysburg Report, November 4, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Chamberlain Letter Regarding Nichols Promotion, October 28, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Abner Coburn
Chamberlain Letter re Mattson Sanborn, May 21, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Chamberlain Letter to General Hodsdon, November 29, 1866, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain letter to General RE History, December 1865, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Chamberlain Letter to Hodsdon and Thomas RE: Lt. Sanborn, May 26, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain Letter to John Hodsdon, Monthly Return, July 17, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain Letter to John Hodsdon Regarding History of 5th Army Corps, 1865, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain Recommends Thomas Given, March 15, 1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain Regarding Lt. James Nichols Cavalry Commission, March 10, 1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain to General Hodsdon RE 1st Maine Sharpshooters, November 14, 1865, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain to Gov. Cony re A.B. Twitchell September 22, 1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain to Gov. Cony Regarding A.G. Godfrey, Chaplain for 20th ME, April 25,1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain to Gov. Cony, Spotsylvania, May 18, 1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain to Governor Regarding Capt. Fogler, Annapolis, August 31, 1864, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Samuel Cony
Chamberlain to Hodsdon RE: Litchfield Promotion, December 20, 1862, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain to John Hodsdon, Regimental Returns, May 18, 1863, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Chamberlain to John L. Hodsdon, History of 20th Maine, November 11, 1865, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and John L. Hodsdon
Changing perspectives of the Quaternary surficial geology of Maine, Harold W. Borns Jr
Chapman Plantation (T11R3), T11R4, T10R4 & T10R3
Charles Gilmore to Hodsdon RE Surgeon John Benson, September 3, 1863, Charles D. Gilmore and John L. Hodsdon
Charles Tefft Mansion, Center Street, Brewer, Maine., J.Craig Thayer Photography
Charles Thomas Jackson and the first geological survey of Maine, 1836-1838, Mark Hineline
Charleston, East Hampton, Bradford, North Bradford, Charleston P.O., Bradford (insert)
Charlotte lot plan & Princton Village
Charting Our Course : An Activity Guide for Grades 6-12 on Water Quality in the Gulf of Maine, Maine State Planning Office, Maine Coastal Program, Cynthia Krum, Flis Shauffler, Ba Rea, and John Kramer
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.1, Moses Greenleaf
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.2, Moses Greenleaf
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.3, Moses Greenleaf
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.4, Moses Greenleaf
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.5, Moses Greenleaf
Chart of the Coast of Maine No.6, Moses Greenleaf
Chester, Passadumkeag, Lincoln Centre
Children between 4 & 21 Years of Age, Cumberland, Me., 1898, Town of Cumberland, Maine
Chronology of the Augusta House Hotel, Augusta House Hotel
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1792-1802, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1803-1806, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1807-1809, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1810-1812, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1813-1816, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1817-1820, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1821-1824, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1825-1828, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1827-1831, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1832-1834, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1835-1836, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1837-1840, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1841-1844, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1845-1846, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records : First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette (Starling Plantation) 1847-1848, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1848-1852, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1853-1856, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1857-1860, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1861-1865, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1866-1874, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1875-1882, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1883-1900, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1901-1916, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1917-1930, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1930-1934, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1935-1938, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1939-1944, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1944-1947, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 1948-1952, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Church Records: First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Vol. 2 Miscellaneous Material ca 1953, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette
Circular Regarding Payment of Commissions in Revolutionary War, June 23, 1827, Aaron Ogden, Philip Reed, and Alden Bradford
City of Augusta and Town of Chelsea, Page 12 & 13, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Calais Plan #1 and town of Robbinston
City of Ellsworth Village plan No.1
City of Ellsworth Village plan No. 2
City of Ellsworth Village plan No. 3 Ward 2 and Ward 5
City of Ellsworth Village plan No. 4 Falls Village
City of Gardiner & South Gardiner Village, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Gardiner, Village Plan No.2, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Gardiner, Village Plans No.1 & 3, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Hallowell, Village of North Monmouth & Unity Plantation, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Hallowell, Village Plan No.2, Farmingdale, South Gardiner & Vassalboro Corner, H. E. Halfpenny
City of Lewiston, Lewiston Ward 7 and East Auburn
Civil War Diary of Sumner Ansel Holway, 1st ME Cavalry, 1862, Sumner A. Holway
Civil War Diary of Sumner Ansel Holway, 1st ME Cavalry, 1863, Sumner A. Holway
Civil War Monument at Oak Hill Cemetery, Brewer, Maine, J.Craig Thayer Photography
Civil War Soldiers' Monument, Bath, Maine, Thomas K. Weddle
Clean Election Money is Welfare for Politicians, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Clerk's Book of the Methodist Society in Readfield 1826-1858 Part 2, Methodist Society in Readfield
Clerk's Book of the Methodist Society in Readfield Organized March 27 1826 Part 1, Readfield Methodist Society
Coastal Bedrock Geology, Cape Newagen, Southport, Thomas K. Weddle
Coastal bluff erosion, landslides and associated salt marsh environments in northern Casco Bay, Maine, Nicolas Whiteman, Joseph T. Kelley, Daniel F. Belknap, and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal bluffs in the Addison quadrangle, Maine, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bailey Island quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Baker Island quadrangle, Maine, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bangor quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bar Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Nathan C. Gardiner, Kristie A. Ferland, Jennifer L. Hall, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bartlett Island quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bass Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bath quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, Rebecca A. Nestor, David A. Sinson, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Belfast quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Biddeford Pool quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Biddeford quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Blue Hill quadrangle, Maine, Rebecca A. Nestor, Ben C. Johnston, Jessica L. Black, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bois Bubert quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Adam T. Labelle, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bristol quadrangle, Maine, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, Meredith A. Kelly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Brooklin quadrangle, Maine, Jessica L. Black, Rebecca A. Nestor, Ben C. Johnston, Bret Vandarheuvel, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Brunswick quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Jennifer L. Hall, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Bucksport quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Camden quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Cape Elizabeth quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Cape Rosier quadrangle, Maine, Walter A. Barnhardt, Kristie A. Ferland, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Castine quadrangle, Maine, Walter A. Barnhardt, Marita Bryant, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Cherryfield quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Adam T. Labelle, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Damariscotta quadrangle, Maine, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, Meredith A. Kelly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Dover East quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Drisko Island quadrangle, Maine, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Ellsworth quadrangle, Maine, Ben C. Johnston, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Freeport quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Friendship quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Thomas D. Henze, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Hampden quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal bluffs in the Hancock quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Kristie A. Ferland, Corinn C. Koblinsky, Stephen G. Perrin, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Harrington quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Adam T. Labelle, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Hewett Island quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Islesboro quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Kendra Murray, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Kennebunkport quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Kittery quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, Earle G. Hildreth III, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Lincolnville quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Louds Island quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Earle G. Hildreth III, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Monhegan quadrangle, Maine, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Newbury Neck quadrangle, Maine, Jessica L. Black, Ben C. Johnston, Rebecca A. Nestor, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Jennifer L. Hall, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the New Harbor quadrangle, Maine, David A. Stinson, Allison L. Brandes, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the North Haven West quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Kendra Murray, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Old Orchard Beach quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Orland quadrangle, Maine, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Orrs Island quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Pemaquid Point quadrangle, Maine, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, Meredith A. Kelley, David A. Stinson, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Penobscot quadrangle, Maine, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Petit Manan quadrangle, Maine, Kristie A. Ferland, Adam T. Labelle, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Phippsburg quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Earle G. Hildreth III, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Portland East quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Portland West quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Portsmouth quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Josepth T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Prouts Neck quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Rockland quadrangle, Maine, Julia F. Daley, David A. Sinson, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Salsbury Cove quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Kristie A. Ferland, Jennifer L. Hall, Rebecca A. Nestor, Ben C. Johnston, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Sargentville quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Nathan C. Gardner, Kristie A. Ferland, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Schoodic Head quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Seal Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Searsport quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Kendra Murray, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Small Point quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the South Harpswell quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Southwest Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Stinson Neck quadrangle, Maine, Walter A. Barnhardt, Ben C. Johnston, Rebecca A. Nestor, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Sullivan quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Corinn C. Koblinsky, Nathan C. Gardner, Kristie A. Ferland, Jennifer L. Hall, Stephen G. Perrin, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Swans Island quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Tenants Harbor quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Thomaston quadrangle, Maine, Thomas D. Henze, David A. Sinson, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Waldoboro East quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Allison L. Brandes, Julia F. Daly, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Waldoboro West quadrangle, Maine, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Wells quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Westport quadrangle, Maine, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Allison L. Brandes, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Winter Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Nicole A. Raineault, Christopher E. Miller, Kristie A. Ferland, Adam T. Labelle, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Wiscasset quadrangle, Maine, Corinn C. Keblinsky, Nathan C. Gardiner, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the Yarmouth quadrangle, Maine, Marita Bryant, Walter A. Barnhardt, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the York Beach quadrangle, Maine, Christopher E. Miller, Nicole A. Raineault, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs in the York Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, Earle G. Hildreth III, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal bluffs of the Boothbay Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Allison L. Brandes, David A. Sinson, Rebecca A. Nestor, Earle G. Hildreth III, Thomas D. Henze, Douglas G. Hodum, Stephen M. Dickson, and Joseph T. Kelley
Coastal Change in Holmes Bay, Whiting, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal Circulation in the Vicinity of the Kennebunk River and Goochs Beach, Peter A. Slovinsky
Coastal Erosion at Crescent Beach State Park, Peter A. Slovinsky
Coastal landslide hazards in the Addison quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bailey Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Baker Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bangor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bar Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bartlett Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bass Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bath quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Belfast quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Biddeford Pool quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Biddeford quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Blue Hill quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bois Bubert quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bristol quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Brooklin quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Brunswick quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Bucksport quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Camden quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Cape Elizabeth quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Cape Rosier quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Castine quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Cherryfield quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Damariscotta quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Dover East quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Drisko Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Ellsworth quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Freeport quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Friendship quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Hampden quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Hancock quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Harrington quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Hewett Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Islesboro quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Kennebunkport quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Kittery quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Lincolnville quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Louds Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Monhegan quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Newbury Neck quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the New Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the North Haven West quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Old Orchard Beach quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Orland quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Orrs Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Pemaquid Point quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Penobscot quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Petit Manan quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Phippsburg quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Portland East quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Portland West quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Portsmouth quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Prouts Neck quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Rockland quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Salsbury Cove quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Sargentville quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Schoodic Head quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Seal Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Searsport quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Small Point quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the South Harpswell quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Southwest Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Stinson Neck quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Sullivan quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Swans Island quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Tenants Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Thomaston quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Waldoboro East quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Waldoboro West quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Wells quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Westport quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Winter Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Wiscasset quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the Yarmouth quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the York Beach quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards in the York Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal landslide hazards of the Boothbay Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal Landslide with Outrunner Blocks, Bunganuc Bluff, Thomas K. Weddle and Henry N. Berry IV
Coastal Ledges of Kittery Formation, Granite, and Basalt - East Point Sanctuary, Biddeford Pool, Henry N. Berry IV
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Addison quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Augusta SE [Augusta 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bailey Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bangor SE [Bangor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bar Harbor NE [Winter Harbor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bar Harbor NW [Bar Harbor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bar Harbor SE [Schoodic Head 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bar Harbor SW [Seal Harbor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bath NE [Bath 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bath NW [Brunswick 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Belfast quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Biddeford Pool quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Biddeford quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Blue Hill NE [Blue Hill 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Blue Hill NW [Penobscot 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Blue Hill SE [Brooklin 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Blue Hill SW [Sargentville 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bois Bubert quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Boothbay Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bristol quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bucksport NE [Hampden 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Bucksport SE [Bucksport 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Calais quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Camden quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Cape Elizabeth quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Castine NE [Castine 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Castine NW [Searsport 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Castine SE [Cape Rosier 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Castine SW [Islesboro 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Cherryfield quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Columbia Falls quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Cross Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Cutler quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Damariscotta quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Deer Isle NE [Stinson Neck 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Deer Isle NW [Deer Isle 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Deer Isle SE [Isle au Haut East 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Deer Isle SW [Isle au Haut West 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Devils Head quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Dover East quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Drisko Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the East Pittston quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Eastport quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Ellsworth SE [Hancock 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Ellsworth SW [Ellsworth 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Freeport quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Friendship quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner NE [Gardiner 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner SE [Richmond 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Gardiner SW [Bowdoinham 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Great Wass Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Harrington quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Hewett Island [Hewitt Island 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Isles of Shoals quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Jonesport quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Kennebunk NE [Kennebunk 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Kennebunkport quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Kittery quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Lincolnville quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Louds Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Lubec quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Machias Bay quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Machias quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Matinicus quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Monhegan quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Moose River quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Mt. Desert NE [Salsbury Cove 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Mt. Desert NW [Newbury Neck 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Mt. Desert SE [Southwest Harbor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Mt. Desert SW [Bartlett Island 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the New Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Old Orchard Beach quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Orland SW [Orland 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Orono SW [Veazie 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Orrs Island quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Pemaquid Point quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Pembroke quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Petit Manan quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Phippsburg quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Portland East quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Portland West quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Portsmouth quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Prouts Neck quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Red Beach quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Robbinston quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Rockland quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Roque Bluffs quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Small Point quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the South Harpswell quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Swans Island NE [Bass Harbor 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Swans Island NW [Swans Island 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Swans Island SE [Frenchboro 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Swans Island SW [Johns Island 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Tenants Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Thomaston quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Tunk Lake SW [Sullivan 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Vinalhaven NE [North Haven East 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Vinalhaven NW [North Haven West 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Vinalhaven SE [Vinalhaven 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Vinalhaven SW [Leadbetter Island 7.5'] quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Waldoboro East quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Waldoboro West quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Wells quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the West Lubec quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Westport quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Whiting quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Whitneyville quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Wiscasset quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the Yarmouth quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the York Beach quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal marine geologic environments of the York Harbor quadrangle, Maine, Barry S. Timson
Coastal sand dune geology: Bald Head and Head Coves, Small Point, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Bald Head and Seal Coves, Small Point, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Brave Boat Harbor, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Camp Ellis, Ferry Beach, Saco, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Crescent Beach and Jordan Point Beach, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Crescent Beach, Seapoint, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Crescent Surf Beach, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Curtis Cove, New Barn Cove, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Drakes Island and Laudholm Beaches, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Drakes Island Beach South, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: East Point and Cow Beach, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ferry Beach, Bay View, Saco, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ferry Beach, Black Rock, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ferry Beach State Park, Ferry Beach, Saco, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Fort Foster, Gerrish Island, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Fortunes Rocks Beach, Fortunes Rocks, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Fortunes Rocks Beach, The Pool, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Godfreys Cove, Seal Head Point, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goochs Beach and Colony Beach, Kennebunk and Kennebunkport, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goochs Beach, Middle Beach, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goose Rocks Beach, Batson River, Kennebunkport, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goose Rocks Beach, Little River, Kennebunkport, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Goose Rocks Beach, Smith Brook, Kennebunkport, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Grand Beach, Surfside Beach, Scarborough and Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Half Mile Beach, Reid State Park, Georgetown, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Head Beach and Hermit Island, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Higgins Beach and Spurwink River, Scarborough and Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Hills Beach, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Hills Beach, Fort Hill, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Hills Beach, Saco River, Biddeford, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Horseshoe Cove, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Hunnewell Beach, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Hunnewell Beach, River Beach, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Kinney Shores and Ocean Park, Saco and Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Kinney Shores, Bay View, Saco, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Lamson Cove, Great Diamond Island, Portland, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Lobster Cove, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Long Beach, Central, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Long Beach, North, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Long Beach, South, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Lords Point, Libbys Point, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Main Beach, Ram Island, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Middle Beach, Mothers Beach, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Mile Beach, Reid State Park, Georgetown, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Mile Stretch Beach, South Point, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Mile Stretch Beach, The Pool, Biddeford, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Moody Beach, North, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Moody Beach, South, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Moody Point, Fishermans Cove, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ogunquit Beach, Central, Ogunquit, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ogunquit Beach, North, Ogunquit, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Ogunquit Beach, South, Ogunquit, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Old Orchard Beach, East Grand Avenue, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Old Orchard Beach, West Grand Avenue, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Parsons Beach, Great Hill, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Parsons Beach, Kennebunk, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Pemaquid Beach, Fish Point, Bristol, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Pine Point Beach, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Pine Point Beach, Scarborough River, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Popham Beach, Morse River, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Popham Beach, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Raynes Neck, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: River Beach, Fort Popham, Phippsburg, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Scarborough Beach, Prouts Neck, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Scarborough Beach, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Scarborough Beach State Park, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Seapoint Beach, Cutts Island, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Seawall Beach, Morse River, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Seawall Beach, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Seawall Beach, Sprague River, Phippsburg, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Sewards Cove, Gerrish Island, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Short Sands Beach, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Sisters Point, Gerrish Island, Kittery, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Strawberry Hill Beach, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Surf Point, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Surfside Beach, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: The Pier, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Wells Beach, Casino Point, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Wells Beach Central, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Wells Beach North, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Wells Beach, South, Wells, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Western and Ferry Beaches, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Western Beach, Prouts Neck, Scarborough, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: Willard Beach, South Portland, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coastal sand dune geology: York Harbor Beach, York, Maine, Peter A. Slovinsky and Stephen M. Dickson
Coast from Pemaquid Point to Seguin Island, Maine
Coast from Whitehead to Pemaquid Point, Maine
Codyville, Aroostook County, Maine, Samuel Jones
Columbia, Columbia Falls, Village of Columbia Falls & Danforth Village
Commingled gabbroic and granitic magmas in the northern Bays-of-Maine igneous complex, Calais area, Malcolm D. Hill and Richard N. Abbott Jr
Common Job Trends in Early Cumberland, Benjamin W. Follett
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Warrant Andrews vs Chase, Moses Greenleaf
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Warrant Andrews vs Perry, Moses Greenleaf
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Warrant Chase vs Bunker, Moses Greenleaf
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Warrant Chase vs Bunker Part 2, Moses Greenleaf
Compositional variation of plutonism in the coastal Maine magmatic province; mode of origin and tectonic setting, John P. Hogan and A Krishna Sinha
ConnectME Authority Meeting - February 24, 2017, ConnectME Authority
ConnectME Authority Meeting Notes & Video - December 9, 2016, ConnectME Authority
ConnectME Authority Meeting Notes & Video - January 27, 2017, ConnectME Authority
ConnectME Authority Meeting Notes & Video - November 18, 2016, ConnectME Authority
Conquest of the First French Flag.
Constitutional Inhabitants, Moses Greenleaf
Construction Layout for Town of Cumberland of Proposed Athletic Fields, Greely Road, Cumberland, Maine, 2000, Boundary Points and Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Consumer Health Care Division Annual Report to the Legislature for 2016, Incorporating the Division’s Annual Report on External Reviews, Maine Bureau of Insurance and Maine Department of Financial & Professional Regulation
Contact your legislators about eliminating the income tax, Office of Governor Paul Lepage and Paul R. Lepage
Contribution of Fall-Stocked Brown Trout to a Winter Fishery: A Comparison of Trout Stocked in October and December, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and WIldlife and Francis C. Brautigam
Contributions to the geology of Maine, Maine Geological Survey
Co-op Buyers' Guide to Maine Agricultural Products, Maine Consortium for Food Self Reliance, Donna Doel, and Ken Morse
Copy of a Plan of the mortgaged land in the Town of Surry, John Peters Jr.
Copy of Deed Number 10 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 11 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 12 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 13 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 14 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 15 for 132,541 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 16 for 132,277 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read
Copy of Deed Number 1 for 135,922 acres of land, Samuel Phillips, Leonard Jarvis, and John Read