"1969 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments" by Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions



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Maine State Archives

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Election Tabulations for the General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, held on November 4, 1969. Referendum Question No. 1 "Shall the State provide expanded classroom facilities and improvements at the several campuses of the University of Maine to allow for program improvement and increased enrollment by issuing bonds in the amount of $7, 540,0000?"; Referendum Question No. 2 " Shall the moneys appropriated for night lighting systems and Unicom radio station at Norridgewock Airport be used for purposes designated by the Aeronautics Commissions, passed by the 104th Legislature?"; Referendum Questions No. 3 " Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act Providing a Bond Issue in the Amount of Two Hundreds and Ten Thousand Dollars for Construction of Necessary Added Facilities at Camp Waban, York County Passed by the 104th Legislature?"; "Shall the State convert to monthly payments for general purpose school aid to local school units to assure the State's ability to make such payments and reduce the need for borrowing by municipalities and the State by issuing bonds in the amount of $22,000,000 in order to provide for the transitional period, January 1970 through June 1970?"; Referendum Question No. 5 "Shall the State provide for the construction of water and sewage facilities at the India Reservations by issuing bonds in the amount of $310,00?"; Referendum Question No. 6 "Shall 'An Act Providing a Bond Issue in the Amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for Docking Facilities for Passengers and Freight at Matinicus Island,' passed by 104th Legislature, be accepted?"; Referendum Question No. 7 "Shall a Bond Issue be Ratified for the Purposes Set Forth in 'An Act to Authorize Bond Issues in the Amount of $9,800,000 to Provide Funds for School Building Construction Under the Previsions of Section 3457 and Section 3459 of Title 20, R.S. and $800,000 to Provide Funds for the Construction of Regional Technical and Vocational Centers Under the Provisions of Section 2356-B of Title 20, R.S.?"; Referendum Question No. 8 " Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set for in 'An Act to Authorize General Fund Bond Issue in Amount of Fifty Million Dollars and to Appropriate Moneys for the Planning , Construction and Equipment of Pollution Abatement Facilities,' passed by the 104th Legislature?"; Referendum Question No. 9 "Shall the State provide for new and improved facilities and acquisition of land at the State Vocational-Technical Institutes and at the Maine Maritime Academy and for Improved facilities at the Unorganized Territory Schools and Indian Schools by issuing bonds in the amount of $770,000?" Referendum Question No. 10 "Shall the State provide for the development, expansion and improvement of State Parks, improved Forestry facilities and expansion of the State's Marine Research Laboratory by issuing bonds in the amount of $1,900,000?"; Referendum Question No. 11 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds in the Amount of Twenty-one Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars on Behalf of the State of Maine to Build State Highways', passed by the 104th Legislature?"; Referendum Question No. 12 "Shall our mental and correctional institutions be enlarged and improved to better accommodate persons with mental, emotional or social disorders by issuing bonds in the amount of $2,515,000?"; Referendum Question No. 13 "Shall 'An Act to Amend Bond Issue Acts as to Limitations of Interest,' as passed by the 104th Legislature, be approved?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 "Shall the constitution which now, with certain exceptions, provides that the credit of the State of Maine Shall not be directly or indirectly loaned in any case, be amended, as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature pledging credit of State and providing for the issuance of bonds not exceeding, at any one time issued and outstanding, twenty-five million dollars for loans to private colleges for construction and expansion of facilities?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to provide for an odd numbered Senate of not less than thirty-one nor more than thirty-five Senators following the constitutionally required reapportionment in 1971?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to Provide for Municipal Home Rule?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature Pledging Credit of State for Loans of Maine School Building Authority?"

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Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; General Elections; Maine

1969 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments

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