"1966 Special Election: Referendum" by Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions



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Maine State Archives

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Election Tabulations for the Special Election: Referendum, held on June 20, 1966. Referendum Question No. 1 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize Bond Issue in Amount of $4,800,000 for Construction of Maine State Cultural Building,' passed by the 102nd Legislature in special session?"; Referendum Question No. 2 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize Bond Issue in Amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to Develop the Maximum Wilderness Character of the Allagash Waterway,' passed by the 102nd Legislature in special session?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to Amend the Constitution Relating to the Apportionment, Election and Powers of the Senate?"

Exact Creation Date





Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; Special General Elections; Maine

1966 Special Election: Referendum

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