"1965 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments" by Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions



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Maine State Archives

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Election Tabulations for the General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, held on November 2, 1965. Referendum Question No. 1 "Shall 'An Act to Authorize the Construction of Self-Liquidating Student Housing and Dining Facilities for the State Teacher College and Vocational-Technical Institutes and the Issuance of Not Exceeding $3,960,000 Bonds of the State of Maine for the Financing Thereof,' passed by the 102nd Legislature, be accepted?"; Referendum Question No. 2 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds in the Amount of Nine Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars on Behalf of the State of Maine to Build State Highways,' passed by the 102nd Legislature?"; Referendum Question No. 3 "Shall 'An Act to Authorize the Construction of Housing for the University of Maine and the Issuance of not Exceeding $6,000,000 Bonds of the State of Maine for the Financing Thereof,' passed by the 102nd Legislature , be accepted?"; Referendum Question No. 4 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize Bond Issue in Amount of Six Million Nine Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars for Capital Improvements, Construction and Repairs at University of Maine,' passed by the 102nd Legislature?"; Referendum Question No. 5 "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize Bond Issue in Amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars for Construction and Renovations at Boys Training Center, Maine State Prison and Stevens Training Center,' passed by the 102nd Legislature?"; Referendum Question No. 6 "Shall 'An Act Providing a Bond Issue in the Amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars for a Regional Vocational Education Center or Centers in York County' passed by the 102nd Legislature, be accepted?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to Eliminate Voting Restrictions on Paupers?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature Pledging Credit of the State for Guaranteed Loans on Personal Property for Industrial Purposes?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 "Shall the Constitution which not, with certain exceptions, provides that the credit of the State of Maine shall not be directly or indirectly loaned in any case, be amended, as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature Pledging Credit of the State and Providing for a Ten Million Dollar Bond Issue for Guaranteed Loans for Recreational Purposes?"

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Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; General Elections; Maine

1965 General Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments

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