"1975 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendment" by Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions



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Maine State Archives

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Election Tabulations for the Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, held on November 4, 1975. Referendum Question No. 1: "Shall an Act, as passed by the 107th Legislature, authorizing the renovation of housing for the University of Maine and the issuing of bonds in the amount of $900,000, to be repaid by student housing fees, be accepted?"; Referendum Question No. 2: "Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purpose set forth in 'AN ACT to Authorize Bond Issue in the Amount of $13,600,000 to Finance the Highway and Bridge Improvement Program,' passed by the 107th Legislature?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1: "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to provide for single member districts for the House of Representatives, to provide for appointment of the House and Senate and to establish an apportionment commission to plan for all apportionments of the House and Senate?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2: "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to establish filing dates for initiative and referendum petitions; clarify when the effective date of a bill is suspended for an initiative or referendum vote; limit legislative amendment and repeal of laws initiated or approved by the people; clarify the petition process; and provide for review of the validity of petitions?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3: "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to provide for determination of the inability of the Governor to discharge the powers and duties of his office?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4: "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to abolish the Executive Council and to Reassign it Constitutional Powers to the Governor and the Legislature, to Eliminate the Office of Notary Public as a Constitutional Office and to Prohibit Appointment of Legislators to Offices Requiring Approval of the Legislature for Appointment?"; Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5: "Shall the Constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the Legislature to provide for annual sessions of the legislature with limits on the matters which may be considered in the second regular session of each biennium and to change the date of the convening of the Legislature?"

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Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; Special Elections; Maine

1975 Special Election: Referendum  & Proposed Constitutional Amendments

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