Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Maine State Library Research | Digital Maine

The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (ACF) is the center for Maine’s many land-based, natural resource interests. From protecting the food people eat, to stopping forest fires, to mapping the ocean floor; from keeping Maine’s parks and public lands pristine and accessible, to planning wise land utilization, to helping new farmers, ACF professionals take a collective pride in providing excellent customer service through hundreds of activities and programs.


Browse the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Collections:

Agricultural Resources Development Documents

Agricultural Water Management Board Documents

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Documents

Animal and Plant Health Documents

Coastal Program Documents

Conservation Newsletters

Floodplain Management Documents

Geological Survey

Harness Racing Commission Documents

Integrated Pest Management Documents

Land for Maine's Future

Land Use Planning Commission

Maine Conservations Corps

Maine Forest Service

Milk Commission Documents

Municipal Planning Assistance Documents

Natural Areas Documents

Parks and Public Lands Documents

Pesticides Control Documents

Quality Assurance and Regulation Documents