The Forest Service within the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry agency (ACF) works to ensure that the trees and forest lands of Maine will continue to provide benefits for present and future generations of Maine people.
Submissions from 2024
2021 Silvicultural Activities Report, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2021 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2022 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2023 Spruce Budworm Annual Review & Outlook Report, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2023 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine: Summary 2023, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2022-2023, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Principal Disease and Insect Pests of White Pine in Maine, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2023
2020 Silvicultural Activities Report, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2021 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Emerald Ash Borer Information for Maine Landowners, Maine Forest Service
Forest Management and Vernal Pools, Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine: Summary 2022, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
Pruning White Pine: A Reference Guide for Foresters, Maine Forest Service
Pruning your Forest Trees, Maine Forest Service
Red Pine Scale (Matsucoccus matsumarae (Kuwana)), Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Some Things to Consider When Buying Forestland, Maine Forest Service
Spruce Budworm in Maine 2022, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
The Maine Tree Growth Tax Law, Maine Forest Service
Timber Harvesting in Shoreline Zones, Maine Forest Service
Weeding and Thinning Young Forest Stands, Maine Forest Service
What is Siviculture? An Introduction for Woodland Owners, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2022
2020 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2020 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Boundary Line Information, Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine: Summary 2021, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
Invasive Plants in Maine Forests, Maine Forest Service
Making Maple Syrup for Fun and Profit, Maine Forest Service
Spruce Budworm in Maine 2021, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
Treatment of Beech Trees with Beech Leaf Disease in Maine, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Tree Growth Tax Law Plan Review - A Guide for Municipal Assessors, Maine Forest Service
Vernal Pools - Important Wildlife Habitat, Maine Forest Service
Wood Harvests: Workers’ Compensation and Landowner Liability, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2021
2019 Silvicultural Activities Report, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2019 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2019 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Balsam Gall Midge (Paradiplosis tumiflex), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
Diplodia tip blight of pines (Diplodia sapinea), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine: Summary 2020, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Maine's Tree Growth Tax Law : The Basics
Report on the Maine Forest Service District Forester Program to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry of the 130th Maine Legislature, First Regular Session, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Spruce Budworm in Maine 2020, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2020
2018 Silvicultural Activities Report, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
A Checklist of Maine Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae), 2020, Daniel T. Jennings; Charlene P. Donahue; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Armillaria root disease/Shoestring root rot (Armillaria spp.), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Butternut canker (Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness: Data Summary 2018-2019, Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine: Summary 2019, Maine Forest Service; Forest Health and Monitoring Division; and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Heterobasidion root disease (Heterobasidion annosum), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Maine Register of Big Trees - 2020, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Oak Wilt disease (Bretziella fagacearum), Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Sirococcus Shoot Blight of Red Pine (Sirococcus conigenus), Forest Health and Monitoring Division; Maine Forest Service; and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Spruce Budworm in Maine 2019, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service, Forest Health and Monitoring Division
The Woods in Your Backyard - Second Edition, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
White Pine Needle Damage, Forest Health and Monitoring Division; Maine Forest Service; and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Submissions from 2019
2018 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2018 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Report on Maine Forest Service District Forester Program to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry of the 129th Maine Legislature, First Regular Session, Maine Forest Service
What Will My Woods Look Like? Before and After Timber Harvesting, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2018
2017 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2017 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2017 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Avoiding Timber Trespass & Timber Theft, Maine Forest Service
Beech bark disease (Neonectria spp. and Cryptococcus fagisuga), Forest Health and Monitoring Division; Maine Forest Service; and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Emerald Ash Borer Guidance for Maine Forest Managers, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2016-2017, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2017
2014 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2015 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2016 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2016 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2016 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine’s Water Quality - Third Edition, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Environmental Assessment Regarding Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Impacts In Maine, Maine Forest Service
Patterns of Infection and Spread of European Larch Canker on Tamarack in Eastern Maine, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Report on Maine Forest Service District Forester Program to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry of the 128th Maine Legislature, First Regular Session, Maine Forest Service
The Forestry Rules of Maine 2017: A Practical Guide for Foresters, Loggers and Woodlot Owners - 2nd Edition, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
The Six Steps in the Maine Forest Service Tree Growth Tax Law Valuation, Kenneth Laustsen
Submissions from 2016
2015 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2015 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2014-2015, Maine Forest Service
Wetland Crossings, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2015
2013 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2014 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Maine Forest Service
2014 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Managing Hemlock in Northern New England Forests Threatened by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and Elongate Hemlock Scale, U.S. Forest Service, Allison M. Kanoti, Kyle Lombard, Jen Weimer, Barbara Schultz, Jim Esden, Ryan Hanavan, and Michael Bohne
Report on Maine Forest Service District Forester Program to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry of the 127th Maine Legislature, First Regular Session, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2014
2012 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2013 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Maine Forest Service
2013 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Are you Thinking about Burning Construction & Demolition Debris? 2014, Maine Forest Service; Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine. A Summary of the 2013 Condition., Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
How to be Lakesmart & Firewise. 2014, Maine Forest Service; Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Environmental Protection; and Maine Bureau of Water Quality
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness - Data Summary 2013, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2013, Maine Forest Service
Statewide Standards for Timber Harvesting and Related Activities in Shoreline Areas (DEP Towns), Maine Forest Service
The Forestry Rules of Maine 2014: A Practical Guide for Foresters, Loggers and Woodlot Owners, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Tree Growth Tax Law Audit Report to the Committee on Taxation of the 126th Maine Legislature, Second Regular Session, Maine Forest Service
Will your Home Survive?: Fifty Things you can do to Protect your Home from Wildfire. 2014, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Submissions from 2013
2011 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2011 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2012 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Illegal Dumping / Damaging Forest Roads Hurts Everyone. 2013, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Maine Forest Ranger Duties. 2013, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Opportunities for Cold Water Fisheries Habitat Enhancement Associated with Forestry Operations in Maine: Placing Large Wood in Streams, Maine Forest Service
Out-of-state Firewood Gives Bugs a Free Ride, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Report on Streamlining Forester Licensing Requirements, Maine Forest Service
Silvicultural Activities Report including Annual Report on Clearcutting and Precommercial Activities, 2012, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
The Economic Importance of Maine's Forest-based Economy, 2013, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and North East State Foresters Association
Submissions from 2012
2010 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2011 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
An Annotated Checklist of The Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Mount Katahdin, Baxter State Park, Maine, USA., Maine Forest Service
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine's Water Quality - Second Edition (French Translation), Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Developing a Forest Management Plan, Maine Forest Service
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine, Forest Health & Monitoring Division, Maine Forest Service
J.W. Sewall Company report on hardwood resource in the state of Maine, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2010-2011, Maine Forest Service
Maine's Celebrated White Pine: History, Identification, and Management, Maine Forest Service
Managing White Pine Stands in Maine: A Landowner's Guide, Maine Forest Service
Regenerating White Pine Stands in Maine: A Landowner's Guide, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2011
2010 Directory of Maine's Primary Wood Processors, Maine Forest Service
2010 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2010 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
“Defensible Space, It Could Save Your Home from a Wildfire” 2011, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
J.W. Sewall Company report on spruce-fir resource in the state of Maine, Maine Forest Service
The Reincarnation of an American Elm Tree in Maine: Herbie by Jan Ames Santerre, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2010
2009 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2009 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2009 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Identifying Strategies to Assist Maine's Logging and Trucking Professionals - 2008 Logger/Trucker Congresses, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2005-2009, Maine Forest Service
Maine State Forest Assessment and Strategies, 2010, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; and Donald J. Mansius
Submissions from 2009
2006 Mid-cycle Report on Inventory and Growth of Maine's Forests, Maine Forest Service
2006 Midcycle Report on Inventory and Growth of Maine’s Forests, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2008 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2008 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2008 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2009-2010 Maine Register of Big Trees, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices Use and Effectiveness, 2008, Maine Department of Agriculture, Maine Forest Service, and Maine Department of Conservation
Report on Maine Forest Service District Forester Program to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry of the 124th Maine Legislature, First Regular Session, 2009, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
The Maine Forest, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2008
2006 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2007 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2007 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2007 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Forest Trees of Maine, 2008, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2006 - 2007, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forest Service Assessment of Sustainable Biomass Availability, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forest Service Assessment of Sustainable Biomass Availability, 2008, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
Submissions from 2007
2005 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2006 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2006 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
Environmental Assessment Regarding Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Impacts In Maine, 2007, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
Proper Sizing of Land Management Road Stream Crossings, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2006
2005 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2005 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
Fundemental Best Management Practices For Water Quality During Forest Harvests, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness—Data Summary 2005, Maine Forest Service
Maine Future Forest Economy, Maine Forest Service
Maine Non-industrial Private Landowner Practices Crop Tree Management, 2006, Roger Monthey
Wildlife Habitat and Forest Management, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2005
2004 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2004 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2004 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Maine Future Forest Economy Project: Current Conditions and Factors Influencing the Future of Maine's Forest Products Industry, 2006, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
The 2005 Biennial Report on the State of the Forest and Progress Report on Forest Sustainability Standards, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; and Maine Forest Service
The Maine Forest Certification Initiative: The Final Report of the Maine Forest Certification Advisory Committee, 2005, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Forest Certification Advisory Committee
Submissions from 2004
2002 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2003 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2003 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2003 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine's Water Quality - Second Edition, Maine Forest Service and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Complementary Solutions to Liquidation Harvesting : A Report to the 121st Maine Legislature Second Regular Session, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forest Service Study of Liquidation Harvesting and Policy Update; Presented to Forest Stewards Guild, May 22, 2004, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2003
2002 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2002 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2002
2001 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2001 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2001 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2001
1999 Stumpage Prices by Maine County, Maine Forest Service
2000 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
2000 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Forest Service
2000 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
The 2001 Biennial Report on the State of the Forest and Progress Report on Forest Sustainability Standards, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; and Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 2000
1999 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
1999 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
2000 Primary Processor Mill List: Seasonal, Hobby and Custom Sawmills, Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
It's Your Woodland, Maine Forest Service
It's Your Woodland, 2000, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
What Do Trees Have To Do With It? A Forestry Guide for Communities, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
What do trees have to do with it? A Forestry Guide for Communities, 2000, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
Submissions from 1999
1997 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1998 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
1998 Stumpage Prices by Maine County, Maine Forest Service
1998 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Maine’s Statewide Forest Assessment and Strategy, 2009 Presentation, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; and Donald J. Mansius
The Browntail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Summary of Maine Forest Service Activities for 1996, Maine Forest Service
The Impact of Timber Harvesting on Nonpoint Source Pollution, 1999, Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
The State of the Forest and Recommendations for Forest Sustainability Standards, 1999, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Woods in Your Backyard, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1998
1996 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1997 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
1997 Stumpage Prices by Maine County, Maine Forest Service
Making the Current Laws Work : Report of the Logger Licensing Technical Review Committee, Logger Licensing Services Technical Review Committee
Timber Supply Outlook for Maine: 1995- 2045, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; Charles J. Gadzik; James H. Blanck; and Lawrence E. Caldwell
Submissions from 1997
1995 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1996 Report on Stumpage Prices by County, Maine Forest Service
1996 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1996
1995 Report on Stumpage Prices by County, Maine Forest Service
1995 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
Economic Impact of the Citizens' Initiative to Promote Forest Rehabilitation and Eliminate Clearcutting, 1996, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine State Planning Office
Spring 1996 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Sustaining Maine's Forests: Criteria, Goals, and Benchmarks for Sustainable Forest Management, 1996, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; Maine Council on Sustainable Forest Management; and Donald J. Mansius
Submissions from 1995
1993 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1994 Report on Stumpage Prices by County, Maine Forest Service
1994 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
1994 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Efficacy Trials of Foray 48B Against Early Larval Instars of the Browntail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.), Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1994
1992 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1993 Report on Stumpage Prices by County, Maine Forest Service
1993 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
Fall 1994 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1993
1992 Report on Stumpage Prices by County, Maine Forest Service
1992 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
Assessment of Maine's Wood Supply, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1992
1990 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
1991 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service
1991 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Forest Service
Fall 1992 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Forest Fire Control Division Personnel Roster - June, 1992
Spring 1992 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1991
Spring 1991 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Fall 1991, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1991, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1990
Fall 1990 Mill Delivered Prices, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Fall 1990, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1990, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1989
Maine Forest Service Fire Tower Visitor Information, 1989, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
Stumpage Prices Fall 1989, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1989, Maine Forest Service
Summary of Silvicultural Practices and Harvesting Preformed in 1988, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1988
Report of the 1986 Midcycle Resurvey of the Spruce-Fir Forest in Maine, Maine Forest Service
Report of the 1986 Midcycle Resurvey of the Spruce-Fir Forest in Maine, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Fall 1988, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1988, Maine Forest Service
Summary of Silvicultural Practices and Harvesting Preformed in 1987, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1987
Foresters Assisting Landowners in Maine, 1987
Report on the Demand for Forest Products in Maine, Keith Balter and Johan Veltkamp
Stumpage Prices Fall 1987, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1987, Maine Forest Service
Tax Reform: Impacts on Forestry : A Conference on the Impacts of the Tax Reform Act on Forestry Investments, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Conservation
Submissions from 1986
Stumpage Prices Fall 1986, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1986, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1985
Fire Control Personnel Roster - 1985
Stumpage Prices Fall 1985, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1985, Maine Forest Service
The Maine Forest: Its Future : A Perspective and Plan of the Maine Forest Service, Maine Department of Conservation, Maine Forest Service, Jan Selser, Kenneth H. Hendren, James Ecker, and Hazel Hill
Submissions from 1984
Fire Control Personnel Roster - 1984
Stumpage Prices Fall 1984, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1984, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1983
Fire Control Personnel Roster - 1983
Stumpage Prices Fall 1983, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1983, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1982
Stumpage Prices Spring 1982, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1981
Proceedings of the Blaine House Conference on Forestry, January 21-22, 1981, Maine Department of Conservation and Richard E. Barringer
Stumpage Prices Spring 1981, Maine Forest Service
The Export of Maine Sawlogs to Quebec, Jack Aley
Submissions from 1980
Stumpage Prices Fall 1980, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1980, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1979
Fire Control Personnel Roster - 1979
Personnel Roster : Bureau of Forestry, Forest Management Division (Late 1970s?), Maine Bureau of Forestry
Stumpage Prices Fall 1979, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1979, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1978
Assessment of Spruce Budworm Damage in the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Maine Forest Service, Michael E. Devine, Henry Trial JR, and Nancy M. Kotchian
Comparison of Two Rates of Sevin 4 Oil For Spruce Budworm Control in Maine: 1976, Maine Forest Service, David Struble, Henry Trial JR, and Robert Ford
Spruce Budworm in Maine: 1977, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Fall 1978, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1978, Maine Forest Service
The Saddled Prominent Complex in Maine with Special Consideration of Eastern Maine Conditions, Maine Forest Service, Richard G. Dearborn, Henry Trial JR, and Dave Struble
The Saddled Prominent Outbreak of 1970-1971 and Its Damages, Maine Forest Service and George M. LaBonte
Submissions from 1977
Stumpage Prices Fall 1977, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1977, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1976
Entomology Division Biennial Report for 1975 & 1976, Maine State Entomologist Office
Stumpage Prices Fall 1976, Maine Forest Service
Stumpage Prices Spring 1976, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1975
Stumpage Prices Spring 1975, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1974
Insect Primer with Special Reference to Forest Pests and with Notes on Forest Tree Diseases and Injuries, 1974, Maine Forest Service and Maine State Entomologist Office
Stumpage Prices Spring 1974, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1973
Forest Trees of Maine, 1973, Maine Forestry Department
Stumpage Prices Spring 1973, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1972
Entomology Division Biennial Report for 1971-1972, Maine State Entomologist Office
Stumpage Prices Spring 1972, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1971
Entomology Division Biennial Report for 1970-1971, Maine State Entomologist Office
Stumpage Prices Spring 1971, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1970
Protect White Pine from Blister Rust (Jan 1970), D.A. Stark and C.A. Granger
Stumpage Prices Spring 1970, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1969
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1969, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1968
Entomology Division Biennial Report for 1967 & 1968, Maine State Entomologist Office
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1968, Maine Forest Service
The Spruce Budworm in Maine, 1967, John Coughlin
The Spruce Budworm in Maine,1968, John Coughlin
Submissions from 1967
District Forest Ranger's Handbook : Fire Control Series : No. 3, Maine Forest Service
Maine Forest Service Directory, 1967, Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1967, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1966
1966 Directory : Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1966, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1965
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1965, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1964
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1964, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1963
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1963, Maine Forest Service
Report on Public Reserved Lots : Chapter 76 Resolves of 1961 / Prepared by State Forestry Department Maine, 1963, Maine Forestry Department and Maine Forest Commissioner
Submissions from 1962
Insect & Disease Control Biennium Report for 1961 & 1962, Maine State Entomologist Office
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1962, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1961
1961 Directory : Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices Spring 1961, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1960
Insect & Disease Control Biennium Report for 1959 & 1960, Maine State Entomologist Office
Maine Stumpage Prices 1960, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1959
1959 Directory : Maine Forest Service
Maine Stumpage Prices 1959, Maine Forest Service
Submissions from 1958
Insect & Disease Control Biennium Report for 1957 & 1958, Maine State Entomologist Office
Submissions from 1919
Forest Protection and Conservation in Maine, 1919, Forrest H. Colby, Maine Forest Commission, and Maine Forestry Department
Submissions from 1914
Report on the Island Titles Along the Coast of Maine Under Resolve of 1913, Chapter 180, Melvin H. Simmons
Submissions from 1908
Circular of Information on Forest Insects, 1908, Maine Department of Agriculture and Maine Bureau of Entomology
History of the Wild Lands of Maine from the Report of the Forest Commissioner, Maine Forest Commissioner; Maine Forest Service; and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Submissions from 1907
Forest Fire Wardens Covering the River Systems of Maine, May 1907, Edgar E. Ring