
Forest Services

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What is Shoreland Zoning?

The Mandatory Shoreland Zoning Act (MSZA) is a law that applies to water bodies within shoreland zoned areas, but only in organized towns that have not adopted Statewide Standards for Timber Harvesting in Shoreland Areas (see information sheet 25). To find out whether the MSZA or statewide standards apply in a particular town, check the Maine Forest Service (MFS) statewide standards website: http://www.maine.gov/dacf/mfs/policy_management/water_resources/sws/sws.html or contact the MFS.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administers the MSZA and establishes minimum standards that must be included in locally adopted municipal shoreland zoning ordinances. Once adopted, each individual town is responsible for administering and enforcing their ordinance. Shoreland Zoning requirements will not necessarily be the same in every town. Municipalities can adopt more restrictive standards than those contained in DEP’s minimum standards.



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