The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2010
Erosion Control Materials Vendors, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Image of Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Image of Bridge in South Portland, Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Meeting in Winterport : [Improvements on Route 1A], Wednesday, January 27, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Design-Build Project, Request for Proposals, December 16, 2009, Amended January 7, 2010 and January 26, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group - Standards & Costs Subcommittee, January 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group - Urban Issues Subcommittee, January 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Standards-Cost Subcommittee, Agenda, Meeting #2 - January 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Urban Subcommittee, Agenda, January 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Bypass : Accepting Public Comments, January 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : No Action Assurance Letter, January 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Responses to Requests for Information Received on January 15 and 20, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Meeting in Belfast : The Improvement of Perkins Bridge, Wednesday, January 20, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Easton to Discuss the Replacement of Prestile Brook Bridge, Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study Presentation : Study Kickoff Agenda, January 12, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation and Bruce A. Van Note
Interagency Meeting, January 12, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Bypass : Area Map, January 8, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Formal Request for Time Extension, January 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group - Urban Issues Subcommittee, January 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Design-Build Project, Request for Proposals, December 16, 2009, Amended January 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Responses to Questions Received on the Final RFP, December 16, 2009 [Letter dated January 7, 2010], Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group - Standards & Costs Subcommittee, January 6, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Auburn : The Replacement of Royal River Bridge, Wednesday, January 6, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Bangor CORS ARP MEDD (Control Point Description), 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Fryeburg, January 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Route 1 Corridor Study : Human Environment Impacts Map, January 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
2010 Small Harbor Improvement Program Awards, Maine Department of Transportation
Airport Layout Plan : Brunswick Executive Airport, Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Aroostook County : 2010 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
DBE Goal for FY 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goal 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, January 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice : Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goal 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Regional Planning Councils and their MaineDOT Contacts, Maine Department of Transportation
Supplemental Geotechnical Data Report - Part A : Piscataquis Bridge No. 3040, Coffin Street over Piscataquis River, Howland, Maine, January 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts : 2009 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Submissions from 2009
Administrative Guide to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), Revised & Final, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Cumberland County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Franklin County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Hancock County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Kennebec County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Knox County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Lincoln County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Oxford County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Penobscot County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Sagadahoc County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Somerset County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Crash & Highway Facts : 2009 Edition, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Counts 2009 : Weekly Group Mean Factors, Maine Department of Transportation
Waldo County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Washington County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
York County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
Policy for Proprietary Retaining Wall Systems, December 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Machias : The Replacement of Dyke Bridge, Wednesday, December 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Hearing for Livermore Falls-Jay Regarding Highway Improvements to Bridge Street, Wednesday, December 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Design-Build Project, Request for Proposals, December 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Commercial Vehicle Laws & Regulations Effective December 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Charter Policy Working Group, December 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Charter Standards / Costs Subcommittee, December 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Charter Urban Issues Subcommittee, December 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, December 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Responses to Questions Received on the Draft RFP, December 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Rt. 201 - Farmingdale, Phase 1 : Cross-Sections by Bentley Systems, Inc., 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Rt. 201 - Farmingdale, Phase 2 : Cross-Sections by Bentley Systems, Inc., 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Meeting in Fryeburg for the Proposed Removal of the Red Iron Bridge, Thursday, December 10, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Auburn : The Replacement of Royal River Bridge, Wednesday, December 9, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : MaineDOT Bridge Program, BHE Pre-Coordination Utility Meeting Minutes, December 9, 2000, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : River Crossing Sketch, December 9, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Addison the Replacement of Dyke Bridge, Tuesday, December 8, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Application for Assistance Under the Voluntary Response Action Program (VRAP), December 7, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Embden : The Replacement of Moore Bridge, Thursday, December 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Bradley to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Jenkins Bridge, Wednesday, December 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Ellsworth to Seek Input Regarding the Downeast Trail, Tuesday, December 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 05-6 : Full Depth Reclamation with Cement, Fourth Interim, December 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group - Initial Meeting - Draft Minutes, November 20, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Initial Meeting, November 20, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Study Team, Background and First Meeting, November 20, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, November 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration (LAP) 2008 Certification Course Manual & Reference Guide [image of back cover], Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration (LAP) 2008 Certification Course Manual & Reference Guide [image of front cover], Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Pownal : The Replacement of Pownal Center Bridge, Tuesday, November 17, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Transcript of Public Meeting, Freeport - Routes 125 and 136, Freeport Middle School, November 17, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Hearing Transcript : Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Modification of the CONDOR 1 and CONDOR 2 Military Operations Areas (MOA), November 14, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, November 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Product Evaluation Report, November 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Modification of the CONDOR 1 and CONDOR 2 Military Operations Areas (MOA) : List of Preparers, November 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Poster (EEOC-P/E-1), November 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Design-Build Project, Request for Proposals, October 28, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in South Berwick to Discuss Future Replacement of Great Hill Bridge over the Great Works River, Tuesday, October 27, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Alfred : The Replacement of Nutters Bridge, Thursday, October 22, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Meeting in Portland Regarding Improvements to I-295, Exit 7 Franklin Street, Monday, October 19, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Rumors and Meeting Date, October 15, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway System Simplification Study : Legislative Findings Used by the Committee, October 15, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Climate Change and Transportation in Maine, Maine Department of Transportation and Judy Gates
Freeport Routes 125 and 136 : Transcript of Public Meeting at the Freeport Middle School, October 14, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Informational Public Meeting for Freeport : [Route 136 project], Wednesday, October 14, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Saco Regarding New Sidewalk Construction on Bayview Road, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Monmouth : The Replacement of Jock Stream Bridge, Tuesday, October 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Meeting in Swanville for the Replacement of Swanville Bridge, Thursday, October 8, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation