The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2010
List of Urban Highways, November 18, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows for Steep Gradient Streams in New England, Jennifer Jacobs
Traffic Cones (State Contract), Contract Period : November 14, 2008 to November 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Drums (State Contract), Contract Period : November 15, 2006 to November 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Agenda, November 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
2009 Weekly Group Mean Factors as Percent of AADT Average : 2006, 2007, 2008, Maine Department of Transportation
Permanent Counts & Special Counts Done Annually in All Zones, November 2, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Androscoggin County : 2009 Transportation Count Book, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT's Environmental Office Hierarchical Chart, November 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Prepaving Conference Report Form, November 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List of Proprietary Retaining Wall Systems, November 1, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge: Bridge Cross Sections - Lane, Shoulder, Sidewalk, and Fishing Access Configurations, October 29, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Involvement Effort Pre-RFP Phase : Martin's Point Bridge Replacement Project, October 29, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : 4th Meeting, Tuesday, October 26, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : Meeting Minutes, October 26, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Modification of the CONDOR 1 and 2 Military Operations Area (MOA) Final Environmental Statement Timeline, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Thomaston Route 1 Atlantic Highway Project Limits, October, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Context Sensitive Solutions, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goal, October 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Office of Passenger Transportation : FFY 2011 DBE Goal, October 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Community Connections Flowchart, October 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Sounding Board Meeting, October 7, 2010 : Maine Municipal Association Building, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Urban Subcommittee, Agenda, October 5, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Interstate 295 Project : Traffic Report Information, October 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
A Contractor's Guide to Equal Employment Opportunity, October 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Consultant's DBE/Subconsultant Proposed Utilization Form, October 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Contractor's DBE/Subcontractor Utilization Form, October 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Description of Creditable Services for DBEs, October 1, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Standards-Cost Subcommittee, Agenda, September 30, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Title VI/EJ Accomplishments 2010 ; Title VI/EJ Goals 2011, September 27, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Crack Sealing Contractors : Maine In-State, September 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Bid Results, Farmingdale, Route 201, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : 3rd Meeting, Tuesday, September 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : Meeting Minutes, September 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge : Bridges and Bridge Components - Definitions and Types, September 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Title VI Program of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Brochure, September 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Interstate Highway Truck Weights – White Paper, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Agenda, September 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, September 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Interstate 295 Project : Construction Advisories, Week of September 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List Product Acceptance Criteria : Fast Setting Concrete Patching Materials for Portland Cement Concrete, September 10, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Agenda, September 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, September 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, September 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Royal River Bridge Radio Announcement - Transcript, September 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Section 504-Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 : Policy Statement, September 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Interstate 295 Project : Traffic Report Information, September 6, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
International Border Crossing Feasibility Study, September 2, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
We're Improving I-295 in Greater Portland! September 2, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Air Quality Conformity Analysis : Destination Tomorrow 2010 and the Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System (KACTS) Metropolitan Planning Organization Plan Update 2010-2035 (Draft, September 2010), Maine Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration : Title VI/Environmental Justice Plan, September 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Background and History of Martin's Point Bridge in Falmouth-Portland, August 31, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Annual Dry Cargo Tonnage Through Maine Ports, 1981-2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Port Traffic : Dry Cargo in Short Tons, August 26, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Task Force Meeting, August 24, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road, Context Sensitive Solutions Project, Problem and Vision Statement, August 23, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Human Resources Bulletin Board Diagram, August 18, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : 2nd Meeting, Tuesday, August 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : Meeting Minutes, August 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List of Mailbox Support Systems, August 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List of Proprietary Retaining Wall Systems, August 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Arundel, Bridgewater, Brownville, Chain of Ponds, Fryeburg, Lewiston, Limington, Orient, Smyrna, Wiscasset, Brewer, South Berwick, August 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Project : Windham, River Road, August 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Pedestrian Crash History, 2005-2009 ; State of Maine Bicycle Crash History, 2005-2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road : Context Sensitive Solutions Project, August 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road : Problem & Vision Statement Information, August 4, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project : Typical Section Templates, August 2, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Bergkamp FP5 Flameless Pothole Patcher : Training at MaineDOT's Fleet Services Faculty, August 2010, Maine Department of Transportation and Doug Gayne
Improving Maine's Quality of Place Through Integrated Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections, Dan Stewart
Required Job Site Poster Checklist, August 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Information, Farmingdale Route 201, July 27, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Collisions Between Wildlife Species and Motor Vehicles in Maine, 2005-2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road, Context Sensitive Solutions Project : Typical Design Criteria, July 23, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale, Route 201 : Water and Sewer Work Wage Rates, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale, Route 201 : Water and Sewer Work Wage Rates II, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Tentative Agenda for July 21 Workshop, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale Route 201 Water and Sewer Work : 2010 Fair Minimum Wage Rates, Highway & Earthwork Kennebec County, July 20, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : 1st Meeting, Tuesday, July 20, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Martin's Point Bridge Advisory Committee : Meeting Minutes, July 20, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road, Project Committee Meeting, July 19th, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project Maine Department of Transportation : Project Advisory Committee, Monday, July 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project : Presentation, July 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Progress Report and Request for Time Extension, July 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Route 1 Corridor Study : Potentially Impacted Properties, July 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
2010 Small Harbor Improvement Program Awards, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project : Vision Statement, July 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Calcium Chloride Suppliers, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Culvert Suppliers, July 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale Route 201 : Design Build RFI, July 8, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Quality Community Program Yearly Success Report (2010), Maine Department of Transportation, Molly Dow, and Daniel Stewart
Contractor's DBE/Subcontractor Utilization Form, July 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Agenda, July 1, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, July 1, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan 2008 - 2030, Maine Department of Transportation
We're Improving I-295 in Greater Portland! July 1, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Urban Subcommittee, Agenda, June 29, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Survey Results of State DOTs Regarding Their Use of the Safety Edge, June 25, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Pole List Spreadsheet, Route 201 in Farmingdale, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation