The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2010
Qualified Products List : Concrete Sealers, December 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Spreadsheet for Route 201, Farmingdale, PIN # 1853.60, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale Design Build : Responses to Final RFP Comments, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Maintenance Surface Treatment Projects : Cancelled due to Lack of Funding, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Township D, Auburn, June 18, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Spring 2010 Transportation Research Summary, June 18, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Map, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List Prequalification Criteria : Concrete Curing Compounds, Liquid Membrane Forming, June 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List Prequalification Criteria : Concrete Curing Compounds, Liquid Membrane Forming, June 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
We're Improving I-295 in Greater Portland! June 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Deery American Corporation 103-25F Hot Applied Sealant with Fibers : Interstate 95 - Northbound - Sidney, Maine, June 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Stipend Agreement : Falmouth-Portland, June 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Motorcycle Crash History, 2005-2009 ; State of Maine Truck Crash History, 2005-2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Problems and Concerns along the River Road [Windham] that were Identified in the PAC Interviews, [June 14, 2010], Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project : Advisory Committee Meeting Notes, June 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project Maine Department of Transportation : Project Advisory Committee, Monday, June 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale Route 201 Design Build : RFI Questions and Answers, June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Materials Testing Firms in Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals, Book 2 : Project Requirements, Farmingdale Route 201 Highway Reconstruction, Design-Build Project, June 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Sewer Faculty Adjustments - Town of Farmingdale, Appendix to Request for Proposals, Route 201, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Water Main Replacement - Gardiner Water District, Appendix to Request for Proposals, Farmingdale, Route 201, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Firestone SBS FR Torch Bridge Deck Waterproofing Membrane : Demonstration Installation on Norton Bridge, Carmel, ME, June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration : Project Development Administrator Checklist (Federal Funds), June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Brief 10-02 : Evaluation of the Kuper-Tuca SX36 Snow Plow Cutting Edges, June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Brief 10-04 : Second Year Evaluation of the Viking-Cives Tow Plow, June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 10-03 : Culvert Rehabilitation & Invert Lining Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites, June 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
DBE Goal for FY 2010, May 27, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Note on Geotechnical Information for Route 201 in Farmingdale, Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals, Book 1 : Design-Build General Conditions, May 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals, Book 2 : Project Requirements, Farmingdale Route 201 Highway Reconstruction, Design-Build Project, May 26, 2010 (Technical and Price Propsoal Package Due July 7, 2010), Maine Department of Transportation
Grain Size Distribution Curve, 2010 [PAGE 1], Maine Department of Transportation
Grain Size Distribution Curve, 2010 [PAGE 2], Maine Department of Transportation
Grain Size Distribution Curve, 2010 [PAGE 3], Maine Department of Transportation
Laboratory Testing Summary Sheet, Route 201 in Farmingdale, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
US Route 201, Farmingdale, Maine : Boring No. HB-FARM-101, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Bypass Letter : Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA), May 24, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Memo : Request for Traffic Information for Route 201, Farmingdale, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Fixing Utilities Website Opening Permit That Show Markups, May 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Geotechnical Test Report for Route 201 in Farmingdale, Maine, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, May 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, November 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration : Environmental Process, Review and Documentation, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Local Project Administration Certification Course, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Proprietary Retaining Wall System : Pre-Approval Process, May 19, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Right of Way Process & Locally Administered Projects, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Coordination Process, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Contractor's OJT Monthly Reporting Form, May 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Improving Maine Travel : Route 1A in Ellsworth is Being Rebuilt Now Through November, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice to Contractors, Sample Form, May 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Interstate 295 Project : Work Continues Beside I-295 Northbound Lanes, Falmouth Area, May 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Town of Wells, Maine : Improvements to Route 1 & 109 Intersection - Request for Qualifications for Consultant Services, May 17, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Boundary of the National Register Eligible Toll House (Tiejten Property), May 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Presque Isle to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Phair Crossing Bridge, Thursday, May 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Special Provision, Section 635, Precast Aggregate-Filled, Concrete Block Gravity Wall, Farmingdale, Route 201, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Special Provision, Section 635, Precast Concrete Block Gravity Wall, Farmingdale, Route 201, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Memorandum from Kevin Hanlon to Scott Bickford, The Davis Bacon Act : How to Review Contractors Payroll for the Prevailing Wage, May 12, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road, Project Advisory Committee Meeting, May 12th, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Windham, River Road Project Maine Department of Transportation : Project Advisory Committee, Wednesday, May 12, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale Design Build : PIN 1853.60 - Questions and Answers for the RFQ, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Hot Safety Tips from Flash for Maine Kids and their Road Models, Maine Department ofTransportation
We're Improving I-295 in Greater Portland! May 11, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Belfast, Fairfield, South Berwick, May 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Product Acceptance Criteria for Macro-Synthetic Fibers for Concrete Reinforcement, May 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Interstate 295 Project : Work Begins on I-295 Northbound Lanes Between Portland and Freeport, May 7, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, May 6, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Standards-Cost Subcommittee, Agenda, May 3, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Urban Subcommittee, Agenda, May 3, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Explore Magnificent Penobscot Bay with the Maine State Ferry Service, Maine Department of Transportation
I-295 Corridor Study. Scarborough-Brunswick 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Locally Administered Project : Three-Party Partnership Agreement, Sample, May 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Revised Goal Notice : Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, May 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Caribou Connector Mitigation, April 28, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Part 1 - General Conditions : Farmingdale Route 201 Highway Reconstruction, Design-Build Project, April 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Product List of Geotextiles, December 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Qualifications : Farmingdale, Route 201, Highway Reconstruction Design-Build Project, Project No. 1853.60, April 28, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Crack Sealing Contractors : Maine In-State, April 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Hearing in Farmington Regarding Highway Improvements on Route 156, Monday, April 26, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, Agenda, Meeting #6 - April 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Policy Working Group, April 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Milford to Discuss the Replacement of Second Otter Bridge, Thursday, April 22, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Simplification Study : Urban Subcommittee, Standard & Cost Subcommittee, Agenda, April 21, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Utility Database Letter, April 16, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
The Land Owner's Guide to the Acquisition Process, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Bangor to Discuss the Replacements of Ohio Street / I-95 and Union Street / I-95 Bridges, Thursday, April 15, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Farmingdale U.S. Route 201 Improvements : Preliminary Design Report, April 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Greene to Discuss the Replacement of Turner Center Bridge, Wednesday, April 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Newcastle to Discuss the Development of a Wetland Mitigation Bank Site at Sherman Marsh, Wednesday, April 14, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Letter from Commissioner David A. Cole to Maine Coastal Municipalities, re: Small Harbor Improvement Program (SHIP) funds, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Region 1 : Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Paving Program, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Region 2 : Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Paving Program, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Region 3 : Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Paving Program, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Region 4 : Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Paving Program, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Region 5 : Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) Paving Program, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Winterport to Discuss the Replacement of Tibbetts Bridge, Tuesday, April 13, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Drive Safely All the Time, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Rt. 201 - Farmingdale, Cross Sections by Bentley Systems, Inc., April, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Public Comment : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - Alkali Silica Reactivity Demonstration Treatments on I-395 Bridges, and Indian Reservation Roads Program, April 9, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Responses to Questions Received on the Revised Final RFP, April 6, 2010 [Letter dated April 9, 2010], Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration (LAP) 2010 Certification Course Manual & Reference Guide, Maine Department of Transportation