The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2009
Local Project Administration : Bid Package Advertising Award Presentation, October 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration : Consultant Procurement, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration : Environmental Process, Review and Documentation, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration : Welcome to the Exciting World of : Documentation, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Local Project Administration Certification Course, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
ME-Downeaster-Pan Am Line : High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program, Application Form, October 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
ME-Downeaster Portland North Project : High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program, Application Form, October 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Right of Way Process & Locally Administered Projects, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Coordination Process, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air Quality Conformity Analysis : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, October 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, Maine Department of Transportation and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Technical Report 05-07 : Utilizing a Hot Applied Snowmobile Crossing Mat to Eliminate HMA Abrasion - Final Report, October 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 09-7 : Design, Construction and Testing of the Neal Bridge in Pittsfield, Maine, Final Report, October 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air National Guard Re-schedules Public Hearing for CONDOR Military Airspace Operations Areas, September 30, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Projects, Set, September 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Hearing in Cape Elizabeth Regarding Intersection of Rte 77, Scott Dyer and Shore Road Intersection Improvements with Signal, Wednesday, September 19, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Certification Under Section 1511 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, September 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Qualified Products List Product Acceptance Criteria : Rapid-Set Concrete Patching Materials for Portland Cement Concrete, September 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Carmel to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Maine Central Railroad Crossing Bridge, Wednesday, September 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Hearing in Brewer Regarding Highway Improvements Wilson Street, Tuesday, September 15, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
All About Asphalt, Brochure, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
International Border Crossing Facility Feasibility Study - Phase 1 Report, September 4, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of a Public Workshop for the Transportation Study Related to the Redevelopment of the Naval Air Station Brunswick, Wednesday, September 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
A Safe Walk In Maine: The First Step Is To Think!, Maine Department of Transportation
Biennial Capital Work Plan for Fiscal Years 2010-2011 (September 2009 Revision), Maine Department of Transportation
Estimating Truck-Related Fuel Consumption and Emissions in Maine : A Comparative Analysis for a 6-axle, 100,000 Pound Vehicle Configuration, September 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Map of Regional Planning Councils and their MaineDOT Contacts, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Method of Payment and Price, Overhead Rate : Adjustable Burdened Hourly Rate, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Method of Payment and Price, Overhead Rate : Cost Plus Fixed Fee, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Method of Payment and Price, Overhead Rate : Fixed Burdened Commercial Rate, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Method of Payment and Price, Overhead Rate : Fixed Burdened Hourly Rate, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Method of Payment and Price, Overhead Rate : Fixed Cost per Unit of Work, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Informational Public Meeting in Lisbon Regarding Highway Improvements to Route 9, Tuesday, September 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Federal Fiscal Years 2010-2011-2012-2013 Revised, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 08-13 : Field Test of a Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) Modified Asphalt Binder on Rt. 1 in Perry, Construction and First Interim Report, September 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 09-9 : Laser Welded Steel Sandwich Panel Bridge Deck Development - Finite Element Analysis and Stake Weld Strength Tests, Final Report, September 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Test Results : HC Beam for the Knickerbocker Bridge - AEWC Report 10-16, Project 671, September 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Route 1 Corridor Study : Phase II Alternatives Analysis Supplement : Response to Request for Further Information From the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maine Department of Transportation
Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, September 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, August 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Helping You Move While We Improve, August 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Reconstruction of Maine Mall Road Progresses - Motorists Urged to Seek Alternate Routes, August 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air National Guard Postpones Public Hearing on CONDOR 1, CONDOR 2 Military Airspace Operations Areas, August 28, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Rangeley CORS ARP MERA, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Contract Pricing : Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Signal Vendors, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
ME-Downeaster Portland North Project : High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) Program, Application Form, August 21, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Plan of Utility Box, August 20, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Fryeburg to Present Plans of the Replacement of the Charles River Bridge, Tuesday, August 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Modification of the CONDOR 1 and CONDOR 2 Military Operations Areas (MOA), Appendix A, August 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Epoxy Anchoring Adhesives : Product Acceptance Criteria, August 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration Certified Administrators, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Augusta State Airport, Augusta, Maine : 2025 Airport Layout Plan, August 10, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Environmental Impact Statement; Notice of Availability : Modification of the CONDOR 1 and CONDOR 2 Military Operation Areas, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Stockton Springs to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Stockton Springs Underpass Bridge, Thursday, August 6, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Office of Passenger Transportation : FFY 2010 DBE Goal, August 6, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Augusta CORS ARP MEOW (Control Point Description), 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Fairfield CORS ARP MEJD, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Presque Isle CORS ARP MEPI, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Waldo CORS ARP MEWA, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Modified Phase One and Limited Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment : Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland, August 4, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Indian Township : The Replacement of US Route 1 Bridge Between Princeton and Indian Township, Tuesday, August 4, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Princeton : The Widening of Passamaquoddy Bridge, Tuesday, August 4, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
DBE Uniform Certification Application Supporting Documents Checklist, August 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Kittery to Discuss the Replacement of Dennett Road Overpass Bridge, Monday, August 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air Quality Conformity Analysis : 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (Draft, August 2009), Maine Department of Transportation
Bergkamp FP5 Flameless Pothole Patcher : Demonstration at MaineDOT's Topsham Maintenance Faculty, August 2009, Maine Department of Transportation and Doug Gayne
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Modification of the CONDOR 1 and CONDOR 2 Military Operations Areas (MOA), August 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Northeast CanAm Connections: Integrating the Economy and Transportation - Final Report
Northeast CanAm Connections: Integrating the Economy and Transportation - Final Report Appendices
Regulation of Employment Poster, August 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2008 Weekly Group Factors as Percent of AADT - Average : 2005, 2006, 2007, Maine Department of Transportation
2008 Weekly Group Mean Factors - Average : 2005, 2006, 2007, Maine Department of Transportation
2008 Weekly Group Mean Factors - Average : 2005, 2006, 2007 - as Percent of AADT, Maine Department of Transportation
I-295 Exit 4 Southbound Closed through Sept. 15th, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
17-229, Chapter 210 : Utility Accommodation Policy, July 28, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
17-229, Chapters 229 and 205 : Utility Accommodation Policy & Permit-by-Rule Regulations for Aboveground Utility Facilities, July 28, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
South Portland Construction Radio Announcement - Transcript, July 27, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Administrative Guide to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Naples to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Naples Bay Bridge, Wednesday, July 22, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Road Radio Announcement - Transcript, July 21, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Test Boring Companies, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : MaineDOT to Use Innovative Paving System in South Portland to Benefit Environment, July 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Materials Testing Firms, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Striping Contractors, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Hearing for Windham and Gray, Monday, July 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Hearing for Windham and Gray, Monday, July 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Moving People and Goods : The Governor's Rail and Port Investment Plan to Transform Transportation in Maine, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Employee Rights for Workers with Disabilities Paid at Special Minimum Wages (WH 1284), July 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act : Federal Minimum Wage $7.25 Per Hour (WHD 1088), July 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
List of Hydroseed Suppliers, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Newport to Discuss the Future Replacement of Main Street Bridge over the East Branch of the Sebasticook River, Thursday, June 25, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Canaan to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Sibley Pond Bridge, Thursday, June 25, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Winslow to Discuss Future Replacement of Mile Brook Bridge, Wednesday, June 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Projects, June 23, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration Title VI/Environmental Justice Program, June 23, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Auburn Regarding Operational and Safety Improvements to the Intersection of Minot Avenue at Hotel Road, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Sign Vendors (In State), 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Title VI/Environmental Justice Program 2009 : Appendix A, June 23, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Title VI/Environmental Justice Program 2009 : Appendix B, June 23, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation