The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2009
Maine State Ferry Service General Information for 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine State Ferry Service Rates for 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Hearing in Ellsworth Regarding Highway Improvements to Route 1A, Thursday, April 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2008-2011 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and Connecting Maine : Planning Our Transportation Future, April 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Biennial Capital Work Plan for Fiscal Years 2010-2011 (April 2009), Maine Department of Transportation
Employee Rights on Government Contracts (WHD Publication 1313), April 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Employee Rights Under the Davis-Bacon Act, for Laborers and Mechanics Employed on Federal or Federally Assisted Construction Projects (WH 1321), April 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Labor Laws on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Poster, April 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
OJT Registration/Enrollment Form, April 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Preparing for the Closing of I-295 Northbound : Paving the Way for a Safer Drive, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-3 : The Use of Micro-Surfacing for Pavement Preservation, Final Report - April, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Weekly OJT Evaluation Form, April 1, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Letter : Freeport, Route 125/136, Design-Build Project (MaineDOT PIN : 012782.00), Request for Proposals (RFP) : Questions and Answers, March 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Letter : Freeport, Route 125/136, Design-Build Project, Request for Proposals (RFP) : Questions and Answers, March 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals : February 18, 2009, For the Design and Construction of 3.03 Miles of Route 125/136 in the Town of Freeport - Amended March 18, 2009, Amended March 31, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Freeport Routes 125 and 136 : Correction of Boring Locations, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Freeport, Routes 125 and 136 : Confirmation of Borings, March 25, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Letter : Freeport, Route 125/136, Design-Build Project (MaineDOT PIN : 012782.00), Request for Proposals (RFP) : Questions and Answers, March 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Informal Hearing in Ellsworth Regarding Highway Improvements to Route 1A, Tuesday, March 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Meeting in South Berwick to Discuss Future Replacement of Great Works Bridge over the Great Works River, Tuesday, March 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : MaineDOT Bridge Program, BHE Pre-Coordination Utility Meeting Minutes, March 20, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Fryeburg to Seek Input Regarding the Removal of Charles River Bridge over Charles River, Thursday, March 19, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
17-229, Chapter 210 : Utility Accommodation Policy (with comments), March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Freeport Route 125/136 : Test Boring Reports, March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Letter : Freeport, Route 125/136, Design-Build Project (MaineDOT PIN : 012782.00), Request for Proposals (RFP) : Questions and Answers, March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Meeting in Dover-Foxcroft Regarding Improvements to Route 15, Wednesday, March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Preliminary Public Meeting in South Thomaston to Discuss Future Replacement of Spruce Head Bridge, Wednesday, March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals : February 18, 2009, For the Design and Construction of 3.03 Miles of Route 125/136 in the Town of Freeport - Amended March 18, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Economic Considerations for Transportation Projects Selected for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), March 16, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Local Project Administration (LAP) Certification Course Brochure, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Recovery Program in Context : SFY 09 Investments, March 14, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
FY 2008-2011 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Amendment Letter, March 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
CONDOR 1 and 2 Military Operations Area (MOA) Map, March 12, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Grand Lake Stream Plantation to Discuss the Replacement of Grand Lake Stream Plantation Bridge on Milford Street, Thursday, March 12, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Comments on Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Plan, for the Comment Period Feb. 25 to March 11, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2008-2011 STIP Amendments for ARRA Projects, March 9, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Economic Recovery Plan in Context : MaineDOT Highway & Bridge Capital Funding & Need, March 9, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Qualifications : Howland Piscataquis River Bridge Design-Build Project, April 8, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2008-2011 STIP Amendments for ARRA Projects, March 6, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
A Contractor's Guide to Davis-Bacon : Prevailing Wage Requirements for Federally-Assisted Projects, March 6, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Certificate : [Letter to President Barack Obama], March 6, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Comments on Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Plan, Current as of March 5, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Work Zone Traffic Control Workshop Brochure, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2008-2011 STIP Amendments for ARRA Projects, March 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Contract Agreement, Offer & Award : Pike Industries, Inc., March 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in York to Discuss Route 103 Bridge Replacements of New Bridge and Station 34 Bridge and Station 44 Bridge, Tuesday, March 3, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2008-2011 STIP Amendments for ARRA Projects, March 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Projects, March 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
On-the-Job Training Program Manual, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
On-the-Job Training Program Off-Site Training Policy, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Presque Isle Parking Survey, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-2 : Using Foamed Asphalt as a Stabilizing Agent in Full Depth Reclamation of Route 8 in Belgrade, Final Report, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 03-1 : Bridge Deck Resurfacing Using Rosphalt 50, Final Report, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 09-8 : Temporary Bridge Deck Panels, Final Report, March 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine State Ferry Service 2009 Schedule, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Collisions Between Vehicles and Large Animals, February 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix C : The Recovery Plan in Context - MaineDOT Capital Investments SFY 2009, February 25, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix A : MaineDOT's Plan for Recovery Funds - Recovery FHWA and Transit Funds Only Dollars in Millions +/- $143 Million, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix B : MaineDOT's Economic Recovery Projects, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Economic Recovery Plan in Context : MaineDOT Highway & Bridge Capital Funding & Need, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT's Plan for Using the Transportation Funds in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Informational Public Meeting in Howland : The Replacement of Piscataquis Bridge, Tuesday, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Informational Public Meeting, February 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals : February 18, 2009, For the Design and Construction of 3.03 Miles of Route 125/136 in the Town of Freeport, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Department of the Army Permit : MaineDot 2 Year Bridge Initiative, February 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Portland to Discuss the Replacement of Veranda Street Bridge over Canadian Railroad, Thursday, February 12, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Project Overview Spreadsheet : Attachment 3, February 12, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Route 116 over the Piscataquis River : Feasibility Study, Final Report, February 12, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Formal Public Meeting in Mexico to Seek Input Regarding the Replacement of Webb River Bridge over Webb River, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Meeting Documentation, February 9, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Neal Bridge - Pittsfield, Maine : Composite Arch Bridge, Constructed Fall 2008, February 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2 Year Bridge Permit Project Status : Attachment 4, February 5, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Memorandum of Agreement Among the United States Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, the Maine State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding Various Bridge Projects Within the State of Maine : Attachment 5, February 5, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Paving, Prices & Pancakes in 2009, Brochure, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Locations, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Permit Application Spreadsheet : Attachment 1, February 2, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Plan - Alternate # 5, Figure 12A, February, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis River Bridge, Howland : Plan - Alternate # 5, Figure 12B, February, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Preliminary Geotechnical Data Report for the Replacement of Piscataquis River Bridge, Coffin Street, over Piscataquis River, Howland, Maine, February 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Comments, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Amendment for Economic Recovery Project Candidates, February 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
2 Year Bridge Permit Application, 2010-2011, Maine Department of Transportation
Supervisory Leadership in Public Works Program Brochure, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Bowdoinham to Seek Input Regarding Future Replacement of Harwards Crossing Bridge, Thursday, January 29, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Conceptual Approach for Fish Passage in Culvert Slip Liners : Attachment 2, January 28, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Midcoast Bypass Task Force Meeting Minutes, January 24, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Preliminary Public Meeting in Carmel : The Replacement of Maine Central Railroad Crossing Bridge, Wednesday, January 21, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Special Provision, Section 104 : General Rights and Responsibilities (Electronic Payroll Submission), January 21, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Final Public Hearing in Westbrook Regarding Highway Improvements to Route 25 from Westbrook Connector to Saco Street, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Androscoggin County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Aroostook County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Cumberland County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Franklin County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Hancock County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Kennebec County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Knox County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Lincoln County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Oxford County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Penobscot County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Piscataquis County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation
Sagadahoc County : Public Road Centerline Mileage by Municipality as of 1/9/2009, Maine Department of Transportation