The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2002
Mobility and Retrograde Arterial Corridors, Appendix C2, Part 6, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Mobility and Retrograde Arterial Corridors, Appendix C2, Part 7, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Mobility and Retrograde Arterial Corridors, Appendix C2, Part 8, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Mobility and Retrograde Arterial Corridors, Appendix C2, Part 9, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
2002 Work Zone Challenge Team Member Sign-Up Sheet, Maine Department of Transportation
2002 Work Zone Safety Challenge, Maine Department of Transportation
Bibliography of Maine DOT and Maine State Highway Commission Research Reports to March 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-3 : The Use of Micro-Surfacing for Pavement Preservation, March 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Urban Compact and Service Center Communities, Appendix D, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Planning a Driveway of Business Entrance? Here's What You Should Know About MDOT's New Driveway/Entrance Permitting Process, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Augusta, Appendix F, Part 5, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Bangor, Appendix F, Part 3, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Dixfield, Appendix F, Part 8, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Ellsworth, Appendix F, Part 2, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Fairfield, Appendix F, Part 4, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Presque Isle, Appendix F, Part 1, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Rockland, Appendix F, Part 6, Old, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Permit by Rule for Forest Management & Farming Activities : Scarborough, Appendix F, Part 7, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Aroostook County Transportation Study : Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Integrated Freight Plan : Final Report, February 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Integrated Freight Plan : Final Report, February 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Accommodation Policy, February 19, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Knox County Regional Airport : Airport Layout Plan, February 12, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Draft Environmental Assessment : Easton Industrial Access Road Study, Easton, Presque Isle, Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine, February 4, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Easton Industrial Access Road Study : Environmental Assessment - Easton, Presque Isle, Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine, February 4, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-2 : Using Foamed Asphalt as a Stabilizing Agent in Full Depth Reclamation of Route 8 in Belgrade, February 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Overlength Truck Routes, January 29, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
2002 SHIP Awards (Round Three), Maine Department of Transportation
Explore Maine, Maine Department of Transportation and Office of Passenger Transportation
Maine Transportation Facts, 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 01-16 : Evaluation of Radar Activated Changeable Message Sign for Work Zone Speed Control, January 2002, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts : 2001 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Submissions from 2001
Maine Moose Crashes 1999-2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section Five - Coordination and Consultation, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section Four - Environmental Consequences and Mitigation, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section One - Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section Six - Preparers, and Section Seven - References, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section Three - Affected Environment, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Section Two - Alternatives Analysis, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Calais-St. Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study : Draft Environmental Assessment, Table of Contents, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Coordination Process, December 11, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Bangor-Trenton Transportation Alternatives Study, Phase 1. Final Report. 2001, SYSTRA Consulting; KKO and Associates, L.L.C.; Dyer Associates; Economic Planning Group; and Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate Form, December 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Upgrade Matrix, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Cost Estimates, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Summary of Predicted Effects, Social and Economic Impacts, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Summary of Predicted Effects - Transportation, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Summary of Predicted Environmental Impacts, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Evaluation of a Vehicle-Actuated Warning System for Stop-Controlled Intersections Having Limited Sight Distances, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation, Dale Peabody, Per Garder, Gerry Audibert, William Thompson, Michael Redmond, and Michael S. Smith
2001 Regional Advisory Report for the Region 3 Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC 3), Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Traffic Noise Policy, November 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Location Permit for Utilities Relocated Within the Limits of MDOT Projects : Form, September 24, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
MDOT MX : MX Design Data Exchange Formats, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction Project 00-18 : Longitudinal Joint Treatment, Second Interim Report, September 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Federal Experimentation Report 96-2 : Longitudinal Joint Study, Final Report, September 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation Research Newsletter, September 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Appendix (pp. 1-61), August 24, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Appendix (pp. 62-179), August 24, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Trends in Maine for Crashes Involving Illegal/Unsafe Speed : Information Provided by Police Crash Reports (1991-2000), August 16, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Federal Experimental Report 98-2 : Aran/GIS Video Integration, August 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
The 2002-2004 STIP Conformity Analysis for Maine's Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas Including the PACTS, LACTS & KACTS MPO Areas, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Alternative Alignments Presented to the PAC - Working Document 6/20/2001-7/16/2001, Part One, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Alternative Alignments Presented to the PAC - Working Document 6/20/2001-7/16/2001, Part Two, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Comparative Impact Matrix - Alignment Impact Phase, Major Impact Categories for Corridor 1/1a Alternatives Only, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Appendix C : Township Code Numbers, July 11, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Comparative Impact Matrix - Alignment Impact Phase, Major Impact Categories for Corridor 4-4, 6-6, 8-8 Alternatives Only, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Typical Cross Section Elements : Urban and Rural, June 20, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Control of Access Master Listing, June 6, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction Report ME 00-20, First Year Interim Report on Experimental Utilization of Tire Shreds to Enhance Highway Drainage, June 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study Draft Environmental Assessment & Draft Section 4(f) Statement : Alignments, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Agreement for Categorical Exclusions, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Research Highlights, May 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Crash Potential : USDOT Accident Prediction Formula) - Crossing Number 365002X, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Operational and Site Characteristics : Crossing Number 365002X, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Sight Distance and Traffic Conditions : Crossing Number 365003E, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Sight Distances (Fair Views/Stop Line) : Crossing Number 170909u, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Crossing Environment Surface Condition : Crossing Number 170909u, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Transportation Safety Trends : Reporting of Maine Ten-Year Crash Trends and the MDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program for the Period Ending December 31, 1999, Maine Department of Transportation
Backseat Driver Program : Work Zone Safety Awareness, April 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Airport Master Plan Update : Greenville Municipal Airport, Greenville, Maine, April 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Bicycle Tourism in Maine : Economic Impacts and Marketing Recommendations. Executive Summary, Wilbur Smith Associates
Collisions Between Large Wildlife Species and Motor Vehicles in Maine : Interim Report, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction 00-19 : Comparison of "Saw and Seal" Procedure and Performance Grade Binder to Minimize Thermal Cracking, April 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
State Experimental Construction 99-11 : Innovative Solutions to Buried Portland Concrete Cement Roadways, Second Interim Report, April 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Work Zone Test Team Member Sign-Up Sheet, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Decoding MDOT Standards, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction Project ME 00-20 : Experimental Utilization of Tire Shreds to Enhance Highway Drainage, Rome-Belgrade State Route 27 STP-3509(30)X, March 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction Project ME 01-3 : Experimental Installation of Geosynthetic Pavement Reinforcement to Reduce Reflective Cracking, Runway 17-35 Overlay, Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport, March 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Questions and Answers About the Dynamic Sign System, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Safety Analysis of Rte. 46 from Rte. 1A, Holden to Rte. 9, Eddington, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction 99-8 : Experimental Use of Geogrids as an Alternative to Gravel Placement, Interim Report - First Year, February 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 98-3 : Potential Benefits of Adding Emulsion to Full Depth Reclamation Material, Interim Report - Third Year, February 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report ME 00-8 : Utility Pole Crash Modeling, February 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Wiscasset Municipal Airport : Master Plan Update, Wiscasset, Maine, February 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Special Provisions, Section 104 : Utilities, January 18, 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Crashes Involving Moose 1996-1998, Maine Department of Transportation
Twenty Year Transportation Plan 2000-2020 : Keeping Maine Moving, January 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Bicycle Tourism in Maine : Economic Impacts and Marketing, Wilbur Smith Associates
Experimental Construction 95-05 : Experimental use of High Density Polyethylene Drainage Pipe as a Cross Roadway Drainage Structure, Final Report, January 2001, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction 96-25 and 97-19 : Experimental Use of Sawed and Sealed Joints to Minimize Thermal Cracking, Interim Report - Third Year, January 2001, Maine Department of Transportation