The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2004
Eastport Municipal Airport, Eastport, Maine : Master Plan Update, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Industrial Rail Access Program (IRAP) : Application for Assistance, 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Request for Proposals : Engineering Design & Construction Services - Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Laws for the Operation of Commercial Vehicles Effective January 1, 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Study of Impacts Caused by Exempting Currently Non-exempt Maine Interstate Highways from Federal Truck Weight Limits, Appendix A : Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Station Data Details, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Study of Impacts Caused by Exempting Currently Non-exempt Maine Interstate Highways from Federal Truck Weight Limits, Appendix B : Summary of Carrier/Shipper Telephone Interviews, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Study of Impacts Caused by Exempting Currently Non-exempt Maine Interstate Highways from Federal Truck Weight Limits, Appendix C : Pavement Cost Impacts Development Process for the Study Network, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 03-12 : Experimental Placement of Stone Matrix Asphalt Project STP-8724 (00) X South Portland, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 03-13 : Evaluation of a Radar Activated Speed Warning Sign for School Zone Speed Control, January 2004, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts : 2003 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Submissions from 2003
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Bangor, Appendix G, Part 3, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Dixfield, Appendix G, Part 7, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Ellsworth, Appendix G, Part 2, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Fairfield, Appendix G, Part 4, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Fairfield, Appendix G, Part 5, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Presque Isle, Appendix G, Part 1, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Application for Driveway/Entrance Permit : Scarborough, Appendix G, Part 6, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Small Harbor Improvement Program (SHIP) & Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIG), 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide : December 2003 Update, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation Enhancement Program, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation Enhancement Program [image of back cover], 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Town of Yarmouth, Maine : Request for Proposals for Engineering Design & Construction Services, Route One Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway Phase 1, December 14, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Interstate 295 Study : Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Interstate 295 Study : Advisory Committee Meeting Notice, December 5, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Oxford County Regional Airport, Oxford County, Maine : Master Plan Update, December 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
State Route 111 Corridor Study. Biddeford-Arundel-Lyman-Alfred-Sanford. 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Sugarloaf Regional Airport, Carrrabassett, Maine : Master Plan Update, December 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-2 : Using Foamed Asphalt as a Stabilizing Agent in Full Depth Reclamation of Route 8 in Belgrade, Interim Report - First Year, December 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 97-20 : Subsurface Drainage for Rehabilitation of PCC Pavement - Rt. 202 Gray - New Gloucester, Final Report, December 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Town of Sanford, Maine : Sanford Regional Airport, Airport Master Plan Update, December 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Map of Road and Bridges near the East Branch of the Penobscot River, November 24, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine ITS/CVO Business Plan Matrix of Objectives, Projects and Strategies, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide : November 2003 Update, Maine Department of Transportation
The 2003 Long Range Plan and 2004-2006 STIP Conformity Analysis for Maine's Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas Including the Metropolitan Planning Organizations : PACTS, ATRC, & KACTS - Addendum, November 3, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Working Together to Build a Better Maine : Participate in the Maine Department of Transportation Planning Process, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
The 2003 Long Range Plan and 2004-2006 STIP Conformity Analysis for Maine's Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas Including the Metropolitan Planning Organizations : PACTS, ATRC, & KACTS, November 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Utilities Task Force : October 9, 2003 Meeting Minutes, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide : October 2003 Update, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Comments, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Maintenance Divisions, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Construction Report & Second Year Interim Report 03-09 : Shoulder Rehabilitation Using Portland Cement and Recycled Asphalt Pavement, Winslow, U.S. Route 201, October 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Intelligent Transportation Systems - Commercial Vehicle Operations Business Plan, October 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Memorandum ME 03-10 : Experimental Use of Self Consolidating Concrete for Precast Prestressed Box Beams, October 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide : Appendices A-D, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 8 : Buried Structures, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 2 : Preliminary Design, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 4 : Superstructures, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Draft Special Provisions : Form Letter #5, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
MDOT Project, Field Survey : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Pre-construction Meeting : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Pre-construction Meeting Minutes : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Pre-coordination Meeting & Review of Construction Plans : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Review of Preliminary Plans : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Review of Survey Plans : Form Letter, August 18, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 10 : Rehabilitation, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 1 : General, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 3 : Loads, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 5 : Substructures, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 6 : Concrete, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 7 : Steel, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Bridge Design Guide, Chapter 9 : Timber/Engineered Wood Composites, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Northeast Pavement Management Conference 2003, Registration, Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Availability for Review & Comment : Maine Draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006, August 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Long Haul Routes, Figure 4-4, July 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Medway Rest Area (I-95 NB & SB) Commercial Vehicle Service Plan, Figure 5-3, July 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Pittsfield Rest Area (I-95 NB & SB) Commercial Vehicle Service Plan (Figure 502), July 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Potential Truck Parking Improvement Locations (Figure 5-1), 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Signage Recommendations (Figure 4-7), 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Public Rest Areas (Figure 2-1), July 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Truck Parking Needs and Deficiencies, Figure 4-5, July 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Executive Summary of Research and Strategic Marketing Recommendations For The Expansion of Passenger Rail Service Along the 1-295 Corridor, Maine Department of Transportation and Swardlick Marketing Group
Gorham Bypass Study : Meeting Notes, July 16, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Cover, July 11, 2003 [DRAFT], Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Introduction, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Section 1, Federal Fund Source Summary, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Section 2a, Project Detail Listing, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Section 2b, Project Detail Listing, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Section 3 - MPO Project Detail Listing, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Section 4 - FTA Project Detail Listing, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program : Federal Fiscal Years 2004-2005-2006 - Table of Contents, July 11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Surface Water Quality Protection Program, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Vegetation Coverage Map : Figure 3.4.1, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Bypass Alternatives : Figure 2-2, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Bypass Corridors : Figure 2-1, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Existing High Crash Locations : Figure 1-3, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Final Bypass Alternatives : Figure 2-3, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Historic and Recreational Resources : Figure 3.15, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Land Use Map : Figure 3.9, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Noise Measurement Locations : Figure 3.8, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Potential Future Development : Figure 3.11, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Preferred Alternatives : Figure 2-4, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Prime and Unique Farmland : Figure 3.12, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Properties Potentially Eligible for Listing on the National Register of Historic Places : Figure 3.16, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Study Area : Figure 1-2, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Study Area Wetlands Corridor Level : Figure 3.5, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Surface Water : Figure 3-3, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Surficial Geology : Figure 3-1, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Threatened and Endangered Species/Wildlife Habitat : Figure 3.7, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Water Resources : Figure 3-2, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation
Gorham Bypass Study : Environmental Assessment Wetlands within Alternatives : Figure 3.6, 2003, Maine Department of Transportation