Legislative History: An Act To Protect the State's Authority in Issues Concerning Federal Relicensing of Dams Located in the State (HP1315)(LD 1826)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Maine Small Business and Job Creation (SP732)(LD 1827)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Consent Regarding Land Transfers to the Federal Government (SP733)(LD 1828)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Require the Department of Health and Human Services To Report Annually on Investigations and Prosecutions of False Claims Made under the MaineCare, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Food Supplement Programs (HP1317)(LD 1829)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Promote Rockweed Habitat Conservation through the Consideration of No-harvest Areas (HP1318)(LD 1830)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow Signs for Areas of Local, Regional and Statewide Interest on the Interstate System (HP1320)(LD 1831)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Employment Opportunities for Veterans (SP735)(LD 1832)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Improve Maine's Ability To Attract Major Private Investments (SP738)(LD 1835)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish the Commission on Promoting Manufacturing in Maine (SP739)(LD 1836)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide Former Employees of the Maine Military Authority the Ability To Sue for Severance Pay (SP740)(LD 1837)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Expand Affordable Heating Investments with Maine's Public Resources (SP741)(LD 1838)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Deduction for Pension Income (HP1321)(LD 1839)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine (HP1323)(LD 1841)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (HP1324)(LD 1842)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government To Address Supplemental Funding Needs Projected for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 and To Adjust Funding for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 (HP1325)(LD 1843)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Local Responsibility for General Assistance (HP1326)(LD 1844)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Prohibit the Use of Dogs, Bait or Traps When Hunting Bears Except under Certain Circumstances (IB1)(LD 1845)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Require the Licensure of Scrap Metal Recyclers and Mobile Scrap Metal Dealers (HP1329)(LD 1846)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify Outcome-based Forestry (SP746)(LD 1847)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow Property Maintenance Activities notwithstanding a Consent Agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (SP747)(LD 1848)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Establish the Commission To Study College Affordability and College Completion (SP748)(LD 1849)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Establish the Commission To Strengthen the Adequcy and Equity of Certain Cost Components of the School Funding Formula (HP1335)(LD 1850)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
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