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Legislative History: Resolution from the Bar Harbor Town Council: In support of LD 401, An Act to Provide Local Sales Tax Increment Disbursements (HP927)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Communication from the Cumberland County Superintendents Association and the York County Superintendents Association: Opposing the critical impact that the Governor's budget proposals to address the State's financial challenges would have on the public school districts of Cumberland and York counties (HP935)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolution of the Southwest Harbor School Committee: In Support of Fully Funding Maine's Public Schools (HP936)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolution of the Tremont School Committee: In Support of Fully Funding Maine's Public Schools (HP937)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Report of the Trenton School Committee: In Support of Fully Funding Maine's Public Schools (HP938)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolution of the Mount Desert Island Regional School System: In Support of Fully Funding Maine's Public Schools (HP939)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Affirming the Friendship between the State of Maine and the Republic of China (HP943)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Memorializing the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to Provide to the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Just and Equitable Compensation Comparable to the Settlement Provided to the Penobscot Nation and the Passamaquoddy Tribe (HP963)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Communication from Officers of the Town of Camden: Resolution Expressing Opposition to the Governor's Proposed State Budget which Shifts Responsibility for Funding the State Budget Shortfall to the Property Tax and Property Taxpayers (HP968)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Joint Resolution Recognizing the Week of April 7 - 13, 2013 as Barbershop Harmony Week. (HP981)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolution of the Bar Harbor Town Council: Opposing Governor's Proposed Tax Shift (HP984)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolution of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Damariscotta: Urging the Maine State Legislature to reject any Biennial State Budget that forces cities and towns to either increase property taxes or reduce essential municipal services (HP1018)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve of the Lubec Board of Selectmen: Opposing the Governor's unprecedented biennial budget proposal that shifts costs to towns (HP1019)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)