Legislative History: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Study Long-term Care Facilities (SP704)(LD 1776)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Amend the Resolve To Promote the Expansion of the Maine Maple Sugar Industry (HP1274)(LD 1777)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Revise the Description of Commercial Fishing Vessels That Are Exempt from Attachment (HP1275)(LD 1778)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to Nursing Facility and Inpatient Hospice Patients and Medical Marijuana Use (SP706)(LD 1779)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend Tidal Energy Demonstration Project Laws (SP708)(LD 1781)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Expand Consumer Choice for Wine (HP1276)(LD 1783)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Reform Regulation of Consumer-owned Water Utilities (SP710)(LD 1784)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Consistent the Sales and Use Tax Imposed on Various Fuels Used To Heat Buildings for Human Habitation (SP711)(LD 1785)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow the Sale of Unregulated Farm-produced Dairy Products at the Site of Production (HP1278)(LD 1786)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Enforcement Provisions Relating to Motor Carrier Registration (HP1279)(LD 1787)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2015 (HP1280)(LD 1788)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize and Improve the Efficiency of Maine's Courts (HP1281)(LD 1789)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Designate Maine State Housing Authority To Receive Funds from the National Housing Trust Fund (SP714)(LD 1790)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Expand Benefits from Maine's Wind Resource (HP1282)(LD 1791)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Protect Jobs in the Forest Product Industry (HP1283)(LD 1792)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Cancel the No-bid Alexander Group Contract To Produce Savings in Fiscal Year 2013-14 (HP1286)(LD 1794)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Remove Medical and Dental Expenses from the Itemized Deduction Cap (HP1287)(LD 1795)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Delay Implementation of Reformulated Gasoline Requirements in Maine (SP718)(LD 1796)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act Expanding Access to Early Postsecondary Education (HP1289)(LD 1797)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Charitable Solicitations (HP1291)(LD 1799)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Update Statutory Dates for the State Government Evaluation Act Review of Agencies (HP1292)(LD 1800)
Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
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