Whitefield Videos

Contributing Institution

Chet Chase Collection

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About noontime Saturday, April 10, 1948, a fire in the village of North Whitefield threatened destruction of the entire settlement. A small grass fire was fanned by a high wind into conflagration proportions, quickly spreading to a two-story building housing a general store owned and operated by Mrs. Belle Douglass and containing also the North Whitefield post office. In no time the store became a raging inferno of flames, a threat to houses across the road. The store collapsed within a half-hour. Sparks ignited and adjoining house occupied by Calvin Flanders family. This was destroyed. Embers blown by the fifty-mile wind set fire to the home of Mrs. Grace Benson, which was half a mile from the main fire. Firemen battled roof blazes on dwellings owned by Albert Ingraham, Mrs. Emma Hilton and Bert Tarr. The blaze then spread into the woods and burned on a half-mile front toward the Jefferson line. Estimated damage was set at $50,000. Fireman from North Whitefield were assisted by men and equipment from King’s Mills, Cooper’s Mils, Pittston, Gardiner, Augusta, Jefferson and the Maine Forestry Service truck.” From a report by Whitefield historian, Henry C. Waters. This film was made by Chester Chase

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