The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses over $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.
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Submissions from 2007
2008 Small Harbor Improvement Program Awards, Maine Department of Transportation
A Contractor's Guide to Equal Employment Opportunity, January 2007, Maine Department of Transportation
DBE Attachments A-I, 2007, Maine Department of Transportation
DBE Attachments J-N, 2007, Maine Department of Transportation
Northeast CanAm Connections : Map of Study Area and Extended Area of Interest
Northeast CanAm Connections : Work Plan for the Research Study
Submissions from 2006
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Androscoggin County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Aroostook County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Cumberland County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Franklin County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Hancock County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Kennebec County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Knox County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Lincoln County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Oxford County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Penobscot County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Piscataquis County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Sagadahoc County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Somerset County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Waldo County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : Washington County, Maine Department of Transportation
Traffic Volume Counts, 2006 Annual Report : York County, Maine Department of Transportation
West Gardiner Service Plaza Rest Area Study, Attachment B : Traffic Memo, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
West Gardiner Service Plaza Rest Area Study, Attachment D : Meeting Minutes, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
West Gardiner Service Plaza Rest Area Study, Attachment E : Meeting Minutes, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
West Gardiner Service Plaza Rest Area Study : Environmental Document, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Environmental Assessment for the Auburn Intermodal Passenger Center, December 6, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 06-14 : FRP-Wood Hybrid Bridge Deck in Union-Washington, Skidmore Bridge, Final Report, December 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Large Animal-Vehicle Crashes in Maine : Annual Crashes (1996-2005), Maine Department of Transportation
Maintaining Gravel Roads Workshop Brochure, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
West Gardiner Service Plaza Rest Area Study, Attachment A : Plans, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Gray Bypass Map, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Snowplowable Pavement Market Test Deck Inspection, November 7, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Caribou Roundabout [2006 flyer], Maine Department of Transportation
Final Technical Report 01-2 : Evaluation of the Norridgewock Intersection Collision Avoidance Warning System on Route 201A, Norridgewock, Maine, November 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Roundabouts : You Can Get There from Here, Flyer, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
The Economic Impact of Airports in Maine, November 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy 2006 Interim Report : Appendix, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy Index : Region 2, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy Index : Region 3 East, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy Index : Region 4 East, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy Index : Region 5 North, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy Index : Region 1, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Roadwork to Begin for Improvements to Western Avenue in South Portland, October 20, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Utilities Task Force : October 19, 2006 Meeting Minutes, Maine Department of Transportation
NOAA Restoration Center Community-based Restoration Program (CRP) : Progress Report Narrative Format, October 18, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Manager Breakfast Snow and Ice Control Agenda, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Manager's Breakfast Locations, Flyer, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Manager Breakfast Snow and Ice Control Invitation Letter, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Auburn-Lewiston Municipal Airport (LEW), Auburn, Maine : Master Plan Update, October 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Experimental Construction 99-8 : Experimental Use of Geogrids as an Alternative to Gravel Placement, Fourth Year Interim and Final Report, October 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 02-2 : Using Foamed Asphalt as a Stabilizing Agent in Full Depth Reclamation of Route 8 in Belgrade, Interim Report - Third and Fourth Year, October 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Technical Report 03-1 : Bridge Deck Resurfacing Using Rosphalt 50, Interim Report - Second, Third, and Fourth Year, October 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Nighttime Closures Planned for Turnpike South Portland (Exit 45) Interchange, September 22, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Nighttime Traffic Stops and Daytime Lane Closure Planned for Payne Road Bridge Next Week, September 22, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Defensive Driving Class : Coaching the Maintenance Vehicle Operator, Workshop Brochure, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Road Surface Management System Workshop Brochure, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Regions, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Scoping Report : State Route 136, Beginning at Richards Lane and Extending Northwest for 2.74 Miles to the Durham Freeport Town Line, PSN 20542, September 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Chainsaw Safety Training Workshop Brochure, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
State of Maine Laws for the Operation of Commercial Vehicles Effective August 23, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Stillwater Drive Overpass Map, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Valuation Report Specifications, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Value-Finding Appraisal Form (VL-5), 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
90-Day Assurance Notice Letter, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Personal Property Relocation Bid Amount Approval Letter (Form RA-41B), 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Personal Property Relocation Eligibility Notification Letter (Form RA-41A), 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Replacement Housing Payment Notice/Application (Form RA-48), 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Adequacy 2006 Interim Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Distribution of Limited English Proficiency Binders : Memo, August 8, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Airport Capital Improvement Plan : Change Form Request, August 1, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Analysis of Pavement Response Data and Use of Nondestructive Testing for Improving Pavement Design : First Year Report 04-1A, August 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Monitoring a Pile-Supported Integral Abutment Bridge at a Site with Shallow Bedrock Phase II : Technical Report ME 01-7, August 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
TEA TUG Conference : Guest Registration Form, July 30, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation Officials Mark 50th Anniversary Of Maine’s Interstate Highway System, Meg Lane
Volume Two: State Standards Highway Design Guide, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Problem Solving 06-6 : Documentation of Liquid De-icing Agents Utilized During the Winter of 2005-2006, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 1 - Introduction, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Mall Area Roadwork : Turnpike's Exit 45 to Close After 10:00 P.M. Tonight (Wednesday July 19) and Tomorrow Night (Thursday July 20), 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 2 - Executive Summary, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 3 - Safety, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 4 - Highways, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 5 - Bridges, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 6 - Passenger Transportation, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 7 - Freight Transportation, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Chapter 8 - Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS) - Cover, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Transportation in Maine : State of the System (SOS), Table of Contents, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Pavemend - Brunswick, Maine, Route 1, I-295 On-Ramp S.B. : Liquid Pavement Repair Material, July 11, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Neenah Foundry Company : Cast Iron Detectable Warning Plates, Route 1, Bucksport & Verona, July 6, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
StreetPrint in Farmingdale, Maine : Route 201, Maine Avenue, Textured / Painted Flush Median Islands, July 6, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Contract Compliance Review Process, July 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Labor Standards Interview (SF-1445), July 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Research Newsletter, July 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Public Participation, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Reviewers Determination and Approval Form (VL-15, formerly Form A-5), June 14, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Supplemental Specification, Section 506 : Protective Coating, Steel, June 5, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Utility Location Permit Application : Sample, June 5, 2006, Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Aviation Systems Plan Update : Executive Summary, Maine Department of Transportation
Sus Derechos Bajo el Título VI del Acta de los Derechos Civiles de 1964 = Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, June 2006, Maine Department of Transportation