Submissions from 2015
Rosamond Thaxter Correspondence, Rosamond Thaxter and Maine State Library
Rose Snider Correspondence, Rose Snider 1912- and Maine State Library
Rowena Rand Correspondence, Rowena Rand 1912-; Mrs. Willard J. Rand, Jr. 1912-; Hilda McLeod Jacob; and Maine State Library
Ruby Garrison Searway Correspondence, Ruby Garrison Searway and Maine State Library
Ruth and Paul Sadlier Correspondence, Ruth Sadlier 1950-, Paul Sadlier 1942-, and Maine State Library
Ruth Curtis Douglas Correspondence, Ruth Curtis Douglas 1885-1957, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Ruth Sawyer Correspondence, Ruth Sawyer 1906- and Maine State Library
Ruth Sexton Sargent Correspondence, Ruth Sexton Sargent, Dorothy Holder Jones, and Maine State Library
Ruth V. Noble Correspondence, Ruth Verrill Noble 1916-, Hilda McLeod Jacobs, and Maine State Library
Sally Scott Correspondence, Sally Scott, Vivian Scott, and Maine State Library
Shailer Mathews Correspondence, Shailer Mathews 1863-1941, Marion Cobb Fuller, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Shirley K. Richard Correspondence, Shirley K. Richard, Mrs. Shirley K. Richard, Mrs. Houle, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Simon Moulton Hamlin Correspondence, Simon Moulton Hamlin 1866-1939, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
Stanley I. Stuber Correspondence, Stanley Irving Stuber 1903- and Maine State Library
Stephen Alan Saft Correspondence, Stephen Alan Saft 1939- and Maine State Library
Stephen Minot Correspondence, Stephen Minot 1927-2010 and Shirley Thayer 1919-2001
Sturgis Elleno Leavitt Correspondence, Sturgis Elleno Leavitt 1888-1976, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Sue McConkey Correspondence, Sue McConkey 1911-2001, Mrs. Thomas Wright McConkey 1911-2001, Lillian "Sue" Goldberg McConkey 1911-2001, Edwin P. Geauque, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Susan Nichols Pulsifer Correspondence, Susan Farley Nichols Pulsifer, Mrs. Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Suzanne Reynolds Correspondence, Suzanne Reynolds, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Sylvia Kramer Tryon Correspondence, Sylvia Kramer Tyron and Maine State Library
Theodore Wells Cousens Correspondence, Theodore Wells Cousens 1900-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Thomas Earle Doucette Correspondence, Thomas Earle Doucette 1897-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Thomas H. Reynolds Correspondence, Thomas H. Reynolds and Maine State Library
Thomas H. Riley Jr. Correspondence, Thomas H. Riley Jr., 1880-; Hilda McLeod Jacob; and Maine State Library