Submissions from 2015
Marjorie Mosser Correspondence, Marjorie Mosser, Marjorie Mosser Ellis, Mrs. Frank B. Ellis, Hilda McLeod, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Marjorie Standish Correspondence, Marjorie Standish and Maine State Library
Mark Hennessy Correspondence, Mark William Hennesy 1904-1965, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Mary Chandler Lowell Correspondence, Mary Chandler Lowell 1863-1949, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Mary C. Jane Correspondence, Mary Childs Jane 1909-1991, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Mary Clifford Webster Darling Correspondence, Mary Clifford Webster Darling, Mrs. Robert Darling, Mary W. Darling, Dr. Lillian Noble, Abbie Dow?, Mrs. Allen, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Mary C. Robinson Correspondence, Mary Clement Robinson 1865-, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Mary Hoehling Correspondence, Mary Duprey Hoehling 1914-2004, Shirley Thayer 1919-2001, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Mary Neal Copeland Correspondence, Mary Neal Copeland 1875-1948, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Mary Parker Correspondence, Mary Parker and Maine State Library
Mary Potter Thacher Higginson Correspondence, Mary Potter Thacher Higginson 1844-1941, Mrs. Thomas Wentworth Higginson 1844-1941, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
Mary Russell Correspondence, Mary McSorely Russell 1881- and Maine State Library
Mattie Wilma Stubbs Correspondence, Mattie Wilman Stubbs 1878- and Maine State Library
Maurice Dolbier Correspondence, Maurice Wyman Dolbier 1912-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Melissa W. Nash Correspondence, Melissa W. Nash, Mrs. Walter Hess, Mrs. G. F. Cherry Sr., and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Melvin Thomas Copeland Correspondence, Melvin Thomas Copeland 1884-1975, Elliott C. Rogers, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Meredith Reed Correspondence, Meredith Reed, Rae D. Henkle, Marion Cobb Fuller, and Maine State Library
Merle G. Chadbourne Correspondence, Merle Granville Chadbourne 1891-1968, Mrs. Merle G. Chadbourne, Berle E. Whittemore Chadbourne, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Mildred E. Danforth Correspondence, Mildred E. Danforth and Shirley Thayer 1919-2001
Mina Holway Caswell Correspondence, Mina Holway Caswell 1869-1946, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Miriam MacMillan Correspondence, Miriam Look MacMillan 1905-1987, Mrs. Donald B. Macmillan 1905-1987, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
M. Mayo Citrin Correspondence, Michael Mayo Citrin 1910-, Hilda McLeod, and Oliver Leigh Hall 1870-1946
Morris H. Turk Correspondence, Morris Howland Turk 1867- and Maine State Library
Myrtle Goodrich Litch Doane Correspondence, Myrtle Goodrich Litch Doane 1914-1997, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Nancy Hale Correspondence, Nancy Hale 1908-1988, Anna Westcott Hale 1908-1988, Nancy Hale Wertenbaker 1908-1988, and Hilda McLeod