Legislative History: An Act to Codify the Creation of the Bureau of Safety and Change Its Name to the Bureau of Highway Safety (HP1424)(LD 1976)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Extend and Amend the Authorization for the Maine High-Risk Insurance Organization (HP1425)(LD 1977)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Comprehensive Services for Preschool Children with Severe or Multiple Handicaps (HP1426)(LD 1978)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning Discontinuance and Replacement of Group Accident and Health Insurance (HP1427)(LD 1979)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to Interest Rate Swap Transactions by Public Utilities (SP755)(LD 1980)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Create the International Lakeland Trail (SP756)(LD 1981)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Preserve the Natural Values of Public Water Utility Lands (SP757)(LD 1982)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Enhance Access to Prenatal Care in Underserved Areas (SP758)(LD 1983)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Require the State to Pay a Portion of Retired State Employees' Medicare Costs (SP759)(LD 1984)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow the State Police to Recover Funds Expended for Presidential Security (SP760)(LD 1985)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning Public Utilities (SP761)(LD 1986)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Enable the Department of Marine Resources to Issue Identification Tags for Lobster Gear (SP762)(LD 1987)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Exempt Chambers of Commerce from the Use Tax on Items Distributed to the Public Free of Charge (SP763)(LD 1988)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Motor Carrier Representative Agents (SP764)(LD 1989)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Resource Protection Zones within Shoreland Zoning Areas (SP765)(LD 1990)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Expand the Protection and Advocacy Agency for Persons with Disabilities and Consolidate Funding (SP766)(LD 1991)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Credit Reporting (SP767)(LD 1992)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Reduce Drug Abuse in Maine (SP768)(LD 1993)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for a Job Development Training Funding Capability within the Resources of the State Contingent Account (SP769)(LD 1994)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Laws Relating to Audit Reports, Audit Adjustments and Withholding State Subsidy (SP770)(LD 1995)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Housekeeping Changes to Various Punishment Sections of the Maine Criminal Code (SP771)(LD 1996)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Funds for Smoking and Substance Abuse Treatment for the Women, Infants and Children Program (SP772)(LD 1997)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Equal Access for Commercial Outfitters to Maine's Natural River Resources (HP1429)(LD 1998)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Prohibit the Sale of Bait in Polystyrene Foam Containers (HP1431)(LD 1999)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
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