Legislative History: An Act Related to Rehabilitation Providers (SP726)(LD 1901)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for a Comprehensive State Mental Retardation Plan (HP1371)(LD 1902)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Licensing Inspections of Boarding Care Facilities (HP1372)(LD 1903)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees for Defensive Driving Courses (HP1373)(LD 1904)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Continuing Education for Administrators of Boarding Homes (HP1374)(LD 1905)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing Philip Wolley of Searsport to Bring Suit against the State of Maine (HP1375)(LD 1906)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Modifying the Territory of the Northport Village Corporation (HP1376)(LD 1907)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Law Governing Family Medical Leave (HP1377)(LD 1908)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Exempt Sickness Benefits from Income Taxation (HP1378)(LD 1909)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Adjust Commercial Motor Vehicle Fees (HP1379)(LD 1910)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $4,500,000 for the Restoration and Preservation of Historic Buildings (HP1381)(LD 1912)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Improvements in the Operation of the Judicial Department of the State (HP1382)(LD 1913)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Further Facilitate the Conversion of the Records of the Maine State Retirement System to an Automated System (HP1383)(LD 1914)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Repeal the Prohibition on Phantom House Lot Valuation (HP1385)(LD 1915)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Violation of the Pesticide Laws (HP1386)(LD 1916)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Abate Nonpoint Source Pollution from Road Runoff (HP1387)(LD 1917)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Affecting the Operations of the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions (HP1388)(LD 1918)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Appropriations to the Maine Osteopathic Loan Program (HP1389)(LD 1919)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Resolve, Concerning the Interstate or Foreign Commerce Sales and Use Tax Exemption (HP1390)(LD 1920)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Prevent Overutilization of Forest Resources (HP1391)(LD 1921)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Time Frame in Municipal Law for Changing an Elected Position to an Appointed Position (HP1392)(LD 1922)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Tax-exempt Status of Equipment Leased to Hospitals (HP1393)(LD 1923)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Review the Department of Human Services (SP734)(LD 1924)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Medical Testing without Physician Referral (HP1395)(LD 1925)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
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