Legislative History: An Act to Implement an Inflation Factor in the School Construction Law (SP929)(LD 2322)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement an Inflation Factor in the School Construction Law (SP955)(LD 2395)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Corrections (HP1716)(LD 2408)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Corrections (HP1749)(LD 2434)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Corrections (HP1750)(LD 2435)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the State Compensation Commission (HP1567)(LD 2217)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the State Compensation Commission (HP1696)(LD 2389)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Procedures for Insuring the Safe Return and Proper Disposal of Restricted Pesticide Containers (HP704)(LD 1014)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Maine Health Care Finance Commission's Hospital Advisory Committee (HP577)(LD 848)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement Teacher Recognition Grants and Establish a Minimum Salary for Teachers (HP1087)(LD 1580)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the International Registration Plan to Apportion Fees for Certain Commercial Vehicles (SP804)(LD 2019)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Policy in Favor of Universal Telephone Service (HP210)(LD 244)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Maine Land and Water Resources Council Ground Water Review Policy Committee (SP353)(LD 961)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the State Compensation Commission (SP91)(LD 289)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Impose a Moratorium on the Licensing of Commercial Landfills for the Disposal of Solid Waste (SP988)(LD 2443)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Impose a Sales Tax on Certain Services (HP335)(LD 450)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Impose a Sales Tax on Media Advertising (HP539)(LD 766)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Impose Liability for Interference with Ground Water Use (SP273)(LD 731)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Access to Child Care Services (SP743)(LD 1907)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve and Strengthen the Referendum Process (SP465)(LD 1268)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Boating Safety and Public Access to the State's Public Waters (SP848)(LD 2149)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Child Welfare Services in Maine (HP1588)(LD 2233)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Compliance with Maine Tax Laws (HP1511)(LD 2131)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
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