Legislative History: An Act to Fund and Implement Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements (HP1158)(LD 1660)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund and Implement Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements (HP1166)(LD 1663)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund Children's Programs of the Maine Coalition for Family Crisis Services (SP291)(LD 780)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund Community Response Programs to Address Child Sexual Abuse in Maine Communities (HP962)(LD 1383)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund Community Response Programs to Reduce Spouse Abuse in Maine Communities (SP487)(LD 1315)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund Elderly Legal Services in Northern and Eastern Maine Communities (HP1233)(LD 1742)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund New, Expanded and Innovative Child Care Programs in this State (SP367)(LD 1001)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund the Holocaust Human Rights Center for Maine (HP1364)(LD 1928)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund the Maine Energy Resources Development Fund (HP475)(LD 678)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund Training for Boards of Social Service Agencies (HP1274)(LD 1791)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Further Competition in the Liquor Trade (HP1119)(LD 1615)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Further Competition with New Hampshire in the Liquor Trade (HP19)(LD 17)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Give Municipalities Greater Decision-making Powers Relating to Solid Waste Management (HP1298)(LD 1814)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Grandfather Current Employees Regarding the Purchase of Military Service Time (HP1272)(LD 1789)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Grandfather Current Employees Regarding the Purchase of Military Service Time (HP1528)(LD 2157)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Grant Authority to the Maine State Ferry Advisory Board to Name Ferries (HP1034)(LD 1508)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Grant Certain Political Rights to State Employees (SP167)(LD 435)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Grant Municipalities the Option of Repairing Private Roads Within Subdivisions (HP702)(LD 996)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Guarantee Equitable Access to Soft-shell Clam Resources (HP1067)(LD 1549)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Guarantee Insurance Coverage for Child Care Centers and Family Day Care Providers Licensed by the State (HP1394)(LD 1966)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Help Improve the Quality of Child Care in Maine (SP516)(LD 1390)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
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