Larrabee Railroad Image Collection
Contributing Institution
David Larrabee Collection
Document Type
1916 06 11 MEC Carmel Maine Station PC 002
These old picture post cards from early in the 20th Century can be real gems. From what I've read buying these as you traveled provided the folks back home a travel log of your trip. At 1 cent postage and a couple cents for the card it was very popular. The track behind the station is likely used to spot a car at the freight house beyond the station. A hi-light for me is the guy leaning back in his chair in the sun. Reminds me of a lazy Sunday afternoon in Bucksport where I grew up. Horse and buggy beside the building to the left... The card is postmarked July 11th 1916 and is addressed to Mrs. C.H. McLaughlin of Carmel. /DL
Broad Creation Date
ca. 1915
Maine Central; MEC Station; Carmel