Document Type
Acadian Archives, MCC-00244 (Folder 9)
Exact Creation Date
Van Buren
Contributing Institution
Acadian Archives
Financial Records
Recommended Citation
Maine Land Office, "Grant of Land to Lawrence Parent and Guigey Duplessis, 1866" (1866). Gerry Morin Collection : Financial Records. 55.
File Size
1.7 MB
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COinSRights Statement
No Known Copyright. URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/
The organization that has made the Item available reasonably believes that the Item is not restricted by copyright or related rights, but a conclusive determination could not be made. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
Land Office document authorizing Lawrence Parent and "Guigey" [sic] Duplessis to settle on Lot 38 in Township L, Range 2 (West of the Easterly Line of the State), given July 17, 1866. The document gives the sum of $54.20 and the conditions to be met by Parent and Duplessis so that they may be considered "actual Settler[s]." It is signed by land agent Isaac R. Clark.
With a note dated March 25, 1868, Parent and Duplessis release their claim to Henry A. Amiraux of Van Buren. Witnessed by A. S. and D. S. Richards.