
Cumberland (Me.)



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Prince Memorial Library

Document Type



Request for Proposals for a Dwelling House on the Town Farm, October 5, 1841 details plans and dimensions for a dwelling house to be built on the Cumberland town farm, located on the Foreside, not far from the shores of Broad Cove and the Spear shipyard. A committee to consider proposals for the house was created in 1841; on January 7, 1843, the same committee reported the project complete based on an inspection of the finished structure. This request for proposals describes the dimensions and materials required for the house, as well as the obligations and intended pay for a contractor, and includes plans for the foundation and arch, outer cellar, chimney, dairy room, boiler, three flights of stairs, sleeping rooms, and other details.

Exact Creation Date





Paupers; Indigent; Cumberland; Almshouses; Poor Farms

Request for Proposals for a Dwelling House on the Town Farm, October 5, 1841



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