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Mersedé Mirshamsi, IDSVA





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Delving into the intersection of philosophy and quantum mechanics, in this dissertation I explore the dynamic journey of information’s transition from quantum potential to contextualized artistic expression, as it runs the risk of being challenged-forth by information technologies. I will explore contemporary theories of consciousness to examine the role of sentient observers on the articulation of spacetime, blurring the lines between human consciousness and artificial intelligence. Accordingly, the central inquiry of this study is to discern the role and identity of the observer: Who or what counts as an observer? How does this observer, as a principal architect of information in spacetime, influence creative aspects of existence, reshaping our experience of being in the world? Positing the observer as an active sentient agent within spacetime – an ‘information generator’ par excellence – I argue that the role of the observer transcends mere observation, engaging in a continuous strife against chance to create narratives of being by actively participating in the materialization of streams of information.

Central to this discourse is the concept of chance aesthetics, a term I have coined to encapsulate the aesthetics of serendipity and indeterminacy inherent to human experience. This concept emphasizes the aesthetic significance of the observer’s embrace of chance and serendipity in artistic endeavors. Consequently, I make a corollary argument that chance is not an ontological backdrop but a pivotal element of reality, playing a crucial role in both the creation and interpretation of art. When chance prevails it dictates the outcome, leading to a reality that might not align with the observer’s intent. In contrast, when intent aligns with the outcome, it suggests a triumph over chance, enabling a subjective experience shaped by the will of the observer. With this in mind, using examples from photography the dissertation not only explores the role of the human observer, but expands the definition of an observer to include artificial intelligence, thereby opening new philosophical inquiries into the nature of consciousness, agency, and the subjective experience of existence.


Aesthetics | Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | Arts and Humanities | Cognitive Science | Photography | Quantum Physics


Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts


Portland ME

Chance Aesthetics in Quantum Realities: Sentient Observers and Artificial Intelligence as Architects of Information's Journey



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