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Carrie L. Kellerby, IDSVA





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This dissertation explores the materiality of dwelling as a woven threshold. The study begins with Martin Heidegger’s project concerning the problem of dwelling as a separation from Being to posit a concept of dwelling that weaves together the elements of nature, human presence, and the mystery of Being as a praxis of meaningful belonging with the world. In this fourfold, the aesthetics of dwelling reveal both the gift and the responsibility of human presence in the world. This study aims to unravel the knots that challenge dwelling by tracing the located separations from the world within the development of hierarchical hegemonies and by critiquing Western metaphysics, including the impulses of dualism, abstraction, and value calculation. Individual threads of the argument are teased out by using the methods of phenomenology, materialism, and feminist hermeneutics, assisted by the writing of Martin Heidegger, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Adriana Cavarero, Luce Irigaray, Donna J. Haraway, Julia Kristeva, and Jean-Luc Nancy, among others. The study traverses the historical, mythological, and political threads of domestic embodiment through the work of Neolithic weaving women and ancient Minoan practices of oikonomia to the rise of the polis and the development of political economies that work to separate the human body from the materiality of the world. The project honors the historical and contemporary unravelers whose work has navigated and opened the ways to dwelling, such as Guo Xi, Homer’s Penelope, Vanessa Bell, Roni Horn, Lenore Tawney, Chiharu Shiota, Candice and Dora Wheeler, and Virginia Woolf. Finally, while acknowledging the frayed remnants of the materiality of living on a damaged planet, the work returns to Heidegger’s uncanny being and the Daoist landscape to offer some hope for the recuperation of dwelling in the woven thresholds to come.


Arts and Humanities | Feminist Philosophy | Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts | Philosophy


Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts


Portland ME

Dwelling in the Woven Threshold: Unraveling the Habitat of the Entanglement and Reweaving the Oikonomia of Flourishing



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