Content Posted in 2014
121 Tested Recipes Made with Famous State of Maine Canned Foods, Maine Development Commission, Maine Department of Agriculture, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries, Maine Canners' Association, and Maine Sardine Packers' Association
1896 List of Students in Cumberland Schools 2nd Edition, Thomas C. Bennett
1910 and 1920 U.S. Census: Cumberland Town, Cumberland County, Maine, Thomas C. Bennett
1939 Appalachian Trail Conference, Twin Pines Camps, Daicey Pond, Maine, Maine Development Commission
1939 Appalachian Trail Conference, Twin Pines Camps, Daicey Pond, Maine, Maine Development Commission
1961 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1962 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1962 Witness Yearbook for Glen Cove Bible College, Glen Cove Bible School
1963 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1963 Witness Yearbook for Glen Cove Bible College, Glen Cove Bible School
1964 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1964 Witness Yearbook for Glen Cove Bible College, Glen Cove Bible Schools
1965 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1966 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1967 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1969 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1970 Torch Yearbook for Glen Cove Christian Academy, Glen Cove Christian Academy
1975 Witness Yearbook for Glen Cove Bible College, Glen Cove Bible College
1998 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
1999 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
1999 Big Game Working Group (Black Bear, Eastern Coyote, Moose, and White-tailed Deer), Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
1999 Cancer Incidence Report, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
1999: Year in Review: A Report to the Governors and Chiefs by the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
2000-2001 Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
2000 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
2000 Primary Processor Mill List: Seasonal, Hobby and Custom Sawmills, Maine Department of Conservation; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
2000: Year in Review: A Report to Governors, Chiefs, and Tribal Legislative Representatives by the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
2001 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
2001: Year in Review: Annual Report of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
2002 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
2002 Cancer Incidence Report, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
2003 Annual Report Card on Poverty in Maine, Maine State Planning Office
2003 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2003 Cancer Incidence Report, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
2003 Employment and Occupational Wage Estimates for Maine, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
2004 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2004 Employment and Occupational Wage Estimates for Maine, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Division of Labor Market Information Services
2004 Maine Employment Statistical Handbook, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and Maine Division of Labor Market Information Services
2004 Occupational Wage Estimates & Employment for Maine Counties, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Division of Labor Market Information Services
2005 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2005 Cancer Incidence Report, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
2005 Employment and Occupational Wage Estimates for Maine, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Division of Labor Market Information Services
2005 Report Card on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2005 Review of Government Procurement Cards , Maine Office of the State Auditor
2006 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2006 Employment and Occupational Wage Estimates for Maine, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
2006 Midcycle Report on Inventory and Growth of Maine’s Forests, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2006 Year-End Maine Labor Market Review, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
2007 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2007 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2008 Annual Report: Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
2008 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2008 Gulf Island Pond Monitoring Report, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
2008 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2009 Annual Report: Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
2009 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2009 OMB ARRA Pilot Project Communication on Internal Control Over Compliance, Maine Office of the State Auditor
2009 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2009 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report, Maine Department of Labor, Maine State Workforce Investment Board, and Maine Jobs Council
2010 Annual Report: Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
2010 Annual Report of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission, Mane State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Curtis Bentley, and Natalie Haynes
2010 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2010 Gulf Island Pond Monitoring Report, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
2010 LD 1 Progress Report, Maine State Planning Office
2010 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2010 Science and Technology Action Plan: A Bold Approach to Stimulate Maine's Economy, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Innovation Economy Advisory Board, and Maine Office of Innovation
2010 Small Harbor Improvement Program Awards, Maine Department of Transportation
2011 Archive of Governor Baldacci’s Press Releases, Office of Governor John E. Baldacci
2011 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2012 Annual Report of the Competitive Skills Scholarship Program, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
2012 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Annual Report , Maine Department of Environmental Protection
2012 Report on Poverty, Maine State Planning Office
2012 State Rehabilitation Council Annual Report, Maine State Rehabilitation Council
2012 Wood Processor Report, Including Import and Export Information, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2013 Annual Report of the Competitive Skills Scholarship Program, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
2013 Annual Report on Maine Apprenticeship Program, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
2013 Forms Manual and Appendices, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
2013 List of Cream of the Crop for Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Southern Maine Library District Book Review Group.
2013 Silvicultural Activities Report, Maine Forest Service and Maine Forest Service
2013 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
2014 Biennial Report on Progress in the Expansion and the Operation of Regional Overdimensional and Overweight Permit Agreements, Maine Department of Transportation
2014 Gubernatorial Candidate's Guide, Maine Commision on Governmental Ethics & Election Practices and Cyndi Phillips
2014 List of Cream of the Crop for Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Southern Maine Library District Book Review Group.
2014 MCEA Candidates Guidebook, Commission on Governmental Ethics & Election Practices and Cyndi Phillips
2014 Traditionally Financed Candidates Guidebook, Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics & Election Practices and Cyndi Phillips
Abandoned Railroads in Maine: Their Potential for Trail Use, Maine Department of Parks and Recreation, Arnold S. Biondi, and Frederick W. Lyman
About Your LUPC Permit 2013, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
A Brief History of the Maine Economy, 2003, Maine State Planning Office and Galen Rose
A Brief Inquiry into the Origin and Principles of Free Masonry, Simon Greenleaf
A Brief Statement to the Parents of American Boys and Girls, 1942 (?), Maine Development Commission
Accomplishments FY2009: Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Accomplishments FY2010: Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
A Census of Maine Manufacturers, 1949, Maine Department of Labor and Industry
Achieving Lead Safe Housing to Eliminate Childhood Lead Poisoning, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
A Circular from the Land Office Descriptive of the Public Lands of Maine, 1858, Maine State Land Office and Noah Barker
Activities Report Under the Workforce Investment Act, Title 26 MRSA Section 3101, Maine State Workforce Investment Board
Activities Report under the Workforce Investment Act Title 26 MRSA Section 3101 July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Jobs Council, and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
Activities Report under the Workforce Investment Act Title 26 MRSA Section 3101 July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Jobs Council, and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
Activities Report under the Workforce Investment Act Title 26 MRSA Section 3101 July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Jobs Council, and Maine Bureau of Unemployment Services
Acute Hepatitis B in Maine, 2012 , Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Address Confidentiality Program. 2014, Maine Secretary of State
Adjust Composting Limits for Farms, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Adult Lifetime Asthma Prevalence by District 2006 - 2010, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Adventures with Maine Apples, Maine Department of Agriculture and Mildred Browne Schrumpf
A.E. Auger Correspondence, Alas Ellis Auger 1876-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Age-Adjusted Emergency Dept. Visit Rates by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Age-Adjusted Emergency Dept. Visit Rates by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
A Golden Opportunity II: How Maine Can Enhance the Retirement Industry, 1999, Maine State Planning Office
Agricultural Census of Maine by Towns 1925, Maine Department of Agriculture, Charles H. Merchant, and John L. Babson
A History of Maine Roads 1600-1970, Maine Department of Transportation and State Highway Commission
A History of the White-tailed Deer in Maine, 1963, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game and Don C. Stanton
Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2010-2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, Maine Department of Transportation and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Air Quality Conformity Analysis for the 2012-2015 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and Connecting Maine: Planning Our Transportation Future, 2011, Maine Department of Transportation
Albert Field Gilmore Correspondence, Albert Field Gilmore 1868-1943, Mrs. Albert Field Gilmore, and Grace A. Perkins
Albert Trowbridge Gould Correspondence, Mrs. Albert Trowbridge Gould, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Alden, Alexander and Allen Families, Thurlow R. Dunning
Alfred Williams Anthony Correspondence, Alfred Williams Anthony 1860-1939 and Maine State Library
Alice Lawry Gould Correspondence, Alice Lawry Gould 1894-1965, Mrs. Stephen P. Gould 1894-1965, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
Alice R. Adams Correspondence, Alice R. Adams, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Allagash Wilderness Waterway Annual Report. 2011, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Allagash Wilderness Waterway Annual Report. 2013, Maine Bureau of Public Lands and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Allagash Wilderness Waterway Brochure. 2014, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Allagash Wilderness Waterway Strategic Plan, 2010, Maine Department of Conservation and Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
Amy Belle Adams Correspondence, Amy Belle Adams 1904-, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
An Achievable Vision: Seven Steps to Implementing Better East-West Transportation in Maine By Gov. Angus King Maine Chamber and Business Alliance, October 6, 1999, Office of Governor Angus King
An Act To Legalize the Sale, Possession and Use of Fireworks 2012, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
An Analysis of Competition in Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in Maine, Office of the Maine Attorney General, Ralph E. Townsend, and Francis Ackerman
An Analysis of the Employment Patterns of Somali Immigrants to Lewiston from 2001 through 2006, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, Maine State Planning Office, and Amanda Rector
An Analysis of the Maine Skiing Industry, Maine Department of Commerce and Industry, Alvar K. Laiho, and Thomas A. Palmberg
An Economic Impact and Rate of Return Analysis of the Film & Video Industry in Maine, 2008, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Film Office, and ECONorthwest
An Evaluation of Instructional Television in Maine, Maine State Department of Audit
An Evaluation of the Growth Management Act and its Implementation. 2006, Maine State Planning Office
An Evaluation of Work Incentive Program (WIN) Rate of Placement and Generated Savings, Maine State Department of Audit
Angus King: A Vision for Maine, Inauguration 1995, Office of Governor Angus King
Animal Rabies, Maine – 2012 , Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Animal Rabies, Maine - 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
An Inventory of Ocean-oriented Activities in the State of Maine, 1968, Maine Department of Economic Development
Anne Morrow Lindbergh Correspondence, Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1906-2001, Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Annual Air Monitoring Plan 2015, Maine Bureau of Air Quality and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Annual Performance Report 2013, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Annual Report of Insurance Fraud and Abuse for 2013, Maine Bureau of Insurance and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Annual Report of the Fund Insurance Review Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Annual Report of the Fund Insurance Review Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Annual Report of the Fund Insurance Review Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Annual Report of the Fund Insurance Review Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Annual Report of the Joint Enforcement Task Force on Employee Misclassification, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Joint Enforcement Task Force on Employee Misclassification
Annual Report of the Maine State Fire Marshal 2007, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Annual Report of the Maine State Fire Marshal 2008, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Annual Report of the Maine State Fire Marshal 2009, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Annual Report of the Maine State Fire Marshal 2010, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Annual Report of the Maine State Fire Marshal 2011, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1928-1929, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1929-1930, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1930-1931, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1931-1932, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1932-1933, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1933-1934, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1934-1935, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1935-1936, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1936-1937, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1937-1938, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1938-1939, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1939-1940, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Treasurer, Town Clerk and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1921-1922, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1880-1881, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1881-1882, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1882-1883, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1883-1884, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1884-1885, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1885-1886, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1886-1887, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1887-1888, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1888-1889, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1889-1890, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Report of the Superintending School Committee For the Year 1890-1891, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1871-1872, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1872-1873, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1873-1874, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1874-1875, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1876-1877, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1877-1878, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1878-1879, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington and the Supervisor of Schools For the Year 1879-1880, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1852-1853, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1853-1854, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1854-1855, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1855-1856, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1856-1857, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1857-1858, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1858-1859, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1859-1860, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1860-1861, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1861-1862, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1862-1863, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1863-1864, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1865-1866, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1866-1867, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1867-1868, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1891-1892, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1892-1893, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1893-1894, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1894-1895, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1895-1896, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1896-1897, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1897-1898, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1898-1899, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1899-1900, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1900-1901, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1901-1902, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1902-1903, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1903-1904, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1904-1905, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1905-1906, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1906-1907, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1907-1908, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1908-1909, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1909-1910, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1910-1911, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1911-1912, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1912-1913, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1913-1914, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1914-1915, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1915-1916, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1916-1917, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1919-1920, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1920-1921, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1922-1923, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1923-1924, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1924-1925, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1925-1926, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1926-1927, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Supervisor of Schools of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1927-1928, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of the Supervisor of Schools of the Town of Orrington For the Year 1861-1862, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report of Town Officers of the Town or Orrington for the Year 1917-1918, Town of Orrington, Maine
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Activities and Performance, 2013, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and Beth Ashcroft
Annual Report on Funding 2013, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 1991, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 1992, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 1997, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 1998, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 1999, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2000, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2001, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2002, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2003, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2004, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2005, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2006, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2007, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2007, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2008, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2009, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2010, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2011, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2012, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System, 2013, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Maine Bureau of Insurance
Annual Report on the Status of the State of Maine Workers' Compensation System 2014, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
Annual Report on Use of Funds 2013, Maine Harness Racing Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Annual Report to the 126th Legislature State of Maine, 2nd session, 2014, Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1985, Maine State Auditor
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1986, Maine State Auditor's Office
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1987, Maine State Auditor's Office
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1988, Maine State Auditor's Office
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1989, Maine State Auditor's Office
Annual Report Unorganized Territories Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1990, Maine State Auditor's Office
An Outcome-Based Approach To a Rational Tax System, 2002, Maine State Planning Office and Laurie G. Lachance
An Outcome-Based Approach to Rational Tax Reform: Op-Ed by Laurie G. Lachance, State Economist, Maine State Planning Office and Laurie G. Lachance
A Picnic Lunch of Lobster Near the Water in Maine, Maine Development Commission
A Plan for Highway Classification in Maine, 1952, Maine State Highway Commission, Maine Department of Transportation, Automotive Safety Foundation, U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, and U.S. Department of Commerce
April 2010 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
April 2011 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Archilla E. Townsend and Ernest E. Pinkham Scrapbook of Freeport, Archilla E. Townsend, Ernest E. Pinkham, and Franklin Farrar Gould
A Report on the State Vehicle Fleet: Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Vehicle Miles Traveled. As required by Executive Order 11, “Concerning Increasing the Efficiency of State Government’s Transportation Sector” 2011, Maine Bureau of Air Quality and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
A Review of Existing Procedures for Resolution of Disputes Over a Union's Calculation of its Agency Service Fee, Maine Labor Relations Board
A Review of State of Maine Information/Promotion Activities, Maine State Department of Audit
Are you Thinking about Burning Construction & Demolition Debris? 2014, Maine Forest Service; Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Arthur C. Bartlett Correspondence, Arthur Charles Bartlett 1901-1964, A. H. Wilde, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
A Safe Walk In Maine: The First Step Is To Think!, Maine Department of Transportation
A Skills Transferability Analysis to Support Reemployment and Retraining Plans prepared for The Former Workers of Georgia Pacific Fort James Operating Division, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Labor Market Information Services, Craig Holland, Paul Trahan, and Merrill Huhtala
ASPIRE Program Guide for Participants, 2014, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Employment Services, and Maine Department of Health and Human Services
ASPIRE Program Guide for Worksite Supervisors, 2014, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Employment Services, and Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Assessment of Forest Sensitivity to Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in Maine 2006, Maine Bureau of Air Quality and Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Asthma and Pregnancy, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma at School, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma ED Visit Rates (per 10,000), 0-4 Year Olds, by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma ED Visit Rates (per 10,000), 15-34 Year Olds, by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma ED Visit Rates (per 10,000), 35-64 Year Olds, by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma ED Visit Rates (per 10,000), 5-14 Year Olds, by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma ED Visit Rates (per 10,000), 65-plus Year Olds, by Hospital Service Area, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Department (ED) Visit 2001-2005 by Hospital Service Area (HSA), Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Department (ED) Visit 2001-2005 Healthy Maine Partnership (HMP), Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Department Visit Rate by Public Health District, Maine 2007-2009, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Dept. Visit Rates 0-4 Year Olds by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Dept. Visit Rates 15-34 Year Olds by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Dept. Visit Rates 35-64 Year Olds by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Dept. Visit Rates 5-14 Year Olds by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Emergency Dept. Visit Rates 65-plus Year Olds by Healthy Maine Partnership 2001-2005, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Aroostook Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Central Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Cumberland Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Downeast Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Maine, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Midcoast Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Penquis Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in Western Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma in York Public Health District, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Asthma Mortality Rate by Public Health District, Maine 1999-2009, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
A Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission. April 19, 2003 – June 30, 2006, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
A Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission. July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
A Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission. July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
A Summary of the Activities of the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission. July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2012, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
A Summary of the Findings of Studies Regarding a Maine East-West Highway, 1999, Maine Department of Transportation and Maine State Planning Office
A Survey of Lithgow Library, Augusta, Maine, Maine State Library
A Survey of the Inmates of the Maine State Prison, Maine State Prison
A Technical Report on a East-West Highway in Maine, Maine Department of Transportation
Atherton B. Furlong Correspondence, Charles Wellington Furlong 1874-1967, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Atherton Bernard Furlong 1849-1919, and Maine State Library
At Loggerheads: the State of Maine and the Wabanaki. Final Report of the Task Force on Tribal-State Relations. 1997, Maine State Tribal-State Commission
Attention Bear Hunters: You Are Now Required to Submit a Tooth From Your Bear When You Register It, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Audience Matters. 2006, Maine Arts Commission, Leslie Hunt, and Charlotte Agell
Audited Financial Statements: State of Maine Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund, June 30, 2010, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Audited Financial Statements: State of Maine Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund, June 30, 2011, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Audited Financial Statements: State of Maine Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund, June 30, 2012, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Auditor's Presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, January 19, 2006, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Auditor's Presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, January, 2006, Maine Office of the State Auditor
August 2011 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Augusta Centennial Souvenir Issued by the Daily Kennebec Journal, Augusta, Maine, June 9, 1897, Daily Kennebec Journal
Augusta of Today, a City of Homes, Capitol of Maine, Charles N. Nichols and Earle B. Norris
Autograph Book Belonging to Norman S Chase of Whitefield, Maine, Norman S. Chase
Awards Ceremony Recognizing People from Rangeley Lakes Region, Maine Development Commission
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1701 - 1800, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1801 - 1850, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1851 - 1900, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1921 - 1940, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1941 - 1960, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1961 - 1980, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - 1981 - 2000, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - Gazetteer, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - Historic - 1700, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - prehistoric period, David Chase
A Whitefield, Maine timeline - References, David Chase
Background Report on Unemployment Insurance Financing and Maine's Current Debt, Maine State Legislature, Office of Legislative Assistants, and James A. McKenna III
Bacterial Enteric Disease Surveillance Report – Maine, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Bacterial Enteric Disease Surveillance Report – Maine, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Bangor - Brewer Traffic Study and Master Highway Plan, Maine State Highway Commission and Edwards and Kelcey, Engineers and Consultants
Barbara Cooney Correspondence, Barbara Cooney 1917-2000, Barbara Cooney Porter 1917-2000, Elizabeth L. Gilman, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Baseline Analysis of Maine’s Public Welfare System: A Review Submitted to the Commissioner of Health & Human Services, Final Report, May 2014, The Alexander Group, LLC
B & A Station, Limestone, Maine, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Bath Road Master Plan Prepared for Town of Wiscasset. 2013, T.Y. Lin International, MRLD Landscape Architecture + Urbanism, Kevin Hooper Associates, Planning Decisions, and Maine Department of Transportation
Bear Facts, 2004, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Bear Facts, 2013, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Beat Asthma Triggers on Your Own Home Turf, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Beauty Pageant, Poland Springs, Maine, Maine Development Commission
Bed Capacity at Riverview Psychiatric Center — RPC Referral Data is Unreliable; Other Factors Should Be Considered Before Deciding Whether to Expand, 2006, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Benjamin Browne Foster Correspondence, Charles H. Foster, Maine State Library, and Benjamin Browne Foster 1831-1903
Benjamin Leigh Fletcher Correspondence, Hilda McLeod, Benjamin Leigh Fletcher, and Maine State Library
Bibliography of Maine Geology 1672 - 1972, Maine Department of Conservation, Maine Geological Survey, and Arthur M. Hussey II
Biennial Capital Work Plan Fiscal Years 2012-2013 (April 2011), Maine Department of Transportation
Biennial Capital Work Plan for Fiscal Years 2010-2011 (April 2009), Maine Department of Transportation
Biennial Capital Work Plan for Fiscal Years 2010-2011 (September 2009 Revision), Maine Department of Transportation
Biennial Hazardous Waste Activities Report, 2009 & 2010 Reporting Years, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Biennial Hazardous Waste Activities Report - 2013, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Biennial Shoreland Zoning Report, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Bill Geagan Correspondence, Bill Geagan 1899-1974, William Henry Geagan 1899-1974, Mrs. Alice Geagan, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Biofuels in Heating Oil, 2011, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
Black Bear Assessment and Strategic Plan, 1999, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Craig R. Mclaughlin
Black Bear Hunting in Maine: Do Hunter Characteristics Affect Opinions Regarding Hunting Regulations 1994, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Black Bear in Maine, 1964, Maine Inland Fisheries and Game Department and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Black Bear Management Goals and Objectives 2000-2015, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Black Bear Management Issues and Concerns, 2000, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Black Bear Management System and Database, 1990, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Black Bear Problems and Strategies, 2001, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Craig R. Mclaughlin
Board of Environmental Protection Report: Summary of Activities in Calendar Year 2012, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Book of Enrollment, Orrington, Maine, Town of Orrington, Maine
Bridge Plan Development Guide, Maine Department of Transportation
Building Bridges Towards Safety and Accountability to End Domestic Violence Homicide: The 10th Report of the Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel, Office of the Maine Attorney General and Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services 2007-2008 Highlights, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Highlights 2009-2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Highlights 2011-2012, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services: Procurements for Consumers — Weak Controls Allow Misuse of Funds, Affecting Resources Available to Serve All Consumers, 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Business Resource Guide, 2003, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Business Resource Guide, 2006, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Buying & Selling Property: What You Should Know Before You Divide, Buy or Sell Land in the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission's Jurisdiction. 2011, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Cancer Incidence & Mortality in Maine 1995-1996, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
Cancer Incidence & Mortality in Maine 1997-1998, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Maine Cancer Registry
Capitol Complex Master Plan, Augusta, Maine, 1968, Maine Capitol Planning Commission and Frank Grad & Sons, Newark
Captain Hiram Heath's Day Book, Whitefield, Maine 1833-1875, Hiram Heath
CareerCenter Customer Outcomes Washington County - July 2002-June 2005, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Labor Market Information Services, Betty Dawson, and Amanda Rector
Carl C. Gray Correspondence, Carl C. Gray 1895- and Marion Cobb Fuller
Car Traveling Along Narrow Road Near Maine Mountains, Maine Development Commission
Catch Me. The Great State of Maine Salt Water Fishing, Maine Department of Economic Development
Cell Phone Recycling, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1971, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor and Industry
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1973, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor and Industry
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1975, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor, Division of Research and Statistics
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1977, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1978, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1979, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1980, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1981, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1982, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1983, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1984, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1985, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1986, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1987, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1988, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1989, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1990, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1991, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1992, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1993, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1994, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1995, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1996, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Census of Maine Manufactures, 1997, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Certificate of Need: Process Appears Clear, Consistent and Transparent, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Changes in Abundance of the Green Crab, Carcinus Maenas (L.), in Relation to Recent Temperature Changes. 1968, Walter R. Welch
Chapter 27 - Transfers of Ownership Interests. 2014, Maine State Housing Authority
Characteristics of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Maine 1995, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Characteristics of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Maine 1996, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Characteristics of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Maine 1997, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Characteristics of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Maine 1998, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Chester Wallace Gould Correspondence, Chester Wallace Gould 1882-1940, Wallace Gould 1882-1940, Francena Day Spaulding, Kenneth Burke, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Maine State Library, and Marion Cobb Fuller
Child Development Services, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Children Swimming, Limestone, Maine, 1950, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Christmas Party at Maine Development Commission, Clarence C. Stetson
Christopher Fahy Correspondence, Christopher Fahy 1937- and Shirley Thayer 1919-2001
Circular of Information on Forest Insects, 1908, Maine Department of Agriculture and Maine Bureau of Entomology
Clarence and Maud Richardson, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
Clayton G. Going Correspondence, Clayton Gilchrist Going 1914-1988, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Clean Government Initiative Report, 2012, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Clean Water Certification Letter, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Climate Change and Transportation in Maine, Maine Department of Transportation and Judy Gates
Climbers Using Ropes to Ascend Mount Katahdin in Maine, Maine Development Commission
Climb Me. The Great State of Maine Mountaineering, Maine Department of Economic Development
Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CLUP - Comprehensive Land Use Plan - 2010, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Coburn's Planking at Train Station, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
Col. John Stuart Barrows Correspondence, John Stuart Barrows 1865-1943, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Collisions Between Wildlife Species and Motor Vehicles in Maine 2006-2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Color Me. Beautiful: The Great State of Maine Fall Foliage, Maine Department of Economic Development
Combined Heat and Power Report, 2010, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
Come Boat with Me. The Great State of Maine Boating and Sailing, Maine Department of Economic Development
Communications Regarding a Computer System Weakness Resulting in MaineCare Claims Payments for Ineligible Individuals, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Community Visioning Handbook: How to Imagine and Create a Better Future. 2003, Maine State Planning Office
Competitive Skills Scholarship Program Poster, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Employment Services
Compliments of Maine, 1933 (?), Maine Development Commission
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Office of the State Controller
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller, Ryan Low, and Terry E. Brann
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller, H. Sawin Millett, and Terry E. Brann
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller, H. Sawin Millett, and Terry E. Brann
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller, H. Sawin Millett Jr, and Terry E. Brann
Comprehensive Evaluation of Maine’s Economic Development Incentive Programs, 2014, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development and Investment Consulting Associates (ICA)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Maine’s R&D Incentive Programs, 2014, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development and Investment Consulting Associates (ICA)
Comprehensive Planning: A Manual for Maine Communities. 2005, Maine State Planning Office, Evan Richert, and Sylvia Most
Constance Hunting Correspondence, Constance Hunting 1925-2006 and Maine State Library
Cost Per Prisoner in the State Correctional System: Maine's Methodology Reasonable but Statistic of Limited Use in Comparing States, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Creating Traditional, Walkable Neighborhoods: A Handbook for Maine Communities. 2009, Maine State Planning Office
Crime in Maine 1995, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 1996, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 1997, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 1998, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 1999, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2000, 2000
Crime in Maine 2001, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2002, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2003, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2004, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2005, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2006, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2007, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2008, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2009, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2010, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2011, Maine Department of Public Safety
Crime in Maine 2012, Maine Department of Public Safety
Cruise Me. The Great State of Maine Coastal Cruises, Maine Department of Economic Development
Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis Surveillance Report – Maine, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis Surveillance Report – Maine, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Cultural Maine, 1940, Maine Development Commission and Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Cumberland Congregational Church History and Vital Records 2nd Edition, Thomas C. Bennett
Cumberland Overseers of the Poor: Documents 1821-1915, Town of Cumberland, Maine
Cumberland Pauper Book, Cumberland Overseers of the Poor
Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Maine 1993-1994, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Maine 1995, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Labor Standards
Cushing Genealogy and Notes on John Cushing, Thurlow R. Dunning
Dahlov Ipcar Correspondence, Dahlov Zorach Ipcar 1917-2017, Margaret Forster, Joan Sher, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Damage to Dam in Limestone, Maine after Hurricane Edna in 1954, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Damage to Dam in Limestone, Maine after Hurricane Edna in 1954, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Daphne Athas Correspondence, Daphne Athas 1923-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Data on Vacant Industrial Plants, Maine Development Commission
DECD 2003 Highlights, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
DECD 2004 Highlights, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
DECD 2007 Highlights, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
December 2009 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Dedication of the Maine State Prison, Maine Board of Prison Commissioners and Maine State Prison
“Defensible Space, It Could Save Your Home from a Wildfire” 2011, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Dementia in Maine: Characteristics, Care and Cost Across Settings. 2013, Maine Office of Aging and Disability Services and Maine Department of Health and Human Services
DEP Fact Sheet: Combined Sewer Overflows in Maine, Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Maine Bureau of Land and Water Quality
DEP Regulatory Review Relating to Agricultural Activities, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
DEP's Top Ten List: High Priority, Long-term Initiatives Plan, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
DHHS Contracting for Cost Shared Non- MaineCare Human Services — Cash Management Needs Improvement to Assure Best Use of Resources, 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Dig Me. The Great State of Maine Minerals & Gems, Maine Department of Economic Development
Dig Me. The Great State of Maine Minerals & Gems, Maine Department of Economic Development
Disability Leadership Institute - Class of 2007-2009, Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
Discussion Ideas from Alternative Energy Resources Working Group for use of Corridor Funds, 2011, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
DOCTalk January/February 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk January/February 2014 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk July/August 2012 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk July/August 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk July/August 2014 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk March/April 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk March/April 2014 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk May/June 2012 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk May/June 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk May/June 2014 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk November/December 2012 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk November/December 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk September/October 2013 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
DOCTalk September/October 2014 Employee Newsletter, Maine Department of Corrections
Don Gregory, Ellen Blake, Louine Spinney, Leland Blake, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
Doris Holway Redman Asquith Correspondence, Doris Holway Redman Asquith 1913-1994, Dean Asquith, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Caroll Voss
Dorothy Clarke Wilson Correspondence, Dorothy Clarke Wilson 1904-2003, Mrs. Elwin L. Wilson, Hilda McLeod, and Victor Kahill
Dorothy Craighead Andrews Correspondence, Dorothy Craighead Andrews 1907-, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Dorothy Gilman Correspondence, Dorothy Gilman 1923-2012 and Shirley Thayer 1919-2001
Dorothy Noyes Arms Correspondence, Dorothy Noyes Arms 1887-1955, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Do What You Like to do Best in Maine: The Land of Remembered Vacations, 1937?, Maine Development Commission
Downeaster Common Sense Guide. Consumer Credit 101. 2008, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Downeaster Common Sense Guide. Gone Phishing. Identifying and Avoiding Consumer Scams 2014, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Downeaster Common Sense Guide to Credit Reports and Credit Scores 2014, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Downeaster Common Sense Guide to Debt Collection and Repossession 2004, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Downeaster Common Sense Guide to Elder Financial Protection 2008, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Drew B. Gilman Correspondence, Drew Butterfield Gilman, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Driving Contract for New Drivers and their Parents: a Message to Teenagers and their Parents Concerning Safe Driving in Maine. 2013, Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Maine Secretary of State
Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus, Maine - 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
East Orrington Saw Mill, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
E.B. White Correspondence, E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White 1899-1985, Hilda McLeod Jacob, Theresa C. Stuart 1885-1965, and Katharine Sergeant Angell White 1892-1977
Economic Development Programs in Maine — EDPs Still Lack Elements Critical for Performance Evaluation and Public Accountability, 2006, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Economic Impact of the Citizens' Initiative to Promote Forest Rehabilitation and Eliminate Clearcutting, 1996, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine State Planning Office
Economic Impact of the Maine Food System and Farm Vitality Policy Implications, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jesse E. Gandee
Edgar Oakes Achorn Correspondence, Edgar Oakes Achorn 1859-1931, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Marion Cobb Fuller, and Maine State Library
Edna St. Vincent Millay Correspondence, Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892-1950, Eugen Jan Boissevain 1880-1949, Eugen Boissevain 1880-1949, Kathleen Millay 1896-1943, Norma L. Millay 1893-1986, George Hill Dillon, Mary Mettler, Marion Cobb Fuller, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Hilda McLeod, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Education, Gender, and the Workforce: The Labor Market Experiences of the 1994/95 Entering Class of the University of Maine, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, Betty Dawson, Amanda Rector, and John B. Roberts
Edward A. Freeman Correspondence, Edward Adelbert Freeman 1901-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Edward Kalloch Gould Correspondence, Edward Kalloch Gould 1865-1939, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Edwin S. Fussell Correspondence, Edwin S. Fussell, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Eighth Annual Report of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Danielle Fox, and Alyson Mayo
Eighth Annual Report of the Right to Know Advisory Committee, 2014, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Henry Fouts, Colleen McCarthy Reid, and Margaret J. Reinsch
Electricity Guide, Vol. 10, April 2005, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 11, Nov. 2005, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 12, April 2006, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 13, Nov. 2006, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 14, July 2007, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 15, July 2008, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 17, Dec. 2010, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 6, March 2002, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 7, July 2003, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 8, April 2004, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Guide, Vol. 9, Nov. 2004, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity on Maine Farms, Maine Department of Agriculture, Maine Federation of Agricultural Associations, Charles H. Merchant Ph.D, and Federation Committee on Rural Electrification
Electricity Shopping Guide, Preview, Vol. 1, July 1999, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Shopping Guide, Vol. 2, March 2000, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Shopping Guide, Vol. 3, Oct. 2000, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Shopping Guide, Vol. 4, March 2001, Maine Public Advocate Office
Electricity Shopping Guide, Vol. 5, Oct. 2001, Maine Public Advocate Office
Elinor Graham Correspondence, Elinor Mish Graham 1905-1983, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Elizabeth Coatsworth Correspondence, Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth 1893-1986, Mrs. Henry Beston 1893-1986, Elizabeth Coatsworth Beston 1893-1986, and Hilda McLeod
Elizabeth Foster Correspondence, Elizabeth Foster 1905- 1963, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Elsie Gesner Correspondence, Elsie Miller Gesner 1919-2007; Mrs. Lewis Gesner, Jr., 1919-2007; Hilda McLeod Jacob; and Maine State Library
Emergency Communications in Kennebec County – Fragmented Network Presents Challenges; Quality and Rate Issues Need to be Addressed to Optimize Public Safety, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Emilie Loring Correspondence, Emilie Baker Loring 1866-1951, Robert M. Loring, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Employer Sponsored Health Coverage Survey, 2007, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and David Welch
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, April 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, April 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, April 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, April 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, August 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, August 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, December 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, December 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, February 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2008, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, January 2014, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, July 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, July 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, July 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, June 2008, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, June 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, June 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, June 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, March 2008, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, March 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, March 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, March 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, May 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, May 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, May 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, May 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, November 2008, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, November 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, November 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, October 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, October 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, October 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, September 2009, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, September 2012, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System, September 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System - Special Edition for Vendors, August 2011, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System - Special Edition, January 2010, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employer Update for Employers of the Maine State Retirement System - Special Edition, January 2013, Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Employment and Earnings Outcomes for Recently Arrived Refugees in Portland, Maine, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Labor Market Information Services, and Ryan Allen
Employment Outcomes for Maine’s Public Post-secondary Graduates, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and Paul Leparulo
Employment Tax Increment Financing, 2003, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Energy Efficiency, Business Competitiveness, And Untapped Economic Potential in Maine, 2008, Charles Colgan, Samuel Merrill, and Jonathan Rubin
Enjoy Me. In the Park: The Great State of Maine Baxter State Park, Maine Department of Economic Development
Environmental Assessment Regarding Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Impacts In Maine, 2007, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Forest Service; and Maine Department of Conservation
Escape to Me. The Great State of Maine Flat Water Canoeing, Maine Department of Economic Development
Establish a Residential Wood Stove Replacement Fund, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Establishment of a Maine/New Brunswick Cultural Initiative. Phase 1 Report. Memorandum of Understanding. 2010, Maine Arts Commission
Establishment of a Maine/New Brunswick Cultural Initiative. Phase 2 Report. Memorandum of Understanding. 2011, Maine Arts Commission
Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Options , Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Events for You & Me. The Great State of Maine Activity Roundup, Maine Department of Economic Development
Everett Greaton Photographing Maine Nature Scenics
Everett S. Allen Correspondence, Everett Slocum Allen 1916-1990, Donald Baxter MacMillan 1874-1970, Miriam Look MacMillan 1905-1987, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Explore Magnificent Penobscot Bay with the Maine State Ferry Service, Maine Department of Transportation
Explore Me. The Great State of Maine Hiking & Cycling, Maine Department of Economic Development
Fabulous Feasts with Maine Seafoods, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries
Facts about Maine's Workers' Compensation Laws. 2014, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
Facts about Maine Workers' Compensation Laws, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
Fair and Exhibition of Freeport Park Association : Catalogue of Premiums with Rules and Regulations, Freeport Park Association
Fall 2013 Disaster Behavioral Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Fannie Hardy Eckstorm Correspondence, Fannie Hardy Eckstorm 1865-1946, Fannie Pearson Hardy Eckstorm 1865-1946, D.C. Davies, and Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 1999, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2000, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2001 , Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2002 , Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2003, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2004 , Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2005, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2006, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2007, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2008, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Ann M. Beaulieu
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2010, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Barbara A. Spillane
Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine 2011, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Labor Standards, and Barbara A. Spillane
F.D. Bowden Store, Orrington Corner, circa 1940, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
Feasibility of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: A Review Submitted to the Maine Department of Health & Human Services, 2014, The Alexander Group, LLC
Feasibility Statements for Black Bear Goals and Objectives, 2001, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Craig R. Mclaughlin
Feasibility Study for an Express Highway Through Washington County Maine, 1969, Maine State Highway Commission; Maine Department of Transportation; and Edwards and Kelcey, Inc.
Feasibility Study Related to Foodservice Program at Maine State Office Building, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Maine Bureau of General Services, and James LaVallee
Feasibility Study Route 161 Extension St. Francis, ME. to St. Pamphile, P.Q., 1970, Maine Department of Transportation and State Highway Commission
February 2012 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
February 2013 Disaster Behavioral Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Federal Aroostook Band of Micmacs Settlement Act. 1991, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
Federal Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Supplementary Claims Settlement Act of 1986, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
Federal Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act. 1980, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
Fees: Chemical Use in Children's Products, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Fifth Annual Report of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission, 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Curtis Bentley, and Natalie Haynes
Fifth Annual Report of the Right to Know Advisory Committee, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Marion Hylan Barr, Margaret J. Reinsch, and Carolyn Russo
Fifth Biennial Report on Progress Toward Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Fillings: the Choices You Have - Mercury Amalgam and Other Filling Materials, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Bureau of Health, and Judith A. Feinstein
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Affordable Housing, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Natalie Haynes, and Karen Nadeau-Drillen
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Establish a Comprehensive Internet Policy, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Establish a Comprehensive Internet Policy, 2000, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Deborah Friedman, and Darlene Shores Lynch
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Study the Effects of Government Regulation and Health Insurance Costs on Small Businesses in Maine, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Colleen McCarthy Reid, Darlene Shores Lynch, and John G. Kelley
Final Report of the Citizens Advisory Committee to Secure the Future of Maine's Wildlife and Fish, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and David C. Elliott
Final Report of the Commission on Fatherhood Issues, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Commission on Higher Education Governance, 1996, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Commission on the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Commission to Address the Unfunded Liability of the MSRS and the Equity of Retirement Benefits for State Employees and Teachers, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Deborah Friedman
Final Report of the Commission to Continue the Study of Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical Leave for Maine Families, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Lisa Baldwin
Final Report of the Commission to Determine the Adequacy of Services to Persons with Mental Retardation, 1997, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Marion Hylan Barr
Final Report of the Commission to Encourage Incorporations in Maine, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Deborah Friedman
Final Report of the Commission to Establish a Competitive Bidding Process for the Operation of Future Casinos and Slot Machine Facilities, 2014, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Danielle Fox
Final Report of the Commission to Examine the Adequacy of Services at the Togus Veterans Administration Medical Center, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Danielle Fox
Final Report of the Commission to Propose An Alternative Process for Forensic Examinations for Sexual Assault Victims, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Marion Hylan Barr, and Natalie Hicks
Final Report of the Commission to Recognize Vietnam Veterans in the State House Hall of Flags, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Christopher Spruce
Final Report of the Commission to Review Traffic Congestion Including Truck Traffic Along the Route 1 York Corridor and the Route 236 Corridor, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Danielle Fox
Final Report of the Commission to Study Allocations of the Fund For A Healthy Maine, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Anna Broome
Final Report of the Commission to Study Assisted Living, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Commission to Study Bulk Purchasing of Prescription Drugs and Medical Supplies, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Margaret J. Reinsch
Final Report of the Commission to Study Domestic Violence, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Marion Hylan Barr
Final Report of the Commission to Study Economically and Socially Just Policies for Foreign Investments and Foreign Purchasing by the State, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Danielle Fox, and Natalie Hicks
Final Report of the Commission to Study Energy Infrastructure, 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Lucia Nixon, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Commission to Study Equity in the Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to Snowmobiles, All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Patrick Norton
Final Report of the Commission to Study Equity in the Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to Snowmobiles, All-Terrain Vehicles and Watercraft, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Patrick Norton
Final Report of the Commission to Study Long-Term Care Facilities 2013, Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Commission to Study Long-Term Care Insurance, 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Anna Broome
Final Report of the Commission to Study Priorities and Timing of Judicial Proceedings in State Courts, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Marion Hylan Barr, and Susan Johannesman
Final Report of the Commission to Study Teachers' Compensation, 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Phillip D. McCarthy, and Anna Broome
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Enhancement of Fire Protection Services throughout the State, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Christopher Spruce, and Darlene Shores Lynch
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Funding and Distribution of Teletypewriters and Other Telecommunications Equipment for People with Disabilities, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Harness Racing Industry, Maine State Legislature, Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and John B. Knox
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Impact of a Maine-based Casino on the Economy, Transportation, Infrastructure, State Revenue and Job Market, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Danielle Fox, and Lisa Baldwin
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Incidence of and Mortality Related to Cancer, 2013, Maine State Legislature, Karen Nadeau-Drillen, and Alison Ames
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Needs and Opportunities Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Unemployment Compensation System, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Heather Henderson
Final Report of the Commission to Study the Use of Pharmaceuticals in long-Term Care Settings, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Deborah Friedman
Final Report of the Commission to Study Transparency, Costs and Accountability of Health Care System Financing, 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Natalie Haynes, and Alyson Mayo
Final Report of the Committee on Gasoline and Fuel Prices, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Committee to Address the Recognition of the Tribal Government Representatives of Maine's Sovereign Nations in the Legislature, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jon Clark
Final Report of the Committee to Develop a Compensation Program for Victims of Abuse at the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Margaret J. Reinsch
Final Report of the Committee to Review the Child Protective System, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Margaret J. Reinsch
Final Report of the Committee to Study Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Danielle Fox, and Jill Ippoliti
Final Report of the Committee to Study Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jill Ippoliti
Final Report of the Committee to Study Compliance with Maine’s Freedom of Access Laws, Maine State Legislature, Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Margaret J. Reinsch, and Marion Hylan Barr
Final Report of the Committee to Study Issues Dealing with Regulatory Takings, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Curtis Bentley, and Jill Ippoliti
Final Report of the Committee to Study Standardized Periods of Military Service and Other Matters Related to the Award of State of Maine Veterans' Benefits, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Christopher Spruce
Final Report of the Committee to Study the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical Leave, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Deborah Friedman
Final Report of the Committee to Study the Loss of Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Susan Johannesman
Final Report of the Committee to Study the Needs of Persons with Mental Illness Who are Incarcerated, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jon Clark
Final Report of the Education Funding Reform Committee, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Julie Jones, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Forensic Mental Health Services Oversight Committee, 2014, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Curtis Bentley
Final Report of the Health Care System and Health Security Board, Maine State Legislature and Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Colleen McCarthy Reid, and Christopher Nolan
Final Report of the Joint Select Committee on Research and Development, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Deborah Friedman, and Amy Holland
Final Report of the Joint Select Committee on School-based Health Care Services, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Colleen McCarthy Reid
Final Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Psychiatric Treatment Initiative, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Joint Select Committee to Oversee Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jon Clark
Final Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services Review of the Child Welfare System, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources Interim Study of Solid Wastes Issues, 2010, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Final Report of the Joint Study Commission to Study Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Business and Returnable Containers, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and David C. Elliott
Final Report of the Joint Study Committee to Study Bomb Threats in Maine Schools, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Christopher Spruce, and Darlene Shores Lynch
Final Report of the Joint Study Committee to Study Growth Management, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Susan Johannesman, and Todd Jorgensen
Final Report of the Legal and Veterans' Affairs Committee Review of Slot Machines, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Danielle Fox
Final Report of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Carolyn Russo, and Kristin Brawn
Final Report of the Maine Commission on Children's Health Care, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Final Report of the Maine Drug Return Implementation Group, Maine State Legislature, Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Danielle Fox, and Jane Orbeton
Final report of the Maine Millennium Commission on Hunger and Food Security, 2002, Maine State Planning Office and Maine Millennium Commission on Hunger and Food Security
Final Report of the Round Table to Study the Economic and Labor Issues Relating to the Forest Products Industry, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Christopher Spruce
Final Report of the Select Commission to Study State Participation in Funding Cleanup and Remediation of Uncontrolled Hazardous Substance Sites, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and David Webb
Final Report of the Select Committee to Study the Health Effects of Reformulated Gasoline, 1997, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Amy Holland
Final Report of the Special Education Committee Study of Financing Kindergarten through Grade 12 Public Education, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the State and Local Government Committee Study of the Rule-making Process under the Maine Administrative Procedures Act, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Anna Broome, and Patrick Norton
Final Report of the Task Force on Educational Programming at Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Task Force on Franco-Americans, 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Karen Nadeau-Drillen, and Natalie Haynes
Final Report of the Task Force on Improving Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Margaret J. Reinsch, and Darlene Shores Lynch
Final Report of the Task Force on Kinship Families, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Karen Nadeau-Drillen
Final Report of the Task Force on Rail Transportation, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Marion Hylan Barr, Jill Ippoliti, and Todd Jorgensen
Final Report of the Task Force on State Office Building Location, Other State Growth-related Capital Investments and Patterns of Development, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Amy Holland, and Alison Ames
Final Report of the Task Force on the Maine Learning Technology Endowment, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Phillip D. McCarthy, and Yellow Light Breen
Final Report of the Task Force to Review the Educational Program and the Governance System of the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Phillip D. McCarthy, and Alison Ames
Final Report of the Task Force to Study Equal Economic Opportunity For All Regions of the State, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Megan Dennen, and John G. Kelley
Final Report of the Task Force to Study Growth Management, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Susan Johannesman, and Alison Ames
Final Report of the Task Force to Study Parity and Portability Of Retirement Benefits For State Law Enforcement Officers, Municipal and County Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters, Maine State Legislature, Maine Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Deborah Friedman
Final Report of the Task Force to Study the Cost-Effectiveness of the Child Development Services System, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, David C. Elliott, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Task Force to Study the Effect of Government Regulation on Small Business, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Susan Johannesman, and Natalie Hicks
Final Report of the Task Force to Study the Feasibility of a Single Claims Processing System for 3rd-party Payors of Health Care Benefits, 1998, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Megan Dennen, and Colleen McCarthy Reid
Final Report of the Task Force to Study the Implementation of Alternative Programs and Interventions for Violent and Chronically Disruptive Students, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Phillip D. McCarthy
Final Report of the Task Force to Study the Improvement of Public Water Supply Protection, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Gro Flatebo
Final Report Of the Tribal-State Work Group. 2008, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and John Dieffenbacher-Krall
Final Report of the Wabanaki Studies Commission. 2003, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
Final Report to the People of Maine on the State of the State of Maine, 1979, Office of Governor James B. Longley
Financing Infrastructure Improvements through Impact Fees: A Manual for Maine Municipalities on the Design and Calculation of Development Impact Fees. 2003, Maine State Planning Office
Finding, Buying and Keeping your Maine Home: Downeaster Common Sense Guide. 2014, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Fire Fatality in Maine, 1983 – 1992: An Analysis of Who Died, When, Where, How and Why: What are the Implications for Fire Safety Policy in Maine?, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal Child Care Facilities Requirements 2014, Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal
First Annual Economic Conference, 1928, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development and Maine Development Commission
First Annual Report of the Directors and Superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane 1841, Maine Insane Hospital
First Annual Report of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Patrick Norton, Alison Ames, and Nancy Connolly
First Annual Report of the Maine State Racing Commission, Maine State Racing Commission
First Annual Report on Recycling Cellular Telephones in Maine, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
First Report on the Geology of the Public Lands in Maine, 1837, Maine Geological Survey and Charles Thomas Jackson
Fiscal News, April 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, April 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, August 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, December 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, February 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, January 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, July 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, June 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, March 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, May 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, November 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, October 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2008, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2012, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal News, September 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Fiscal and Program Review, and Grant T. Pennoyer
Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report of the Finance Authority of Maine, Finance Authority of Maine
Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report of the Finance Authority of Maine, Finance Authority of Maine
Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report of the Finance Authority of Maine, Finance Authority of Maine
Fish Me. The Great State of Maine Fresh Water Fishing, Maine Department of Economic Development
Fishways in Maine, 1967, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game
Five Year Assessment of Ambient Air Monitoring Network, September 2010, Bureau of Air Quality and Department of Environmental Protection
Fore Me. The Great State of Maine Golfing, Maine Department of Economic Development
Forest Certification in Maine: Report of the Speaker’s Advisory Council on Forest Certification, April 2002, Maine State Legislature and Bill Brown
Forest & Shade Tree Insect & Disease Conditions for Maine. A Summary of the 2013 Condition., Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Forest Trees of Maine, 2008, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Forget Me. Not: The Great State of Maine State Parks, Maine Department of Economic Development
Four Teachers in Limestone, Maine, ca. 1909, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Fourth Annual Report of the Right to Know Advisory Committee, 2010, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Margaret J. Reinsch, and Colleen McCarthy Reid
Fourth Biennial Report on Progress toward Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals , Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Fourth Report of the Homicide Review Panel, 2002, Office of the Maine Attorney General and Maine Commission on Domestic and Sexual Abuse
Four-year Growth Management Program Evaluation. 2007, Maine State Planning Office
Four-Year Growth Management Program Evaluation. 2011, Maine State Planning Office
Frances Frost Correspondence, Frances Frost 1905-1959, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Frank Graham Jr. Correspondence, Frank Graham Jr. 1925-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, Shirley Thayer 1919-2001, and Maine State Library
Franklin F. Gould Correspondence, Franklin Farrar Gould 1878-1966, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Fred Houdlett Albee Correspondence, Fred Houdlett Albee 1876-1945, Hilda McLeod, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Frequently Asked Questions About Trapping or Hunting Bears With Bait and Hounds 2014, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Friends of Maine Libraries Proclamation by the Governor 2014, Maine Office of the Governor
From Business Assistance to Market Expansion: Helping Maine Firms Succeed in National and Global Markets, 2011, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development; Maine Office of Innovation; PolicyOne Research, Inc; EntreWorks Consulting; and Scruggs & Associates, LLC
Fund For A Healthy Maine Programs: A Comparison of Maine’s Allocations to Other States and a Summary of Programs, 2009, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Fund for Healthy Maine Programs - Frameworks Adequate for Ensuring Cost-Effective Activities but Fund Allocations Should be Reassessed; Cost Data and Transparency Can Be Improved, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
F. Whitehouse Anderson Correspondence, Frank Whitehouse Anderson 1895-, F.W. Anderson 1895-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Genealogical Resources for Eastern Canada, 2012, Maine State Library and Emily Schroeder
Genealogies of the Anderson, Bewer, Mann, Grant, Means, and Patten Families, Thurlow R. Dunning Col.
Genealogies of the Davis, Dillingham, Drummond, Campbell, Dunlap of Brunswick, Dunlap of Topsham, Dyer/Robinson, Keaser, York, Mitchell, Jordan and Fogg Families, Thurlow R. Dunning
Genealogies of the Dunning/Duning Family, Thurlow R. Dunning
Genealogies of the Pennell, George Rogers, Simpson, Given, Spear, Stover, Pettengill, Porter and Potter Families, Thurlow R. Dunning
Genealogy at the Maine State Library 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, April 2012, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily April 2013, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, August 2013, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily August 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, January 2012, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily January 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, June 2012, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, June 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily March 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, November 2011, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily. November 2014, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, October 2013, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy Notes from Emily, September 2011, Emily Schroeder and Maine State Library
Genealogy of the Dunning Family of Brunswick, the Lithgow Family and Thurlow Dunning's Ancestors in Brunswick and Freeport, Thurlow R. Dunning
General Guide to Consumer Fireworks Use 2014, Maine Office of State Fire Marshal
George Alden Gilpatric Correspondence, George Alden Gilpatric 1849-1944, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
George C. Griffing Correspondence, George C. Griffing, Maine State Library, and Hilda Jacob
George F. Ashby Correspondence, George F. Ashby 1871-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
George N. Barrett Correspondence, George N. Barrett, Gertrude E. Robson, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
George W. Greene Correspondence, George W. Greene, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
George W. Hinckley Correspondence, George Walter Hinckley 1853-1950, Gee Double You Hinckley, Walter P. Hinckley, and Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938
George Winslow Garniss Correspondence, George Winslow Garniss, Shirley Thayer 1919-2001, Hilda McLeod, and Maine State Library
Gil Gilpatrick Correspondence, Gil Gilpatrick 1934-; Volney Thompson Gilpatrick, Jr., 1934-; Shirley Thayer 1919-2001; and Maine State Library
GIS Needs Assessment & Requirements Analysis and Strategic Plan to Develop the Maine Public Library of Geographic Information, 2002, Maine State Planning Office; Applied Geographics, Inc; CDM; and GIS Mapping & Analysis, Inc.
Gladys Adshead Correspondence, Gladys Lucy Adshead 1896-1985, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Gladys Hasty Carroll Correspondence, Gladys Hasty Carroll 1904-1999 and Maine State Library
Gleason Leonard Archer Correspondence, Gleason Leonard Archer 1880-1966, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Hilda McLeod, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Glen Cove Bible College Catalog 1977-1979, Glen Cove Bible College
Government Oversight Committee Report of the Administration's Actions on Unemployment Compensation Recommendations, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, and Laura Boyett
Governor Announces Short Term Energy Strategy, 2008, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: 4th of July; Fourth of July - Saturday, July 05, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: 4th of July; Fourth of July - Saturday, June 30, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Accomplishments/Father's Day - Saturday, June 16, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: A Familiar Theme - Saturday, October 16, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Alfond College Challenge - Saturday, December 15, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Allagash Wilderness Waterway - Saturday, September 29, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: A Resurgent Resource - Saturday, September 06, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Aroostook County Flooding - Saturday, May 03, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Aroostook County Visit, Energy Summit - Saturday, March 29, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: A Successful Session - Saturday, April 17, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Back to School - Saturday, September 01, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Back to the Table - Saturday, May 12, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Being Prepared - Saturday, May 08, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Beyond Maine’s Borders - Saturday, August 14, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Biennial Budget - Saturday, January 10, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Bipartisanship and the Budget - Saturday, March 27, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Breaking the China - Saturday, October 20, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Bridging the Divide - Saturday, April 10, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Bringing Balance to the Budget - Saturday, March 15, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Discipline - Saturday, June 07, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget of Change - Saturday, January 24, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Passes - Sunday, June 10, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Preview - Saturday, December 05, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Progress - Saturday, March 20, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Realities - Saturday, October 04, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Revisions - Saturday, December 19, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget Revisions - Saturday, March 08, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Budget - Saturday, October 17, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Business Investments - Saturday, July 25, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Call to Action - Saturday, March 10, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Call to Action - Saturday, March 10, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Christmas Message - Saturday, December 26, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Christmas - Saturday, December 22, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Clear Choices - Saturday, January 19, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Congratulations to Our Graduates - Saturday, May 15, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Creating Jobs - Saturday, October 03, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Cross Border Energy Opportunities - Saturday, March 28, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Curtailment - Saturday, November 21, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Curtailment - Saturday, November 22, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Day of Service - Saturday, September 12, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Dirigo - Saturday, September 22, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Domtar - Saturday, August 04, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Earth Day and Energy - Saturday, April 24, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Easter Weekend - Saturday, March 22, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Development during Difficult Times - Saturday, October 25, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Development - Saturday, December 01, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Development - Saturday, June 28, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Rescue - Saturday, September 27, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Stimulus Put to Work - Saturday, February 21, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Economic Stimulus Support - Saturday, February 14, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Educare and Early Childhood - Saturday, September 25, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Enacting a Responsible Budget - Saturday, April 05, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: End of Session - Saturday, June 23, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: End of Summer Reflections - Saturday, September 04, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy Advances - Saturday, December 04, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy and Hanukkah - Saturday, December 08, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy and Millinocket - Saturday, May 31, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy and Tax Reform - Saturday, June 13, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy from Alternative Sources - Saturday, December 13, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy Future - Saturday, July 18, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy - Saturday, August 25, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy - Saturday, January 26, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy - Saturday, November 17, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy Update - Saturday, June 12, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy Update - Saturday, October 18, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Energy Update - Saturday, September 13, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Farewell and Thank You - Saturday, January 01, 2011, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Finding Balance - Saturday, January 16, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Focus on the Economy - Saturday, August 08, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Fourth of July - Saturday, July 03, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Getting Ready - Saturday, September 05, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Good News for the Holiday - Saturday, November 27, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Governor's Radio Address for July 17: Governor Discusses NGA and NEGC Meetings - Saturday, July 17, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Governor's Weekly Radio Address: Father's Day and State Parks - Saturday, June 19, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Governor's Weekly Radio Address: Gateway Bridges - Saturday, October 09, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: H1N1 Flu / Budget Changes - Saturday, May 02, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Health Care and the Economy - Saturday, August 15, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Healthcare in Maine - Saturday, March 31, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Health Care Leadership - Saturday, November 01, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Health Care - Saturday, April 19, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Helping Maine Businesses Compete Globally - Saturday, September 18, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Historic Meeting - Saturday, September 20, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Historic Week - Saturday, January 17, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Holiday Message - Saturday, December 27, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Holiday Weekend - Saturday, April 07, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Independence Day Weekend - Saturday, July 04, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: International Relations - Saturday, October 10, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing for Today and Tomorrow - Saturday, August 02, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing for Tomorrow - Saturday, March 24, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing in Energy Efficiency - Saturday, January 09, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing in Jobs - Saturday, March 13, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing in Maine's Future - Saturday, March 17, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investing - Saturday, October 13, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investments for Tomorrow - Saturday, June 06, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investments Matter - Saturday, August 22, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Investment Strategy - Saturday, March 07, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Jail Compromise - Saturday, February 02, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Jails - Saturday, September 15, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Job Creation - Saturday, April 03, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Job Creation - Saturday, December 12, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Job Creation - Saturday, February 13, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Joint Task Force - Saturday, August 18, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Keep ME Warm - Saturday, November 03, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Keep Pushing - Saturday, May 19, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Kids Count - Saturday, June 21, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Legislative Wrap-Up - Saturday, June 20, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Listening - Saturday, October 06, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Looking Back - Saturday, December 18, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Draws a Crowd - Saturday, July 10, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Maine is Open for Business - Saturday, June 27, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Maine’s Budget Challenge - Saturday, October 31, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Maine's Pension System - Saturday, July 31, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Values - Saturday, May 30, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Memorial Day and Tax Reform - Saturday, May 29, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Memorial Day - Saturday, May 24, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Memorial Day Weekend - Saturday, May 26, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Merry Christmas - Saturday, December 25, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Mid-April Budget Update - Saturday, April 18, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Mills - Saturday, August 30, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: More Tough Choices - Saturday, July 11, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Mother's Day - Saturday, May 10, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Mount Katahdin - Saturday, July 14, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Moving Forward - Saturday, August 16, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: National Governor's Association - Saturday, July 21, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Nature-based Tourism - Saturday, August 01, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Never Forgetting and Being Prepared - Saturday, September 11, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: New Year - Saturday, January 02, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: New Year - Saturday, January 03, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Next Step - Saturday, May 23, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: NGA Conference - Saturday, February 23, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Opportunity Maine - Saturday, July 07, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Our Strengths Will Move us Forward - Saturday, February 07, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Overcoming Recession - Saturday, March 06, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Passenger Rail to Brunswick - Saturday, January 30, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Patriot's Day Storm - Saturday, April 21, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Positive Signs - Saturday, July 24, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Post State of the State Part 1 - Need for Change - Saturday, January 12, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Premier Graham's Visit - Saturday, February 09, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Preparing for Winter - Saturday, July 26, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: President Obama and Energy - Saturday, February 06, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Principles - Saturday, May 05, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Public Service - Saturday, August 28, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Pursuing Energy Independence - Saturday, March 14, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Race to the Top - Saturday, February 20, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Recovery Act Reports - Saturday, October 24, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Recovery Act Update - Saturday, April 11, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Recovery - Saturday, February 28, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - Saturday, April 14, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Regionalization - Saturday, July 28, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Responsible Plan - Saturday, August 23, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Revenue Reality - Saturday, April 25, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: SCHIP - Saturday, September 08, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Securing State Driver's Licenses - Saturday, April 12, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Session Wrap-Up - Saturday, April 26, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Spring Energy - Saturday, March 21, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: State of the State Recap - Saturday, January 23, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Storm Recovery - Saturday, April 28, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Strengthening Ties for a Common Purpose - Saturday, September 19, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Success Stories - Saturday, December 11, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Supplemental Budget - Saturday, December 20, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Supplemental Budget Signing - Saturday, January 31, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Take It Outside - Saturday, August 11, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Taking Notice of the Positive - Saturday, August 07, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Tax Burden - Saturday, August 09, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Teacher Evaluations - Saturday, May 01, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Thanksgiving - Saturday, November 29, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Thanksgiving Weekend - Saturday, November 24, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Budget and the Economy - Saturday, February 27, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Budget - Saturday, February 16, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Economy and Recovery - Saturday, June 26, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Economy - Saturday, March 01, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The June 8th Election - Saturday, June 05, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The New Year - Saturday, December 29, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Power to Do the Right Thing - Saturday, August 21, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Road Ahead - Saturday, November 07, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: The Work Continues - Saturday, May 09, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Through to the Other Side - Saturday, June 14, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Time to Come Together - Saturday, May 16, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Tools, Knowledge and Experience - Saturday, November 20, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Tourism and Maine - Saturday, May 17, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Trade Mission - Saturday, October 27, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Trade Mission - Saturday, September 26, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Transition - Saturday, November 06, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Transportation Funding - Saturday, April 04, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Unclaimed Stimulus Checks Deadline - Saturday, October 11, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Unclaimed Stimulus - Saturday, July 19, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Unique Transition - Saturday, December 06, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Veterans Day - Saturday, November 10, 2007, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Veterans Day - Saturday, November 13, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Veterans Day - Saturday, November 14, 2009, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Veterans Day - Saturday, November 15, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Voting for Jobs - Saturday, May 22, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Voting - Saturday, October 30, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Welcome Back - Saturday, January 05, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: We Will Get There - Saturday, November 08, 2008, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor John Baldacci's Weekly Radio Address: Working on the Railroad - Saturday, October 23, 2010, Office of Governor John Baldacci and John E. Baldacci
Governor LePage's 2014 State of the State Address, Office of Governor Paul LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Budget for more taxing, more spending - Friday, June 07, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Accountability, Flexibility, and Transparency are all Good for Government - Friday, March 01, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Achieving the Dream - Saturday, January 15, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Commitment to Education - Saturday, May 05, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Adding Value to Maine Lobster - Friday, August 10, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Greater Focus for Mainers on Mental Health Care - Sunday, February 24, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Holiday Message from Governor LePage - Saturday, December 24, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Maine Tradition with Worcestor Wreath - Friday, December 07, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Memorial Day Message from Governor Paul R. LePage and First Lady Ann M. LePage - Friday, May 24, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage, Paul R. LePage, and Ann LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: American Patriots - Saturday, October 27, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Quality Safety Net - Monday, December 12, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Special Christmas Message from Governor Paul R. LePage - Monday, December 23, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Special Father’s Day Message from First Lady Ann LePage - Saturday, June 15, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Special Fourth of July Message from Governor Paul LePage and First Lady Ann LePage - Wednesday, July 03, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage, Paul R. LePage, and Ann LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: As We Remember and Honor this Memorial Day - Friday, May 25, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Thanksgiving Message from Governor Paul R. LePage - Wednesday, November 27, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: A Vision for the State of Maine - Saturday, January 28, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Blocking EBT cards from ATMs helps prevent abuse of welfare benefits - Wednesday, May 14, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Building the Maine Economy - Saturday, June 09, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Business Friendly Communities to be Recognized - Saturday, March 10, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Challenging Maine's Education - Saturday, June 02, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Chevron settlement/DEP Accomplishments - Saturday, July 23, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Community Colleges Offer More Than Meets the Eye - Saturday, November 19, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Continuing Progress in 2012 - Saturday, December 31, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Counting on Leadership to do the Right Thing - Saturday, May 11, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Creating a Sound Business Climate - Saturday, September 17, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Creating Choice to Reduce Energy Bills - Saturday, May 21, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Debt Burden & Voter Approval of Moral Obligation Bonds - Saturday, February 19, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: DHHS: Good and the Bad - Saturday, March 12, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Domestic Violence Awareness: Use Your Voice to End the Abuse - Saturday, February 04, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Drug-Dependent Newborns, a Disturbing Trend - Wednesday, November 13, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Easter Greetings - Saturday, April 07, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Education is the Foundation to Success - Friday, September 28, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Education: Putting Students First - Thursday, March 17, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Education Reform and Teacher Effectiveness - Saturday, September 24, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Energy for Mainers - Saturday, October 06, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Finding a Balance - Friday, January 28, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Finding Solutions Together to Balance Budgets - Friday, January 25, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: First 100 Days - Saturday, April 16, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Fiscally Responsible Decision-making about Maine’s Pension Funds - Friday, April 04, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Fixing Maine’s Welfare System and Creating a Path to Economic Independence - Friday, January 10, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Getting Energy and Electricity Prices Under Control, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Getting our Graduates to Call Maine Home - Saturday, May 14, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Giving Doesn’t Take Much, But Time and Goodwill - Wednesday, October 30, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Ann LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governing through a Federal Shutdown to Minimize the Impact on Maine - Wednesday, October 16, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor LePage: Let us Remember and Reflect on the American Spirit - Saturday, September 10, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor LePage's Apology to the Maine People - Friday, July 13, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor LePage's Budget Message - Friday, January 11, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor LePage's Weekly Address: There's No Excuse for Domestic Violence - Saturday, July 09, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor's Prevention Team Aims to End Welfare Fraud and Abuse - Saturday, July 30, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor's Weekly Address: Lowering Our Energy Costs - Saturday, April 23, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Governor Urges Mainers to Learn about the Dangers of "Bath Salts" - Saturday, August 13, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Growing the Maine Economy - Monday, June 25, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Handing Out Money Won’t Guide Mainers to Economic Success - Wednesday, July 23, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Happy 235th Birthday America! - Saturday, July 02, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Hardworking Mainers Pay Their Bills Government Should Too - Monday, January 07, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Helping our Sister-State - Saturday, March 26, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: High energy costs hurt Maine families, businesses, Wednesday, October 15, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Holiday Message from Governor LePage - Friday, December 21, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Honoring Our Veterans Today and Every Day, Monday, November 10, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Ann LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Hurricane Irene - Saturday, August 27, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Illegal Aliens Should Not Get General Assistance - Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: In Order for Our Students to Succeed, Maine Must Give Teachers the Tools - Saturday, September 03, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: It’s Time for Real Welfare Reform - Tuesday, March 25, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: It's Time to Hear the Democrats Budget Plan - Saturday, April 13, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: It's Time to Hold the Line on Taxes - Friday, June 21, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Job-killing liberals are blocking Maine’s progress - Tuesday, May 06, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Keeping Mainers Safe is Our Number-One Priority, Thursday, October 30, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Leading Our Nation & State to a Better Tomorrow - Saturday, January 14, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Legislature Must Act Swiftly to Protect Patients and Staff at Riverview - Friday, August 23, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Lessons from the Federal Shutdown - Wednesday, October 23, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Let's Create More Jobs and Lower Health Care Costs - Saturday, May 07, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Let's Get Maine Working - Saturday, July 21, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Let's Get Maine Working - Saturday, October 15, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Let's Work Together to End Domestic Violence - Friday, August 17, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Long Overdue Welfare Debt: Paying Maine Hospitals was the Right thing to do - Saturday, September 21, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Lowering Energy Costs is a Win for All Mainers - Wednesday, August 27, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Lowering Energy Prices Creates a Path to Economic Growth and More Jobs for Mainers - Saturday, January 07, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Lowering Health Insurance Costs for Mainers - Sunday, May 29, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Cannot Afford to Say “NO” to Jobs - Tuesday, March 18, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Cannot Rely on Federal Money to Fund our Government - Wednesday, October 09, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine has an Obligation to Help Our Most Vulnerable and Pay its Bills - Wednesday, January 15, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine is Open for Business - Saturday, March 19, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Needs Jobs - Saturday, April 30, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Mainers Deserve an Open Government - Friday, February 08, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Mainers Need Affordable Electricity Now - Saturday, March 30, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Mainers Should Not be Forced to Pay More on Their Electricity Bill - Saturday, July 20, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine’s Economy Moving in the Right Direction - Wednesday, September 3, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine's Prescription Drug Abuse Problem - Saturday, October 29, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine Taxpayers have a Right to a State Government they can Trust and Afford - Saturday, August 06, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Maine vs New Hampshire - Saturday, April 09, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Making the Case for Meaningful Change to Maine’s Welfare System - Saturday, February 11, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Making the Successful Transition from Welfare to Work, Wednesday, October 22, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Mandates Won't Lower Maine's Energy Costs - Saturday, January 21, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: MDOL is Cracking Down on Unemployment Fraud - Saturday, October 01, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Medicaid Spending is Consuming the General Fund - Wednesday, February 19, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Micro-businesses are vital to Maine’s economy - Friday, August 09, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Most Vulnerable Will Keep Paying the Price for Medicaid Expansion - Tuesday, February 25, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: New England Governors Agree: Energy Reform Needed - Saturday, August 04, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: New Year Message on Safety from Governor LePage - Friday, December 28, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Obamacare is on Hold in Maine - Saturday, July 07, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Ann LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Sunday, October 09, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Once again, it’s time to pay the hospitals - Friday, May 31, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Open for Business Zones will make Maine More Competitive, Create More Jobs - Tuesday, March 11, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Our Accomplishments are “Moving Maine Forward” - Wednesday, November 20, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Our Economy, Business and the Role of Government - Saturday, November 26, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Overall, Crime Down in Maine, But Drugs and Addiction Remain a Problem - Wednesday, June 18, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Paying It Back, Moving Maine Forward - Friday, January 18, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Paying the Bills - Saturday, January 22, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Playing Politics is easy, Governing Effectively is Hard - Friday, July 12, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Promoting Responsible Government, Actions Speak Louder than Words - Tuesday, November 05, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Prosecution of Welfare Fraud is Increasing - Friday, September 13, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Prosperity for Maine - Saturday, January 08, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Protecting Mainers from the Effects of Welfare Expansion - Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Protecting the Next Generation - Saturday, June 29, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Providing Economic Growth by Lowering Taxes, Reducing Electricity Costs & Right-sizing Government - Friday, August 16, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Pursuing the American Dream Begins with Education - Saturday, February 18, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Putting Money into Mainer's Pockets - Saturday, February 05, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Putting Students First - Friday, September 07, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Putting Students First is the Priority - Saturday, July 28, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Putting Students First is the Right Thing To Do - Saturday, March 23, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Raiding the State’s Rainy Day Fund has Serious Consequences - Tuesday, March 04, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Raising the Minimum Wage is the Wrong Way to Go - Saturday, April 27, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Real Solutions that Work for All Mainers - Wednesday, February 05, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Reducing Energy & Electricity Prices for the People of Maine - Saturday, February 02, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Reducing Regulatory Burden to Help Maine Prosper - Saturday, April 02, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Refocusing Efficiency Maine Funds to Reduce Heating Costs for Mainers - Saturday, April 06, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Rejecting common-sense legislation hurts Mainers - Tuesday, April 22, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Remember Our Troops on the Fourth of July - Friday, June 29, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Remember to Get Out and Vote - Saturday, November 05, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Saving the State's Pension System - Saturday, March 05, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: School Grades: The Real Story is about Transparency, Parent Involvement, and Learning - Friday, April 19, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Stand up and Speak up to End Domestic Violence - Friday, December 14, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: State of the Economy - Saturday, October 13, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Stay Safe on Maine Waters this Summer - Saturday, July 16, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Supporting our Northern Neighbors, a Line Dividing Countries Does Not Divide its People - Thursday, July 25, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Thank a Veteran this Veterans Day and Everyday - Friday, November 11, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Thank you for the Opportunity to Lead Maine, Thursday, November 6, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Budget that Begins a Transformation - Saturday, June 11, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Character of a Nation Demands Action from its People - Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Difference between Wants and Needs; Doing What is Right for Maine People - Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The First 500 Days - Saturday, May 19, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R.
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Heart of Maine - Saturday, November 17, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Importance of Domestic Violence Related Legislation - Friday, February 24, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The issues all governors face: jobs, the economy, energy and health care costs - Saturday, March 03, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Legislature Must Take Action to Protect Our Elderly - Wednesday, July 16, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The NFL has an Opportunity to Push Back Against Domestic Violence - Wednesday, August 13, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Power of Choice can Help Our Children Succeed - Saturday, June 18, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Reality about Tax Relief - Saturday, June 04, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: There is Good Economic News in Maine Worth Talking About - Friday, August 30, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Structural Problem with Medicaid - Friday, December 02, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Time to Pay Maine Hospitals is Now - Friday, May 03, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Time to Play is Over; The Time to Pay is Now - Friday, March 15, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Truth about Bonds - Friday, April 27, 2012, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The Union Debate - Saturday, February 26, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: The War on Drug Dealers: Why Getting Tough on Crime is Part of the Plan to Recovery - Thursday, February 13, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: This is an Important Week for Welfare Reform , Wednesday, October 1, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Tough Questions Deserve Honest Answers - Saturday, December 17, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Unemployment rate drops, but we must keep working to create jobs - Wednesday, December 04, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: We are changing “Welfare for Life” to “Welfare to Work”, Wednesday, September 17, 2015, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Weathering the Ice Storm: Not like ’98, but it Left its Mark - Tuesday, December 31, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: We Can Only Move Maine Forward If We Work Together - Saturday, August 03, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Weekly Message: Mainers demand accountability from their government, and that should apply to our welfare system too. - Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Expansion is not Free - Wednesday, September 25, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Expansion: It Didn’t Work Then, Won’t Work Now - Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Fraud is Real, and We Will Keep Working to Find it - Wednesday, December 11, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Reform: A Road to Economic Independence - Friday, September 06, 2013, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Reform Remains a Priority - Saturday, June 25, 2011, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Welfare Reform Works and is Proving Successful for Mainers, Wednesday, September 24, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor Paul LePage's Weekly Radio Address: Who really reaches across the aisle in Augusta?, Thursday, October 9, 2014, Office of Governor Paul LePage and Paul R. LePage
Governor’s Council on the Sustainability of the Forest Products Industry, 2005, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Eric W. Kingsley, and Peggy Schaffer
Governor’s Interagency Transportation Coordinating Committee’s 2010 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Governor’s Interagency Transportation Coordinating Committee’s 2011 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Governor’s Interagency Transportation Coordinating Committee’s 2012 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Governor’s Interagency Transportation Coordinating Committee’s 2013 Annual Report, Maine Department of Transportation
Governor’s Office of Energy Independence and Security’s 2009 Annual Report, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
Governor’s Pre-Emergency Energy Task Force Final Report, 2008, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security
Governor's Training Initiative, 2008, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Maine Department of Labor, and Bureau of Employment Services
Great Pond Task Force Preliminary Recommendations* For Public Comment, 1996, Maine State Planning Office
Ground Water Oil Clean-up Fund, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Guidance Document: Instructions for Calculating the Income Tax Credit for Qualified Pine Tree Development Zone Businesses. 2005, Maine Revenue Services
Guidance for Interpreting the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2012, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Gulf Island Pond Monitoring Program Report, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Habitat Variables Influencing the Return of Hatchery-Reared Fall-Yearling Brook Trout in Maine Waters 2013, Wes Ashe, Jason Seiders, Scott Davis, Fisheries and Hatcheries Division, and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Haemophilus influenzae, Maine 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Halbert Paine Gardner Correspondence, Halbert Paine Gardner 1867-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Harold Gleason Correspondence, Harold Willard Gleason 1895-1975, Mrs. Harold Willard Gleason, Constance C. Gleason, and Shirley Thayer 1919-2001
Harry Torsey Baker Correspondence, Harry Torsey Baker 1877-1939, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
Health Care Services in State Correctional Facilities, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Health Education Intervention for Salmonellosis Associated with Poultry Contact – Maine, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Health Experience of Workers Receiving Lump-Sum Payments from the Maine Workers’ Compensation System during the Period 2000-2004, Maine Workers' Compensation Board, Ivan G. Most, and Sylvia J. Most
Health Occupations Report 2014, Paul Leparulo, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and Maine Department of Labor
Health Status and Needs Assessment of Latinos in Maine: Final Report, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Bureau of Health, and Paul Kuehnert
Health Status and Needs Assessment of Native Americans in Maine: A Follow-Up Report, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Bureau of Health, and Paul Kuehnert
Health Status and Needs Assessment of Native Americans in Maine: Final Report, Maine Department of Human Services, Maine Bureau of Health, and Paul Kuehnert
Healthy Maine Partnerships’ FY13 Contracts and Funding, 2013, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Helen Leidy Hamlin Correspondence, Helen Leidy Hamlin 1917-2004, Helen Leidy Hamlen, Mrs. Robert Earl Lennon 1917-2004, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Henry Beston Correspondence, Henry Beston 1888-1968, Elizabeth Coatsworth 1893-1986, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Marion B. Stubbs 1888-1967
Henry J. Gardiner Correspondence, Henry J. Gardiner 1905-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Hepatitis A in Maine, 2012 , Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Her Own Business: A Business Program for Women (1950), Maine Department of Labor and Industry
He Wants to See Me Dead: The 8th Report of the Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel, 2010, Office of the Maine Attorney General
High School, Limestone, Maine in 1920, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Highway Corridor Priorities Map, 2012, Maine Department of Transportation
Highway Fund Eligibility at the Department of Public Safety — an Analysis of Select Departmental Activities, 2007, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Highway Needs and Finance in Maine: a Report on the 1965 Highway-user Tax Study, Maine State Highway Commission and Roy Jorgensen and Associates
Historic Me. The Great State of Maine Historic Sites, Maine Department of Economic Development
Historic Sites in Maine, Maine Department of Economic Development
History of Labor in Maine, Maine Department of Labor, Krista Reed, and Owen Strachan
History of the Augusta Masonic Building and the Abnaki Club, George Caswell
History of the Bureau of Labor and Industry, 1974, Maine Department of Manpower Affairs and C Wilder Smith
History of the Town of Cumberland, Maine, Mary E. Sweetser
Home Energy Assistance Program Rule Chapter 24. 2014, Maine State Housing Authority
Honoring Lives, Working Towards Change… Domestic Violence Homicides in Maine: The 7th Report of the Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel, 2008, Office of the Maine Attorney General
Horace Kennedy, David A, Chase
Hortense Gardner Gates Correspondence, Hortense Gardner Gates 1879-1967, Hortense Gardner Gregg Gates 1879-1967, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Hot Jobs in Maine, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Labor Market Information Services
Howe Fur Company Catalog, 1951, Howe Fur Company
How Regions Adjust to Base Closings: The Case of Loring AFB Ten Years After Closure, 2005, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, Maine Labor Market Information Services, and John Dorrer
How to be Lakesmart & Firewise. 2014, Maine Forest Service; Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Environmental Protection; and Maine Bureau of Water Quality
How to File a Workers' Compensation Appeal Without an Attorney, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
How to File a Workers' Compensation Appeal without an Attorney. 2014, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
How To Prepare a Land Use Ordinance: a Manual for Local Officials 2011, Maine State Planning Office
Hoyt C. Franchere Correspondence, Hoyt C. Franchere, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Hunters with deer, Perham, Maine, late 1800s, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Hunt Me. The Great State of Maine Hunting, Maine Department of Economic Development
Hydropower Projects in Maine, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Hydropower Projects in Maine, 2012, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Illegal Dumping / Damaging Forest Roads Hurts Everyone. 2013, Maine Forest Service and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Image Graphic Map of the State of Maine: Maine, the Summer Playground of the Nation, Maine Development Commission
Impact of Maine Civil Laws on the Wabanaki: 1997 - 2000, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
Implementation of Product Stewardship in Maine, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Implementation of Significant Wildlife Habitat Rules under NRPA, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Implementing Product Stewardship in Maine, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Implementing Product Stewardship in Maine: 2011 Product Stewardship in Maine, Report to the Legislature, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Implementing Product Stewardship in Maine: 2012 Product Stewardship in Maine, Report to the Legislature, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Improving Access to Dental Care for Children with MaineCare Coverage:11th Annual Report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health & Human Services, Maine Office of MaineCare Services and Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Independent Accountant's Report on Applying Agreed-upon Procedures: Workers' Compensation Board, 2005, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Index of Maine State Library Special Collections Holdings Relating to Governor William King, Maine State Library
Industrial Maine: A Presentation of Facts Concerning the Advantages Which Maine Offers to Industry, Maine Development Commission
Influenza, Maine – 2012 - 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Information Brief: Health Care Services in State Correctional Facilities, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Information Pamphlet No. 1: Regional and Municipal Planning Statutes in Maine - 1965, Maine Department of Economic Development and Maine Division of Research and Planning
Information Pamphlet No. 2: Urban Renewal Legislation in Maine, Maine Department of Economic Development and Maine Division of Research and Planning
Insect Primer with Special Reference to Forest Pests and with Notes on Forest Tree Diseases and Injuries, 1974, Maine Forest Service and Maine State Entomologist Office
Inspecting a Fly-fishing Rod, Maine Department of Economic Development
Inspecting Fly Fishing Equipment, Maine Development Commission
Interim Final Report of the Commission to Study the Needs and Opportunities Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Patrick Norton
Interim Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Address the Financing of Long-term Care, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Jane Orbeton
Interim Report of the Commission to Devlop a Plan to Implement the Closure of the State Liquor Stores, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Danielle Fox
Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Year 2000 Computer Problem, Maine State Legislature and Office of Policy and Legal Analysis
Interim Report of the Task Force to Study Market Power Issues Related to the Solid Waste Hauling and Disposal Industry, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Deborah Friedman, and Alison Ames
Interim Report: Unemployment Insurance Recipiency Study, 2010, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, and Laura Fortman
Interstate Highway Truck Weights – White Paper, 2010, Maine Department of Transportation
Invasive Group A Streptococcal Disease, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Invasive Group B Streptococcal Disease, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Maine, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Maine, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Inventory of Maine Ski Areas, 1972, Maine Department of Commerce and Industry and Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
Investigation Into Sale of Real Estate to Maine State Prison Warden, 2011, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Irvine Graff Correspondence, Irvine Graff 1884-1976, Ella Irvine Graff 1884-1976, Caroline Warner Thorne 1875-1946, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Issues Affecting Co-location of Energy Infrastructure, 2011, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security, Erika Lloyd, and Jennifer Puser
Issues Facing the Maine Economy, 1998, Maine State Planning Office and Laurie G. Lachance
It's Everybody's Business: The 6th Report of the Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel, 2006, Office of the Maine Attorney General
It's Your Woodland, 2000, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Maine Forest Service
Jack Frost Correspondence, Jack Frost 1915-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
James C. Austin Correspondence, James Clayton Austin 1923-1990, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
James Fritzhand Correspondence, James Fritzhand 1946-, Shirley Thayer 1919-2001, Janine Fitzpatrick, and J.F. Farber
James Hutchins Baker Correspondence, James Hutchins Baker 1848-1925, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, and Maine State Library
James Noble Gifford Correspondence, James Noble Gifford, Gay Rutherford, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
James P. Gardner Jr. Correspondence, James Peter Gardner 1873-1950, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
James Phinney Baxter III Correspondence, James Phinney Baxter 1893-1975, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
James W. Ambrose, A Brief Biography, Richard D. Kelly Jr.
Jessie Wheeler Freeman Correspondence, Jessie Wheeler Freeman, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Job Journeys Posters, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Labor Market Information Services
Jobs in Maine: Conditions and Outlook, March 2014, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and Ruth E. Pease
Joe Doyon - neighbor, David Chase
John A. Gould Correspondence, John A. Gould 1944-, Patrick W. Grace 1939-, and Maine State Library
John Albion Andrew Correspondence, John Albion Andrew 1818-1867, Edith Andrew, Charles E. Mason, and Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938
John Eldridge Frost Correspondence, John Eldridge Frost 1917-1992, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
John G. Gill Jr. Correspondence, John Glanville Gill 1909-1979, Hilda McLeod Jacob, Miss Rowe, and Maine State Library
John R. Freeman Correspondence, A.C. Chick, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, John Ripley Freeman 1855-1932, and Maine State Library
John Shand Gordon Correspondence, John Shand Gordon 1872-, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Marion Cobb Fuller, Hilda McLeod, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
John T. Greenan Correspondence, John Thomas Greenan 1889-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
John Thomas Gould Correspondence, John Thomas Gould 1908-2003, Jess Goud, Miss Selma Ey, Miss Joan Grunert, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Joseph D. Bates Jr. Correspondence, Joseph D. Bates Jr., 1903-1988; Joseph W. Allen; Hilda McLeod Jacob; and Maine State Library
Josephine Haskell Aldridge Correspondence, Josephine Haskell Aldridge 1921-2009, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Josephine Taft Banis Correspondence, Josephine Taft Banis 1904-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Judicial Compensation Commission, 1996 Report, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Darlene Shores Lynch
Judith H. Griffin Correspondence, Judith H. Griffin 1937- and Maine State Library
July 2010 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
July 4th Parade, Limestone, Maine 1955, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
July 4th Parade, Limestone, Maine 1956, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
June 2009 Disaster Behavior Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
June 2013 Disaster Behavioral Health Newsletter, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Junior Maine Guides and Everett Greaton, Maine Development Commission
Keeping Maine’s Forest-Based Economy: A National Demonstration Project, 2010, Maine State Planning Office and Joel Johnson
Labor Market Conditions in Maine Since 2000, Maine Department of Labor, Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information, and Maine Labor Market Information Service
Labor Market Digest, April 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, April 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, April 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, August 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, August 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, December 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, December 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, December 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, February 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, February 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, February 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, January 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, January 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, January 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, January 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, January 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, July 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, July 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, July 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, July 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, June 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, June 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, June 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, June 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, March 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, March 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, March 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, May 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, May 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, May 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, May 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, November 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, November 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, October 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, October 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, October 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, September 2007, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, September 2008, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, September 2009, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market Digest, September 2010, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Center for Workforce Research and Information
Labor Market News Letter, April 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, April 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, August 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1948, Maine Unemployment Compensation Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, December 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, February 1958, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, January 1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, January 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, January 1962, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, Janurary 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, July 1956, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, July 1958, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, July 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, July 1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, July 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, June 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, March 1956, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, March 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, March 1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, March 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, May 1956, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, May 1958, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, May 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, May1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, May 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, November 1958, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, November 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, November 1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, November 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1948, Maine Unemployment Compensation Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1949, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1950, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1951, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1952, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1953, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1954, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1955, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, October 1957, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, September 1956, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, September 1958, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, September 1959, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, September 1960, Maine Employment Security Commission
Labor Market News Letter, September 1961, Maine Employment Security Commission
Land Use Districts and Standards for Areas within the Jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Planning Commission. Chapter 10. 2013, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Land Use Planning Commission Statute with Amendments 2012, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Latent Tuberculosis Infection, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Laura and George Richardson, Pauline M. Bickford-Duane
Lawrence A. Averill Correspondence, Lawrence Augustus Averill 1891-, Henry Ernest Dunnack 1867-1938, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Lawyers in Libraries: Law Day May 1, 2015, Maine State Library and Jared Leadbetter
LD 1: First Year of Progress 2005, Maine State Planning Office
LD 1: Second-Year Impact on Tax Burden, 2007, Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services and Maine Revenue Services
Leah Ramsdell Fuller Correspondence, Leah Ramsdell Fuller 1897-1982, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Legionellosis, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Legionellosis, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Legislative Ethics. 127th Maine Legislature. 2014, Maine Office of the Attorney General
Legislative Guide for Assessing and Overseeing Maine’s Adult Mental Health System, 2006, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Legislative Guide for Efforts Related to the Maine Claims Management System, 2005, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Legislative Oversight Guide on Statewide Planning and Management of Information Technology, 2006, Maine State Legislature, Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, and Beth Ashcroft
Legislative Report: An Examination of the Laws & Practices regarding the Definition of “Employment” for the Purposes of Unemployment Compensation, Maine Department of Labor and Maine Bureau of Unemployment Compensation
Legislator Open House Slideshow Presentation, 2006, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Leonard B. Gilley Correspondence, Leonard B. Gilley 1929-, Daima Turner 1926-2000, Daima Turner Gilley 1926-2000, and Hilda McLeod Jacob
Leon Leonwood Bean Correspondence, Leon Leonwood Bean 1872-1967, Leon L. Bean 1872-1967, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Leroy E. Goss Correspondence, Leroy E. Goss 1886-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Leslie B. Arey Correspondence, Leslie Brainerd Arey 1891-1988, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Let Me. Entertain You: The Great State of Maine Museums, Maine Department of Economic Development
Let's Get All the Facts About 'Quoddy, Maine Development Commission
Licensed Competitive Electricity Providers Market Risk Disclosure Letter with Attachment 2014, Maine Public Utilities Commission
LID Guidance Manual for Maine Communities: Approaches for Implementation of Low Impact Development Practices at the Local Level. 2007, Maine State Planning Office, Maine Coastal Program, and Horsley Witten Group
Limestone, Maine Dam in 1958, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Limestone, Maine Village School, ca. 1909, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Limited Examination of Certain Accounting Procedures Used by the Drew Plantation Town Office, 2013, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Limited Procedures Engagement of Department of Health and Human Services Surveillance of MaineCare Expenditures, 2013, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Limted Procedures Engagement of the Maine State Museum for the Period July 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013, Maine Office of the State Auditor
Liquid Biofuels Policy for Maine, 2008, Maine Governor's Office of Energy Independence and Security and Rebecca Rockefeller
List of Papers Included on the Journaux Franco-American Microfilm (1888-1920), Maine State Library
Locating the Old Houses of Cumberland Maine, Hope Dillaway and Thomas C. Bennett
Lombard Tractor Truck, Lombard Traction Engine Co.
Long-term Care in Maine, A Progress Report, Maine State Legislature, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, Jane Orbeton, and Paul Saucier
Louis A. Cyr Block, Limestone, Maine, Frost Memorial Library, Limestone, Maine
Louise Bates Ames, Correspondence, Louise Bates Ames 1908-1996, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan 2015 - 2016, Maine State Housing Authority
LSTA Maine State Program Report Summary, Fiscal Year 2011, Maine State Library
LSTA Maine State Program Report Summary, Fiscal Year 2012, Maine State Library
Lucky for Life Independent Accountants' Report on Appling Agreed-upon Procedures, 2013, Maine Office of the State Auditor
LURC Applications County Summary 2006 – 2010, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
LURC Enforcement Actions, 2006 – 2010, Maine Land Use Planning Commission and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Lyme Disease Surveillance Report – Maine, 2012, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Lyme Disease Surveillance Report – Maine, 2013, Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Mabel Demers Hinckley Correspondence, Mabel Demers Hinckley 1887-, Hilda McLeod Jacob, and Maine State Library
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2005, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2007, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2008, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2009, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2010, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2011, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2012, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Fall 2013, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Special Edition 2007, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Special Edition 2008, Maine Workers' Compensation Board
MAE News: Newsletter from the Office of Monitoring, Audit and Enforcement, Special Edition 2011, Maine Workers' Compensation B