
Legislature; Office of Policy and Legal Analysis

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Resolves 1997, chapter 79 established the Commission to Determine the Adequacy of Services to Persons with Mental Retardation to study and report on the following issues:

  • The adequacy of mental retardation services for persons who are and who are not covered by the Community Consent Decree, the successor to the Pineland Consent Decree; and
  • The allocation of existing resources, the prioritization of needs, the existing resource delivery system and the recruitment, training, retention and compensation of personnel.

The Commission began work on September 29, 1997, and completed its meetings on November 19, 1997. Because of the limitations imposed by having only 2 months within which to work, the Commission confined its consideration to services provided to adult persons with mental retardation and to those young adults making the transition from school-based services to adult services, usually at or shortly before the age of 21 years.



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