Contributing Institution
Winslow Scanner Project
Document Type
This is an original photo of the school that was know as the "Sandhill School"
1) The school was located on the corner of what we know as Monument Street (Birch Street at the time) and the south entrance to Bellevue Street. The home of a Morrissette family now (2006) occupies the former school lot.
2) The original building was the part that faces Monument street (the front door on the right). It was built in 1887 - 88 and was the largest school building in town. The structure with the entrance door on the left, which faces Belleview street, was and addition build in 1909 - 10 (yr of this photo).
3) Last year as a school was 1929 - 30. With the new high school on Danielson Street, students of Sandhill School moved to Halifax School.
Jack Nivison
Exact Creation Date
Summer 7-5-1910
18 mn X 24 cm
Kennebec County; Winslow
Other Location
Monument Street and South entrance Belleveiw Street
Rights Statement
No Copyright - United States. URI:
The organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information.