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Contributing Institution

Maine State Library

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Time to simply stand and gaze at the sky, to scan the sea —looking for nothing, but seeing all. There's room to be by yourself, to run where the coolness of the lake laps the shore and then stroll with only the warmth of the sand on your feet. There's room to reach out with your eyes and your arms and your mind. And there's reason, all the reason in the world, to talk to a tree — to ask the tall silent Pine "How many mornings, how many years, have you stood there welcoming first the sun and then finally the snow?" There's contentment, excitement, wonder, music and peace. A child giggles. A gull cries. Lobsters sizzle and steam. You swim, splash, sail, climb, golf, hike and fish. The sun dances on the lake as waves gently slap the wharf. A water bug darts in the reeds. A breeze stirs. The auctioneer's hammer shouts "Bang, sold!" The audience hushes as "Broadway" performs in a barn. Antiques, history, mountains, museums, a lighthouse that has stood since Washington's day — a trickle that starts in the virgin wilderness and grows to rushing white water as it wends its way to meet the pounding siurf of the sea. This is Maine — a world of good that awaits you. Start planning now. Then, come summer — Come to Maine. The attached Maine Vacation Planner suggests some of the many things to see and do in Maine, For a complete 32-page Maine Vacation Guide and an official highway map send your name and address plus 250 in coin to: Maine Vacation Guide, 1390 Gateway Circle, Portland, Maine.

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Maine; Tourism; Advertising; Maine Publicity Bureau; Print Ads
