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Maine State Archives
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Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; Maine; General Election
Recommended Citation
Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions, "1929 General Election: Constitutional Amendment & Referendum" (1929). 1920-1929. 63.
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Election Tabulations for the General Election: Constitutional Amendment & Referendum , held on September 9, 1929. Amendment No. 1: "Shall the constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the legilature providing for the filling of vacancies in the council?"; Amendment No. 2: "Shall the constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the legislature providing for an increase in the amount of state bonds to be issued for the purpose of building a highway bridge across the Penobscot river, from either the town of Prospect or the town of Stockton Springs to wither the town of Bucksport or the town of Verona?"; Amendment No. 3: "Shall the constitution be amended as proposed by a resolution of the legislature providing for an increase in the amount of state bonds to be issued for the purpose of building state highways and intrastate, interstate and international bridges?"; Referendum Question No. 1: "Shall the act to provide for the exortation of surplus power, as defined and restricted in said act, permitting the sales outside of Maine of hydro-electric power not needed in maine, be accepted?"; Referendum Question No. 2: "Shall the act to rpovide for an increase in the tax on gasoline be accepted?"