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Maine State Archives
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Election Returns; Election Results; Vote Counts; General Elections; Maine
Recommended Citation
Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions, "1913 Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments" (1913). 1910-1919. 23.
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Election Tabulations for the Special Election: Referendum & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, in 1913. Question No. 1: "It has been proposed, by a resolution of the legislature, that section eight of article nine of the constitution be amended so that it will read as follows: 'Section 8. All taxes upon real and personal estate accessed by authority of this state, shall be apportioned and accessed equally, according to the just value thereof; but the legislature shall have power to levy a tax upon intangible personal property at such rate as it deems wise and equitable without regard to the rate applied to other classes of property.'; Question No. 2: "It has also been proposed to amend section two of article ten of the constitution so that it will read as follows: 'Section 2. The legislature, whenever two -thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, may propose amendments to this constitutional; and, when any amendments shall be so agreed upon, a resolution shall be passed and sent to the selectmen of the several towns , and the accessors of the several plantations, empowering and directing them to notify the in habitants of their respective towns and plantation in the manner prescribed by the law at the next biennial meeting in the month of September or to meet in the manner prescribed by law for calling and holding biennial meetings of said in habitants for the election of senators and representatives, on the second Monday in September falling the passage of said resolve, to give in their votes on the question, whether such amendment, it shall become a part of this constitution.'