
State Workforce Investment Board; Labor

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This is the annual report of activities under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as required by 26 MRSA §3101.

Annual expenditures and activities occur within a Program Year (PY), from July 1 to June 30. The time frame for this report — July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 — corresponds to state Fiscal Year 2014.

WIA funding allocations are highlighted in the Budget section of this report. WIA has three funding streams: Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth. Funds for these programs are appropriated by Congress and are allocated annually by law and by formula to states. The Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Employment Services (BES), receives the allocation that is then distributed to Maine’s four local areas and five service providers by the same formula that is used for the state allocations. Illustrated in this report are the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker funding streams. The allocation for Youth is excluded from the statute governing this report.



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