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Maine Outdoor Sporting Heritage Museum

Document Type



Logging Camp Rules Sign from the Brown Paper Company also know as Brown Company. It has been on the original wall of the logging camp until this summer. The rules are

"Safety for Woodsmen

Read Carefully and Avoid Accidents

Chopper and Sawyers

Carry Your Axe over your shoulder with its edge well away from your hand. If carried in your hand or under your arm and you fall, you may be badly cut.

Carry Cross Cut Saw over your shoulder with teeth pointed away from your neck. Do not carry in hand as you may fall on it.

Carry Buck Saw with blade turned away from yourself.

Clear A Space to swing your axe before commencing to chop or limb out a tree.

Falling Trees Kick Back from the stump; stand well to the side.

Dead Limbs may fall from tress you are working under; look up.

Lodged Tree's are dangerous. Do not Stand where they can fall on you, and do not climb them.

It Is Dangerous to stand behind a mat at work.


Starting a Load. Be on the upper side of the logs.

Stumps in the Road. Watch for them and avoid being thrown off under your load. Unload sleds and roll logs from yards or landings from the ends. Do not stand in front of them.

Keep off the steep face of the yard.

Loading Sleds

Keep out from between yard and bunks of sled.

Be sure men on sled loading are ready before rolling next log.

Twisted Chains break easily and are dangerous.

Blows from Pulp-hooks cause many accidents. Look out for them.


Snub lines are dangerous when in use and must be tended only by many appointed by foreman. Always use lever for snubbing. No hook allowed on end of line. All other employees keep away from.

Shake up the road hay before every load during a snow storm.

Use go back road when going back.

Shout before reaching the quick places, to want the other fellow.

Walk behind, not before or beside your load.

Bridle Chains: when putting on or taking off, bring team to full stop and keep well to side of sled.


Leave dynamite and caps alone, unless you have been selected by the Foreman to use dynamite.

Foreman must furnish rules for using dynamite to every man using it.

New Men

Inexperienced men must notify the Foreman or Clerk immediately upon arrival, and will receive instrustiones as to their work.

Foreman or Clerks must make sure every man had read or had explained to him these safety rules before working.


Some horses kick and crowd in the stall. keep away from their heels and speak to them before passing behind them anywhere or entering stall.

Striking a horse with anything except a light whip mean immediate discharge.


Use spring water for drinking when possible, especailly during Fall and Spring.

Report all personal injuries or sickness promptly to foreman or clerk.

Minor cuts should be attended to as they may become infected if not treated promptly.

Wilful failure to report injury or sickness withing a reasonable time means that employee assumes all responsibility arising thereform.

Keep clean to avoid sickness, and keep the camp and premises clean.


Broad Creation Date

ca. 1917





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