
Environmental Protection; Governor

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The Governor’s Task Force to Promote Safer Chemicals in Consumer Products was created by Executive Order 12 FY 06/07 dated February 22, 2006. The Task Force was authorized to meet and produce a report for Governor John E. Baldacci.

Task Force duties included an Interim Report that was released in January 2007. This Final Report incorporates the substantive elements of the Interim Report as well as updated and new elements.

The 13 member Task Force includes: the commissioner, Department of Environmental Protection, who chairs the Task Force; the deputy commissioner, Department of Economic and Community Development or designee; the State Toxicologist or designee; an IPM Council Coordinator (a single position shared by the Department of Agriculture IPM Coordinator and the Cooperative Extension IPM Coordinator); three members from the environmental public health community including a representative from the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine, a Maine environmental policy organization and a Maine public health organization; three members of the business community including a representative from a Maine manufacturer that practices environmentally sustainable production, a Maine business association and one other Maine business; one representative from a University in the University of Maine system who is involved in research and development; one representative of a Maine labor organization; and a public member (see Appendix A). The Task Force was established to I. Introduction identify and promote the use and development of safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in consumer goods and services made, provided or sold in Maine so as to benefit public health, the environment and the economy for all Maine people.

Specifically, the Task Force was charged with the following four duties:

  1. Survey relevant knowledge and activities related to promoting safer alternatives to priority chemicals in the areas of environmental public health policy development, green chemistry research and development, and economic incentives;
  2. Develop recommendations for a more comprehensive chemicals policy that requires safer substitutes to priority chemicals in consumer products and creates incentives to develop safer alternatives, on a state and regional basis;
  3. Develop recommendations on expanded consumer education, retailer education and training, supply chain information and public right-toknow in order to promote markets for safer alternatives; and
  4. Develop recommendations for submission to the Maine Science and Technology Advisory Council (now the Maine Innovation Economy Advisory Board) on expanded research and development of safer alternatives to priority chemicals in consumer products, including investment in green chemistry research and development and the possibility of developing bio-based plastics from Mainebased agricultural and forest products.



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