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This report summarizes the major state funding disbursed to municipalities and counties. These disbursements represent a substantial portion of the State’s budget and significantly affect local government budgets as well. The State’s support of municipal and county functions through these disbursements has a major impact on the amount of local property taxes assessed on Maine taxpayers to support municipal and county government. This report captures state funds, including bond proceeds, paid directly to municipalities and counties or paid on their behalf for a local governmental purpose. All major direct-disbursement programs/items are reflected, such as General Purpose Aid for Local Schools and State-Municipal Revenue Sharing (SMRS), as well as certain indirect expenditures, most notably, Teachers’ Retirement, which is paid by the State for the “employer share” of teacher retirement costs. The amounts in this report do not include federal funds that pass through state agencies to local units of government and do not reflect any benefit that local units might receive from the sales tax and fuel tax exemptions for local governmental purchases. The exclusion of federal funds is particularly noteworthy during the period from the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 (FY 2009) through FY 2011 because a significant amount of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 federal stimulus funds passed through to local school units to mitigate the impact of cuts in state funding. The summary data in this report also do not include amounts the State pays to individuals and businesses as reimbursement for local property taxes. Appendix A summarizes those expenditures separately.



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