"Evaluating and Re-Envisioning Maine State Library Consultant Services "

Agency and/or Creator


Library Development; Library

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Exact Creation Date



This report to the Maine Library Commission details the evaluation of the district consulting model and the re-envisioning of providing services via new regions with statewide specialists. Recommendations approved by the Commission include:

  1. Create one Statewide Maine Library District
    1. The district will have 9 service regions – arranged by single or combined counties but still aligned with the same Area Reference and Resource Centers (ARRCs) as to not disturb ILL and other current ARRC services
    2. Each region will have an assigned MSL Specialist assigned as the liaison.
  2. Create one statewide advisory board (initial board to consist of volunteer members from CMLD, NMLD, SMLD boards) who will meet to determine best board size and library type distribution and make recommendations to the Commission.
  3. Continue with the 2 required council meetings consistent with Title 27 – one held at the Maine Library Association conference (MLA) each fall and one in the spring with rotating regional locations.
  4. MSL staff will provide regional meetings and trainings in the 10 locations sending a team of specialists to an area at least once a year.



Brief-MSL-PPT-MLA-2016-CouncilMeeting.pdf (151 kB)
Presentation of the results of Evaluating and Re-Envisioning Maine State Library Consultant services

MLA-Handout.pdf (183 kB)
Brief explanation of the changes embedded in the Report Evaluating and Re-Envisioning Maine State Library Consultant Services

MSL-PPT-MLA-2016-Program.pdf (197 kB)
Presentation of the results of Evaluating and Re-Envisioning Maine State Library Consultant services

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