"Mainely Running July 1992 Issue Number 14" by John W. LeRoy


John W. LeRoy



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Prince Memorial Library

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Mainely Running was founded by John W. LeRoy of Brunswick to provide coverage of the state’s long-distance running community through race results, race schedules, flyers, and articles about running. The publication includes individual and group profiles, club news, and local updates. Mainely Running began publication with its inaugural issue in 1991. It was issued ten times a year in all months except November and March. John W. LeRoy edited the magazine from April 1991 to June 1994. Lance Tapley of Augusta began editing the magazine in July 1994. Mainely Running published its last issue in September 1994. Tapley started a new magazine called Maine Running & Fitness to include more sports and general fitness. Its inaugural issue was published in October–November 1994.

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Running; Runners; Running Races; Racing

Mainely Running July 1992 Issue Number 14



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