"Robert P. T. Coffin Correspondence" by Robert Peter Tristram Coffin 1892-1955, Ruth Coffin 1891-1947 et al.



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Maine State Library




Entries include letters on Wells and Bowdoin College stationery, a smelt recipe, a biographical review clipping from the Maine Library Bulletin, some transcripts of inscriptions, a newspaper award clipping with Coffin's photographic image, newspaper review clippings with Coffin's drawn and photographed portrait as well as a book illustration drawn by Lankes appearing in a New York Times review, correspondence about poems and readings on Maine State Library stationery, a handwritten note from Coffin's wife, and several poems: "This is My Country" presented with a newspaper clipping describing the setting of the shoreline play area of Coffin's youth near Ragged Island, owned at the time of printing by Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Cows Are Coming Home in Maine," and a changeless dispute with the Maine Author Collection book gift policy of the Maine State Library that ...[T]hings that are free, are lightly esteemed...." Date range: 1930/1954

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Entries include letters on Wells and Bowdoin College stationery, a secret baked smelt recipe, a biographical review clipping from the Maine Library Bulletin, some transcripts of inscriptions, a newspaper award clipping with Coffin's photographic image, newspaper review clippings with Coffin's drawn and photographed portrait and a book image, correspondence about poems and readings on Maine State Library stationery, a hand written note from Coffin's wife, several poems: the setting for the poem "This is My Country" and a newspaper clipping describing the shoreline play area of Coffin's youth near Ragged Island, owned at the time of printing by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and a changeless dispute with the Maine Author Collection book gift policy of the Maine State Library that ..."things that are free, are lightly esteemed"...

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