Legislative History: An Act To Prioritize Funding in the TransCap Trust Fund (HP654)(LD 951)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Authorize Issuance of Permanent Disability Plates and Placards (HP655)(LD 952)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Charter of the Winterport Water District (HP656)(LD 953)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Role of the Public Advocate (HP657)(LD 954)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Transform the Maine Economy and Create Jobs (SP360)(LD 955)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish a New Method of Determining the State Budget (HP659)(LD 957)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Encourage Renewable Energy Investment (HP660)(LD 958)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Maine Economic Improvement Fund (HP661)(LD 959)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Maine Condominium Act Regarding Liens (HP663)(LD 961)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Protect Family Caregivers (HP664)(LD 962)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: Resolve, Directing the University of Maine System To Self-transition Its Educational Broadband Service from Analog to Digital (HP665)(LD 963)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act Pertaining to the Breeding and Selling of Dogs and Cats (HP666)(LD 964)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish Annual Reporting for Genetically Engineered Crops (HP667)(LD 965)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Licensing Requirements for Marriage and Family Therapists (HP668)(LD 966)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Governor's Interagency Transportation Coordinating Committee (HP669)(LD 967)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding New Utility Line Extension Construction (HP670)(LD 968)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Maine Children's Growth Council (HP671)(LD 969)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Notification after a Security Breach Involving Personal Information (HP672)(LD 970)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Liquor Liability and Licensing (HP673)(LD 971)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide for the Safe Collection and Recycling of Mercury-containing Lighting (HP675)(LD 973)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Decrease the Automobile Excise Tax and Promote Energy Efficiency (IB1)(LD 974)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish the Maine Medical Marijuana Act (IB2)(LD 975)
Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
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