Legislative History: An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine (HP1615)(LD 2252)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To License Certified Professional Midwives (HP1616)(LD 2253)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, Regarding ISO New England (SP884)(LD 2254)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Protect Maine's Energy Sovereignty through the Designation of Energy Infrastructure Corridors and Energy Plan Development (SP885)(LD 2255)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the City of Portland's Leasing Authority for the Maine State Pier (HP1618)(LD 2256)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish a Uniform Building and Energy Code (HP1619)(LD 2257)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Appropriate Funding of the State Police (SP888)(LD 2259)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Convey a Certain Easement Interest in Lands (SP889)(LD 2260)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow a Casino in Oxford County (IB3)(LD 2261)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Pertaining to the Definition of "Milk" (HP1626)(LD 2262)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Establishing an Outdoor Wood Boiler Fund (SP891)(LD 2263)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Encourage Energy Conservation by the Maine State Housing Authority Pursuant to the State Government Evaluation Act Review (HP1627)(LD 2264)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Reduce the Amount Collected for the Purpose of the E-9-1-1 System (HP1628)(LD 2265)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Promote Municipal Wind Generation Development (SP893)(LD 2266)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs Regarding Review of the Maine State Museum Commission under the Government Evaluation Act and To Revise the Review Schedule (HP1631)(LD 2268)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Strengthen Maine's Consumer Protections against "Slamming" (HP1632)(LD 2269)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Change the Formula for Calculation of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (HP1633)(LD 2270)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding the State Government Evaluation Act Review of the Maine State Housing Authority (HP1636)(LD 2271)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Reduce the Percentage of the Cost of Local Schools Paid by the State from 55% to 49% (HP1638)(LD 2272)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Temporarily Suspend the Rate-setting Procedures for the Forest Products Industry (SP896)(LD 2273)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Municipal Tree Growth Reimbursement Formula (HP1639)(LD 2274)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
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